Becky Lynch and Undertaker discuss WWE post Vince McMahon

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Becky Lynch and Undertaker spoke with ESPN’s Mike Coppinger regarding life in WWE following the resignation of Vince McMahon. “It is the dawning of a new era,” Lynch said. “For me, it’s crazy and sad because everything I’ve ever known about WWE has always had Vince in charge, and we wouldn’t have WWE the way it is if it wasn’t for Vince. He’s somebody who believed in me and allowed me to do everything that I’ve done…

“We have the opportunity to change some things that maybe weren’t so great that we didn’t love. I think everybody’s very excited and optimistic because we know that the people in charge [are] some of the greatest minds in the business, you know. Having Triple H (Paul Levesque) at the helm of the ship is phenomenal. What he’s done with NXT speaks for itself. What he did with the women’s division and how he allowed us to change the business forever speaks for itself.”

Undertaker spoke spoke highly of Paul “Triple H” Levesque. “I mean, he’s brilliant, he really is,” Taker said. “I don’t think he gets enough credit for his wrestling acumen. I think he’ll be a huge asset to the development of a lot of guys. And he’s a no bullshit kind of guy too. He’s going to let you know what you’re doing that’s right and what you’re doing that’s wrong. I think it’s going to be a step in the right direction with Hunter.” Read the full story at

Powell’s POV: I don’t think WWE officials will be thrilled with Bobby Lashley quote in the story. “It’s not like Vince isn’t going to be there anymore,” Lashley said. “He’s not going to just let his baby that he’s grown to this level just falter. So, he’s still going to be there. He’s just giving other people opportunities to keep pressing on.” Perhaps there will come a time when McMahon can visit, but I don’t think that will happen while he’s still under investigation. That said, it’s a good piece with additional quote from Lynch and Taker, as well as some comments from Levesque’s media session. Thanks to longtime Dot Net reader David Salchow for passing along the story.


Readers Comments (2)

  1. So I guess Lashley’s losing to Ciampa..

  2. Lashley is safe; they have to keep him near the top of the roster until next year for the eventual Wrestlemania matchup with a returning Lesnar. No outside storyline interference this time.

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