10/07 Moore’s Impact Wrestling Bound For Glory audio review: Josh Alexander vs. Eddie Edwards for the Impact World Championship, Jordynne Grace vs. Masha Slamovich for the Knockouts Title, Matt Taven and Mike Bennett vs. Motor City Machine Guns for the Impact Tag Titles, Call Your Shot gauntlet

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

John Moore reviews the Impact Wrestling Bound For Glory pay-per-view event: Josh Alexander vs. Eddie Edwards for the Impact World Championship, Jordynne Grace vs. Masha Slamovich for the Knockouts Title, Matt Taven and Mike Bennett vs. Motor City Machine Guns for the Impact Tag Titles, Call Your Shot gauntlet, and more (42:49)…

Click here for the October 7 Impact Wrestling Bound For Glory audio review. 

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Readers Comments (1)

  1. My thanks for the podcast. After having been a TNA fan way back in the weekly PPVs, I tuned out with the departure of the Good Brothers. I’d had enough of supporting a promotion where the biggest question was who’d be leaing after their big PPVs. I wish them well but enough of this indy promotion thinking anyone cares. Let’s be honest, most fans don’t.

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