Rita Chatterton and Vince McMahon story chronicled by New York Magazine, former WWE enhancement wrestler says Chatterton shared her story with him following the 1986 alleged incident

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Former WWE referee Rita Chatterton spoke to New York Magazine’s Abraham Riesman about her 1992 claim that she was raped by Vince McMahon in the summer of 1986. The story includes quotes from former WWE enhancement wrestler Leonard Inzitari, who wrestled as Mario Mancini, and recalled Chatterton telling him the story.

“I remember it like it was yesterday,” Inzitari said of a conversation he had with Chatterton after the alleged incident in 1986. “She was a wreck. She was shaking. She was crying.” Inzitari shared additional details of what Chatterton told him about the alleged incident. “Was she taken advantage of? Absolutely,” he said. “Was she scared to death? Absolutely. Did she wanna do that? Probably not.”

Chatterton also commented on McMahon recently stepping back from his duties as WWE Chairman and CEO due to a board of directors investigation. “He’s not gonna pay for what he did to me,’ Chatterton said. “Now this girl’s come forward, and I’m sure others will come forward. Because we’re not the only two. There’s not a doubt in my mind about that.” Read the full story at NYMag.com.

Powell’s POV: Chatterton initially went public with her allegations in 1992 on Geraldo Rivera’s Now It Can Be Told television show. The statute of limitations had passed before Chatterton went public with her story and thus charges could not be filed. McMahon declined to comment on this story, and his attorney Jerry McDevitt has previously labeled Chartterton’s claims as “false allegations.”


Readers Comments (1)

  1. TheGreatestOne June 27, 2022 @ 7:22 pm

    Now, if they can prove something like this, then Vince has to go. NDAs and payoffs with personal money for consensual acts are nothing to worry about. If there’s legit evidence of rape or other types of sexual harassment, then the board has to remove him.

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