9/16 NXT Level Up results: O’Connor’s review of Indi Hartwell vs. Amari Miller, Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley vs. Sloane Jacobs and Erica Yan, and Bronco Nima vs. Duke Hudson

By John O’Connor, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@thereal_JOC

NXT: Level Up (Episode 31)
Taped in Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Streamed September 9, 2022 on Peacock/WWE Network

Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley made their way to the ring as the broadcast team of Sudu Shah and Nigel McGuinness welcomed us to the show…

1. Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley vs. Sloane Jacobs and Erica Yan. Paxley, who wore a protective face mask, started the match against Yan. Paxley took down Yan with an arm drag and continued to work on the arm as she tagged in Nile. Nile continued to work on the arm of Yan before Yan took Nile to the corner and tagged in Jacobs. An attempted double team by Yan and Jacobs was foiled as Nile responded with kicks to both women and tagged in Paxley.

Paxley continued the offense until Yan started to work on the face and jaw of Paxley and tagged in Jacobs to continue the beating. Paxley made the hot tag to Nile who dropped both Yan and Jacobs with fists, kicks and a snap suplex to Jacobs. A kick by Nile put Jacobs down once more as Nile tagged in Paxley who climbed onto Nile’s shoulders and hit a twisted splash for the victory.

Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley defeated Sloane Jacobs and Erica Yan via pinfall in 5:20. 

Backstage, Kelly Kincaid interviewed Bronco Nima and Lucien Price who told Kelly that they are more than a team, they have a brotherhood and went to school together. They had separated but are now back together in NXT. Duke Hudson interrupted and said that their fragile egos in this environment could ruin their whole brotherhood. Nima and Price challenged Hudson to a tag match but Hudson declined this as having a partner was not his thing. Nima challenged Hudson to a one on one match next…

The commentary team hyped Bronco Nima vs. Duke Hudson for after the break…[c]

John’s Ramblings: A fun tag match with an establishing win for the new team of Nile and Paxley who worked well as a team. Jacobs and Yan could work as a regular team as well if WWE want to go down that route.

2. Bronco Nima (w/Lucien Price) vs. Duke Hudson. A stalemate as fans got behind Nima early until Hudson applied a headlock. Nima powered out and applied a headlock off his own. Nima hit a clothesline and a Samoan drop on Hudson for a near fall. Hudson retook control after a jab to the throat and applied a sleeper hold on Nima who powered out with a back suplex.

Hudson was hit by a knee to the face and Nima slammed Hudson to the mat. Nima went to finish but stopped to slap hands with his tag partner Lucien Price. This delay allowed Hudson to roll out to the outside and hang Nima on the top rope before hitting a springboard German suplex and a boot to the face for the win.

Duke Hudson defeated Bronco Nima via pinfall  in 5:38. 

The commentary team hyped the main event…[c]

John’s Ramblings: Nima looked okay in there as a singles competitor and for long periods of the match took control on Hudson. I’m fine with the distraction finish somewhat as it continues to establish Hudson but they can’t be splitting up Nima and Price as a team already can they?

3. Indi Hartwell vs. Amari Miller. Miller rolled up Hartwell early and continued to build momentum with a side headlock. Hartwell tried to escape but Miller kept on the pressure until Hartwell hit a series of scoop slams and a elbow drop for a two count. Miller attempted a back fist but Hartwell shoved Miller throat first into the ropes to continue with the advantage. Hartwell grounded Miller with a chinlock. Miller forced Hartwell to the corner to escape and hit forearms and elbows to inflict damage. Miller hit a basement dropkick and went for a sidekick but was hit with a spinebuster from Hartwell which picked up the three count.

Indi Hartwell defeated Amari Miller via pinfall in 5:10. 

John’s Ramblings: It was nice to see Hartwell appear on Level Up, as she continues to move away from the era of ‘InDex’ and reset her character. I’m interested to see where she goes from here and this win over Miller puts her on the right track.


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