12/23 MLW Fusion Results: Low Ki vs. Tom Lawlor in the finals of the Opera Cup tournament, The Dirty Blondes return, Kings of Colosseum hype

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling Fusion (Episode 115)
Taped in Orlando, Florida at GILT Nightclub
Streamed December 23, 2020 on Fubo Sports, Pluto TV, and MLW’s YouTube Page

Rich Bocchini narrated a video package on the Opera Cup’s history, including Davey Boy Smith Jr. winning last year… The Fusion opening aired… Bocchini was joined on commentary by St. Laurent. The duo checked in while standing in front of an MLW backdrop and hyped the show’s card…

1. “The Dirty Blondes” Leo Brien and Michael Patrick (w/Aria Blake) vs. Ariel Dominguez and Daniel Starling. Col. Robert Parker was not at ringside, but he was still listed as presenting the team. Patrick hoisted up Starling and then passed him off Brien, who powerslammed him from the middle rope and then scored the pin…

“The Dirty Blondes” Leo Brien and Michael Patrick defeated Ariel Dominguez and Daniel Starling in 1:36.

Powell’s POV: Just a quick showcase win for the Blondes. With the Von Erichs holding the tag titles, it’s logical to build up the Blondes and other tag teams as heel challengers.

Bocchini recapped last week’s drama involving Alex Hammerstone and Mads Krugger…

Alex Hammerstone delivered a backstage promo. He said that putting him on the shelf for a month was the dumbest thing that Contra could do because it allowed him to train for a single match for a full month. Hammerstone said that when he got close to scoring a title shot against Jacob Fatu, Contra released the monster on him. Hammerstone swore that he would put Krugger down with the Nightmare Pendulum at the Kings of the Colosseum event. He said he was looking past Krugger for the MLW World Championship…

Bocchini hyped Hammerstone vs. Krugger for the MLW National Openweight Championship for the Kings of Colosseum event. Bocchini also recapped Salina de la Renta hyping the debut of Mil Muertes, and then announced that Salina will have a bombshell announcement at Kings of Colosseum…

Alicia Atout approached Low Ki in the backstage area for an interview about being in the finals of the Opera Cup tournament. He said he’s worked his ass off and looks forward to claiming the championship. Low Ki said he’s spent more time in the ring with Lawlor than anyone in MLW and knows his strengths and weaknesses. Low Ki said he knew Lawlor wouldn’t be coming alone because he always has help. Low Ki said Lawlor has run his course in MLW and he is about to bring prestige back to the sport…

MLW Radio, Stephen P New, and Dynasty coffee mugs ads aired… [C]

Atout hosted the Kings of Colosseum control center for the January 6 show. She announced Simon Gotch vs. Jordan Oliver, and Ross and Marshall Von Erich vs. The Dirty Blondes for the MLW Tag Titles as a new additions to the show.

Powell’s POV: Well, that tag title match was announced sooner than I anticipated, so it was even more logical to give the Blondes that squash win earlier.

Atout also hyped Salina’s big bombshell for the show. Atout hyped Lio Rush vs. Myron Reed for the MLW Middleweight Championship. A Myron Reed promo aired. He questioned why Lio Rush was running from him. He said it’s because Rush needs time to prepare to face him. Reed said he can’t let Rush walk out with the championship.

A Contra video interrupted Atout while she was hyping Alex Hammerstone vs. Mads Krugger for the MLW National Openweight Championship for Kings of Colosseum. Krugger delivered a distorted voice promo… [C]

The latest PWI Top 10 rankings for the MLW Championship held by Jacob Fatu were listed:
10. Calvin Tankman
9. Laredo Kid
8. ACH
7. Mads Krugger
6. Richard Holliday
5. Myron Reed (MLW Middleweight Champion)
4. LA Park
3. Low Ki
2. Tom Lawlor
1. Alex Hammerstone (MLW National Openweight Champion)

Powell’s POV: It’s nice to see that the rankings chased since last week based on what happened on last week’s show. Lawlor moved up a spot after beating ACH, who then dropped in the rankings…

LA Park was lifting weights when the other Los Parks members showed up. They were all upset that MLW gave the tag title shot to the Dirty Blondes instead of them. LA Park said they need to get opportunities or they would retire…

Bocchini spoke as the Opera Cup tournament brackets and a tale of the tape were shown…

2. Low Ki (w/Ross Von Erich, Marshall Von Erich) vs. Tom Lawlor (w/Dominic Garrini, Kevin Ku) in the Opera Cup final. Lawlor performed a nice gut wrench suplex and covered Low Ki for just a one count at roughly 7:00. Lawlor followed up with another pin attempt and got a two count. The broadcast team spoke about Lawlor’s attempt to keep Low Ki grounded. St. Laurent noted Lawlor’s attempts to stay behind Low Ki because of Low Ki’s own submission skills.

Low Ki fired back with some uppercuts followed by strikes in the corner, then took Lawlor down and performed an elbow drop. Lawlor came back with an Indian death lock and then wrenched back while Bocchini noted that Low Ki was battling a leg injury that Lawlor was exploiting. A short time later, Low Ki caught Lawlor with a kick. Lawlor rolled under the ropes to the floor near Garrini and Ku.

Bocchini brought up Lawlor’s jean shorts. St. Laurent said he’s trying to give off the vibe that he’s not taking things seriously, but he obviously is.

Powell’s POV: I’m not a fan of the shorts. They are easy heat, but they work against Lawlor’s persona as a legit MMA badass turned pro wrestler. To each their own.

Low Ki wrapped himself around a standing Lawlor while applying a submission hold. Lawlor’s arms were wrapped behind his back, so he bit the top rope to break the hold. Lawlor came back with a submission hold of his own, but Low Ki reached the ropes. Lawlor targeted leg of Low Ki with kicks and a dragon screw leg whip. Lawlor applied a figure four. Lawlor picked up some near falls.

Low Ki came back with a kick that led to a two count. Low Ki slapped his leg while Bocchini said Ki was trying to get the feeling back in his injured leg. Lawlor caught Ki as he was going or a move in the corner, then ran across the ring and slammed him. Lawlor covered Low Ki for a two count. Lawlor went for a rear naked choke, but Low Ki fought it off. Low Ki hit a Ki Crusher, but he was too close to the ropes so the referee didn’t make the count. St. Laurent called it a lucky break for Lawlor.

Low Ki sold his knee in the corner, then performed a running dropkick on Lawlor. The referee asked Lawlor if he wanted to give up for some reason. Low Ki charged with a rolling kick in the corner, but Lawlor landed on top of him. The referee made the three count. Lawlor sold it like he was knocked out after getting the three count.

Tom Lawlor defeated Low Ki in 24:41 to win the Opera Cup tournament.

Highlights of the closing moments of the match were shown. Lawlor was given the Opera Cup. Garrini and Ku hoisted up Lawlor as part of the celebration…

Bocchini hyped the Kings of Colosseum event for January 6…

Powell’s POV: A good main event with the right guy going over. Both men are former MLW World Champions, so they are well established, but Low Ki feels like royalty in MLW. Low Ki doesn’t need a title belt or a tournament win, whereas Lawlor gains something from the victory. Plus, the creative finish protected Low Ki, and I like that it was clean rather than Lawlor using the ropes for leverage. I get a screener of MLW Fusion, so my weekly audio review of this episode is already available for Dot Net Members.


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