11/2 AEW Dynamite results: Powell’s live review of Orange Cassidy vs. Luchasaurus vs. Rey Fenix for the AEW All-Atlantic Title, Chris Jericho defends the ROH Title, Samoa Joe vs. Brian Cage for the ROH TV Title, AEW World Champion Jon Moxley vs. Lee Moriarty in an eliminator match, Jade Cargill vs. Marina Shafir for the TBS Title, Darby Allin vs. Jay Lethal

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Dynamite (Episode 162)
Baltimore, Maryland at Chesapeake Arena
Aired live November 2, 2022 on TBS

[Hour One] The Dynamite opening aired and then pyro shot off on the stage. The broadcast team of Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Taz checked in and ran through the card. Justin Roberts was the ring announcer… Entrances for the opening match took place…

1. Darby Allin vs. Jay Lethal (w/Sonjay Dutt, Satnam Singh). Allin, who had his ribs wrapped, and Lethal fought at ringside prior to the match. They entered the ring and the bell rang to start the match. Sonjay Dutt and Satnam Singh walked to ringside. Singh stood in the way when Allin wanted to go for a suicide dive. Lethal took offensive control and suplexed Allin on the apron heading into a picture-in-picture break. [C]

Lethal went for a top rope elbow drop, but Allin hooked him into a pin for a two count. Lethal came right back and went for a Lethal Injection, which Allin countered by locking him in a sleeper hold. Allin hit a nice Stunner a short time later, but he sold his ribs and didn’t go for the pin. Allin went to the ropes for his finisher. Singh pulled Lethal to ringside.

Allin performed a suicide dive on Singh and just bounced off of him. The referee ejected Dutt and Singh from ringside. A wrestler dressed like Sting threw Allin back in the ring. Lethal put Allin down with a Lethal Injection and pinned him.

Jay Lethal beat Darby Allin in 9:05.

After the match, Dutt and Singh returned and the man dressed as Sting entered the ring. Fake Sting hugged Lethal and Dutt, and then they unmasked him to reveal that it was Cole Karter of The Factory.

Sting’s entrance music played, causing the four heels to go to ringside and block his path. Allin looked to the stage. Jeff Jarrett entered the ring behind him and ended up slamming a guitar over Allin’s head. Excalibur said Jarrett has a long history with Dutt and Lethal.

Jarrett took the mic and told Allin that he just got a lesson from the Last Outlaw. Jarrett said that whatever you worship becomes your weakness. Jarrett pointed out that Allin was lying in a pool of blood. Jarret said Allin worshipped Sting and that made Sting his biggest weakness.

Jarrett called out the “rabid, the delusional AEW fan base.” Jarrett said his family got into the wrestling business in 1946. He said that wherever the Jarretts went, they left an Impact. Jarrett ran through his credentials. The crowd chanted “you still suck.” Jarrett said the fingerprints of his family are all over AEW. He said there would be full bodybags by the time he’s done with AEW. Jarrett’s “My World” theme played…

Powell’s POV: Well, I didn’t expect to see Jarrett pop up on AEW television tonight. He did a terrific job in the main event of Ric Flair’s Last Match and hopefully he can bring that heel energy to AEW. The idea of Jarrett declaring war on AEW doesn’t do much for me, but we’ll see where it goes. This is nothing against Jarrett, but at what point does Tony Khan stop introducing new wrestlers and focus on all of the talent he’s already amassed? On a side note, Jake Barnett and I swapped shows this week, so he will be covering Smackdown on Friday night.

A video package recapped The Firm attacking Jon Moxley and MJF on last week’s show…

AEW World Champion Jon Moxley delivered a backstage promo. He spoke about considering Lee Moriarty for the Blackpool Combat Club, but said he determined that he wasn’t mean and nasty enough. Moxley said this would be the time for Lee to bring any pent up frustrations to the surface. Moxley said he wants Moriarty to be mean, nasty, and violent because he doesn’t have time for anything else…

A video aired that showed The Elite winning the AEW Trios Titles. A person was shown pulling that footage from a computer screen and then playing the footage of Death Triangle winning the AEW Trios Titles. The Elite were shown being erased from a Rampage advertisement and were then replaced by Death Triangle… [C]

Jon Moxley made his entrance from the side of the stage and was accompanied by William Regal. Lee Moriarty made his entrance and was accompanied by Ethan Page and a scarf wearing Stokely Hathaway…

2. AEW World Champion Jon Moxley vs. Lee Moriarty (w/Stokely Hathaway) in an eliminator match. Ethan Page sat in on commentary and said he would win the AEW Eliminator Tournament. Moxley threw ten punches in the corner and then bit the head of Moriarty. Moxley suplexed Moriarty and covered him for a two count. Page stated on commentary that MJF is lying to everyone when he says he’s going to beat Moxley the right way. Meanwhile, Moriarty put Moxley down with a DDT heading into a PIP break. [C]

Moriarty stomped the head of Moxley while holding his arms. Moxley got to his feet and put Moriarty down with a clothesline. Moxley returned the favor by grabbing Moriarty’s arms and then stomped his head with his foot. Moriarty blocked a Death Rider, but Moxley came right back with a cutter for a two count.

Moxley stood up and let Moriarty hit him with three forearms. Moxley fired back, but Moriarty caught him with a knee to the head and then suplexed him. Moxley shot right up and suplexed Moriarty. Moxley took Moriarty down and went for a submission, but Moriarty countered into a crossface.

Moriarty released the hold and threw forearm shots to the back of Moxley’s head and then reapplied the hold. Moxley rolled Moriarty into a pin to break the hold, then threw repeated elbows to the side of his head. Moxley applied a submission hold and got the win…

AEW World Champion Jon Moxley beat Lee Moriarty in 10:05 in an eliminator match.

Page left the broadcast table and went to the ring. Page put Moxley down with a boot to the head. Hathaway picked up the AEW World Championship belt and placed it on Moxley…

Powell’s POV: An entertaining match with an outcome that was never in doubt. I was surprised to see Page leave Moxley lying afterward. I wonder if that will lead to another eliminator match or if they are just trying to make Page seem like a threat to win the eliminator tournament. Either way, it was nice to hear him get some mic time by sitting in on commentary. He’s a talented talker who just hasn’t been given much mic time due to being with Dan Lambert and now Stokely Hathaway.

Footage aired from earlier in the day of Renee Paquette interviewing Saraya. She noted that Britt Baker was supposed to join them. Saraya said Baker doesn’t care about anyone other than herself. Paquette welcomed Saraya back to pro wrestling and asked her why now and why AEW. Saraya said there’s something special about AEW and it felt like a rebel company when it started. She said she wanted to be part of it. Paquette asked Saraya where things stand from a medical standpoint. Saraya said there’s one more doctor she wants to consult…

Excalibur hyped upcoming segments, including the Daddy Ass Birthday Bash as coming up next… [C]

Powell’s POV: I assume the doctor that Saraya wants to consult is Baker. I’ll be surprised if they don’t announce Saraya vs. Baker for Full Gear.

Baltimore Ravens quarterback Lamar Jackson was shown sitting in the front row. Nice…

Tony Schiavone interviewed William Regal, who said MJF showed last week that he has all the potential in the world, but he still has a long way to go to be a true villain. Regal said potential won’t help MJF become AEW World Champion when he has to face a real demon in Jon Moxley…

“The Acclaimed” Max Cater and Anthony Bowens made their entrance along with Billy Gunn, who had his fingers wrapped on both hands. There was a table set up in the ring with covered items. Caster rapped on his way to the ring. The crowd sang “Scissor me, Daddy.” Bowens said had been a tough weekend for them because Swerve Strickland attacked Gunn and now he can’t scissor.

Bowens scissored the cameraman and then said they couldn’t have a birthday bash without scissoring. Caster unveiled the first item on the table, which was foam scissoring fingers, which Gunn put on and used to scissor. Caster said AEW now stands for Acclaimed Every Wednesday. Bowens said it’s a fact of life that everyone loves The Acclaimed.

Bowens asked who brought gifts for Daddy Ass. He asked who had gifts for him and then looked to the crowd. Bowens pointed out fan-made scissors and signs. He took a pair of scissors that a young fan had and brought them to the ring for Gunn.

Bowens said they were far from done. He said Gunn had been in the business for over 30 years and accomplished a lot. He ran through some of Gunn’s credentials, including that he was part of the worst segment of all-time, a reverse battle royal. Caster unveiled a World’s Greatest Daddy trophy. A “Daddy Ass” chant broke out.

Bowens said they had one final thing. He said he planned to have special guests, but two cancelled at the last minute and others were upset that he didn’t go to the reunion. The crowd got a kick out of the reference to the DX anniversary segment. Bowens unveiled a certificate of adoption. Bowens said he and Caster already signed it, and they just needed a signature from Gunn. “I get to be your Daddy?” Gunn asked.

Austin Gunn and Colten Gunn interrupted while walking onto the stage. An “Ass Boys” chant broke out. Austin asked if their invitation was lost in the mail. Colten said that even though they weren’t invited, they still got Billy a gift.

W Morrissey showed up in the ring and put Billy down with a big boot. The Gunns joined Morrissey in beating up Caster, Bowens, and Billy Gunn. “FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler made their entrance and headed to the ring in non-wrestling attire. FTR ran off the Gunns and Morrissey. Harwood and Wheeler picked up the AEW Tag Title belts and looked at them before slowly handing them over to Caster and Bowens…

Tony Schiavone interviewed Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter in the backstage area. Baker said the interview was on her time and in her world. Hayter said she’s been a victim of conspiracy and just wants to wrestle. Baker said they should wrestle together and called for AEW to find a team for them to face on AEW Rampage…

Chris Jericho, Jake Hager, and Daniel Garcia made their entrance to “Judas” and were introduced by ROH ring announcer Bobby Cruise. Jericho said it made him mad that Claudio Castagnoli got a tainted win over him last week. Jericho said he’s ready for his open challenge against any former ROH Champion.

Jericho emphasized that it could be a world champion or any other champion. “I’ll even whip Lamar Jackson’s ass,” Jericho said. Jackson was shown in the crowd and he put his face down while laughing. Jericho called for the former ROH Champion to show himself. Colt Cabana made his entrance to a good reaction. Cabana had tape on his right shoulder…

3. Chris Jericho (w/Daniel Garcia, Jake Hager) vs. Colt Cabana for the ROH Championship. Ian Riccaboni sat in on commentary. The crowd chanted “welcome back” for Cabana, who had a tense handshake with Jericho. Cabana took offensive control to start.

[Hour Two] Jericho rolled to ringside. Cabana followed and fought with Jericho on the floor. Cabana got Jericho on the ropes. Cabana set up for the Chicago Skyline, but both men tumbled awkwardly to the floor heading into a PIP break. [C]

Cabana caught Jericho in the Billygoat’s Curse momentarily. Cabana did his Superman pin and had Jericho, but Hager pulled Cabana’s arms from the floor. Cabana performed a springboard moonsault onto Hager and Garcia. Cabana returned to the ring and ended up eating a Codebreaker, which led to Jericho getting the pin…

Chris Jericho defeated Colt Cabana in 9:00 to retain the ROH Championship.

After the match, Matt Menard and Angelo Parker grabbed Ian Riccaboni and brought him to the stage. Jericho removed Riccaboni’s glasses and put them on, then threw them on the ground. Claudio Castagnoli ran out and attacked Jericho before he could get to Riccaboni. Castagnoli was quickly outnumbered.

Bryan Danielson ran out and tried to help, but he was outnumbered. Sammy Guevara and Wheeler Yuta joined the fight for their respective sides. Security and referees ran out to separate the wrestlers…

Powell’s POV: It was nice to see Cabana receive a warm welcome in his first AEW appearance in months. I thought the idea was that Jericho was facing a former ROH World Champion, but they were apparently clever with the wording so that it was any former ROH champion.

Renee Paquette interviewed “Death Triangle” Pac, Rey Fenix, and Penta El Zero Miedo along with Alex Abrahantes. Paquette asked Fenix how he felt about the possibility of becoming a double champion. Fenix spoke positively about winning the AEW All-Atlantic Championship. Pac told Fenix that if he wanted real revenge for Death Triangle, the hammer could be his golden ticket. Pac said the choice belongs to Fenix and it’s just something to consider… [C]

Justin Roberts stood inside the ring with referee Rick Knox, who was holding a “Dream Opponent” contract for the winner of the AEW All-Atlantic Championship match. Entrances for the match took place while Excalibur explained that the winner of the match would face a dream opponent on Friday’s live edition of AEW Rampage…

4. Orange Cassidy vs. Luchasaurus (w/Christian Cage) vs. Rey Fenix (w/Alex Abrahantes) for the AEW All-Atlantic Championship. Excalibur stressed that there are no disqualifications in three-way matches. Cassidy and Fenix worked together to clear Luchasaurus from the ring. Cassidy hit the light leg kicks on Fenix. Cassidy performed a tornado DDT for a two count.

Luchasaurus returned to the ring and put both opponents down with a double shoulder block. Luchasaurus was in control heading into another PIP break. [C] Christian Cage was at the broadcast table coming out of the break. Cassidy hit the Orange Punch on Luchasaurus, who ended up at ringside.

Cassidy and Fenix dove at Luchasaurus, who stuffed them and ended up putting Fenix through a table with a chokeslam. Luchasaurus tossed Cassidy up the ramp and tried to clothesline him on the stage. Cassidy ducked the clothesline and went for a punch that Luchasaurus caught. Luchasaurus set up for a chokeslam off the stage.

“Jungle Boy” Jack Perry came out and hit Luchasaurus with a chair. Cage got up and was chased to the back by Perry, who returned and hit a running crossbody block on Luchasaurus, which sent both men crashing through a table that was set up on the floor next to the stage.

Pac ran out and rolled Cassidy inside the ring, then handed Fenix the ring bell hammer. Fenix tossed the hammer aside and returned to the ring. Cassidy rolled Fenix into a pin for a two count, then reversed it and got a two count of his own. Fenix superkicked Cassidy. Fenix rolled into a move attempt, but Cassidy caught him with the Orange Punch and pinned him.

Orange Cassidy defeated Rey Fenix and Luchasaurus in a three-way in 9:50 to retain the AEW All-Atlantic Championship.

Pac attacked Cassidy after the match. Referee Rick Knox held the title belt and the dream match contract. Pac retrieved the ring bell hammer. Katsuyori Shibata’s entrance music played and he walked onto the stage. Rocky Romero, Trent Beretta, and Chuck Taylor walked out.

Shibata headed to the ring, which caused Pac to roll to the floor. Shibata looked at Cassidy and pointed to his championship belt. Cassidy held up the dream match contract and handed it to Shibata, who signed it. Cassidy and Shibata had a staredown while Excalibur hyped their match for Friday’s AEW Rampage…

Tony Schiavone interviewed Swerve Strickland and rapper Rick Ross in the backstage area. Ross said he was there to make sure that Swerve was the biggest wrestler in the industry and the largest recording artist in the world. Keith Lee showed up and greeted Ross. Lee said he hadn’t heard from Strickland. Ross said they were keeping things positive.

Lee brought up Strickland attacking Billy Gunn on AEW Rampage. Ross said it was an accusation. Lee said it was fact and then questioned who was behind the camera filming the attack. Swerve called for him and Lee to team with Gunn Club against The Acclaimed and FTR next week. Ross got Lee to join in on a champagne toast…

5. Jade Cargill (w/Leila Grey) vs. Marina Shafir for the TBS Championship. Both entrances were televised. The bell rang to start the match and Vickie Guerrero could be heard doing her “excuse me” bit. Vickie and Nyla Rose walked onto the stage. Rose, who was wearing Cargill’s title belt, said she would do commentary on the match.

Cargill and Shafir fought to ringside. Rose and Guerrero tried to distract Cargill, who eventually tossed Shafir back in the ring and then started to walk up the ramp. Rose called attention to Jade’s streak, which caused her to run back to the ring to avoid being counted out. Cargill hit a big boot and then hit Jaded.

Jade Cargill defeated Marina Shafir in 2:15 to retain the TBS Championship.

After the match, the cameras missed Nyla Rose fighting off Kiera Hogan on the stage. Excalibur said Hogan unsuccessfully tried to take the TBS Title belt back. Cargill went to the stage and barked at the fallen Hogan before heading to the back…

Powell’s POV: The story of Rose stealing the title belt has become more annoying than anything. There were much better ways to set up a match between two of the division’s powerhouses. By the way, multiple Impact Wrestling ads have aired on DirecTV tonight, just as they have been airing during WWE Raw.

A video package set up the ROH TV Title match, which Excalibur said was coming up next…

A House of Black video package aired. It showed Julia Hart at a funeral for Malakai Black, Brody King, and Buddy Mathews. Black could be heard praying to the father of dark light, and then images of the members apparently coming back from the dead was shown… [C]

Excalibur hyped the following matches and events for Friday’s AEW Rampage: Orange Cassidy vs. Katsuyori Shibata for the AEW All-Atlantic Championship, Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter vs. Madison Rayne and Sky Blue, more names for the AEW Eliminator tournament will be announced, and Mike Tyson will be on commentary…

Excalibur listed the following matches for next week’s AEW Dynamite: The Acclaimed and FTR vs. Keith Lee, Swerve Strickland, Austin Gunn, and Billy Gunn in an eight-man tag match. He said additional matches would be announced on Rampage…

Toni Storm vs. Jamie Hayter for the Interim AEW Women’s Championship was announced for the AEW Full Gear pay-per-view…

A video package on Storm vs. Hayter aired. Storm spoke about her past friendship with Hayter and how it became obvious once she came to AEW that Hayter was Britt Baker’s friend…

Bobby Cruise handled the introductions for the main event…

6. Samoa Joe vs. Brian Cage (w/Prince Nana) for the ROH TV Title. Referee Paul Turner called the wrestlers together for the Code of Honor handshake, but Cage blew it off. Cage suplexed Joe and was on the offensive heading into the final PIP break. [C]

Joe rallied with a big boot and a senton for a two count. Cage fought back and picked up a near fall, then performed a pump-handle slam on Joe that led to another near fall. Joe went for the Coquina Clutch, but Cage countered into a suplex. Cage hit a discus lariat for another two count. Cage indicated that he was going for his Drill Claw finisher, but Joe countered into the Coquina Clutch for the win.

Samoa Joe defeated Brian Cage in 11:20 to retain the ROH Title Title.

After the match, “Gates of Agony” Toa Liona and Kaun ran out and attacked Samoa Joe. Wardlow made his entrance dressed in a suit. Wardlow entered the ring and The Embassy trio left the ring despite having the numbers advantage. Powerhouse Hobbs entered from the other side of the ring and put Wardlow down with a spinebuster. Hobbs picked up the TNT Title belt and held it up to close the show…

Powell’s POV: Much like when Cage challenged Warlow for the TNT Title, this match would have meant a lot more had AEW bothered to build up Cage beforehand. In fact, Cage has only appeared on AEW television (not counting the YouTube shows) once since the Wardlow match and even then he was on the losing side of a six-man tag match.

Overall, while this was a step down from the two previous weeks, it wasn’t a bad episode. It continues to feel like a show by a Superfan for the Superfans, which is great for that fanbase, but it really feels like that limits the growth of the company. I will have more to say about AEW Dynamite in my weekly same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).

AEW Dynamite Poll: Grade the November 2 edition

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Readers Comments (15)

  1. If Tony is trying to run his company into the ground he’s doing a great job. No one wants to see Jarrett take time from wrestlers who already don’t get enough air time. What an idiot

  2. Nope. Just Nope

  3. Is Jarrett gonna wrestle???!!!
    He looked ok at Flair’s last match,but come on this is truly turning into a combination of TNA/Impact,WCW,WWE,and of course ROH.lol

  4. Lol hour one, awful. Out of shape Colt was the challenger? Just to piss Punk off? Morrissey taking out the hottest act AEW has. Embarrassing

  5. Unwatchable

  6. Next week, there will a fatal 4 way may

    Brian Cage vs Christian Cage vs Ethan Page vs Hangman Page. The purpose of the match will be to piss reviewers off.

  7. Next week, there will a fatal 4 way

    Brian Cage vs Christian Cage vs Ethan Page vs Hangman Page. The purpose of the match will be to piss reviewers off.

  8. THEGREATESTTHREE November 2, 2022 @ 10:49 pm

    Special guest referee Diamond Dallas Page.

  9. I remember Khan saying people don’t get to see their favorites on TV because there’s not enough TV time to go around. Yet he manages to find TV time for Jeff Jarrett and Cole “Who?” Carter?

  10. Is the World Champion wrestling in an eliminator tournament to determine who gets a title shot at the World Champion?

  11. Cole Karter might have just taken the prize for most underwhelming reveal in the history of wrestling. Good promo by Jarrett though.

  12. I am usually pleased with most AEW shows and find them to be entertaining, not having to fast forward through anything like I’ve done with WWE the last few years, but this episode was awful. Keep JJ off TV.

  13. Jason. Any word on what the attendance was last night? I read in Forbes that year over year AEW is really struggling. (See below). I know in 2022 most sports make their money off Tv and merch but is the 80% drop off in recent northeast shows any indication on the company overall?

    ““10/5 Dynamite in Washington, DC, is at 2,265 and 10/7 Rampage/Battle of the Belts in the same building is at 1,988. They noted DC as the anniversary show in the same city the first Dynamite aired (which did more than 14,000 fans and sold out instantly)”

    • Available Tickets => 1,160
      Current Setup/Capacity => 3,581
      Tickets Distributed => 2,421
      Per Wrestle Tix Twitter.

      Poor numbers. I believe they’ve jacked up the ticket prices, which makes up for some of the declining attendance while also scaring off fans who won’t pay high prices. The DC numbers are a bit tricky. The first show in company history had a lot of traveling fans. The most recent swing through DC was for Dynamite and a live Rampage.

      Side note. I’ve attended a live Rampage. They ran here for Full Gear and the night before Full Gear. It was my first time attending an AEW show, so it was fun in that regard. But this idea of taping the throwaway Dark or Dark Elevation matches leading up to Rampage is just a bad idea. It was fine for an hour or so. The thrill wore off and there was another hour or so of short, meaningless matches. And then the show peaks with whatever’s on Rampage, which is usually underwhelming. They really need to abandon this formula. Give the Rampage attendees house show type matches that they actually want to see leading up to Rampage. And if Rampage has its usual throwaway main event, then give the fans a good dark main event.

  14. And Nicolas Cage will be the time keeper!lol

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