7/23 ROH Death Before Dishonor results: Powell’s live review of FTR vs. The Briscoes in a best of three falls match for the ROH Tag Titles, Jonathan Gresham vs. Claudio Castagnoli for the ROH Championship, Samoa Joe vs. Jay Lethal for the ROH TV Title,  Wheeler Yuta vs. Daniel Garcia for the ROH Pure Rules Title

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Ring of Honor “Death Before Dishonor”
Aired live July 23, 2022 on pay-per-view
Lowell, Massachusetts at Tsongas Center

ROH Death Before Dishonor Zero Hour Pre-Show

Ian Riccaboni welcomed viewers to the show and was joined on commentary by Caprice Coleman. Riccaboni turned things over to ring announcer Bobby Cruise for the opening match…

1. Colt Cabana vs. Anthony Henry (w/JD Drake). Cabana extended his hand for the Code of Honor handshake, but Henry slapped it away. The crowd chanted Cabana’s name. Henry was the early aggressor and taunted the crowd in between throwing kicks at Cabana, who started to fire up. However, Henry put Cabana down with a piledriver for a near fall.

Cabana eventually rallied and performed a flying apple and a big clothesline that led to him getting a two count. The action spilled to ringside where Drake tried to get involved. Cabana punched him and threw Henry back inside the ring. While the ref was focused on Henry, Drake hit Cabana with a cheap shot.

Back in the ring, Henry performed a top rope splash on Cabana for a good near fall. Cabana sat up and shook his head no. Henry went for a top rope move, but Cabana stood back and let him crash to the mat. A short time later, Cabana applied the Billy Goat’s Curse. Drake climbed onto the apron, causing Cabana to release the hold. Cabana avoided a charging Henry and then performed a top rope moonsault and scored the pin…

Colt Cabana defeated Anthony Henry in 10:00.

Powell’s POV: A nice opening match with a receptive crowd that loved Cabana and was quick to give Henry the heat that he sought. It is so nice to see a Ring of Honor show without the entrance set directly opposite the hard camera. That was always a pet peeve of mine and it’s nice to cross that one off my regular bitch list (hopefully Impact Wrestling will follow suit for well attended shows). The ring is well lit and the lighting over the crowd off the main floor is dark.

A video package spotlighted the first FTR vs. Briscoes match from ROH Supercard of Honor and set the table for tonight’s rematch. The video package featured comments from Caprice Coleman, Ian Riccaboni, and the FTR duo of Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler…

2. “Shinobi Shadow Squad” Cheeseburger and Eli Isom vs. “Trustbusters” Ari Daivari and Slim J. The teams adhered to the Code of Honor. Late in the match, Slim J performed a double underhook butterfly suplex on Cheeseburger. Isom worked over J briefly, but then J hit him with a cutter. J followed with a crossbody block from the ropes and then Daivari performed a top rope splash on Isom and pinned him…

“Trustbusters” Ari Daivari and Slim J defeated “Shinobi Shadow Squad” Cheeseburger and Eli Isom in 5:30.

Powell’s POV: The match was fine, but the crowd seemed to be as clueless as I am when it comes to what the Trustbusters’ gimmick is all about. I’m happy to see Isom and Cheeseburger, but Shinobi Shadow Squad is one of those gimmicks that really didn’t need to be carried over to this era of ROH. Shoutout to the two fans who seemed to have a spotlight on them throughout the match for no good reason. One of those fans even put shades on.

Prince Nana was interviewed by Lexi Nair in the backstage area. Nana said he purchased Tully Blanchard Enterprises. He said he would be at ringside with members of his faction…

Powell’s POV: I guess that’s a wrap for Tully Blanchard Enterprises. Weird.

3. Brian Cage, Kaun, and Toa (w/Prince Nana) vs. Tony Deppen, Alex Zayne, and Blake Christian. Nana’s crew was billed as “The Embassy.” The teams had tense handshakes. Kaun gave Zayne double birds and got him to chase him to ringside and then back in the ring. Toa made a blind tag and took out Zayne. Kaun and Toa made quick tags and isolated Zayne. Cage tagged and performed a deadlift superplex.

Christian eventually tagged in and popped the crowd with some high spots. Deppen joined in with a dive that drew some ROH chants. Zayn took out Cage. Christian hit Cage with a 450 splash and then Deppen hit him with a running knee. Christian covered Cage for a good near fall.

There was a series of rapid fire spots that concluded with Cage performing a discus clothesline on Deppen. Cage set up for a powerbomb, but he was hit with a double enzuigiri by Christian and Zayne. Toa and Kaun took out Christian and Zayne and sent them to ringside. Deppen tried to fight Toa and Kaun. Cage popup powerbombed Deppen. Kaun performed a gutbuster. Toa held up Deppen and then Cage threw a running boot to the face. Cage covered Deppen and scored the pin…

Brian Cage, Kaun, and Toa defeated Tony Deppen, Alex Zayne, and Blake Christian in 11:35.

Powell’s POV: Good action. The crowd really came to life for the babyface trio’s big offensive burst. The powerhouse team going over was the right move this early in their run.

A video package aired on the ROH Pure Rules Championship match…

4. Willow Nightingale vs. Allysin Kay. Willow got a big babyface reaction during her entrance. The wrestlers adhered to the Code of Honor. Kay was on the offensive early. A “let’s go Willow” chant broke out. Willow rallied and threw multiple clotheslines. Willow performed a missile dropkick for a two count.

Kay came back and went for a cross arm breaker, but Willow avoided it and slammed her face into the mat. Kay performed a Deadeye style move for a near fall. Willow avoided the AK47, then hit the Pounce on Kay. Willow eventually powerbombed Kay and pinned her clean…

Willow Nightingale defeated Allysin Kay in 7:50.

Powell’s POV: The match had some clunky moments, but the fans were definitely behind Willow, whose popularity continues to grow. It’s good to see. She’s a likable personality and she has a bright future. That pretty much puts a wrap on the pre-show. I know ROH is in-ring heavy, but I wish they would have scrapped one match in favor of more mic work given that they don’t have weekly television.

The broadcast team ran through the pay-per-view lineup and then a video package aired on the ROH World Championship match… Riccaboni and Coleman put a wrap on the pre-show…

ROH Death Before Dishonor Pay-Per-View

Ring announcer Bobby Cruise stood in the ring and delivered introductions for the ROH World Championship match. William Regal came out with Claudio Castagnoli, whose graphic noted that he has never held a singles world championship. Jonathan Gresham made his entrance…

1. Jonathan Gresham (Prince Nana) vs. Claudio Castagnoli for the ROH Championship. Regal sat in on commentary. The wrestlers adhered to the Code of Honor. Castagnoli charged for an uppercut when the bell rang, but Gresham saw it coming and avoided it. There were dueling chants with the Castagnoli chants winning out. Prince Nana, who did not accompany Gresham to the ring, walked to ringside. Castagnoli performed an early Swing.

After some back and forth action, Castagnoli stood over Gresham and hit him with rapid fire elbows, which Riccaboni said was taking a page out of Gresham’s book. Castagnoli performed a Ricola Bomb (sit-out powerbomb) on Gresham and then pinned him clean. Confetti shot off for the title change.

Claudio Castagnoli defeated Jonathan Gresham in 11:30 to win the ROH World Championship.

Castagnoli celebrated with the original ROH Championship belt and kissed it while Regal stood and smiled at ringside. Gresham approached Castagnoli and shook his hand. Gresham left the ring and then Castagnoli took a victory lap by running around inside the ring, then he went to ringside and took another lap. Castagnoli put the belt on and had Regal spin it around for him…

Powell’s POV: A good match that was surprisingly brief. In fact, I was legitimately surprised that the Ricola Bomb led to the pin. I expected something more epic considering who was involved. I’m also not sure why they felt the need to turn Gresham heel on Lee Moriarty only for him to work a straight forward match and then shake Castagnoli’s hand afterward. All of that said, the live crowd ate up the title change, so this worked. And the fact that this match opened the show has to mean that the FTR vs. Briscoe match will take its rightful position as the show’s main event.

Riccaboni and Coleman spoke at ringside and hyped the ROH Pure Rules Championship match…

Backstage, Daniel Garcia was interviewed by Lexi Nair, who recalled Wheeler Yuta stating that Garcia is unworthy of the Pure Championship. Garcia mentioned that he’s a sports entertainer and also took issue with the added rules of the Pure Rules division. Garcia said he’s going to win the title and then take it to AEW Dynamite and break it into a million pieces with the Jericho Appreciation Society.

Powell’s POV: So Garcia isn’t winning? By the way, Cary Silkin didn’t present Castagnoli with the title belt after the title change, so I guess this really is a new era of ROH. Update: A friend let me know that Silkin is not at the show, so that explains it.

The broadcast team hyped additional matches and then entrances for the six-man tag title match took place…

2. “The Righteous” Vincent, Bateman, and Dutch (w/Vita VonStarr) vs. Dalton Castle and The Boys for the ROH Six-Man Tag Titles. Castle threw his Boys onto the members of The Righteous while they were at ringside. Comically, the Boys kept returning to the ring and Castle kept throwing them back out onto their opponents.

VonStarr climbed onto the apron and distracted Castle and The Boys, and then the Righteous trio returned to the ring and attacked them from behind. Dutch performed an impressive for his size flip dive onto the Boys on the floor. Dutch threw one of the Boys back inside the ring where Bateman picked him up and slammed him to the mat. Dutch powerbombed the Boy, and then Vincent performed a Swanton and had the pin, but Castle broke it up.

Castle fought off Dutch and Bateman, but Vincent threw Castle to ringside. Castle ended up putting Vincent down on the floor with a huracanrana. In the ring, Dutch hit a Bossman Slam on one of the Boys. Castle took out Dutch. Castle hit his Bangarang finisher on Bateman and pinned him…

Dalton Castle and The Boys defeated “The Righteous” Vincent, Bateman, and Dutch in 9:40 to win the ROH Six-Man Tag Titles.

Powell’s POV: With that title change, Tony Khan has now booked new champions across the board since he took over ROH.

A pre-taped interview aired with Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, and Satnam Singh. Dutt noted that they were wearing all white and said the only reason to do that in the Indian culture is when you attend a funeral. He said that’s what tonight would be for Samoa Joe. Lethal closed out the promo…

3. Wheeler Yuta vs. Daniel Garcia for the ROH Pure Rules Championship. Regal accompanied Yuta to ringside and then sat in on commentary again. Josh Woods, John Walter, and Ace Steel were the judges for the match and sat at ringside. The wrestlers had a tense handshake to start. The onscreen graphic that lists the time and the rope break count returned for this match. Regal said he’s a big fan of Garcia, but he doesn’t like the company that he keeps.

Garcia picked up Yuta in suplex position and instead tossed him to ringside. Garcia followed him to the floor and ran him into the barricade twice. Back inside the ring, Yuta came back with a slam and a senton. A short time later, Garcia bit the ear of Yuta. Regal said you have to do that sometimes and you wouldn’t hear Yuta complaining about it.

Garcia placed Yuta on the top rope and then twisted his ankle. Yuta grabbed Garcia’s ear. Yuta threw a missile dropkick. Riccaboni said the show had record buys and was trending number one on Twitter. The wrestlers eventually stood in the middle of the ring and traded slaps, which got a rise out of the crowd. Yuta dropped Garcia, who pulled himself up using the ropes at the referee’s nine count. Yuta suplexed Garcia and bridged while getting a near fall.

A short time later, Yuta caught Garcia in a crossface. Garcia rolled Yuta onto his back and then countered into a Sharpshooter. Yuta escaped and countered into another crossface, but Garcia slipped out and applied a Regal Stretch. Garcia gave up the hold and threw knees at Yuta, who then took him down and applied a Walls of Jericho. Garcia reached the ropes to use his first rope break.

Garcia battled back and had Yuta on his back while holding his arms. Yuta spat in the face of Garcia, then rolled him into a pin and got the three count.

Wheeler Yuta beat Daniel Garcia in 15:55 to retain the ROH Pure Rules Championship.

After the match, Yuta offered a handshake, but Garcia flipped him off and left the ring. Garcia flipped off the ROH logo as he headed to the back…

Powell’s POV: The match started slow and got better as it moved forward. I was surprised that they didn’t do more with the Pure Rules. Aside from the one rope break, it was like a standard rules match.

4. Rush (w/Jose) vs. Dragon Lee. Coleman spoke about all of the different countries that Lee has trained in and called him the most unpredictable wrestler on the roster. Lee offered his brother a handshake. Rush looked around and then shook Lee’s hand and hugged him.

Rush went on the offensive early and hit a flip dive onto Lee on the floor. Rush ran his brother into the ringside barricade several times. A short time later, Lee returned the favor with a flip dive of his own. Lee put Rush on a table at ringside and then performed a crazy suicide dive that broke the table.

Back inside the ring, the brothers traded forearms in the middle of the ring. Rush ended up performing a nice suplex. He stood up and charged at Lee and then crashed into him in an awkward moment. They spoke to one another brief and then went back to work. They ended up on the apron where they traded chops. Rush kicked Lee, who fired back with a knee strike. Lee set up for a running knee, but Rush suplexed Lee off the apron to the floor.

Lee came back and went for an huracanrana on Rush, who was on the apron. It was a little off and both men stayed down on the floor and were checked on by the referee. Both men barely beat the referee’s twenty count by returning to the ring at nineteen.

Rush and Lee met in the middle of the ring and had another chop exchange. Rush performed an overhead suplex that tossed Lee into the corner. Rush hit his Bull’s Horn’s dropkick on his brother in the corner. Rush covered Lee, who kicked out. Coleman said he’s never seen anyone kick out of the move. A “this is awesome” chant broke out.

Rush put Lee on the ropes and tried to join him, but Lee tripped him up so that he was hanging in the ropes. Lee double stomped Rush and then covered him for just a one count. Lee performed a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall. Lee lowered his kneepad and hit his Incinerator (running knee) and got a near fall.

Lee set up for a move, but Rush fell over and acted like he was out. Lee checked on Rush and then covered him, who kicked out. Rush superkicked Lee and then hit him with a running forearm. Rush hit Bull’s Horns again and then pinned Lee while the broadcast team said he took advantage of his own brother…

Rush defeated Dragon Lee in 15:50.

Powell’s POV: There were some awkward moments, but there was far more good than bad. The brothers worked hard and produced a quality match. The broadcast team did a really nice job of telling the story of the finish with Rush taking advantage of his brother’s concern for him.

A video package set up the ROH Women’s Championship match…

5. Mercedes Martinez vs. Serena Deeb for the ROH Women’s Championship. The wrestlers adhered to the Code of Honor. They brought the crowd down with some early mat wrestling. They eventually ended up at ringside. Martinez put Deeb on the apron and then hoisted her up, but Deeb held onto the rope and elbowed herself free. Deeb speared Martinez on the apron.

Back inside the ring, Deeb applied a dragon sleeper and then flipped over from the middle rope and turned into a cutter style move and got a two count. Martinez rallied and got Deeb seated on the top rope and tried to suplex her, but Deeb held on. Martinez applied a submission hold briefly and tried to suplex her again, but Deeb held on and threw more elbows.

Martinez ended up caught in the tree of woe. Deeb pulled up Martinez and threw kicks to her back, then hit her with a running dropkick that freed Martinez. Deeb applied a submission hold on a standing Martinez, who eventually was able to fling her off.

Both women ended up seated in the middle of the ring and threw kicks at one another. Deeb ended up rolling up Martinez, who rolled through and blasted Deeb with a knee to the face. Martinez charged Deeb in the corner. Deeb moved out of the way and then went to the ropes, but Martinez kicked her.

Deeb went up behind Martinez on the ropes and suplexed her. Deeb took a wicked bump. Damn. Deeb held the back of her neck. Martinez got Deeb on her knees and then threw some shots to her chest. Martinez ran the ropes for a move, but Deeb fell to the mat before she could hit it. Martinez went for a surfboard stretch, but Deeb bit her arm.

Martinez set up for a move, but Deeb countered into a neckbreaker. Deeb performed a tornado DDT and then applied the Serenity Lock. The crowd came to life. Martinez rolled out of the hold and into a pin for a two count. Deeb performed a dragon screw leg whip. Deeb drove Matinez’s left knee onto the mat several times. Deeb grabbed Martinez’s leg, but Martinez rolled over and sent Deeb crashing into the corner.

Martinez stood up under Deeb and got her in electric chair position and left her standing on the middle rope. Martinez kicked Deeb and then hit a rough OG Drop for a two count. Martinez applied her Brass City Sleeper submission finisher and forced Deeb to tap out…

Mercedes Martinez defeated Serena Deeb in 17:20 to retain the ROH Women’s Championship.

Powell’s POV: The live crowd was flat for the majority of the match, but they did wake up a bit down the stretch. Both wrestlers worked really hard and deserved better, but it’s hard to blame the crowd because the build to the match was nothing special and I still don’t feel like I know anything about Martinez’s character in AEW/ROH.

6. Samoa Joe vs. Jay Lethal for the ROH TV Title. Lethal came out and first and was accompanied by Sonjay Dutt and Satnam Singh, but he motioned for them to stay behind. Lethal was at ringside when Joe came out. They brawled immediately. Joe got the better of the brawl, but Singh came out and hit Joe from behind. Coleman pointed out that Lethal could not be disqualified because the match had not officially started. Lethal put a chair in front of Joe and ran him into the ring post. Lethal threw Joe inside the ring.

The referee ejected Singh and then called for the bell to officially start the match. Lethal had the early advantage, but Joe eventually fought back and hit him with an enzuigiri in the corner. Joe went for the pin, but Lethal put his foot on the bottom rope. Later, Joe turned Lethal inside out with a clotheslined and covered him for a two count. Lethal came back with a Lethal Combination for a two count of his own.

Lethal went for a figure four, but Joe kicked him in the face to avoid it. Lethal got up and stomped Joe’s knee, slapped him, and went for the move again, but Joe kicked him away. Joe got back to his feet and was hit with an elbow. Lethal sat Joe on the top rope and chopped him. Lethal went for a Muscle Buster, but Joe avoided taking his own move by knocking Lethal off the ropes. Joe put Lethal down with a leg lariat and covered him for a two count.

Joe sent for a Muscle Buster, but Lethal slipped away. Lethal dropped Joe with a Lethal Injection and covered him for a good near fall. Joe rallied with a uranage. Joe placed Lethal on the top rope to set up for his finisher, but Sonjay Dutt ran out and climbed onto the apron. Joe went after Dutt. Lethal hit Joe with the ROH TV Title belt and covered him for a great near fall.

Lethal went for a Lethal Injection. Joe stuffed it and set up for the Coquina Clutch, but Lethal sat down and gave him a jawbreaker. Lethal rolled up Joe for a two count, but then Joe applied the Coquina Clutch and got the submission win.

Samoa Joe defeated Jay Lethal in 12:20 to retain the ROH TV Title.

Powell’s POV: A good, suspenseful match. The near falls down the stretch were believable. Joe was super over with the live crowd, which was hot from start to finish.

The broadcast team announced the following matches for Wednesday’s AEW Dynamite: Jon Moxley vs. Rush for the Interim AEW World Championship, Thunder Rosa vs. Miyu Yamashita for the AEW Women’s Championship, Ricky Starks vs. Danhausen for the FTW Championship, Tony Nese and Mark Sterling vs. Swerve Strickland in a handicap match, and the returning Bryan Danielson vs. Daniel Garcia…

The following matches were announced for Friday’s AEW Rampage: Ethan Page vs. Leon Ruffin, and Matt Sydal vs. Lee Moriarty…

A video package set up the main event…

7. “FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler vs. Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe in a best of three falls match for the ROH Tag Titles. Bobby Cruise delivered in-ring introductions for the match and noted that it had a sixty-minute time limit. The teams met in the middle of the ring for an intense staredown and jawed at one another. There were dueling chants for the teams.

Harwood had his left shoulder taped. Jay performed a side suplex and covered Harwood for a two count. Harwood rolled to the floor and the trainer came over and checked on him. Harwood returned to the ring and Wheeler tagged in. Harwood also sold the shoulder a short time later after he dropped an elbow on one of his opponents.

The Briscoes isolated Wheeler for a stretch. Harwood eventually took a hot tag and worked over both Briscoes. Harwood performed a pair of suplexes on Jay, but Mark caught him with a shot to the back. Harwood caught Mark in a small package for a two count and then picked up two more two counts. The Briscoes both hit Harwood with big boots in their corner to turn the tide.

Wheeler returned and took out Mark with a running clothesline on the apron. Jay superkicked Harwood in the ring. Harwood stuffed the Jay Driller and then teased punching Jay, who ducked, and then ate a DDT for a close near fall. Harwood went for a Jay Driller, but Jay stuffed it and then catapulted Harwood into the Briscoes’ corner where Harwood ended up hitting the ring post. The Briscoes hit the Doomsday Device on Harwood and then Mark pinned him.

Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe beat Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler to win the first fall in 16:30.

The Briscoes continued to isolate Harwood as the second fall started. Mark threw a series of chops at Harwood at ringside, and Harwood’s chest was bloody. Eventually, Harwood suplexed Mark, who tagged out. Jay ran in and kicked Wheeler off the apron. Harwood executed two suplexes on Jay and then placed him on the top turnbuckle. Jay punched Mark off the apron. Harwood wanted to tag out, but Wheeler was still down. Harwood climbed up behind Jay and gave him a back suplex from the ropes.

Harwood got up and reached for the tag, but Mark pulled Wheeler off the apron, which drew boos from the crowd. Jay brought Harwood back to his corner. The Briscoes hit Redneck Boogie on Harwood for a near fall. Harwood and Mark traded chops a short time later. Harwood ducked a clothesline and then backed into his corner and finally made the tag.

Wheeler worked over Mark and put him down with a brainbuster for a near fall. Mark came back and wanted to hit Redneck Boogie again, but Harwood stopped Jay from performing his end of the move. Wheeler performed a Gory Special on Mark for a close near fall. Jay dumped Harwood into the front row and then stood on the other side of the barricade and traded punches with him. Wheeler and Mark also fought to ringside briefly before eventually returning to the ring.

Wheeler crossbody blocked Mark for a two count. When Wheeler got up, Jay hit him with the ring bell from the floor. Mark covered Wheeler for a near fall. Jay put Wheeler down with a Death Valley Driver. Mark performed a top rope elbow drop, but Wheeler broke up the pin. Wheeler bled from the ring post spot. Harwood gave Mark a flapjack onto the ring steps. Jay returned to the ring. Harwood made a blind tag and then he and Wheeler hit Jay with the Big Rig and then Harwood pinned him.

Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler beat Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe to win the second fall in 29:30.

A fight forever chant broke out. Mark came up bleeding from the ring steps spot and ended up fighting with a bloody Wheeler inside the ring. Harwood tagged in and was suplexed by Mark. Harwood and Mark ended up trading strikes on the apron and Harwood fell to the floor. Mark performed a blockbuster off the apron on Harwood.

Harwood and Jay ended up back inside the ring where Harwood performed a piledriver for a near fall. Mark tagged in and the Briscoes set up for the Doomsday Device, but Wheeler broke it up. FTR called for the Big Rig, but Jay fought and avoided it. Harwood swung at Jay, who ducked, and Harwood had to go way out of his way to punch the referee. REF BUMP!!! Jay hit the Jay Driller on Harwood and got a visual pinfall while the referee was down.

The Briscoes set up for another Doomsday Device, but Wheeler broke it up again. Jay threw punches at both FTR members. He went to the ropes and leapt off and they hit him with the Big Rig. Harwood covered Jay. Wheeler got the referee back in the ring and he made a two count before Jay kicked out. Coleman said it was the first time in history that anyone has kicked out of the Big Rig.

Harwood brought Jay to the ropes with the intention of superplexing him before Wheeler splashed him. Mark took out Wheeler, and Jay turned the tables on Jay. The Briscoe performed the Doomday Device on Harwood and had him pinned, but Wheeler returned to broke up the pin.

A short time later, there was an awkward spot where it looked like Wheeler was supposed to suplex Mark to ringside, but they didn’t go over the ropes and landed awkwardly before rolling to the floor. Jay and Harwood fought in the ring. Harwood threw a bit clothesline and covered Jay, who countered by hooking him into a pin for a near fall. Harwood had a cut above his right eye. Jay applied a Camel Clutch. Wheeler returned to the ring only to have Mark put him in the same hold. Harwood reached the ropes to break it. A loud FTR chant broke out.

The Briscoes set up for a Doomsday Device on Harwood, but Wheeler ran up the ropes and ended up suplexing Mark through a table on the floor. Jay hit the Jay Driller on Harwood and covered him for a great near fall. Jay wanted to perform the move again, but Harwood fell to the mat twice. Dueling chants started again. Jay picked up Harwood for a third try, but Harwood powered up and set Jay on the top turnbuckle. Harwood joined him on the middle rope, but Jay knocked him down with punches. Harwood shot right up and went back to the middle rope and then performed a piledriver. Harwood rolled over onto Jay and scored the pin…

“FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler beat Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe to win a best of three falls match in 43:25 to retain the ROH Tag Titles.

Coleman said it was the greatest match that he’s ever seen in his life. Harwood got up and played to the crowd, then hugged his tag team partner. Harwood went to ringside and celebrated with family and friends. The FTR duo returned to the ring and Wheeler brought a microphone with him. Harwood rolled out and offered Jay a handshake at ringside, but Jay didn’t oblige.

Wheeler asked the Briscoes to let the people show them the appreciation that they deserve. The crowd gave them a standing ovation. The Briscoes joined FTR inside the ring and shook their hands. The teams hugged. Harwood got the mic and said, “Motherf—er, I love professional wrestling.” Harwood recalled talking about how much he loves his daughter. He said he talks every day about how much he loves his wife. He said tonight he was talking about how much he loved the fans.

Wheeler took the mic and pointed to the carnage at ringside and spoke about fighting like an eight-year-old girl (playing on Harwood’s promo about his daughter). Harwood said you can call him a mark if you want to, but he loves this shit. He closed by saying, “Top Guys, out.”

Claudio Castagnoli, Wheeler Yuta, and William Regal walked onto the stage. The broadcast team wondered if they were applauding or if it was a champions’ challenge. Castagnoli and Yuta raised their belts in the air, and then FTR did the same. Riccaboni closed by delivering his “happy wresting” line, and then Coleman said that this is what ROH is all about and when you tune in for ROH you will see the best.

Powell’s POV: Fight forever. This is wrestling. All these guys. This is awesome. All of it. As much as I tend to roll my eyes at those overused chants, this match was worthy. I adored the first match between these teams. I had my hopes set extremely high for the rematch and they blew them away. This was so much fun. For those who didn’t watch live, you can get your money’s worth by ordering the replay for the main event alone.

Overall, this was a good show that the main event made great. I will have more to say in my same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Grade the show and vote for the best match in our post event polls below.

ROH Death Before Dishonor Poll: Grade the overall show

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ROH Death Before Dishonor Poll: Vote for the best match

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Readers Comments (14)

  1. I wonder if TheLamestOne will crap all over this show.

  2. THEGREATESTTHREE July 23, 2022 @ 8:20 pm

    Only if Mommy shelled out the money for the show.

  3. TheGreatestTwo July 23, 2022 @ 9:11 pm

    He doesn’t pay, instead he shills the site he uses to illegally intercept the broadcast for free. He’s actually proud of that >.<

  4. THEGREATESTTHREE July 23, 2022 @ 9:36 pm

    I do remember him boasting of this.

  5. TheGreatestTwo July 23, 2022 @ 10:04 pm

    To be honest he can shit all over it all he likes, I have YET to regret buying a PPV for AEW or RoH and I honestly don’t care what Jim Cornette shock jock talking points he wants to spit out.

    I love pro wrestling, I love watching AEW. Is it perfect? Far from it but the good outweighs the bad for me. I’m not gonna crap over WWE cos guess what? I liked that too at one time but I’m glad I have an alternative.

    FTR vs The Briscoes was a fantastic way to end the night and whilst the buy-in wasn’t perfect and not every match on the main card was strong the end result was more than worth what I paid.

    But I’m done with the anti-wwe/anti-aew rhetoric. Watch what you enjoy, enjoy what you watch and stop feeding the troll! ^^

  6. THEGREATESTTHREE July 23, 2022 @ 10:11 pm

    Agreed. I’ve not watched a single moment of WWE programming in 4 years. But I never trash it on here. I just ignore it.

  7. Michael Tilley July 23, 2022 @ 10:16 pm

    I don’t know if I was seeing things or what but it looked like Jay’s foot was under the bottom rope on the final pin.

    • Possibly. I just watched the finish again after seeing your comment. It’s hard to tell from the angles they showed. Heck, I hope so because it creates the need for a rematch.

  8. Patrick Peralta July 23, 2022 @ 10:24 pm

    There’s a new Ring of Honor World Champion and it’s Claudio Castagnoli!…

    congrats to him and adding more gold to the Black Pool Combat Club.

  9. I am such a huge fan of Claudio (from way back to the KoW) days. I wish his first world title wasn’t for a minor league subsidy and I wish the match itself had been more memorable and had more buildup. But it looks from reports like this was a hot shot change due to Gresham being unhappy. Nonetheless good for Claudio!!

  10. Tony Khan: I care about Bryan Danielson’s health and that’s why I don’t want him back until he’s 100%

    Also Tony Khan: watch me book one of the more dangerous moves in Pro Wrestling and let’s make it from the 2nd rope for good measure.

  11. Tony Khan actually books every move in a wrestling match?

  12. If you’re trying to tell me the booker of a promotion doesn’t know the finish to his damn main event of a PPV all hope is lost for you in this world.

  13. I’m trying to tell you that I know how to use a comma. Maybe you should go back to 3rd grade English class?

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