ROH Final Battle Zero Hour pre-show results: Jeff Cobb vs. Mascara Dorada, Matt Taven and Mike Bennett vs. “Top Flight” Dante Martin and Darius Martin, Willow Nightingale vs. Trish Adora, and Angelo Parker and Matt Menard vs. Cheeseburger and Eli Isom

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

ROH Final Battle Zero Hour Pre-Show
Streamed live December 10, 2022 on AEW/ROH social media platforms
Arlington, Texas at College Park Center

The pre-show opened with a video package… Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman checked in on commentary from ringside. Coleman said this event may catapult them into a new era and the fans get to witness it. They turned things over to ring announcer Bobby Cruise, who introduced the wrestlers for the first match…

1. Mascara Dorada vs. Jeff Cobb. The wrestlers adhered to the Code of Honor with a pre-match handshake. Dorada (f/k/a Gran Metalik) sent Cobb to ringside early on and dove at him, but Cobb caught him and slammed him into the ring post before dumping him onto the apron. Cobb stood on Dorada on the floor before tossing him back inside the ring and then standing on top of him again.

Dorada avoided a charging Cobb, who crashed and burned into the corner. Dorada followed up with a head-scissors takedown that sent Cobb to the floor. Dorada performed a corkscrew dive over the top rope and onto Cobb at ringside. Dorada threw Cobb back inside the ring and then performed a springboard senton onto him for a two count.

Cobb came back and performed a standing moonsault for a near fall. Cobb went for his finisher, but Dorada countered into a pin for a two count. Dorada went for a springboard move, which Cobb cut off with a punch. Cobb stood on the middle rope and powered up Dorada, who slipped away and threw a kick to Cobb’s back.

Dorada went back to the ropes and pulled Cobb to the mat with a bulldog style move that led to a two count. Cobb battled back with a shot to the back of Dorada’s head, then hit his Tour of the Islands finisher and scored the pin. Cobb and Dorada shook hands afterward…

Jeff Cobb defeated Mascara Dorada in 7:00.

Powell’s POV: A good match. As much as I would have enjoyed seeing more from these two, I like that they kept it brief given that they were opening the show.

A video package aired on the ROH Six-Man Tag Title match that will be held on the main card… Mercedes Martinez and Athena were featured in a lengthy video package to push their ROH Women’s Championship match for the main card…

2. Angelo Parker and Matt Menard vs. “Shinobi Shadow Squad” Cheeseburger and Eli Isom. The referee called for a handshake. Parker flashed a toothy grin while shaking Isom’s hand and then then continued to shake until Isom pulled his hand away. Menard tagged in and shook Isom’s hand in an over the top manner.

There was a loud “Cheeseburger” chant when he tagged into the match for the first time. Parker demanded that Cheeseburger shake his hand. Cheeseburger did a Mega Powers wind up and then caught Parker’s foot when Parker tried to kick him. The heel duo isolated Cheeseburger.

Cheeseburger escaped the heel corner and then tagged in Isom, who had a flurry of offense that included a spear into the corner where both opponents were standing, Isom performed a popup neckbreaker on Parker, and then Cheeseburger stomped him.

Cheeseburger called for his palm strike and then ran the ropes and tumbled through the ropes when Menard held a rope down from the floor. Menard entered the ring and joined Parker in performing a double DDT on Isom, Parker covered Isom for the win…

Angelo Parker and Matt Menard defeated “Shinobi Shadow Squad” Cheeseburger and Eli Isom in 5:55.

Powell’s POV: Nothing memorable, but this was fine for the pre-show. Parker and Menard had some good double team moves. Cheeseburger remains a popular figure with ROH fans. Isom appeared to be on the verge of getting a push prior to the ROH sale, but it hasn’t carried over under new management.

A video package aired on the ROH Pure Rules Title match between Daniel Garcia and Wheeler Yuta…

3. Willow Nightingale vs. Trish Adora. Adora had to play to the crowd to get them to respond during her entrance, but the fans came to life when Willow came out. The wrestlers adhered to the Code of Honor with a handshake. There were brief dueling chants.

Willow slammed Adora and then performed a running crossbody clock that resulted in an early two count. Adora fired back with a chop and then executed a nice northern lights suplex for a two count. Willow fired back a short time later with a couple of clotheslines and a series of chops. Willow performed a middle dropkick from the middle rope and picked up a two count.

Adora pulled Willow from behind into a pin. Willow sold the back of her head and neck. Willow came back with a Pounce. Willow lowered the straps of her gear and then powered up Adora for a nasty looking sit-out powerbomb for the win. The wrestlers hugged and shook hands afterward…

Willow Nightingale defeated Trish Adora in 6:00.

Powell’s POV: A solid match. Nightingale’s charisma is undeniable. Adora has improved since the ROH Women’s Championship tournament and it was good to see her on the card. By the way, the video package on the ROH Women’s Championship match was given more time than typical ROH/AEW video packages and did a good job of setting the table for their match.

A video package spotlighted the Samoa Joe vs. Juice Robinson match for the ROH TV Title… A video package aired on Chris Jericho vs. Claudio Castagnoli for the ROH Championship…

4. “The Kingdom” Matt Taven and Mike Bennett (w/Maria Kanellis) vs. “Top Flight” Dante Martin and Darius Martin. Riccaboni noted that Taven worked in Mexico just fourteen hours earlier. The teams adhered to the Code of Honor. While Dante and Bennett were on the verge of locking up, Taven hit Dante from behind and then Bennett took a cheap shot at Darius, which drew boos from the crowd.

Later, Darius took offensive control, but Kanellis stood on the apron to distract him, which led to Taven and Bennett getting the better of him. Bennett performed a spinebuster and then Taven followed up with a springboard moonsault onto Darius. Bennett catapulted Darius into a knee strike from Taven, who followed up with an elbow from the ropes onto Darius, who was on the knees of Bennett. Nice combination.

Darius eventually fired back with a series of strikes on Bennett, who poked his eyes. Darius performed a standing Spanish Fly and then made the hot tag. Dante put Taven down and then performed a standing moonsault that produced a two count. Darius made a blind tag and put Taven down with a DDT style move for a two count. Darius followed up by pushing off of his brother before hitting a tornado DDT on Taven, but Bennett broke up the pin.

The heel duo came back. Taven hit Just The Tip on Darius and then Bennett covered him for a near fall. Moments later, Darius hit Bennett with a dive. Taven followed up with a great dive onto Darius. Dante was supposed to hit the grand finale dive, but he slipped on the ropes. Damn.

Dante threw Taven back inside the ring and was distracted by Kanellis climbing onto the apron. Referee Mike Posey ejected Kanelllis from ringside. The heel duo set up for a spike piledriver on Darius, but it was broken up. Darius held up Bennett in powerbomb position, but then Dante performed a springboard backflip into a dive on the elevated Bennett. Darius covered Bennett and got the three count…

“Top Flight” Dante Martin and Darius Martin defeated “The Kingdom” Matt Taven and Mike Bennett in 11:20.

The two teams shook hands afterward. Taven and Bennett raised the arms of the Martin brothers… A video package spotlighted FTR vs. The Briscoes in a Double Dog Collar match for the ROH Tag Team Titles… The broadcast team read through the main card lineup to wrap up the pre-show…

Powell’s POV: A really good match despite Dante slipping on the big dive spot. I’d really like to see more matches from these teams. This was a good pre-show in terms of providing good action without giving away too much to hurt the matches on the main card.

Join me for my live review of the ROH Final Battle pay-per-view in a separate report available via the main page.


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