9/23 NXT Level Up results: O’Connor’s review of Andre Chase vs. Myles Borne, Bryson Montana vs. Dante Chen, and Indi Hartwell vs. Valentina Feroz

By John O’Connor, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@thereal_JOC

NXT: Level Up (Episode 32)
Taped in Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Streamed September 23, 2022 on Peacock/WWE Network

Dante Chen made his way to the ring as the broadcast team of Sudu Shah, Nigel McGuinness and Matt Camp welcomed us to the show…

1. Bryson Montana vs. Dante Chen. Montana overpowered Chen early before Chen applied a headlock which brought Montana down to the mat. Montana escaped but was met with a dropkick by Chen but Montana took control after nailing Chen with hard clothesline. Montana grounded Chen with Michinoku driver which gained a near fall before applying the bearhug. Montana attempted a powerbomb but Chen escaped and worked over Montana with punches and a clothesline of his own. Montana was rocked with a boot to the jaw and Chen followed up with the fire punch to the chest for the win.

Dante Chen defeated Bryson Montana via pinfall in 5:40.

Backstage, Kelly Kincaid interviewed Myles Borne who said that out of six previous appearances on ‘Level Up’ he is still looking for his first win but maybe it’s lucky number seven in the main event against Andre Chase.

The commentary team hyped Indi Hartwell vs. Valentina Feroz for after the break…[c]

2. Indi Hartwell vs. Valentina Feroz. Fans chanted for Indi early as Feroz worked on the leg before transitioning to an wrist lock sending Hartwell to the mat. A shoulder block by Hartwell saw her take control on Feroz before a flash pin by Feroz saw Feroz gain a nearfall and take the advantage on Hartwell once more. Hartwell hit a dead lift suplex for a two count and worked on the back of Feroz wearing down the Brazilian. Feroz rolled through and hit an arm drag and a dropkick on Hartwell followed by a crossbody but Hartwell hit a quick spinebuster for the victory.

Indi Hartwell defeated Valentina Feroz via pinfall in 4:34. 

The commentary team hyped the main event…[c]

3. Andre Chase (w/Thea Hail, Bodhi Hayward) vs. Myles Borne. A stalemate early before Borne took Chase down which impressed Chase. Chase took down Borne with a shoulder block and a fireman’s carry before working on the neck,  shoulder and arm of Borne.

An exchange of pinning combinations saw Borne eventually roll through and hit Chase with a dropkick. Borne worked on the arm of Chase, but Chase powered up and rocked Borne with the fists to the face and a Russian leg sweep before leading the crowd in chants of ‘Chase-U’. Chase climbed to the top rope and put Borne away with his signature crossbody.

Andre Chase defeated Myles Borne via pinfall in 5:34. 

In the post match, Chase shook the hand of Borne as the show closed.

John’s Ramblings: A solid episode this week, with a continued focus on reestablishing Indi Hartwell as a singles competitor and an apparent tease of Chase-U possibly recruiting Myles Borne based on what happened in the post match of the main event.


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