11/09 AEW Dynamite results: Barnett’s live review of Bryan Danielson vs. Sammy Guevara in a best of three falls match, Eddie Kingston vs. Ethan Page in a first-round eliminator tournament match, The Acclaimed and FTR vs. Swerve Strickland, Keith Lee, Austin Gunn, and Colten Gunn, Skye Blue vs. Jamie Hayter

By Jake Barnett, ProWrestling.net Co-Senior Staffer (@barnettjake)

AEW Dynamite (Episode 163)
Boston, Massachusetts at Agganis Arena
Aired live November 9, 2022 on TBS

[Hour One] The Dynamite intro video aired, and Excalibur welcomed the TV audience to the arena along with Taz and Tony Schiavone. They plugged appearances from Jon Moxley and MJF, plus Eddie Kingston vs. Ethan Page, Britt Baker and Saraya face to face, and Sammy Guevera and Bryan Danielson 2 out of 3 falls. The Gunns made their entrance for the opening 8-man Tag Team Match. They were accompanied by Stokely Hathaway and W. Morrissey. Their partners Swerve Strickland and Keith Lee followed behind them. They were then joined by FTR and The Acclaimed. 

Max Caster made some jokes about Swerve and the Ass Boys. He referenced Kyrie Irving and a few other fresh references. Billy Gunn ran down and attacked Swerve, but was quickly cleared by AEW officials. 

1. “FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler and “The Acclaimed” Max Caster and Anthony Bowens vs. “Swerve in Our Glory” Swerve Strickland and Keith Lee and “The Gunns” Austin Gunn and Colten Gunn: Dax started the match with Austin Gunn. Harwood got an early advantage, and the FTR squad landed some punches on Austin in the corner. Swerve and Cash Wheeler tagged in and traded shots for a bit, and then chaos broke out. 

The babyface squad all landed mounted punches in the four corners, and cleared the heels from the ring. Keith Lee was launched to the floor by The Acclaimed, and then they scissored to celebrate. They attempted to bring FTR into the celebration, but were shut down…[c]

W Morrissey helped the heels take control during the break. Dax Harwood landed a back suplex on Austin Gunn, but Colten prevented a tag. Dax was able to escape Colten and made a tag to Anthony Bowens. Bowens landed hard repeated shots to Swerve, and then a Rocker Dropper of sorts to Colten for a two count. The Gunns recovered and landed a Big Rig on Bowens, but both Caster and Wheeler broke it up. 

Everybody got in the ring and started to brawl like it was a Tornado Tag. Lee and Swerve pulled together to take out Anthony Bowens with a double team forearm strike. Swerve then landed a tornillo on the floor that knocked down just about everybody. Dax then pulled Keith Lee down to the floor, and then perplexed Austin Gunn from the turnbuckle out to the floor and knocked everybody down a second time. 

Dax threw Austin into the ring and applied a Sharpshooter, but Colten broke it up. Bowens and Caster landed a slam and an elbow drop on Colten Gunn. FTR landed a Big Rig on Austin. Caster covered Colten and got the win.

FTR and The Acclaimed defeated Swerve in Our Glory and The Gunns at 14:55

After the match, a video aired that recapped an MJF appearance on the Pardon my Take sports podcast. He said he was told by doctors to stay home and recuperate so he could be 100% at Full Gear. MJF then said his match with Full Gear was the most important match in the history of the industry, because it would crown a new generational talent. 

MJF detailed his respect for Moxley’s work ethic and how he earned everything he’s won through hard work and determination. What sets him apart is that he was born to do it, and he’s had his spotlight stolen from him ever since he started in AEW. At first it was a neck tattoo, next it was Matt Hardy playing humpty dumpty, and then it was Jon Moxley cheating to beat him in his first title opportunity. He told Moxley that he didn’t need the Dynamite Diamond Ring to beat him, because he’s better than him and he would do it with his own hands…[c]

My Take: Didn’t seem like the opener ever felt in doubt, but everyone worked well together. The Acclaimed continue to be hugely over with live crowds, along with FTR. MJF’s promo from Parton My Take was reiterating a lot of points he’s made before, but the delivery was excellent.

We got a video package for Stokely Hathaway. He accused MJF of dickriding Jon Moxley without a license, and told him he would see him in hell. Back in the arena, Ethan Page made his entrance with Stokely Hathaway…

2. Ethan Page (w/Stokely Hathaway) vs. Eddie Kingston (w/Ortiz) in an AEW Eliminator Tournament Quarterfinal: Page dominated the early going and dumped Kingston to the floor. He followed up on the floor with stomps and forearm strikes. Kingston fired back with some forearms and a butterfly suplex for a two count. Page recovered and sent Kingston hard into the corner to regain control. Back on the floor, Page delivered a vertical suplex…[c]

Page continued to grind down on Kingston with strikes. He set up for a powerbomb, but Kingston reversed out with a suplex for a near fall. Kingston won a strike battle with a ridge hand chop, and then covered for another close near fall. He then landed an exploder suplex and applied the Stretch Plum, but Hathaway prevented the ref from seeing the tap out. Ortiz ran off Hathaway, but Eddie released the hold. Both men battled in the corner, but Page was able to land an Avalanche Ego’s Edge for the win…

Ethan Page defeated Eddie Kingston at 10:19 to advance to the semifinals of the AEW Eliminator Tournament

Backstage, Rush and Jose were with the Dark Order and Renee Paquette. Jose told Preston Vance that he would get the first title opportunity after he runs the Eliminator Tournament and captures the title. He then made it clear that the other members of the Dark Order they’d never get a title shot. John Silver called him a Rush-bag, and they all got fired up before cooler heads prevailed. ..

In the ring, Arya Daivari offered Wardlow money and a personal assistant in exchange for handing over the TNT Title. Warldow then made his ring entrance, and rejected the deal by throwing the butler out of the ring. Samoa Joe was at ringside.

3. Wardlow (w/Samoa Joe) vs. Ari Daivari (Jeeves K) for the TNT Title: Wardlow landed a headbutt and Daivari collapsed. He followed up with a huge lariat, and then landed four powerbombs and stood on his chest for the three count. 

Wardlow defeated Ari Daivari in 1:48 to retain the TNT Title

After the match, Wardlow demanded Powerhouse Hobbs come out to the ring. Hobbs made his entrance and stood on the ramp. Wardlow thanked Hobbs for coming out like a man this time, and said he’d never get the TNT Title, and that he would eventually take every title in the company. This pissed off Samoa Joe, who attacked him from behind with the ROH TV Title belt and choked him out. Hobbs thanked Joe but said that he would get him too…

Saraya and Britt Baker are up next…[c]

My Take: Joe attacking Wardlow was bound to happen, but it seems like they did the whole thing on fast forward. Hobbs being at odds with both of them works for me, as it could lead to some fun hoss matches. Ethan Page and Kingston was a fun match, but I don’t think Eddie needed the visual tap out there. It took away from Page’s eventual win when it didn’t need to.

Backstage, Jade Cargill was with the Baddies and told Renee Paquette that she would handle Nyla Rose’s ass at Full Gear. Cargill said that if Rose showed up to Rampage in Boston, she would take care of her there…

In the arena, Tony Schiavone introduced Britt Baker for the face to face with Saraya. He then introduced Saraya. Both women were in street clothes. Tony said Saraya had something she wanted to tell everyone and Britt Baker something. Saraya then said that she had done MRI’s, CT scans, and X-Rays, and unfortunately for Britt she was 100% cleared. She said AEW was her house, and got an ovation. 

Baker asked her what that means, because she wasn’t sure she even remembered how to do this. Britt said let’s make things crystal clear. She claimed to have built AEW into a fortress that other “Superstars” wanted to be a part of. Britt was resentful of Saraya skipping into AEW and calling it her house, because she hadn’t laid a single brick. She claimed to be everything Saraya wished she was, because she left her house and walked into mine. Britt then told her they don’t take walk-ins, so she needed to make an appointment. 

Saraya replied that Britt had been handed her position by Tony Khan, and was fed QT’s trainees, and has only been in front of a camera for 3 years. She ran down her hardships coming up in the UK for 17 years, starting revolutions and battling her demons and addictions publicly in front of the world while Wrestling wasn’t even a twinkle in Britt’s eyes. Saraya then told Britt that they would face each other at Full Gear. 

Britt tried to land a cheap shot, but Saraya ended up picking her up and landing a DDT. Saraya then screamed that it was her house, and walked away… 

[Hour Two] Backstage, The Factory was accepting a payment from Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt. Danhausen, The Best Friends and Orange Cassidy walked up. QT asked Cassidy if he would face Lee Johnson on Rampage, and he agreed. Trent then challenged Jay Lethal to a match on Dynamite, and called Lethal and Company scumbags… 

In the arena, Trent made his entrance for the next match, but was clipped by a chop block from Lethal on the way to the ring. He then slammed him into the barricade and the ring steps, before tossing him into the ring…

4. Trent Beretta vs. Jay Lethal (w/Sonjay Dutt, Satnam Singh): The ref started the match with Beretta on the ground. Beretta got dumped to the floor after a dragon screw. Danhausen and Chuck Taylor walked down to ringside to even the odds. Satnam Singh and Sonjay Dutt were at ringside as well…[c]

My Take: Saraya and Britt’s promos felt a little too inside. Off screen drama and politics can add some good flavor to hot feuds, but I don’t find it particularly interesting as the only reason for the conflict. The promo content was delivered well, however.

Lethal went for a top rope splash, but ate Beretta’s knees instead. Trent landed a half and half in the ring, and then dragged Lethal up top for an avalanche half and half from the top rope. He set up for Strong Zero, but Singh and Dutt jumped on the apron. Danhausen attempted to help by punching Dutt in the balls, but Singh took care of him quickly afterward. Lethal then landed a Lethal Injection and got the win. 

Jay Lethal defeated Trent Beretta at 6:47

After the match, Dutt brought out Jeff Jarrett on the top of the ramp. Jarrett referred to himself as the Last Outlaw again. He said when a friend calls, he answers, and they started putting a plan together that started last week. Jarrett put over Lethal as a Grand Slam ROH champion that he signed to his first wrestling contract. He then said Dutt has an 181 IQ, and Singh was the only NBA player in history born and bred in India. A stagehand attempted to wrap him up, and Jarrett chased him down to ringside, but the segment ended there…

Backstage, “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry was interviewed by Renee Paquette. Jack said he left Luchasaurus in a pile of wood last week, and he had a challenge for him. He said he delivers his challenges like a man, and said he would say it in the ring this Friday on Rampage…

Jon Moxley made his ring entrance through the crowd. He was joined by William Regal. Moxley asked Regal how old he was when they first met. They agreed on 25 or 26. He said he didn’t have crippling arthritis yet and could move pretty good, and he desperately wanted to earn his respect by picking a fight with him. It went poorly for him, but it made him work and train harder than he ever had before. 

Moxley said he made the best of his second opportunity and knocked him out with a knee to the head. Afterwards Regal took him under his wing and told him that the real work now begins. Moxley recalled beating MJF in 2020, and he sent him packing, and wondered what would be different this time. He criticized MJF for being a pillar, even though he’s never had any weight on his back. Moxley said MJF refers to himself as the devil, but he has no idea what that means. He said he’s been to some bad places and seen people do horrible things, and that’s not who MJF is. 

Regal smirked as Moxley was describing confronting his own demons. Moxley closed by telling MJF to remember when he’s walking to the ring at Full Gear that everything, he’s done so far has been the easy part…

There was a video package retrospective that featured the Young Bucks and Kenny Omega. It showed them at the founding of AEW and had them disappearing from various places in AEW history… 

My Take: More strong stuff from Moxley. I’d like to see one more face to face promo between the two of them before Full Gear. Not sure we’re going to get it. Jay Lethal getting wins and Jeff Jarrett talking about a master plan has me losing interest rapidly.

A video aired that focused on Bryan Danielson and Sammy Guevara. Danielson focused on the disrespect he’s received recently from Garcia, Yuta, and Guevara. Sammy said he’s got Danielson’s number. 

Jamie Hayter made her ring entrance. She was accompanied by Rebel and Britt Baker. Britt trailed behind and looked a bit fired up. Skye Blue then made her ring entrance. She got some backup from Toni Storm. 

5. Skye Blue (w/Toni Storm) vs. Jamie Hayter (w/Britt Baker, Rebel): Blue got fired up early with some strikes, but Hayter rolled to the floor to recover. Blue followed and sent Hayter into the ring post, and then back into the ring. Blue continued the assault, but was distracted by Baker. That allowed Hayter to land her Uranage into a Backbreaker, followed by an exploder suplex…[c]

Hayter controlled the break. Blue landed kicks to Rebel and Britt on the floor, and then landed a flying cross body from the top for a near fall. Hayter attempted a suplex, but Blue avoided it and landed some weak kicks. She then landed a Code Red and got another near fall. Hayter landed a series of forearms, but Blue fired back with a superkick. Hayter replied with a kick of her own and landed a ripcord lariat a moment later for the win. 

Jamie Hayter defeated Skye Blue at 6:46

After the match, Hayter attacked Blue again, and Storm had to clear her from the ring. A video package then aired for the Brian Cage and Dante Martin match on Friday’s Rampage in the AEW Title Eliminator Tournament. Backstage, Lance Archer destroyed Ricky Starks with a garage door. Afterwards, Archer said the tournament was his. 

My Take: Pretty basic stuff from Hayter and Toni Storm there. These ladies need characterization and promo time in the worst way.

Sammy Guevara made his entrance with Tay Melo. Bryan Danielson followed. William Regal joined on commentary. 

6. Bryan Danielson vs. Sammy Guevara (w/Tay Melo) in a best of three falls match: Sammy attempted a flying knee to start the match, but Bryan avoided it and delivered some nasty chops and elbow strikes. Guevara took down Danielson with a dropkick. He attempted to line up a dive, but Danielson shut him down with an elbow strike. Bryan landed a top rope shotgun dropkick that sent Guevara to the floor. Danielson tried a follow up dive of his own, but Tay Melo stood in the way. Bryan attempted to follow, but Sammy threw a chair at his head, which caused a DQ. 

Bryan Danielson won the first fall via DQ at 2:20

Sammy threw Bryan into the timekeeper’s table, and followed up with shots to the face and eye with the microphone that was positioned on the table…[c]

Danielson’s eye was bleeding from a cut above his eye. The announce team spoke about his prior retina issues. Guevara landed a GTH and got the second fall. 

Sammy Guevara won the second fall via pinfall at 7:46

The ref checked on Danielson, who refused to quit. Excalibur broke in to announce Sting and Darby Allin vs. Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal at Full Gear. Danielson and Guevara battled on the top rope. Bryan missed a flying headbutt, and Guevara applied a crossface in the center of the ring. Danielson fought to his feet, but fell back down and had to crawl to the ropes. Both men traded hard chops and headbutts. Guevara hit the ropes, but Danielson caught him with a flying knee strike as he attempted a springboard…[c]

Tay Melo put her hands on Bryce Remsburg to break a cover, and was ejected from ringside. Bryan traded heavy shots with Guevara, and then suplexed him into the Tree of Woe in the corner. He then landed heavy kicks and a basement dropkick. Bryan placed Sammy on the top rope and they brawled at the top. Guevara escaped and landed a knee strike that sent Bryan crashing to the floor. 

Guevara attempted a shooting star out to the floor, but he didn’t get much of it. Back in the ring, he attempted a double springboard cutter, but Bryan caught him in a juji gatame. He then transitioned to a Lebell Lock, but Guevara reached the ropes. Guevara set up for a GTH, but Danielson escaped. He went for a Busaiku Knee, but Guevara caught the knee and pulled him into a Boston Crab, and then a Lion Tamer. Danielson reached the ropes for a break. Guevara went for a GTH again, but Bryan avoided it and landed a Busaiku Knee. 

Bryan set up for more punishment, but Guevara reversed into a creative DDT. Guevara went up top for a Senton, but Bryan got the knees up and applied the LeBell Lock. After a struggle, Bryan captured the second arm and got the tap out victory. 

Bryan Danielson won the decisive fall by submission at 20:45

Danielson pointed to his swollen eye and celebrated to close the show.

My Take: A very good match to close the show, as you’d expect from these two. It suffered a bit because the finish never really seemed in doubt, and there wasn’t a whole lot at stake, so I’m curious if the match was able to maintain the audience based on the quality of the ring work alone. Overall, this was a show that had more good than bad, but there’s still something deeply unappealing about the way Tony Khan throws together the vast majority of his PPV cards seemingly at the last minute.

AEW Dynamite Poll: Grade the November 9 edition

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Readers Comments (7)

  1. Aganis arena is pretty small. And the crowd looks sparse. I’m not sure there are 1000 people there. That’s bleak

  2. Jason does that count comps and give aways?

    I remember back in 99 I won tickets to Nitro in Worcester. They pushed us all into the hard camera side (with wayyy better seats). It was a small crowd and a bad show but I still had fun anyway

    • Not sure. Just listed as tickets distributed, so probably? I had a similar experience. I bought cheap seats at an AWA television taping during later years (Tom Zenk was on the show post Can-Am Connection). The ring announcer encouraged everyone to fill in one side of the building. People seemed confused. I ended up in the front row opposite the hard camera. Also got really lucky at my only U2 concert. Something about lights shining in our eyes (they really wouldn’t have) and being moved to much better seats.

  3. Jarrett burning bridges itch WWE.

    And does Tony think these insider promos btw wrestlers are good? Terrible practice and prob doesn’t help their toxic locker room

  4. I was shocked at the number of missed spots in the main event. I’m not sure who that is on, Danielson or Sammy

  5. “Joe attacking Wardlow was bound to happen, but it seems like they did the whole thing on fast forward.”

    The owner is an ADHD addled crackhead who books the company like a TEW sim fed. Everything they do feels like it’s on fast forward and none of it carries anywhere near the punch it would with an even remotely competent booker.

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