By John Moore, Staffer (@liljohnm)
NXT 2.0 TV
Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Aired live April 12, 2022 on USA Network
[Hour One] Highlights from last week’s NXT aired, focusing on the Bron Breakker vs. Gunther match and subsequent abduction of Rick Steiner by Joe Gacy and Harland…
Vic Joseph and Wade Barrett were on commentary…
Alicia Taylor was the ring announcer and handled the formal in-ring introductions for the opening championship match…
1. Cameron Grimes vs. Solo Sikoa for the NXT North American championship. Solo countered Cameron’s strikes with rollups to leave both men at an initial stalemate. Grimes reigned in Solow with a series of armdrags and armbars. Sollo had to power out and take down Grimes with a series of shoulder blocks followed by a running Senton. Solo avoided a Cave In and both men had a stare down and match reset. Grimes shook Solo’s hand and said he respects Solo but his “Bloodline” can “kiss my grits”.
Solo and Cameron traded strikes. Solo fought back a bulldog and then bulldogged Cameron’s head into the ringposts. Grimes rocked Solo with an enziguri and followed up with a PK to ringside. Grimes hit Solo with a cannonball. The show cut to picture-in-picture.[c]
Solo staggered Grimes with a headbutt and put him in the corner. Grimes avoided a hip attack and gave Solo a Frankendriver. Grimes gave Solo a bridged deadlift German for a two count. Grimes went for a Cave in but Solo reversed it into a hip toss and hip attack. Grimes and Solo traded punches and kicks. Solo dodged a Cave in but caught Solo into his signature Spanish Fly Power Slam for a great nearfall. Solo reversed a Cave In into a sweet looking Samoan Drop for another amazing nearfall. Solo shoved Grimes off the top rope. Trick Williams tried to trip Solo off the top rope but Solo shoved Trick to the ground and gave him the Uso Splash. When Solo got in the ring, Grimes surprised Solo with a Cave In out of nowhere for the win.
Cameron Grimes defeated Solo Sikoa via pinfall in 13:11 to retain the NXT North American Championship.
Carmelo Hayes showed up out of nowhere and beat down Grimes. Solo clocked Melo with a right hand. Trick gave Solo a chop block. Melo and Trick put the boots to Grimes.
John’s Thoughts: Wowzers! I think that might have been my favorite Cameron Grimes match that I’ve watched in my 7 years of reviewing all his television matches. This guy has been dubbed “The Technical Savage” and this was one of the first times Grimes lived up to that name. Just as impressive is the third Uso brother, Solo Sikoa, and I’m really excited to see what this guy can do once joining his day one homies on Smackdown. This match was supurb and I liked how the finish protected both men and has us waiting for them to get back to this. Interesting to see how Melo continues to get involved in this title picture, because he’s great in the ring too.
Vic Joseph and Wade Barrett checked in from ringside. Vic Joseph tried to run down the upcoming tag title match, but he was cut off by Grayson Waller and Sanga. Waller was backstage and said that he hates that he now has to wrestle several other teams when he was supposed to challenge only MSK initially. Waller’s arm was in a sling and he made it seem like Sanga was gong to tear through the other teams by himself…[c]
Malcolm Bivens and the Creed Brothers cut a promo backstage where they hyped their participation in the upcoming Tag Title Gauntlet. They focused their promo on how they are going to target Pretty Deadly and beat their asses…
The show cut to the Creeds and Bivens standing next to referees who were spinning a lottery tumbler. This was to decide their entry number into the Gauntlet match. Julius Creed took the lottery ball and said he wouldn’t have it any other way…
NXT Champion Bron Breakker made his entrance in street clothes. Breakker said that Gacy wanted to send Breakker a message. Breakker said Rick Steiner is home and okay, but nobody messes with Breakker’s family. He said that Steiner gave a lot to this business and is a hall of famer. Breakker asked Gacy to come out and see if he’s a real tough guy. Gacy appeared on the titantron. He was standing in front of a bonfire. Gacy said after abducting Rick, he understands why Bron is so tough. He said Rick took his beating like a man. Gacy then showed that he took Rick’s WWE Hall of Fame ring. Gacy said that ring is a picture of Breakker’s historic family’s hard work. Gacy said that legacy needs to be tested by fire. Gacy took the ring and then threw it in the bonfire…
John’s Thoughts: A bit of a underwhelming follow up for last week’s stinger angle, but my guess is they didn’t have access to Rick Steiner this week so they did the best they could. I’m not too impressed with Gacy yet now that he’s finally in a program, but the guy has proven to be great on the mic and good in the ring, so there’s always upside there.
McKenzie Mitchell interviewed the Toxic Attraction trio on their Toxic Lounge couch. Mandy bragged about Gigi and Jacy regaining the tag titles after losing them. She also hyped defending the NXT Women’s Championship later against Dakota Kai…
Kushida and Ikeman Jiro were hyping each other up backstage. Kushida’s opponent Von Wagner came out of nowhere and beat down Jiro and Kushida. Robert Stone walked into frame and said that it looks like Wagner vs. Kushida isn’t happening…[c]
John’s Thoughts: I’m unironically okay with Wagner beating the crap out of Jacket Time. Now can we get an ironically funny promo from Wagner?
Cameras followed Bron Breakker as he was walking to his car. The cameraman tried to interview Bron but he yelled at the cameraman and then drove off in his car, saying he has nothing to tell anyone…
Von Wagner and Robert Stone were in the ring. Stone said after what Wagner did to Jacket Time, you’ll never see them again. Stone said it’s Wagner’s world and you’re just living in it. A limping Ikeman Jiro got in the ring and dumped Wagner to ringside. Jiro took a mic and yelled that he wants to kick Wagner’s ass in broken English. Apparently we have a new match…
2. Von Wagner (w/Robert Stone) vs. Ikeman Jiro. Jiro laid punches on Wagner, but Wagner quickly slammed Jiro to the mat. Wagner followed up with elbow drops. Wagner hit Jiro with a Fallaway Slam. Wagner stopped Jiro’s comeback with a bear hug. Jiro escaped a suplex and rallied back with low kicks. Jiro then came at Wagner with jacket punches. Jiro hit Wagner with a Knee-Plus. Jiro hit Wagner with a superkick. Jiro hit Wagner with a Swanton Bomb for a two count. Stone distracted Jiro which allowed Wagner to nail him with a Big Boot. Wagner hit Jiro with a Death Valley Driver for the victory.
Von Wagner defeated Ikeman Jiro via pinfall in 2:55.
Sofia Cromwell appeared from the crowd and ordered Wagner to continue to attack Jiro. Wagner gave Jiro a military press onto the front row of presumably planted fans…
John’s Thoughts: A decent match. They did give Jiro a decent amount of advantage, but you can write that off a bit due to Jiro avenging Kushida. Still I don’t know why they had to write it so monster Von Wagner needed the distraction from the goofball manager to take down comedy Jiro? I’m hopeful for the Wagner and Stone pairing, but at the same time it’s tough for me to separate Stone from his years as Robbie E which has defined him for so long as a comedy goofball. I’m actually more intrigued by the slow burn build of Sofia Cromwell.
McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Nikkita Lyons about her victory over Lash Legend. Before Lyons could finish her thought, Lash Legend showed up and gave Nikkita a big boot. Legend trash talked Lyons. Norman Smiley and a trainer showed up to order Lash to go away…
Dakota Kai made her entrance for the next match…[c]
A Pretty Deadly hype promo aired followed by them picking their lottery number…
Mandy Rose made her entrance. Alicia Taylor handled the formal in ring championship introductions…
3. Mandy Rose (w/Gigi Dolin, Jacy Jayne) vs. Dakota Kai for the NXT Women’s Championship. Kai came out of the gate with strikes, but Rose turned the tables and worked on Kai with methodical heel offense. Rose gave Kai a body slam. Kai hit Rose with an awkward crucifix driver for a two count. Kai rolled up Rose for another two count. Kai hit Rose with a few armdrags and a dropkick. Kai dumped Rose to ringside. Kai hit all three opponents with a crossbody. The show cut to regular commercial.[c]
[Hour Two] Kai hit Rose with a scorpion kick and double stomp combo. Kai slammed Rose to the mat for a two count. Rose ended Kai’s momentum with a spinebuster for a two count. Kai rolled up Rose for a nearfall. Kai hit Rose with a Code Red lungblower (which Rose struggled to get into). Jayne tossed a title belt in the ring. Kai pulled it away. Rose knee’d the belt into Kai and picked up the win.
Mandy Rose defeated Dakota Kai via pinfall to retain the NXT Women’s Championship.
Toxic Attraction posed to celebrate Mandy’s win. Wendy Choo showed up and sprayed Toxic Attraction with super soaker water guns…
John’s Thoughts: My television screwed up for a minute or two after the break, but i pretty much saw most of the match. A bit underwhelming. The rough parts were Rose trying to take Kai’s signature moves which all looked bad. Rose is good but still a bit rough.
Joe Gacy cut one of his “woke propaganda” promos, complete with generic stock videos. Gacy went on to say that he doesn’t think Bron Breakker is emotionally stable enough to lead NXT. He said he proved that when Breakker showed his helplessness over the last two weeks. He said he’s going to control Bron Breakkers every move and control Breakker’s life. He said he’s going to hang on to one thing. Gacy took the burning WWE Hall of Fame ring and put it on his finger. Gacy sold finger pain because of the hot ring…
Cora Jade was shown walking backstage on her way to the ring…[c]
Legado Del Fantasma were having a meeting backstage. D’Angelo showed up and said he wanted to show Escobar some respect and hopes they don’t cross paths in a negative way. D’Angelo tried to give Escobar a stack of cash in an envelop. Escobar put the envelope in D’Angelo’s coat pocket and said that his respect is worth way more than that wad of cash…
Cora Jade made her entrance in street clothes. Jade said Mania week was the most important weekend of her entire life. She said it ended up bigger than she could imagine, but what made it worth it were her parents being able to watch her wrestle live. She said she held her own against three talented women. She said she really thought she was leaving Stand and Deliver as champion. She said she’s still learning and she knows that you don’t always get what you want. She said she came so close and found out that she needs to become NXT Women’s Champion.
She said this is not just some “promo” about how she’s going to redirect focus. She said she said that ever since she was a kid she wanted to be a champion in WWE. She said she’s going to bust her ass every day to make sure she puts her name next to the women she grew up idolizing, like AJ Lee, Sasha Banks, Natalya, Paige and others. Jade’s promo was cut off by Natalya making her entrance to NXT. Cora Jade held her mouth in a gasp. Natalya took a mic and soaked in the cheers. Natalya was tearing up at the favorable reaction from the crowd.
Natalya struggled to fight back tears. She then said she’s honored to meet Jade. Jade cut off Nattie and then fangirled over Nattie, saying that this is a surreal moment for her now. She talked about the moment when she DM’d Nattie when she was 10 years old. Nattie cut off Jade and said she saw the message and looked back at it when Jade joined WWE. She said she pointed to a young Cora in the crowd back then and she’s so happy that Jade is where she is now. Nattie said Jade is gorgeous, but more than anything Jade has passion for this, the business.
Jade said she feels like she should pass out now. Natalya said she’s mentored, trained, and competed against the best superstars in WWE history. She said she has looked backstage and has seen the landscape, but Jade is the future of WWE’s women’s division. That said, Natalya said the future is bleak. Natalya slapped Jade and put Jade in a Sharpshooter. Referees pulled Natalya back. Jade laid against the ropes crying, because one of her heroes beat her down…
Briggs, Jensen, and Henley were hyping each other up for the upcoming Tag Title Gauntlet…
Vic Joseph hyped up Draco Anthony vs. Xyon Quinn for after the break…[c]
John’s Thoughts: Not the most eloquent of segments, and they tried to stuff a lot of exposition into about 10 or so minutes. That said, there was a good layer of organic there and both women came off as very well. I think this was one of the best promo segment’s I’ve seen Natalya in, and that’s because Natalya is infamous for not being great on the mic. The amount of tears both women were sheding really added to the segment to make you really sympathize with Jade living in her childhood dream. Natalya’s tears were the best, because it made it mean more when she snapped on Jade.
Entrances for the next match took place…
4. Xyon Quinn vs. Draco Anthony. Anthony slammed Quinn to the ropes. Anthony came back with a clothesline. Anthony suplexed Quinn and mocked Quinn’s haka dance. Quinn recovered and chucked Anthony across the ring. Quinn hit Anthony with a stiff lariat and hit Anthony with a modified angle slam. Quinn followed up with another clothesline. Quinn gave Anthony a flying shoulder block for the win.
Xyon Quinn defeated Draco Anthony via pinfall in 2:58.
Natalya walked into the lounge where the NXT Women’s division were all meeting. Tatum Paxley stepped up to Natalya and said she’s been trying to prove herself to Diamond Mine and wants a change to wrestle a legend like Natalya. Natalya accepted the challenge and said she’s putting the division on notice…
The Creed Brothers made their entrance to show they drew the first number in the gauntlet…[c]
Indi Hartwell and Persia Pirotta were bickering backstage over Dexter Lumis and Duke Hudson. Somehow then ended up agreeing and thinking that Hudson and Lumis should team up. Hudson reluctantly agreed. Dexter gave a thumbs up…
Vic Joseph and Wade Barrett announced the following matches for next week: Tiffany Stratton vs. Sarray and Natalya vs. Tatum Paxley…
Legado Del Fantasma ended up drawing number two in the gauntlet…
5. “The Creed Brothers” Julius Creed and Brutus Creed vs. “Legado Del Fantasma” Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mendoza (w/Elektra Lopez) in a gauntlet match for the vacant NXT Tag Team Championships. Brutus and Mendoza started out the match. Mendoza dumped Brutus to ringside with Julius. Wilde tagged in and hit both Creeds with a crossbody. Julius came in and tried to mount offense, but Legado traded quick tags to cut the ring in half on Julius. Mendoza planted Julius wiht a Final Cut. Wilde hit Julius with a cannonball for a two count. Julius managed to reverse Wilde’s boots into an ankle lock. Brutus put Mendoza in an ankle lock. Wilde and Mendoza pulled each other towards each other and broke the hold.
Brutus cleaned house and gave Wilde clubbing blows. Brutus hit Wilde with a power bomb for a two count. Julius tagged in and walked into a jawbreaker from Mendoza. Mendoza gave Julius a drop toehold into teh buckle. Mendoza hit Julius with a missile dropkick. Wilde hit Julius with a 450. Brutus broke up Wilde’s pin. Brutus pulled Mendoza to ringside. Julius hit Wilde with a suplex. Julius tossed Wilde into a spinebuster from Brutus to give the creeds the elimination.
The Creed Brothers eliminated Legado Del Fantasma from the gauntlet match via pinfallin 4:33 of total match time.
Briggs and jensen were the next team. Elektra Lopez and Fallon Henley ended up brawling heading into commercial…[c]
Julius Creed and Brutus Creed vs. Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen in a Gauntlet Match for the vacant NXT Tag Team Championships. Brutus hit Briggs with a splash for a two count. Briggs backdropped Brutus to ringside and took down Julius with a lariat. Briggs and Jensen cleared the announce table. Jensen and Briggs hit Brutus with a double team power bomb into the table. Joseph said Jensen was trying to make his father proud (Bull Buchanan). Julius fended off Briggs and Jensen. Briggs and Jensen took down Julius with a double shoulder tackle. Briggs and Jensen made sure to alternate beating up and isolating both opponents.
Briggs and Jensen hit Julius with a double team boot. The referee didn’t call the pin because the legal man was in question. Jensen hit Julius with a sitout power bomb for a two count. Briggs and Jensen hit Julius with a knee Burning Hammer combo. Brutus shoved Jensen into briggs to break the pin. Briggs dumped Brutus to ringside. Briggs and Jensen went for Total Eliination on Brutus, but Julius pulled briggs to ringside. Brutus hit Jensen with a sliding lariat for the victory.
The Creed Brothers eliminated Briggs and Jensen from the gauntlet match via pinfall in 13:23 of total match time.
Julius Creed and Brutus Creed vs. Grayson Waller and Sanga in a gauntlet match for the vacant NXT Tag Team Championships. Sanga gave Julius a big boot for a two count. Waller tagged in and teased an injured elbow, but revealed he was faking it. He dropped both Creeds to ringside heading into commercial.[c]
Waller had Brutus in a headlock back from the break. Brutus escaped with a deadlift suplex. Julius Creed managed to tag in and clean house. Julius hit Waller with a chop block. Brutus tagged in and hit Waller iwth an uppercut. Sanga ran in and put Brutus in a nerve pinch. Brutus managed to fight through and hit a suplex on the larger Sanga. Julius tagged in and hit Sanga with a Cartwheel suplex. Julius hit Sanga with a sliding lariat for the elimination.
The Creed Brothers eliminated Waller and Sanga from the gauntlet match via pinfall in 19:48 of total match time.
[Overrun] Julius Creed and Brutus Creed vs. “Pretty Deadly” Elton Prince and Kit Wilson in a Gauntlet Match for the vacant NXT Tag Team Championships. Prince beat down Julius with punches and got a nearfall. Pretty Deadly traded quick tags to keep Julius isolated. Julius was isolated with methodical offense for a few minutes. Prince and Julius traded punches. Julius managed to tag in Brutus after giving Prince a Belly to Belly. Brutus hobbled i. Wilson tagged in. Prince tossed Brutus into Wilson’s gutbuster. Brutus kicked out of the pin at two.
Julius got a two count on Wilson with a small package. Prince tagged in and tossed Julius into Wilson’s codebreaker for a two count. The Creeds tried to come back but were staggering due to fatigue. They managed to get a moment of respite by knocking down their opponents with lariats. Brutus tried to hit Wilson with a basement lariat but Prince hit him with a superkick. Pretty Deadly hit Julius with a Hart Attack Spinebuster to give Prince the pin over Julius. Joseph called the finisher “Spilled Milk”.
Pretty Deadly eliminated The Creed Brothers via pinfall in 27:08 of total match time to become the new NXT Tag Team Champions.
After looking hype earlier in the gauntlet, Malcolm Bivens looked disappointed. Bivens went to check on Julius and Brutus. Pretty Deadly posed with the tag belts to close the show…
John’s Thoughts: The match wasn’t the most beautiful at points, but the match did a good job building the Creed Brothers as sympathetic figures. Good job on the young creeds for toughing it out for about half an hour. Bonus points to their selling by the end of the match, selling the fatigue for wrestling over 25 minutes of total match time. Each one of their matches in the gauntlet told a great story of both men overcoming the odds of having to try to run the entire gauntlet. Going into the match I thought Pretty Deadly and The Creeds would cancel each other out, and that we’d see them put the belts on a team like Waller and Sanga, but I like the direction they went with because it puts over the new team in Pretty Deadly over strong, while also putting over the Creeds strong as big time babyfaces.
The weakest parts of NXT are still the developmental portions, but there’s also a lot to like in NXT these days too with the young talent that are starting to get more refined. This show in particular had some things to keep you hooked. The tag team gauntlet told a great story, Jade and Natalya had a heart felt moment that came off well, and the show started off with a great North American Championship match out of nowhere.
Cora Jade has the personality of paste. Dakota Kai is almost as bad. Neither is an athlete of any kind and neither has the look of someone who could win a fight against a bean stalk. WWE needs to move on from these boring nobodies for good.
Pretty Deadly looks like an 80s Scandinavian rock band and I love it.
WWE gauntlet match – one person/team starts, gets all the way to the end, loses against the final team. Rinse, Repeat.