MLW Fusion results: Powell’s review of Alexander Hammerstone vs. Cesar Duran for the MLW Heavyweight Championship, Microman, Aerostar, and El Dragon vs. Arez, TJP, and Mini Abismo Negro, and Davey Richards vs. Danny “Limelight” Rivera

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling Fusion (Episode 146)
Taped April 1, 2022 in Dallas, Texas at Gilley’s
Streamed May 26, 2022 on the MLW’s YouTube Page and FITE TV

Footage aired from outside the venue, including Mister Saint Laurent driving a motorcycle with Microman in the sidecar. The duo arrived at the building in what was labeled as the Micro Mobile and the fans chanted for Microman. Two of Cesar Duran’s masked henchmen arrived and passed a note to MSL, who read it and said it stated that if Microman loses his match, then he’s gone from MLW forever…

Rivera and Julius Smokes made their entrance. Rivera was listed as Danny “Limelight” Rivera. He cut an in-ring promo in which he heeled on the Dallas Cowboys and Davey Richards fans. Richards made his entrance… The broadcast team was Rich Bocchini and Joe Dombrowski, and Tim Barr was the ring announcer…

1. Davey Richards vs. Danny “Limelight” Rivera (w/Julius Smokes). Rivera got a good amount of offense early on and played to the crowd for heat heading into a commercial break. [C] Late in the match, Richards caught Rivera with a kick to the head. He followed up with a suplex and a clothesline for a near fall. Richards performed a Gotch style piledriver and scored the clean pin…

Davey Richards defeated Danny “Limelight” Rivera.

Bocchini interviewed Richards at ringside. Richards said there was no shame in losing to MLW Heavyweight Champion Alex Hammerstone. He indicated that he’s now focused on taking the MLW National Openweight Championship from Alex Kane…

Masked henchmen stood outside of Cesar Duran’s office and held their hands up to indicate that the camera was not allowed inside the room… A video package recapped some of the drama involving Hammerstone and Duran…

They cut back to the shot of the henchmen standing guard in front of Duran’s office. Mads Krugger pushed the door open and knocked both henchmen out of the way. Duran was shown sitting at his desk while the broadcast team wondered why Krugger and Duran were talking… The broadcast team hyped the Microman match as coming up next… [C]

Powell’s POV: A quality match to open the show. Rivera primarily works tag matches as part of 5150, so he can absorb the loss, whereas Richards needs wins after losing the MLW Title match to Hammerstone.

A Battle Riot control center segment aired for the June 23 event in New York at Melrose Ballroom. EJ Nduka, Jacob Fatu, Mini Abismo Negro, the legendary Budd Heavy, Matt Cross, and Ross Von Erich were announced as new entrants for the Battle Riot match…

Cesar Duran was shown warming up in a karate gi while a henchmen held up a board. Ross Von Erich and Marshall Von Erich interrupted to ask when they will get their shot at the MLW Tag Titles. Duran blew them off. Marshall turned and punched the board that the henchmen was holding…

The heel trio and their sidekicks made their entrance for the trios match. Mister Saint Laurent stood in the ring and delivered a big introduction for Microman…

2. Microman, Aerostar, and El Dragon vs. TJP, Mini Abismo Negro, and Arez (w/Holidead, Dr. Dax). Mister Saint Laurent sat in on commentary for the match. They took a break a few minutes into the match. [C] At one point, Microman made all three heels back up. When they moved forward, he backed up. The comedy spot was followed by dives from Microman’s partners.

Cameras cut backstage where masked henchmen were shown knocking on the Los Parks locker room door. There were additional dives by the babyfaces that were preceded by the heels standing on the floor and looking up at them while waiting to be dove onto.

TJP and Microman ended up alone in the ring. TJP attempted to apply a Sharpshooter and a figure four, but he couldn’t put Microman in the holds due to his small legs. Microman took TJP down and caught him in an armbar. Negro broke it up with a stomp. Negro slammed Microman to the mat. TJP went for a Mamba Splash, but Microman moved. Microman hit a 619 on TJP and ended up pinning Negro…

Microman, Aerostar, and El Dragon defeated Arez, TJP, and Mini Abismo Negro.

Powell’s POV: The usual Microman style match. I get a kick out of it, but I totally understand why it’s not for everyone.

An “all access” segment aired on Calvin Tankman. He spoke about his early success and how his unbeaten streak ended when he faced Jacob Fatu for the MLW World Championship. Tankman said he hopes to bounce back. He spoke about his desire to be a legend in the wrestling business, in his community, and to his family…

Duran was warming up backstage when a masked henchmen whispered to him. Duran indicated that the henchmen told him that Los Parks was there and then told the henchmen to open the door. Jacob Fatu burst into the room instead and headbutted the henchmen. Fatu recalled telling Duran not to play him, and then said he would see their punk asses later…

A Killer Kross video package aired… [C] The broadcast team announced NZO vs. KC Navarro, and Flamita vs. Bandido for next week’s Fusion… The MLW Heavyweight Championship roll call video aired followed by a tale of the tape. Duran was listed as being 5’7″ and 142 pounds…

Cesar Duran made his entrance in his gi and was accompanied by two masked henchmen and two referees. Alex Hammerstone made his entrance. Tim Barr delivered in-ring introductions for the title match and had an over the top, gushing introduction that he read for Duran. He stood on the ropes and mugged for the camera, then fell back into the arms of two masked henchmen, who flipped him over back onto his feet. Funny. Barr read a comically insulting introduction for Hammerstone.

Duran called for a mic and asked the crowd if they were ready for violence. Duran said Hammerstone looked like he was ready to get his ass kicked. Duran goaded Hammerstone into fighting with one arm behind his back. Hammerstone said it wouldn’t be a problem and let the referee use a chain and handcuffs to tie his left arm behind his back. Duran also had his henchmen bring him a chair.

3. Alexander Hammerstone vs. Cesar Duran for the MLW Heavyweight Championship. Richard Holliday and Alicia Atout made their entrance. Holliday said the situation seemed like a giant joke. Holliday said Duran shouldn’t be wrestling for the championship. Holliday and Atout entered the ring while Holliday said that if anyone should be wrestling for the championship, it should be him.

Holliday attacked Hammerstone and worked him over with the chair and then mounted him and threw punches while Atout encouraged him. At some point, the referee disqualified Duran.

Alex Hammerstone beat Cesar Duran by DQ to retain the MLW Heavyweight Championship.

Duran spoke over the mic and then Mads Krugger and King Muertes came out. Ross Von Erich and Marshall Von Erich ran out to help Hammerstone. Duran booked Alex Hammerstone, Ross Von Erich, and Marshall Von Erich vs. Richard Holliday, Mads Krugger, and King Muertes for a future episode…

Powell’s POV: The “match” was pretty much what you had to expect. Still, I got a kick out of Duran busting our the karate gi and acting like he saw himself as a serious threat to Hammerstone, and the ring introductions were comical. I wish the build to this match had been better. It felt rushed to the extent that I don’t recall Hammerstone even speaking about it. And it’s pretty silly that Duran stacked the deck against Hammerstone just to take a DQ loss. Overall, Fusion featured a good opening match and a disjointed, yet entertaining angle to close the show. I will be by later today with my weekly audio review of MLW Fusion for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).


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