2/7 WWE Raw Results: Powell’s live review of the Seth Rollins vs. Riddle, Lita’s latest appearance, Chad Gable and Otis face Randy Orton and Riddle in the quiz bowl portion of the academic challenge, the continuation of the build to Elimination Chamber

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,498)
Live from Denver, Colorado at Ball Arena
Aired February 7, 2022 on Syfy Network

[Hour One] Pyro shot off on the stage and then the broadcast team of Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, and Byron Saxton checked in. They hyped previously advertised segments and touted that the first hour of the show would be ad-free…

Raw Tag Team Champions “Alpha Academy” Chad Gable and Otis were seated at a table set up inside the ring with “RKBro” Randy Orton and Riddle seated at another. Kevin Patrick stood at a podium in the middle of the ring and hosted the quiz bowl portion of the deciding competition in the academic challenge. Patrick said RKBro had to win in order to get a rematch for the Raw Tag Titles. Patrick set up a recap video that chronicled the spelling bee and scooter race competitions.

Gable laid out the rules and said the first team to five points was victorious. Patrick listed the nine possible categories. Gable and Otis selected the category of U.S. Presidents. The question was who became the first President to hold a college degree. Gable boasted about his own degree and his 4.0 GPA, then lectured the crowd for booing education. Gable selected John Adams, which Patrick said was correct.

Riddle selected the biology category because he said it’s something he’s good at. The question was how many hearts an octopus has. Riddle claimed he and his cousin once dissected an octopus and correctly said three was his answer. Gable selected Greek mythology, and the question was who flew to close to the sun. Gable correctly selected Icarus. Orton selected cartoons. The question was which member of the Ninja Turtles used nunchucks to fight Shredder. Riddle correctly selected Michelangelo.

The next category was geography. The question was which of the continental states is the largest. Otis said if it was lowest IQ, it would definitely be Colorado, which drew some boos. He correctly picked Texas. Riddle and Orton went with pop culture. The question was which Baldwin family member is the father of Justin Bieber’s wife. Riddle asked to use a lifeline and said he wanted to call his friend Justin Bieber. Riddle chose Alec Baldwin, which was incorrect. Gable correctly chose Stephen Baldwin.

The next topic was film and literature. The question was which Shakespeare play has been adapted to make the most movies. Otis said ham. Gable cut him off and selected Romeo and Juliet, but he was incorrect. Riddle correctly selected Hamlet. Alpha Academy was up 4-3.

The next topic was sports, and the question was which Denver Broncos had the record for most wins in franchise history. Orton asked the crowd for help and they correctly chose John Elway. The final topic was metric conversions and it was how many grams in an ounce. Gable incorrectly guessed twelve. Of course, Riddle was going to answer, but Orton stepped in and selected 28 for the win. Gable and Otis threw a fit and started trashing the set while Orton and Riddle left the ring. Gable complained about the buzzer noise, so they used it repeatedly.

Powell’s POV: The live crowd loved Orton and Riddle, and Gable continues to shine now that they are giving him a chance to speak.

“The Street Profits” Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins made their entrance and mocked Gable and Otis for losing the quiz bowl. Gable said he had a quiz bowl question for them, which was which team was about to get their asses kicked by Alpha Academy…

The broadcast team spoke about upcoming segments while the production crew cleared the quiz bowl set from the ring. They announced Rey Mysterio and Dominik Mysterio for Miz TV co-hosted by The Miz and Maryse. They also hyped WWE Champion Bobby Lashley appearing on the show…

An ad for Friday’s Smackdown focused on Roman Reigns and Goldberg, and the Charlotte Flair vs. Naomi match for the Smackdown Women’s Championship…

1. Raw Tag Team Champions “Alpha Academy” Chad Gable and Otis vs. “The Street Profits” Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins in a non-title match. Late in the match, Gable caught Dawkins in an ankle lock. Dawkins tried to break the hold, but Gable sat down on him and go the three count. Gable came away with a bloody lip…

Raw Tag Team Champions “Alpha Academy” Chad Gable and Otis beat “The Street Profits” Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins in 5:35 a non-title match.

Powell’s POV: I’m not crazy about the Profits losing as often as they do, especially since you know we’re probably only a couple of months away from them being positioned as the number one contenders again.

A Lita video package aired and then Graves hyped that she would appear during the show… A video package aired on a character from the Syfy network show “Resident Alien” that would follow Raw… The broadcast team set up a video for the WWE 2K22 video game… The top WWE Instagram photos of the week were shown…

Powell’s POV: And by ad-free, WWE meant no non-WWE or Syfy ads during the first hour.

MVP stood in the ring and introduced WWE Champion Bobby Lashley and included a mention that he’s from Denver. MVP said Lashley didn’t see Roman Reigns interfere when Lashley beat Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble, but it wouldn’t have mattered either way.

MVP praised Lesnar for winning the Royal Rumble, but turned his focus to the Elimination Chamber and said Lesnar will not take the title from Lashley and go on to have a title vs. title match at WrestleMania. MVP said the other Chamber match entrants are stellar, but they’re men, whereas Lashley is the biggest and baddest monster of them all.

Lashley got the mic and the crowd chanted his name. Lashley said Lesnar has disrespected him for the last time. He recalled Lesnar demanding a rematch last week. Lashley said you don’t make demands of the All Mighty. Lashley questioned when the last time Lesnar defended the WWE Championship was and when he last had a match on Raw.

Lashley said he won’t mind if the Chamber match comes down to the two of them because he wants to pin him again. Lashley spoke of Lesnar waking up in the hospital after the Chamber and then going on to face Roman Reigns. Lashley said he would defend the WWE Championship in the main event of WrestleMania…

The latest Alexa Bliss therapy session aired. The therapist asked her to hand over the replica Lilly doll, which she did. Bliss started crying… A WWE merch ad aired…

2. U.S. Champion Damian Priest vs. AJ Styles in a non-title match. Both entrances were televised. Late in the match, Priest stuffed a Phenomenal Forearm attempt. Priest ran the ropes for a move, but Styles hit him with the Phenomenal Forearm and scored the pin…

AJ Styles defeated U.S. Champion Damian Priest in 5:00 in a non-title match.

After the match, Priest acted angry to show that he was switching into his dark side mode while he glared at Styles, who was celebrating his win on the stage…

Powell’s POV: Priest getting pissed after losing fair and square seemed like it could be a step toward him turning heel.

A Smackdown recap video package aired. It focused on Paul Heyman’s promo on Smackdown, Goldberg telling Reigns that he’s next, and Ronda Rousey’s exchange with Charlotte Flair… An ad aired for Tuesday’s NXT 2.0 television show…

Kevin Owens was taping his fists backstage when Seth Rollins showed up. Rollins said he couldn’t believe that Owens wasn’t in the Elimination Chamber match with him. Owens said he felt that if he beat Austin Theory, then Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville would put him in the match instead.

[Hour Two] Rollins wasn’t as certain as Owens, but he supported him. Owens asked if he was being sincere. Rollins said he’s a lot of things, but a liar isn’t one of them…

The Miz and Maryse headed to the ring for the Miz TV segment. Once in the ring, Miz told the fans to stand up and show love and respect for his wife. Miz introduced Rey Mysterio and Dominik Mysterio as his guests. Rey accused Miz of cheating during last week’s match against Dom. Miz complained that he was hit illegally by Beth Phoenix during the mixed tag match at the Royal Rumble.

Miz took issue with Rey getting a spot in the Elimination Chamber match rather than him. Miz boasted that he beat Drew McIntyre when he was unstoppable. Rey pointed out that Miz had help from Bobby Lashley. Miz also complained about Rey being on the cover of the WWE 2K22 video game.

“Where is my respect?” Miz asked. Dom stood up and asked where Miz’s respect is for his father. Miz asked if Dom wanted a rematch. Dom accepted. Miz noted that Dom is taller than Rey. “Are you sure you’re not Eddie’s son?” Miz asked. Dom held his father back, but then he turned and shoved Miz to the mat. They cut to a split-screen commercial break… [C]

Powell’s POV: No, really, a regular commercial break would be just fine right about now.

3. The Miz (w/Maryse) vs. Dominik Mysterio (w/Rey Mysterio). Miz stalled throughout the split-screen break and the match started right after it ended. Maryse tripped Dom as he was running the ropes. The referee saw it and ejected her from ringside (even though she never left). Rey returned the favor, but the referee was focused on Maryse. Dom ended up rolling up Miz and pinning him…

Dominik Mysterio defeated The Miz in 1:40.

Powell’s POV: Yes, this does mean that you can spend the entire week daydreaming about the Miz vs. Dom rubber match. It’s such a monumental match that they should really consider taking a week off in between like the NFL does before the Super Bowl.

Vince McMahon and Austin Theory were shown talking in Vince’s office, but there was no sound. Theory was fired up as he left the room… Bianca Belair made her entrance for a match against Nikki ASH… [C]

4. Bianca Belair vs. Nikki ASH. The tail end of ASH’s entrance was shown after Saxton plugged the Syfy show again. Belair sold a knee injury. ASH caught her with a tornado DDT for a near fall. Belair rallied and continued to sell a bad knee while hoisting up ASH for the KOD, which resulted in her getting the three count…

Bianca Belair defeated Nikki ASH in 4:00.

Powell’s POV: It’s too bad that WWE didn’t go with some qualifiers for the women’s Chamber match, which would have given some women’s matches the same purpose that the men’s qualifying matches did. I wonder if it’s simply due to the lack of numbers in the women’s division.

R-Truth, Tamina, and Akira Tozawa were shown frantically searching for WWE 24/7 Champion Dana Brooke. Once they ran out of the picture, Brooke and Reggie emerged from hiding. Brooke thanked Reggie for his help and then kissed his cheek. Reggie said he was trying to figure out what it all means. She said they are good friends. They hugged and then Reggie shot her a look and apologized. Truth, Tamina, and Tozawa showed up again, causing Brooke and Reggie to run away…

Kevin Owens made his entrance… [C]

Powell’s POV: As if the 24/7 division isn’t bad enough, now we have horny Reggie on the prowl.

5. Kevin Owens vs. Austin Theory. Theory’s entrance was televised. Both men ended up at ringside a couple minutes into the match. Owens leapt from the ring steps and performed a senton onto Theory heading into a split-screen break. [C]

Late in the match, Owens went for a top rope Swanton, but Theory put his knees up. Theory tried to roll at Owens, who superkicked him. Owens followed up with another kick and then a Stunner for the win. The broadcast team agreed that the live crowd carried Owens to victory…

Kevin Owens beat Austin Theory in 9:05.

Powell’s POV: This wasn’t as hot as last week, but it was another good out from Owens and Theory. It’s interesting that Owens went over strong, and that the crowd credited the fans for cheering the heel.

Riddle spoke with Orton about their forthcoming Raw Tag Title match. Orton told him that he needed to focus on the Elimination Chamber and his chance to win the match and then headline WrestleMania as the WWE Champion. Orton also told Riddle that he couldn’t take Seth Rollins lightly. Riddle spoke about becoming a double champion. Riddle said he was throwing an RKBroga party next week and said it would be like the movie Animal House. Riddle asked Orton if he would go. Orton told him to focus…

Lita made her entrance… [C] A Veer Mahaan video aired. Yes, he’s still listed as “Coming To Raw.” Wow… A video package recapped last week’s segment involving Lita and Becky Lynch…

Lita stood in the ring and mentioned some of the wrestles she competed against in the Royal Rumble match. She recalled challenging Becky Lynch on last week’s show. Lita said they go back a long way and she’s waited for this match for a long time.

Raw Women’s Champion Becky Lynch made her entrance. Lynch said it was special to hear her teenage idol say so many nice things about her. Once Lynch was on the ring, a Lita chant broke out. Lynch recalled Lita issuing her the challenge last week and how she initially said no. Lynch said she worshipped Lita.

Lynch said a lot of people turned up their nose at her when she arrived in WWE, but Lita didn’t do that and she’s eternally grateful. She said that there may not be a Becky Lynch if it wasn’t for Lita, but now that there is, there can be no Lita.

[Hour Three] Lynch spoke about sacrifices she’s made to become a champion. She said it was no problem to get rid of friends and the fans, and it won’t be a problem to get rid of Lita. Lynch said Lita may have helped bring her up, but she’ll have no problem putting Lita down.

Lita said Lynch is the favorite in their match. She said she has no problem being the underdog. She said she was a dumpster diving kid who went out and chased her dreams. Lita credited the fans with helping her become a four-time women’s champion.

Lita said she hasn’t had a title shot in fifteen years, but the WWE Universe still supports her. Lita said that as long as the fans are there, there’s still a Lita, and she’s fine with her odds. Lita wondered how Lynch will feel when she takes her title and become a five-time champion.

Lynch went for a cheap shot that Lita stuffed. Lynch got the better of Lita in a brief brawl and then held up the Raw Women’s Championship. Lynch teased leaving the ring, then returned and set up for her finisher. Lita caught her with a kick and a Twist of Fate. Lita went up top and performed a moonsault. Graves said that Lita will be a five-time women’s champion if she can land the same move at Elimination Chamber…

Powell’s POV: Lynch has struggled to turn the fans against her, but it wasn’t a problem when Lita was in the ring with her during this segment. The fans still love Lita after all these years.

Backstage, Adam Pearce spoke with Sonya Deville, who had her left arm in a sling. Kevin Owens showed up and wondered if he was in the Elimination Chamber match now that he beat Austin Theory. Pearce and Deville said no. Owens said he’s an honest and upstanding person, and wondered if this is what he gets.

Deville told him that he might not even be at WrestleMania. Owens told her that the people of Texas love him and there could be a riot if he’s not on the WrestleMania card. Owens recalled winning the WWE Universal Championship and the Intercontinental Championship, and working his first WrestleMania match in Texas.

Owens pointed to his bull tattoo and said it might as well be a tattoo of the state of Texas. Owens told them that he knows they think he’s lying. Owens insisted that he wasn’t lying and asked them to think about it…

Powell’s POV: When I think of Texas, I think of cattle ranches, The Alamo, Tom Landry, JR Ewing, and Kevin F’n Owens. And not in that order. Anyway, I wonder if this will lead to another Texas legend dropping Owens with his own finishing move.

Liv Morgan made her entrance for a match against Doudrop… [C] The broadcast team spoke about the women’s Elimination Chamber match and noted that there’s one spot open… A Morgan pre-taped promo aired. She spoke about having a chance to win the Chamber match and then move on to headline WrestleMania. “Watch me,” she closed… Doudrop made her entrance while her pre-taped promo aired. She said the other women on the roster are afraid of her, including Morgan…

6. Liv Morgan vs. Doudrop. Doudrop put Morgan down with a running cross body block heading into a split-screen break a little over a minute into the match. [C] Doudrop remained on the offensive until Morgan caught her with a missile dropkick from the middle rope. Morgan performed a springboard into pulling Doudrop in for a Codebreaker, which led two a near fall. Doudrop came back with a face-first slam for a two count. In the end, Doudrop performed a splash from the middle rope and got the clean pin…

Doudrop beat Liv Morgan in 8:05.

The broadcast team hyped more from Alexa Bliss… [C]

Powell’s POV: An entertaining match. Piper Niven is a great monster heel. It’s a shame they won’t ditch the ridiculous name. Anyway, it’s kind of strange to see them booking Chamber entrants to beat other Chamber entrants rather than simply keep them apart and have them beat other wrestlers who are not in the Chamber matches.

The therapist told Bliss that it was progress when she gave him the replica Lilly doll. Bliss spoke of being cut off in traffic. She said she controlled her anger. She said someone else cut her off to take a parking spot and she once again controlled her anger and found a different spot. She then recalled that someone cut in front of her in a grocery store checkout line. The therapist asked what the woman looked like. Bliss described the woman and said she hit her with a loaf of bread, but then she controlled her angle. The therapist said they have more work to do…

Seth Rollins was interviewed by Kevin Patrick in the backstage area. Rollins said the other five Elimination Chamber entrants simply are not him. Rollins said the one thing he has not done is headline WrestleMania as the WWE Champion. Rollins said it’s his time and his year. Rollins made his entrance. Graves hyped his match with Riddle as being a first-time ever match… [C]

The broadcast team hyped Brock Lesnar appearing, Damian Priest vs. AJ Styles for the U.S. Championship, and the RKBroga party for next week’s Raw on Syfy… Riddle made his entrance for the main event…

7. Seth Rollins vs. Riddle. Riddle sent Rollins to ringside with a head-scissors. Rollins regrouped and performed a Barricade Bomb heading into a split-screen break. [C] Riddle rallied coming out of the break and performed a Floating Bro from the apron onto Rollins on the floor. Kevin Owens attacked Riddle for the DQ.

Riddle beat Seth Rollins by DQ in 7:40.

Randy Orton ran out and put Owens down with an RKO. Orton and Rollins bickered with one another heading into a break. [C]

Powell’s POV: I assume we’ll get the usual impromptu tag match. Too bad. I was actually looking forward to a longer Rollins vs. Riddle match.

8. “RKBro” Randy Orton and Riddle vs. Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens. The match was joined in progress. Adam Pearce was at ringside and was credited with making the match. Riddle was isolated by the heel duo. Eventually, Rollins went for a top rope frog splash, but Riddle moved out of the way. Rollins tagged in Owens. Riddle took a kick from Owens, then dropped him with a knee to the head.

Orton took a hot tag and performed powerslams on both opponents. Orton followed up with a Draping DDT on Rollins. Orton struck the Viper’s Pose and went for the RKO, but Rollins shoved him off. Riddle made a blind tag. Owens hit Orton with a cheap shot. Riddle entered the ring and hit both opponents. Rollins fired back with a couple of elbow strikes on Riddle and then put him down with a Stomp and pinned him…

Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens beat “RKBro” Randy Orton and Riddle in 8:05 of television time.

After the match, Orton put Owens down with an RKO. Rollins laughed and then headed toward the back. A graphic listed AJ Styles, Lita and Bianca Belair for Raw Talk…

Powell’s POV: I would have been fine with the Riddle vs. Rollins match or the tag match that it spawned had they just given either match the full amount of time rather than needlessly breaking things up into two matches. Overall, this was the type of show that was fine if you watched it and fine if you missed it, which is probably by design with the move to Syfy due to USA Network’s coverage of the Winter Olympics. I expect next week’s show to be stronger given that Brock Lesnar is advertised and it will be the brand’s final push for Elimination Chamber. I will return shortly with my same night audio review for Dot Net Members. Let me know what you thought of Raw by grading it below.

WWE Raw Poll: Grade the February 7 edition

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Readers Comments (9)

  1. AND again, wrestlers just book their own matches at will….

  2. Miz vs Dom is bigger than anything AEW has to offer right now.

  3. so didn’t KO beat Priest a few weeks back as his first loss at US champ and get a title shot? how did AJ jump the line tonight? man WWE and continuity couldn’t be further apart….

  4. the booking on raw for womens elimination chamber is absolutely atrocious….first u have bianca squash nikki…lets be honest nikki has no chance to win the chamber so this was a yawwwwn match and of course bianca has to go over…..but than you just crush liv morgan having her lose to doodrop….are you serious?…doodrop has no chance of winning chamber since she just lost her one and only title shot vs lynch….so you squash morgan who was a contender along with bianca and ripley to someone who has no prayer to win chamber?…thats horrible booking…..u might as well just have a singles match at elimination chamber now with bianca vs ripley cause they the only 2 that can possibly win and go to wrestlemania….and honestly its all going toward bianca again so rhea will get the shaft too im sure….great job vince to make sure you only cater to one audience!!…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz……thank god ronda is back!

  5. And who would that one audience be, CJ? Just so we’re clear.

  6. Veer is apparently Tantric.

  7. use your head im sure you can figure it out….zzzzzzzzzz

  8. Vince’s one audience is 2.5x bigger than his biggest competitor. The booking of the last few months is in line with the times that built to his most profitable stretches of business ever, I’m sure with the hopes of bringing back the 10 million viewers that tuned out over the last few decades of flippy midget indy darlings dominating the business. That’s the audience Vince is catering to.

  9. yah i bet you like bad bunny and johnny knoxville too right?….yah that is really bringing the audience….well bunny kinda is lmao…..pathetic booking…..but heyy thats vince catering to the left and…..well use your heads zzzzzzzzzzzz

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