10/18 AEW Dynamite results: Barnett’s live review of Jon Moxley vs. Hangman Page for the AEW World Championship, Toni Storm vs. Hikaru Shida for the Interim AEW Women’s Championship, Chris Jericho vs. Dalton Castle for the ROH Championship, Death Triangle vs. Best Friends for the AEW Trios Titles

By Jake Barnett, ProWrestling.net Co-Senior Staffer (@barnettjake)

AEW Dynamite (Episode 160)
Cincinnati, Ohio at Heritage Bank Center
Aired live October 18, 2022 on TBS

Excalibur, Taz and Tony Schiavone welcomed the audience to the show. Jon Moxley vs. Hangman Page and Chris Jericho vs. Dalton Castle were advertised for later, and the AEW World Trios Title match will kick off the show. Orange Cassidy made his ring entrance with Trent Beretta and Chuck Taylor. They were followed by the Death Triangle Team of Pac, Rey Fenix, and Penta El Zero M. 

1. Best Friends (Orange Cassidy, Trent Beretta, Chuck Taylor) vs. Death Triangle (Pac, Rey Fenix, and Penta El Zero M) for the AEW World Trios Championships: Pac attacked Orange Cassidy on the apron, but was rolled up by Trent for a two count. Taylor tagged in, and was quickly tuned up by Fenix and Penta with a double team move in the corner. Fenix landed a Senton Atomico on Chuck for a two count. 

Chuck Taylor stared at the camera and waited for Fenix to intervene so he could get up and interrupt a spot. That was awkward. Pac returned to the ring to assist in dumping the Best Friends squad to the floor. All three of them then dove on a member of Best Friends on the floor. Death Triangle isolated Cassidy in the ring with quick tags as the match continued…[c]

Trent and Chuck attempted to assist Orange Cassidy but were quickly dispatched by Pac. Cassidy saw some life as the show returned from commercial and countered a suplex into a Stundog Millionaire. Trent then landed an acrobatic Tornado DDT onto Fenix. Pac was sent to the floor, but the Lucha Brothers landed a double superkick on Trent. Death Triangle executed a Casadora into a Lung Blower, followed by a double stomp from Fenix in a unique triple team maneuver on Cassidy. 

Chuck and Trent fired back with a Sole Food Half an Half Combo onto Pac. Fenix was sent into the ring post on the floor. Chuck then landed a piledriver on Penta, followed by an attempt at a Triple Team splash that didn’t go very well. Pac went to the announce table to get his ring bell hammer, but Fenix took it away from him. Pac landed a German Suplex, but Cassidy fired back with an Orange Punch. 

Chuck and Trent managed to land an assisted Storm Zero onto Penta, but Fenix broke up the pinfall attempt. Fenix tagged in and landed a heel kick on Trent. He followed it up with a sit out piledriver and got the win. 

Death Triangle defeated Best Friends at 11:56

After the match, Death Triangle had an argument before eventually putting things back together and celebrating. We then got a video package that went through some of the history of Moxley and Hangman Page in AEW…[c]

My Take: A very high energy spot fest to start the show. There were some near falls that worked and might have worked even better had they not broken up the pinfalls so quickly. The crowd was into the portion of the match where Cassidy and Pac faced each other, so I think an All-Atlantic rematch would be a popular choice. The video package for Hangman and Moxley was well done.

Backstage, Tony Schiavone interviewed Britt Baker, Jamie Hayter, and Rebel. They claimed that “Toni Time” is over, and that one of them would be AEW Women’s World Champion by the end of 2022. In the arena, Hikaru Shida made her ring entrance for the next match. She was followed by AEW Interim Women’s Champion Toni Storm. 

2. Hikaru Shida vs. Toni Storm for the AEW Interim Women’s Championship: There was a handshake between the two women at the start of the match. Shida backed Toni into the corner, and gave a clean break. Both women traded reversals on the mat, and then Shida landed a dropkick. Shida fired up the crowd and walked out onto the apron, but Storm landed a strike and then a hip toss to send Shida out to the floor. She followed Shida to the outside and tossed her back in…[c]

Storm controlled the action during the break. Storm landed a snap suplex, and Shida fired back with a head scissors. Shida landed ten punches in the corner, followed by a missile dropkick for a two count. Shida went back up top again, but Storm met her up there. After a series of headbutts, Shida landed a Meteora followed by a sit out powerbomb for a near fall. Storm avoided a dropkick, and landed a German Suplex. She followed up with a Hip Attack in the corner.

Shida avoided an attempt at Storm Zero, and landed a slam for a near fall. Storm landed a German Suplex with a bridge for a close near fall. She then followed up with a Tornado DDT and Storm Zero for the win. 

Toni Storm retained the AEW Women’s Championship at 8:46

After the match, Jamie Hayter and Rebel assaulted Storm and Shida after the match. Britt Baker made a ring entrance with her Steelers gear on to some strong boos. Saraya followed right after her and traded blows with Baker. Rebel landed a shot with a crutch to Storm. Saraya and Baker spilled into the crowd. That allowed a returning Riho to make her entrance and take out Rebel and Hayter with a dropkick and a drive onto the floor. Saraya and Baker weren’t seen after they spilled into the crowd. Storm and Riho left together. 

There was a video package that featured The Kingdom, Wardlow, and Samoa Joe. Footage was shown of Rampage last week, and Wardlow and Joe offered the Kingdom individual and tag team matches to sort out their differences. 

Elsewhere backstage, FTR was interviewed by Renee Paquette. They spoke about their goals and wanting to be AEW two time champions more than anything in the world. Swerve and Keith Lee walked up, and Swerve criticized them for having every other company but AEW as their priority. Keith Lee interjected and apologized, but agreed that they deserved a rematch for the Tag Team Titles. FTR agreed that the matter needed to be sorted out, and offered a match next week to determine the number one contenders. Keith Lee replied “indubitably” for some reason. Swerve was confused by this outcome…[c]

My Take: The Storm and Shida match had some really good moments, but the crowd was pretty quiet throughout. Riho’s return got the largest pop out of anyone I’m pretty certain. FTR getting involved in the title picture is encouraging, but this match has an interference finish written all over it.

Darby Allin and Jay Lethal were interviewed backstage. They have a rematch coming up for some reason, and they were doing some trash talking. Darby told Marvez to leave, and they traded some strikes. Lethal and Sonjay Dutt dragged Darby over to a garage door, where they closed it onto his stomach area. Lethal applied a Figure Four on his legs while Dutt stomped on him.

In the arena, William Regal was set for an interview with Tony Schiavone.. Before they could begin speaking, MJF’s music hit and he headed to the ring. Regal put on his brass knuckles, but MJF said he was there to talk. MJF said he had to tell a story, and whether or not he realized it, Regal owed it to him to listen.

MJF told a story of being pulled aside by his wrestling coaches for some extra work with WWE when he was 19 years old. He spoke about driving to the Barclays Center and how they had tryout matches in front of Arn Anderson, Adam Pearce, William Regal, and Dean Malenko. After his match, Regal pulled him aside and gave him three minutes to sell himself to him. Regal was impressed and promised to get MJF a job there today. 

At that moment MJF thought he had done it and achieved his dream, but when he told Regal he was 19 years old, he told him he was much too young. MJF said his heart stopped, but Regal offered him a bit of hope. Regal said he would put his name on MJF came of age, and that was as good as getting him a job. He mentioned Moxley, Claudio, and Danielson as his examples. 

MJF told him that Regal asked him to send him a tape every month to demonstrate his progress, and after the third month, Regal crushed his dreams with an e-mail. The e-mail spelled out that WWE’s policies had changed and they only wanted the best athletes in the world, and when he was one, Regal would know. 

He went on that he thought about quitting wrestling, and even thought about killing himself. But now years later the shoe is on the other foot, and Regal got fired and slid into his company on the coattails of men who were better than he ever was. He told Regal that his former employer would take several human lives just to get him to put pen to paper, and now he was set to become the World’s Champion because he’s better than you and you know it. 

Regal replied that he entered a carnival at 16 years old and bled from every orifice in his body fighting grown men just to have a chance at being a professional wrestler. He told MJF that if all it took was an e-mail that he held onto for 7 years to get him to a place where he had that kind of fire in his belly, then he’d had it easy. He recalled telling MJF to practice talking everyday in the mirror and to make a name for himself. Regal defined himself as an old school villain, because he drew a line at attacking people like Tony Schiavone. He recalled having conversations with Schiavone before MJF was born, and insulted him for taking shortcuts like hiring people to do his dirty work and knocking people out with his ring. 

He told MJF that making money and taking shortcuts isn’t what it took to impress him. He turned his back to MJF and told him he still had a lot to learn to impress him. MJF put his ring on and thought about punching Regal, but he didn’t. Regal turned back around and left, reiterating that MJF still had a lot to learn.

Backstage, Renee Paquette interviewed The Acclaimed. They said they would stomp on Mark Sterling’s nuts on Rampage…[c]

My Take: A heavy segment between MJF and Regal. I think MJFgave the stronger performance, and Regal seemed to get a little lost attempting to explain himself. But overall a strong segment that seemed intent on adding more depth to the MJF character. It seems like Regal respects him for being a villain, but disapproves of his lack of any code whatsoever.

Renee Paquette sat down for an interview with Bryan Danielson and Wheeler Yuta. Bryan expressed regret about his loss to Chris Jericho. She followed up and ask about Daniel Garcia, and Bryan said he sees a lot in him and thinks he could surpass a lot of things that he’s done in his career. Wheeler Yuta took exception to this, and asked how Bryan missed the fact that Garcia has been using him? He said Mox and Claudio agree with him, and he wondered what it meant to Bryan when he bled with them to get into Blackpool Combat Club. Yuta said that maybe it was a mistake to meet his hero.

In the arena, Dalton Castle made his elaborate entrance for the ROH Title Match. He was followed by Chris Jericho. 

3. Chris Jericho vs. Dalton Castle for the Ring of Honor World Championship: Jericho offered a handshake to Castle, who reached into his trunks and pulled out a middle finger in response. The action spilled to the floor, where Castle danced around the outside with The Boys. Castle landed several gut wrench suplexes on Jericho. He then made use of the Boys and threw them at Jake Hager on the floor…[c]

Castle landed some chops in the corner, and then tossed Jericho across the ring. He charged at Jericho, but was dumped out to the floor. Jericho attempted a springboard dropkick, but Castle intercepted him and landed a kick to the gut. On the floor, Hager charged at Castle, but he ducked. The Boys then jumped Hager on the outside, and stole his hat. Hager hulked out over his hat and destroyed The Boys and tossed him at the barricade.

Castle tried to kick at Hager, but Jericho rolled him up for a two count. Castle replied with the Julie Newmar submission, but Jericho quickly escaped and landed some forearm strikes. He then applied the Walls of Jericho. Castle reached the ropes for a break, but Jericho sold like he won. He argued with Aubrey Edwards briefly, and Castle landed a lariat. Jericho caught Castle with a forearm shot and went for a Lionsault, but Castle caught him up against the ropes. He landed a German Suplex and hooked the legs for a near fall. He then landed a Bangarang and covered for another close near fall. 

Jericho got back to his feet and traded strikes with Castle. Jericho managed to catch Castle with the Judas Effect to get the win after an awkward looking scuffle.

Chris Jericho defeated Dalton Castle at 12:31

After the match, Jericho joined the rest of Jericho Appreciation Society on the ramp. He said he wasn’t done with the legacy of Ring of Honor. He said he was destroying Champions, Ring Announcers, and now commentators. Menard and Parker dragged Ian Ricabonni from the announce table and set him up for a belt shot from Jericho. Jerry Lynn intervened, and Jericho ended up picking him up instead and delivered a piledriver onto the ROH title belt.

We then got a video package that hyped up the partnership of Luchasaurus and Christian Cage. FTR vs. Serve in our Glory was confirmed for next week’s Dynamite. Bryan Danielson will face Sammy Guevara, and Riho will face Jamie Hayter…[c]

My Take: An entertaining match from Castle and Jericho. It suffered quite a bit because of the lack of suspense around the finish, but Castle and The Boys did well in showing off what they can bring to the table. Jericho’s crusade against ROH continues to do nothing for me, personally.

Backstage, Renee Paquette ran into Keira Hogan and Leila Gray. They were terrified that they hadn’t found Jade’s TBS Championship. Jade found them, and was furious. Keira said she found out Nyla will be at Rampage on Friday in Jacksonville. Jade said she would be there too, and addressed Tony Khan to tell him that she would hold the show hostage until she got her title back. 

In the arena, Hangman Page made his entrance for the Main Event. Moxley started his entrance, but Hangman entered the crowd and met him there to brawl. 

Hangman dragged Moxley into an area with concrete floors and delivered a snap suplex. He then climbed into the crowd and went on top of a staging are to deliver a moonsault onto Moxley below…[c]

They continued to brawl through the crowd and eventually back into the ring area. Once both men got in the ring, the referee rang the bell.

4. Jon Moxley vs. Hangman Page for the AEW World Championship: As you would expect, Moxley was bleeding from the forehead. Hangman dominated the early going with strikes targeting Moxley’s bleeding forehead. Moxley fired back with a Figure Four, but Hangman clawed at his forehead to break free. Hangman landed heavy chops in the corner, but Moxley turned the tables and landed some of his own. Page sent Moxley hard into the corner and then followed up with a Lariat. Hangman taunted the crowd, and Moxley fired back with a cutter.

Moxley landed a lariat in the corner followed by some right hands. He then bit at Hangman’s head before raking his back and pulling him into the ring with a superplex. Mox stomped on Hangman’s face and attempted a cross armbar (juji gatame). He was able to apply it after a struggle, but Hangman quickly reached the ropes. 

The match spilled out to the apron. Moxley attempted a piledriver, but Hangman was able to reverse into a Deadeye…[c]

Moxley and Page battled on the top rope, and Hangman pulled him into the ring with a fallaway slam for a close near fall. Both men traded Lariats that turned each other inside out. The doctors checked on Page because he landed badly face first on the Lariat. The match was called by the refers at this point.

Jon Moxley won via Doctor Stoppage at 11:38

My Take: Welp, here comes MJF. 

William Regal walked to ringside and shook Jon Moxley’s hand. They stretchered Hangman Page out away from the cameras.

We got a blitz of plugs for Rampage and Dynamite next week. They went back to Moxley in the ring. He said he hoped and prayed that Cowboy Hangman Page recovered to 100% so he can come back 100%. He reiterated that this is a dangerous game and you have to be willing to put your body on the line every time you get into the ring. Moxley then called out MJF for what he said earlier, and told him to get his suburban ass out to the ring and challenge him right now. 

MJF walked out with his chip and a referee. Moxley flipped him a double bird. MJF handed his chip to Regal and grabbed a microphone. He told Regal and Moxley that he didn’t want any excuses, or to fight him at 50% after a match, he wanted Moxley at 110% when he beat him clean in the middle of the ring. He then declared that he would challenge Moxley at Full Gear. 

Moxley replied that what he earned was his boot in his mouth, his teeth going down the back of his throat, and his arm up his ass. He promised that he would make an example out of MJF and remind everyone that getting in the ring with him was dangerous to your health.

My Take: There seems to be a lot of debate about the Hangman Page injury on social media. Initially I was of the belief that it was an angle, but on the chance that it was not, then I hope Page is able to make a rapid recovery. He looked like he took the lariat and got his arm out before his head hit, but I’m likely not watching from the best angle on the TV replay. The Mox and Hangman match was a good bit of fun, and the MJF story they are telling is an interesting one. I think the idea that “he’s going to earn it” should be him graduating into being a villain that Regal can approve of, rather than an outright babyface. Just my two cents.


Readers Comments (4)

  1. You didn’t watch the women’s match?

  2. They loosened the lower rope to her Page out of the ring. Wasn’t a work or an angle. He was moving his upper extremities and speaking to the doctor right before getting taken out the ring so hopefully it’s just a stinger.

  3. MJF is slowly starting to pander to the crowd a little too much in my opinion. The idea of him wanting to win the title match on his own is a good one, but I hope this doesn’t end with him turning babyface. Heel champion MJF is much more appealing.

  4. Can I just say this – because I don’t think it’s been said… when the show was over I literally sat there and looked at my wife and said “I don’t think people realize the level of talent these guys have…” Mox and MJF’s promo was more than smooth enough (with some clunks) to make me really wonder for a second if the whole Page injury was a work a la HBK v Owen… just because it didn’t feel over-rushed, felt coherent, felt like it made sense and fit… Kudos to their ability to improv their way through an unexpected final minutes of the show, manage to hype a legit bad ass main event with what I assume is fairly little prep and make me want to watch next week. And while I admit to being a giant mark for MJF, Mox REALLY showed the level of talent he is with his part of that promo. Really impressed by how quickly and how well everyone pivoted on that.

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