1/23 WWE Raw XXX results: Powell’s live review of Austin Theory vs. Bobby Lashley in a No DQ match for the U.S. Title, The Usos vs. Dominik Mysterio and Damian Priest for the Raw Tag Team Titles, Becky Lynch vs. Bayley in a cage match, Sami Zay goes to Tribal Court, legends return, the brand’s final push for the Royal Rumble

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,548)
Live from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at Wells Fargo Center
Aired January 23, 2023 on USA Network

[Hour One] Hulk Hogan and Jimmy Hart made their entrance while being introduced by ring announcer Alicia Taylor. Hogan and Hart stood on the stage where Hogan recalled Raw starting years ago. Hogan’s mic was cutting out. A stagehand ran out and Hogan swapped mics before working in his closing line, which included a mention of the Philadelphia Eagles. Hogan posed on the stage…

Correction: My original report listed Samatha Taylor as the ring announcer. A reader correctly pointed out that it was actually NXT ring announcer Alicia Taylor. My apologies for the mistake.

The thirtieth anniversary of Raw video that premiered on Friday’s Smackdown was shown… Pyro shot off on the stage and then the Raw XXX logo was on the big screen. Kevin Patrick and Corey Graves checked in on commentary…

Roman Reigns’ entrance theme played. Roman Reigns, Paul Heyman, Jimmy Uso, Jey Uso, Solo Sikoa, and Sami Zayn made their entrance. They stopped on the stage and held up their title belts and then pyro shot off before the headed to the ring.

Graves said that Bret Hart led the new generation on Raw thirty years ago and now Reigns leads the company. Footage aired of Kevin Owens getting the better of The Bloodline on Friday’s Smackdown.

A table was set up in the ring with office chairs on each side and one at the head of the table for Reigns. There was a loud “Sami” chant. Reigns held out his hand and then Heyman hurried while picking up a mic from the table to put in Roman’s hand. “Philadelphia, acknowledge me,” Reigns said. He said they were getting right down to business.

Reigns took his seat at the head of the table and then the Usos sat down on one side of the table while Zayn sat down on the other. Sikoa remained standing. An “ECW” chant broke out. Heyman took a seat next to Reigns and then acknowledged the chants “of the three letters that are very near and dear to me.” Heyman said ECW is dead and he wishes the same for Zayn.

Heyman stood up again and said Zayn is a betrayer who has been with Owens since day number one. Heyman accused Zayn of leading them on and making them feel good about themselves. Heyman worked in a jab at the Eagles fans and said they would be conquered by Brock Purdy of the 49ers, which of course led to boos.

Heyman said he had four pieces of footage that would show that Zayn was guilty as charged. The first clip showed Drew McIntyre attacking the Usos back in August while Zayn ran away “like the gutless coward that he is.” The next clip showed Zayn hesitating to hand a chair to Jey Uso on an August Raw, which led to Jey being pinned by Kevin Owens.

Heyman’s next clip showed Zayn sitting on top of the WarGames cage and then doing a “for life.” Heyman asked if they were the NWO, the Four Horsemen, or the Dangerous Alliance, then accused Zayn of signaling Owens. The next clip was from December of Zayn bumping into Reigns during a promo segment that took place on a December editio nof Smackdown.

Heyman said Zayn is guilty of assault on the Tribal Chief if nothing else. Heyman asked the jury to find “this rat bastard guilty as charged.” Heyman dropped the mic in front of Zayn, who held his head low. Heyman grabbed another mic and said the prosecution rests its case.

Zayn stood up with a mic in hand. He said he had a whole defense all lined up and laid out in his head, but he didn’t know how he would feel when he came out. Zayn said that after listening to Heyman say all of that “hurts so much.” Zayn asked if Heyman really thought he was conspiring with Owens.

Zayn said the fact that Heyman would actually think that really hurt. Zayn said the people see it. Zayn raised his voice while saying it hurt that they put him on trial and made him defend himself. “My defense is that I have no defense,” Zayn said before putting the mic down and taking his seat.

Reigns asked if Zayn had so much ego that he wasn’t willing to fight or argue. “Enough, Solo,” Reigns yelled. Sikoa walked over to Zayn and stood behind him. Sikoa raised his hand for the Samoan Spike, but Jey stepped up and stopped his brother from performing the move on Zayn.

Jey got a mic and told Reigns he didn’t mean any disrespect. He said he put together his own footage and asked for it to be shown. The first clip showed Zayn having Roman’s entrance play to help Jey beat Matt Riddle in a Smackdown match in June. The next clip was from August and showed Zayn shoving Reigns out of the way and taking a Claymore Kick from Drew McIntyre.

The third clip was from September and showed Zayn shoving Sikoa out of the way and taking a chair shot from McIntyre. A December clip showed Zayn preventing Sheamus from breaking up a pin that one of the Usos got over Butch. The fifth clip was from the WarGames match and showed Zayn low-blowing Owens and then hitting him with a Helluva Kick, which led to Jey splashing Owens and pinning him to win the match.

Jey said the footage showed Zayn taking bullets from him and others. Jey recalled despising Zayn and then credited him for sticking with him like family. Jey said he loves Zayn like a brother. Jey said that if you want Zayn in The Bloodline, then throw your ones in the sky. Jimmy joined Jey and the live crowd in holding up their index fingers.

Reigns stood up. A loud “Sami Uso” chant broke out. “As your Tribal Chief and the Head of the Table, I find you, Sami Zayn, not guilty,” Reigns said. The crowd cheered. “For now,” added Reigns. Roman told Zayn to look at Jey and thank him for buying him more time. Reigns told Zayn to finish out the night and make The Bloodline proud, but then he didn’t want to see him again until Saturday at the Royal Rumble.

Reigns said Zayn would have his final test at the Rumble. “And then we’re gonna see if Sami Zayn really is The Bloodline or noy,” Reigns said. Jey removed his lei and put it on Zayn. Jimmy hugged Zayn, who then hugged Jimmy after Reigns, Heyman, and Sikoa had already left the ring…

Powell’s POV: A fun segment. Heyman was great as the wormy prosecutor, and the big payoff of Jey stepping up to save Zayn was well received. I also like that Zayn basically threw his hands up in reaction to the accusations before Jey saved him. The Bloodline saga continues to be special and will be talked about for years to come.

Patrick and Graves spoke from their broadcast desk and hyped the previously advertised matches and segments… The Judgment Day faction made their entrance for the tag title match…

1. Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso (w/Sami Zayn) vs. Dominik Mysterio and Damian Priest (w/Rhea Ripley, Finn Balor) for the Raw Tag Team Titles. Alicia Taylor delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. Reigns and Sikoa were shown watching the match in Roman’s dressing room, while Heyman sat and stared at Reigns.

Priest performed a dive onto both Usos at ringside and then rolled legal man Jimmy back inside the ring and clotheslined him. Priest covered Jimmy for a near fall. Priest and Dom performed a version of the Doomsday Device on Jimmy, who took a flat back bump rather than being flipped over, and got a near fall.

The Usos put Priest down. Balor tripped up Jey on the ropes, but the referee caught Balor and ejected him from ringside. Jey superkicked Priest and then tagged in Jimmy, who performed a top rope splash on Priest for a near fall.

Moments later, Jimmy performed a dive over the top rope onto Priest. Jimmy tried to roll Priest back inside the ring and then clutched his knee. The referee threw up the X sign. A pair of trainers came out and helped Jimmy.

Adam Pearce ran out and said that protocol dictates that the Usos must forfeit the match and the tag titles if Jimmy couldn’t continue. Sami asked Pearce to let him fill in for Jey. Pearce said he did it for Judgment Day (during Tag Team Turmoil) and said he would do it now.

The crowd roared as Zayn and Jey returned to the ring and fought the challengers. Priest ended up hitting his finisher on Zayn for a good near fall. Dom put Zayn in position for a 619, but Jey superkicked Dom and then superkicked Priest. Jey set up for another superkick, but he stopped when he saw Ripley in front of him.

Dom used the distraction to kick Jey from behind. Dom performed a 619 and a top rope splash and had the pin, but Zayn broke it up at the last possible moment. Zayn made a blind tag. Jey threw a superkick (that Dom seemed to duck out early from). Zayn and Jey hit the 1D on Dom and then Zayn covered him and got the three count…

Sami Zayn and Jey Uso defeated Dominik Mysterio and Damian Priest in 14:05 to retain the Raw Tag Team Titles.

Backstage, Reigns told Heyman that Zayn made it through the night, but he added that he didn’t want to see him until Saturday…

Powell’s POV: I can live with the referee not disqualifying the challengers when he caught Balor cheating, but the logic that the Usos would have to forfeit was silly considering that we’ve seen two-on-one situations in tag team matches. Hell, there’s an actual handicap match for the NXT Women’s Tag Team Titles advertised for tomorrow night’s NXT show. But while I’m not big on them making up this type of thing as they go, I really enjoyed what it set up with Zayn replacing Jimmy. I also wonder if the Jimmy injury angle was done in part to write him out for the Royal Rumble event, as he’s had to miss other shows in Canada due to his past DUI arrests. Note: I realized my mistake about the Rumble location. You can still call me bad names in the comment section. Just be sure you start any corrections with “Ummmmm……”

JBL and Baron Corbin were shown walking backstage when they crossed paths with Godfather. JBL and Godfather hugged. Godfather asked JBL who he was with, then checked his list and couldn’t find Corbin’s name on it. JBL asked to speak to the owner of the establishment.

Godfather knocked on the APA security door. Ron Simmons emerged from behind the door and hugged JBL. Corbin gave Simmons and Godfather some cash to get in on a poker game. Godfather acted like he found Corbin’s name on the list. They walked through the door and there was a poker room set up with various WWE wrestlers at the tables…

Still shots aired from classic Raw moments both past and more present…

LA Knight stood in the ring and was introduced by Alicia Taylor. Knight recalled Bray Wyatt bringing back the Firefly Funhouse. Knight asked if he was supposed to be afraid of a grown man incel with spooky music who plays with puppets. Knight noted there were legends backstage and invited one of them to come out so that he could give that person a preview of the Lights Out match. No one came out at first, so Knight got cocky.

The bell gonged. Undertaker drove a motorcycle to the ring and was in “American Badass” mode, complete with the Kid Rock entrance theme. Knight bowed out to ringside with his mic and called for Taker’s music to be cut. Knight teased returning to the ring and then told Taker that he was going to give him a pass. Knight said he was going to let Taker live to see another day and then encouraged Taker to watch the Pitch Black match.

The lights went out and then Bray Wyatt’s entrance theme played. Wyatt appeared and held up his lantern behind Knight, who got spooked and moved toward the ring. Wyatt slowly walked toward the ring with his lantern in hand. Knight opted to enter the ring to avoid Wyatt.

[Hour Two] Taker grabbed Knight by the throat. Wyatt climbed onto the apron and then Taker looked at him. Wyatt entered the ring. Taker shoved Knight to Wyatt, who then put Knight down with Sister Abigail. Taker and Wyatt looked at one another and the fans chanted “Holy Shit.” Taker approached Wyatt and spoke into his ear off-mic. Taker left the ring and drove his motorcycle to the back…

Powell’s POV: That was really cool to see Taker and Wyatt share the ring, and a fun moment to see Taker in American Badass mode for the night. And good for LA Knight who seemed to be on the verge of being released at one point to being the heel of that segment.

Dallas Page and Alundra Blayze (Madusa) played poker at a table with Chad Gable, Otis, and Corbin. Page won the hand. Johnny Gargano, Candice LeRae, and Dexter Lumis were shown together near the table…

The cage lowered around the ring and then “Damage CTRL” Bayley, Iyo Sky, and Dakota Kai made their entrance. Bayley headed to the ring along during a picture-in-picture break… [C] Some Philadelphia imagery was shown and then Patrick hyped the “Nikki Bella Says I Do” series for E! network.

Becky Lynch made her entrance. As Lynch was going to enter the ring, Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky showed up and fought her. Lynch was outnumbered by the duo. They ran her into the barricade and the side of the cage. Kai had the chain from the cage door and had it around her fist as she punched Lynch in the gut.

The Damage CTRL trio brought Lynch inside the cage and then Kai locked the door. Adam Pearce ran out and yelled at the heels from outside the locked cage door. Pearce was able to open the cage door using a bolt cutter, but the heels did their damage in that Lynch was laid out in the middle of the ring…

Patrick hyped Austin Theory vs. Bobby Lashley for the U.S. Championship match. Graves stressed that it will be a No DQ match… An ad for Smackdown listed the previously advertised Kevin Owens vs. Solo Sikoa, and Rey Mysterio vs. Karrion Kross matches… [C] More still shots aired from Raw over the years…

Powell’s POV: For those wondering, they have shown Vince McMahon in multiple still shots. That shouldn’t surprise anyone given that he was also shown and his voice could be heard in the advertising for Raw XXX. It’s unclear whether that was it for Lynch vs. Bayley or if they’ll resume the match later.

“DX” members Triple H, Shawn Michaels, X-Pac, and Road Dogg made their entrance along with Kurt Angle. The old DX graphics were shown as the group played to the crowd, and Angle joined them in doing the crotch chops. Angle had his own t-shirt on rather than a DX shirt.

Road Dogg delivered his introduction. He stopped when he got to the “Bad Ass Billy Gunn” part and was pointing at Angle. Road Dogg asked Angle what he was doing out there. Angle said he always wanted to be in DX and then removed his t-shirt to reveal a DX shirt underneath.

Triple H told Angle he would have to pass a test to be in DX. Triple H did the “Are You Ready” bit. Angle asked if that was the test. Triple H went back to performing the rest of the routine until he was interrupted.

Imperium’s entrance music played and stopped Triple H in his tracks. Gunther, Ludwig Kaiser, and Giovanni Vinci made their entrance and joined DX in the ring. “Shame on you for all that filth and nonsense,” Kaiser said. Gunther scolded DX for making a mockery of the sport. Gunther said he was going to kick them out of “our ring, unless any one of you is going to do something about it.”

Triple H stepped up and got in Gunther’s face. “I’m retired, dude,” Triple H said before backing down. Triple H looked to Michaels and then an HBK chant broke out. Michaels said he’s too old. X-Pac said he had a bad case of shin splits. Road Dogg said he wasn’t fooling anyone and wasn’t going to fight anyone.

The DX members huddled. “Kurt said he’d fight you,” Triple H said to laughs. Angle immediately said he would not. Triple H said they were in a jam and he wished there was someone who wanted to come out and fight Imperium.

Seth Rollins’ entrance music played and he made his entrance to a strong reaction. X-Pac said there’s only one of Rollins and three members of Imperium. “If only there was a team that could help even the score,” X-Pac said.

“The Street Profits” Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins made their entrance dressed in Philadelphia 76ers gear (because Dawkins couldn’t show his face in Cincinnati if he wore Eagles gear while the Bengals are still in the playoffs!). Triple H said there were three on each side and wished there was someone who could come out and make sense of the situation.

Teddy Long made his entrance and announced Imperium vs. Rollins, Ford, and Dawkins in a six-man tag team match. Michaels said they would need someone who could keep all the chaos under control. DX huddled again.

Angle interrupted them and said he had an idea. Angle removed his DX t-shirt to reveal a red, white, and blue referee shirt. Triple H said he had a great idea, what if Angle was the special referee. Michaels said if you weren’t down with the six-man tag match, then they had two words for ya… [C]

Powell’s POV: A really fun segment. I especially got a kick out of Triple H stepping up to Gunther and then backing down, Angle stepping in for Billy Gunn, and Teddy booking the six-man tag match.

2. Seth Rollins, Montez Ford, and Angelo Dawkins vs. “Imperium” Gunther, Ludwig Kaiser, and Giovanni Vinci. Jerry Lawler sat in on commentary. He acted like he didn’t know who Patrick was. Graves said Patrick is like an NWO (Michael) Cole. Lawler said he would be on the Royal Rumble Kickoff Show. Lawler and Graves wondered whether Patrick would make it to Raw XXXI.

The crowd came to life when Rollins and Gunther ended up in the ring together for the first time. Gunther got the better of Rollins and then knocked Ford off the apron with a chop heading into a PIP break. [C]

Powell’s POV: Forgive me for getting a month ahead of myself with my Jimmy Uso speculation earlier. Of course, the Royal Rumble is in Texas, so his DWI history isn’t an issue like it could be with the Elimination Chamber in Montreal. Well, unless Uso was caught driving without a gun rack in the back of a pickup truck, which could lead to him being banned from Texas for life. Anyway, just a total brain fart moment.

The Profits applied a double ankle lock at one point. Gunther broke it up with kicks. Gunther got in Angle’s face and poked his chest while asking what he was going to do about it. Angle shoved Gunther and then Rollins intervened with a forearm on Gunther.

A short time later, Rollins performed an Angle Slam on Gunther. Both men tagged out. The Street Profits hit a Doomsday Blockbuster on Kaiser. Rollins stuffed a powerbomb attempt and then put Gunther down with a Pedigree. Moments later, Ford performed a top rope frog splash on Vinci. Rollins followed up with a Stomp and then pinned Vinci…

Seth Rollins, Montez Ford, and Angelo Dawkins defeated “Imperium” Gunther, Ludwig Kaiser, and Giovanni Vinci 13:05.

Powell’s POV: Another fun match. It definitely left me looking forward to an eventual match between Rollins and Gunther.

The poker party continued backstage. Corbin showed four aces, which made Ted DiBiase slam his cards down and walk away. Corbin and JBL started to pick up their winnings. IRS entered the picture and told them not to forget to pay their taxes. IRS put all but one hundred dollar bill in a briefcase. Ron Simmons showed up and delivered the “Damn” line…

Patrick hyped Charlotte Flair as appearing after a break… [C] More Raw still shots were shown… Patrick hyped a Royal Rumble store in San Antonio from January 26-29…

Bobby Lashley was interviewed by Cathy Kelley, who asked him why it was changed to a No Disqualification match. Lashley said Austin Theory can’t keep his title by getting himself disqualified, and he can’t be disqualified for what he would do to Theory.

MVP entered the picture and pumped up Lashley about winning the title. MVP said Lashley could celebrate his win in the VIP Lounge. Lashley said he didn’t need the help of MVP or Omos to become No. 1 contender, and he told MVP to let him handle his business during his title match…

Ric Flair made his entrance and delivered a promo on the stage. Flair said they were celebrating thirty years of making history and thirty years of Raw. He said the fans keep the Nature Boy styling and profiling. “Diamonds are forever, and so is Monday Night Raw,” Flair said.

Flair said the greatest gift that WWE has given him is the opportunity to watch his daughter exceed all of his goals. Flair said he was honored as a father, wrestler, and a man to introduce a special guest. Flair introduced Charlotte Flair as the greatest women’s champion in WWE history.

[Hour Three] Smackdown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair made her entrance while Graves assured viewers that Flair meant every word that came out of his mouth. Charlotte bumped firsts with Ric and then headed to the ring while he went to the back.

Charlotte said they started to revolutionize women’s wrestling on Raw. She said she evolved from a Diva to being a 14-time women’s champion. She said she did it while facing names such as Ronda Rousey, Nikki Bella, Brie Bella, Asuka, and Rhea Ripley. Charlotte said it’s because of them that she’s able to call herself the most decorated women’s athlete. She said she’s the Smackdown Women’s Champion, but Raw will always be her home.

Raw Women’s Champion Bianca Belair made her entrance and joined Flair inside the ring. Belair said Raw is her show and she does everything she can to make sure it’s the greatest show on television (try harder).

Sonya Deville’s entrance music interrupted. Deville walked out and spoke about what a historic night it is. She asked if it was really necessary for Charlotte to have her daddy give her a big introduction for a show that she’s not even wanted on. Deville called Belair delusional, and then said she deserves credit for being the Raw general manager for over a year.

Flair said she owes Deville for the cheap shot she gave her, but she said Belair has been killing it and suggested that she “handle this.” Belair said it would be her pleasure. Belair invited Deville to the ring so that she could become the center of her attention… [C]

3. Raw Women’s Champion Bianca Belair vs. Sonya Deville in a non-title match. Belair performed both of her ass slap taunt spots to no reaction. She looked to the crowd and clapped a short time later and still didn’t get much of a reaction. Belair knocked Deville off the apron with a kick and then Deville avoided a leaping move on the floor. Deville kicked Belair and had her down at ringside heading into a break. [C] In the end, Belair hit the KOD and scored the clean pin.

Raw Women’s Champion Bianca Belair beat Sonya Deville in 8:25 in a non-title match.

After the match, Belair took the mic and said her match with Deville was a preview of what she would do to Alexa Bliss. Belair said Bliss could bring Uncle Howdy, Bray Wyatt, or “the playhouse funhouse.” She said it wouldn’t matter because she would still be the Raw Women’s Champion.

Alexa Bliss appeared on the big screen and told Belair that she would be her only obstacle. The camera pulled back and showed that Bliss was looking into a mirror while she spoke. Bliss looked into the camera and said she would spare Belair’s eyes so that she could watch her walk out of the Rumble with the championship…

Powell’s POV: The crowd was pretty quiet during this match. Belair has so many great qualities, but she suffers from feeling overly choreographed in everything from her entrance to her promos to her match routine.

The latest installment of the Cody Rhodes video series aired. He spoke about not just coming back to be in the Royal Rumble, but actually winning the Rumble match. He said he’s in the prime of his career and it was taken away by the injury. Rhodes said no human being could have kept him from getting in the ring at Hell in a Cell. Cody said being in the ring is like oxygen and he really needs to breathe again…

The broadcast team hyped the U.S. Title match as the main event… Steve Austin hosted an ad for the A&E documentary series on WWE wrestlers, which returns on Sunday February 19… [C] Additional Raw still shots were shown (they are also playing past Raw themes each time)… Patrick set up a trailer for the WWE 2K23 video game that features John Cena on the cover…

The Miz stood in the ring dressed in a suit and asked where was Miz TV, his championship match, and a celebration of all of his moments on Raw. The crowd started to cheer while Miz said he deserves his Raw XXX moment.

Kevin Owens entered the ring behind Miz and ended up putting him down with a Stunner. Owens picked up the mic and addressed Roman Reigns. Owens said Reigns may have said that Sami Zayn is not guilty, but Reigns is guilty of holding the WWE Universal Title for over two years. Owens gave his word to everyone in the building and watching at home that he would do everything he could to take the title and give everyone a champion they can be proud of.

Owens said he would just keep fighting until he has nothing left. Owens said he would take the title from Reigns or die trying. Owens dropped the mic. The Miz got to his feet. Owens kicked Miz and gave him another Stunner…

The broadcast team ran through the Royal Rumble lineup…

Austin Theory made his entrance for the main event… [C] The broadcast team thanked Hardy for the Royal Rumble theme song… Bobby Lashley made his entrance…

4. Austin Theory vs. Bobby Lashley in a No DQ match for the U.S. Championship. Alicia Taylor delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. Lashley was the early aggressor. He took Theory to ringside, hoisted him up, and drove him into the ring post heading into a PIP break. [C]

Lashley went for a suplex, but Theory gouged his eyes to break it and then went on the offensive. Theory grabbed a chair from ringside and slammed it over the back of Lashley. Theory wedged the chair in between ropes in the corner. Lashley came back and knocked Theory to ringside. Theory tripped Lashley on the apron.

Theory pulled a table out from under the ring and slid it inside. Lashley put Theory down with a Flatliner, then ran him into the chair that was wedged in between the ropes. Lashley set up the table. They ended up at ringside. Theory pulled a fire extinguisher out from underneath the ring and sprayed Lashley with it heading into the final PIP break. [C]

A second table was set up in a corner of the ring. Lashley set up to spear Theory through the table, but Theory stuffed it with a kick. Theory wanted to put Lashley through the other table. Lashley escaped and then put Theory in the Hurt Lock, which Theory avoided by kicking Lashley below the belt. Lashley put Theory through one of the tables.

Brock Lesnar’s entrance music played and he made his entrance while both men were down. Lesnar entered the ring and performed an F5 on Lashley. The broadcast team questioned what Lesnar has against Lashley. Lesnar picked up Theory and gave him an F5 on top of Lashley. The referee counted the pin with Theory on top of Lashley.

Austin Theory defeated Bobby Lashley in 14:20 to retain the U.S. Championship in a No DQ match.

Lesnar exited the ring and the show concluded abruptly…

Powell’s POV: So that’s why they added the No DQ stipulation. Lesnar is included in the Royal Rumble advertising, so I assume his issues with Lashley will continue there. It’s fun to see Lesnar and I look forward to more between him and Lashley, but I can’t say that I care for how the finish made Theory look. The creative forces did a nice job of changing the perception of Theory. This finish made him feel like a flukey champion. Hopefully they can do something that makes Theory feel credible again soon.

Overall, the nostalgia and the Bloodline segment carried the show and made it a fun milestone edition. I will have more to say about Raw in my weekly same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of Raw XXX by grading the show below.

WWE Raw Poll: Grade the January 23 Raw XXX edition

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Readers Comments (7)

  1. “I also wonder if the Jimmy injury angle was done in part to write him out for the Royal Rumble event, as he’s had to miss other shows in Canada due to his past DUI arrests.” The Rumble is in San Antonio, so why would he need to be written off TV?

  2. Jason. Good call on Bianca

    She is so talented and athletic and she seems to love being a wrestler. But she is cold as ice and needs a complete reboot. She really could and should be their top female star.

  3. Bianca’s whole persona is suited for a heel or maybe a tween.

  4. The picture in picture stuff was out of hand during the main event along with the abrupt ending. I also didn’t appreciate no follow up to the Becky vs Bayley match. Then to have Seth show up and wrestle even though the world knows he’s her husband is just not good writing.

  5. Welp, that was a disappointing show. Besides the video package, the “anniversary” seemed half-assed and the promotion for the Rumble, besideds Cody being in it, seemed half-assed.

    The Bloodline storyline bores me to tears and while this segment was good, it was too long (someone please get one of the belts of Reigns), the tag match had stuff happen that would never happen on any other show, the cage match bait and switch, and Brock Lazy showing up to screw up a title match so he can make another 5 million for working a total of 8 minutes between this show and probably the Rumble.

    If this was an AEW show, the haters would be out with full pitchforks.

  6. As a lapsed fan, I turned it off after 30 minutes.

  7. I think the only way The Bloodline story comes out well is if Sami Zayn comes out with the title.

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