Charlie Norris recalls suing WCW when Eric Bischoff wouldn’t honor his contract, says Vader wasn’t as good as the thought he was, recalls Nailz attacking Vince McMahon

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

The Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling Podcast with Charlie Norris
Host: JP John Poz
Twitter: @TwoManPowerTrip
Interview available at

On Eric Bischoff: “Ole (Anderson) got fired, or demoted, I should say. And then Eric Bischoff took over, and that was the beginning of the end for WCW. This guy didn’t have a damn clue about anything, what he was doing. I got a contract and Ole [Anderson] got demoted and Bischoff wouldn’t honor my contract. I’m like ‘Come on, another eight, nine months?’ So I had to sue to get my money and I won very easily. Jesse Ventura was my star witness and Sid Vicious too [was] one of my witnesses… They were trying to tell an Indian how to be an Indian. It wasn’t, you know, Bischoff just, yeah, I think his track record speaks for itself.”

On Vader: “I didn’t think Big Van Vader was… I didn’t think he was as good as he thought he was. I mean, cause I didn’t see it when we wrestled in bigger arenas. He wasn’t no draw, you know. Wrestling was, was kinda dead. ……He hurt a couple of kids, really bad. Every TV taping, he would just beat up guys, and he’d come to the locker room and punched a locker and kicked the garbage cans. And we would just laugh at him. I mean, come on, jeez… who does this guy think he is?’ I nicknamed him the vanilla gorilla.”

On Nailz beating up Vince McMahon: “Nailz, he was working a program with Big Bossman. They did Boston Garden. They did Madison Square Garden where you’re supposed to get a nice little chunk of money there from that, not just the money you’re getting. We were going over there, me, John Nord [The Berzerker], and Nailz that day. I didn’t believe him, but he [Nailz] said, ‘I’m going to choke [him] out, I’m going to get Vince tonight and you guys pretend that you’re pulling me off of him, but not really. Just make an effort because I don’t want you guys to get in trouble. I don’t see how we could have pulled him off anyway, I don’t think 50 people could have pulled him off. He was one bad dude. Nice guy, great guy, and I loved his gimmick, but he asked Vince, ‘How come my payoff is so low?’ It was ridiculous, like $600. I saw it. He showed me. For Madison Square Garden, are you kidding me? So he asked Vince and Vince got snotty with him. Some people you don’t do that with, and he’s one of them. He did grab Vince and he was really choking him. He let him go, but yeah, that was in Green Bay, Wisconsin. We were watching the door so nobody else could get in there, John Nord, me, and I don’t remember who else was there. He got fired after that.”

Other topics include training under Eddie Sharkey, the PWA, his entire WCW run, more on Eric Bischoff, working with Harlem Heat, Lord Steven Regal, and more.

You can listen to other shows apart of the TMPT Empire including Shane Douglas’ Triple Threat Podcast, Taking You to School with Dr. Tom Prichard, Talking Tough with Rick Bassman, Taskmaster Talks with Kevin Sullivan, Pro Wrestling 101 with Justin Credible and the University of Dutch with Dutch Mantell.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. Charlie Norris had potential. But booze and lack of ambition ruined his career.Now he bitches like an old women about the old days.
    You were your worst enemy and now your bitter?
    Sorry Charlie:-(

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