12/2 Impact Wrestling TV results: Moore’s review of Jonah (f/k/a Bronson Reed) appears, Rich Swann and Willie Mack vs. Joe Doering and Deaner, Matthew Rehwoldt vs. Chris Sabin

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

Impact Wrestling TV
Taped in Las Vegas, Nevada at Sam’s Town Live

Aired December 2, 2021 on AXS TV

Highlights from the Impact Plus Turning Point show aired…

Matt Striker and D’Lo Brown were on commentary…

“Always Ready” Matt Cardona made his entrance wearing street clothes for an in-ring promo. Matt Striker plugged the Major Brothers (Matt Cardona and Brian Myers) toy drive that they were holding on their website. Cardona called Turning Point one hell of a show. He talked about how he had the visual pinfall on W Morrissey at Turning Point but Morrissey “accidentally” shoved Cardona into the referee earlier in the match, knocking the referee out and unable to count the pin (REF BUMP!!!). Cardona then talked about getting speared by Moose after.

Cardona said he’s not here to complain. He said he said since day 1 in Impact that he wants to be a world champion. Cardona was about to call out Moose, but before he could complete his sentence, Moose made his entrance. Moose was wearing a formal suit. Moose talked about how Cardona must have done so much in his 18 years in the business. Moose said Cardona is known worldwide, has a podcast, a youtube show, and owns a large house filled with collectable action figures. Moose said Cardona even developed an indie nickname, called the “Death Match King”.

Moose said Cardona shouldn’t shoot too high because he’ll never be a top guy in the business. Moose asked Cardona if he dares challenge Moose. Moose said he made an example out of Eddie Edwards. Moose said that Cardona should think twice about having a match against Moose because the match will last as long as Cardona’s [WWE] Intercontinental Championship run. Moose said that everyone sees Cardona as a Mid Carder and Cardona should change his name to “Mid Cardona” (ok, that one got a chuckle out of me).

Cardona dared Moose to say that again. Moose said Mid Cardona again. Cardona slapped the mic away and took down Moose for ground and pound. Cardona gave Moose a couple of Broski Boots in teh corner. W Morrissey ran out and took a Broski Boot from Cardona. Moose gave Cardona a spear. Moose and Cardona put the boots to Cardona. Moose was about to spear Cardona again, but Eddie Edwards ran out for the save to clear the heels from the ring. Matt Cardona held up the world title for a bit to end the segment before laying it on the apron for Moose to retrieve…

John’s Thoughts: Good promo segment from Moose to set up Matt Cardona as his next challenger. That said, everything Moose said about Cardona was right! He does come off as a whiny mid-carder. Always Ready? More like Always Ryder! As much as I don’t have high hopes for Cardona as a main eventer, I wouldn’t mind if he shook things up in Impact like he did with his whole death match run in the indies? Zack Ryder is 5 years past his expiration date. Looking forward to Moose’s feud with Ryder though which will definitely be a stepping stone for Moose, but maybe they can salvage a new character out of Mr. Mid Cardona? Can’t say I’m excited about anything Eddie Edwards is doing though. Speaking of people who need to shake things up. Can Davey Richards show up and paint that stupid claw mark on Eddie’s chest again? I’d take that over the remnants of Crazy Eddie.

A Violent by Design promo aired where Eric Young hyped up a VBD vs. Rich Swann and Willie Mack match for later on.

Matt Cardona walked up to Scott D’Amore backstage who booked him in a tag match with Eddie Edwards against Moose and Morrissey as the main event of this week’s Impact. Cardona said he wants more than that, he wants a title shot against Moose. D’Amore said Cardona has to prove that he’s always ready for a title shot by proving it in the main event. Cardona was content and walked off. Jordynne Grace, Rachael Ellering, Tasha Steelz, and Savannah Evans showed up to taunt each other. D’Amore noted that everyone will have to wait until next week to find out what he has in store for the women’s Ultimate X match at Hard to Kill. D’Amore then randomly booked Rachael Ellering vs. Savannah Evans for a match later on this week’s show…

Matt Striker and D’Lo Brown checked in from the commentary table, now at ringside. Striker ran through the upcoming segments as well as the women’s Ultimate X match at Hard to Kill…

Entrances for the next match took place. Apparently this match came to be because Matt Rehwoldt really liked Sabin’s goofy shirt and how he wants to understand Sabin more, in the ring. Deonna Purrazzo joined in for guest commentary…

1. “Drama King” Matthew Rehwoldt (w/Deonna Purrazzo) vs. Chris Sabin. Striker and Deonna bickered a bit because Striker was acting a bit condescending towards her. Sabin dominated the opening chain wrestling segment. Sabin got a two count off a crossbody. Rehwoldt pulled the rope down to dump Sabin to ringside heading into commercial. [c]

Rehwoldt worked on Sabin with methodical offense. Sabin made a comeback with a jawbreaker. Sabin gave Rehwoldt a neckbreaker against the top rope to get a bit of a breather. Sabin rallied with a series of lariats and a PK after a Sunset Flip. Sabin gave Rehwoldt a Yakuza Kick and Tornado DDT. Striker pointed out that Mickie James uses a DDT to jab at Deonna. Sabin got a two count off a La Magistral. Sabin and Rehwoldt took each other out with stereo crossbodies.

Deonna distracted Sabin which allowed Rehwoldt to nail Sabin with a Claymore kick. Rehwoldt hit Sabin with a chokeslam for a two count. Mickie James ran out to brawl with Deonna Purrazzo. Sabin hit Rehowldt with an enzuigiri followed by a Cradle Shock for the win.

Chris Sabin defeated Matthew Rehwoldt via pinfal in 8:25 of tv-time.

Matt Striker said that Chris Sabin is reminding us that he’s Chris Sabin. Striker then said “I’m Chris Sabin, you’re chris sabin, we’re all Chris Sabin!” (wait? What?)…

John’s Thoughts: Good win for Sabin and I like that they consistently give Sabin clean wins against both undercard and main event wrestlers to make his losses count more. Petey Williams was in this role before Sabin, but he was less effective because every match Petey wrestled against someone who mattered felt like a forgone conclusion loss. I just wish that they wouldn’t flip-flop with Sabin where they have him confronting main eventers in one segments and then follow up with Sabin goofing around with Johnny Swinger in Swinger’s Palace and Wrestle House. Rehwoldt is Rehwoldt. He’s doing his NXT gimmick which I don’t think is the worst thing in the world. I guess Impact needs a true jobber type in Rehwoldt and for now he’s filling that role on the heel side.

Chelsea Green asked Scott D’Amore about his plans for Ultimate X and he reiterated that everyone will find out next week. Green said that everyone would love to see a Mickie James vs. Chelsea Green match. Green left and Alisha Edwards showed up to yell at D’Amore to put her in Ultimate X. D’Amore yelled back out of frustration that he’ll tell her and everyone about his plans next week. Alisha walked off saying she’d better be in the match. Jai Vidal showed up and D’Amore told him that he can’t wrestle in the women’s Ultimate X.

Jai Vidal talked about how Jai Vidal is hard to kill. He said he’s just happy to get a match. D’Amore said that he’s impressed that Vidal is back after the beating he took from Eric Young, but the opportunity he has available now might not be one that Vidal wants. Vidal said he’d take anything. D’Amore told Vidal that the opportunity he has is against Jonah. D’Amore sarcastically wished Vidal well before walking off. Vidal’s jaw dropped like he bit off more than he could chew…[c]

The artist formerly known as Bronson Reed, Jonah [Rock], made his entrance…

2. Jonah vs. Jai Vidal. Jonah no sold Vidal’s punsh and crossbody. Johah took down Vidal with a leaping front hip attack. Jonah hit Vidal with a delayed release suplex and a running senton. Jonah hit Vidal with the Tsunami Splash for the win.

Jonah defeated Jai Vidal via pinfall in 1:48.

John’s Thoughts: Solid TV debut for Jonah with the simple and effective squash. Here’s someone who can take WWE’s direction for his character and keep it in Impact. WWE did him dirty when they built him up and set him up for success, only to release him before making it to main roster TV (similar to how they built up Malakai Black and then randomly cut him after he took out Big E). Jonah is someone who should be pushed in Impact and I have high hopes for him. I’m also confused as to why Impact is suddenly becoming the land of giants with all the impressive big men wrestlers they are acquiring. AEW could really use a W Morrissey, Jonah, or Steve Maclin on their roster!

Jonah took the mic and talked about how people are talking about “The Top Dog”. He talked about he he “takes over” whereever he goes. He said he debuted for New Japan in San Jose to confront Moose. He said he deserves to be a world champion. Jonah said he’s also looking at Josh Alexander. Jonah said that Alexander calls himself the best wrestler in the world. Jonah said to be the best you have to go through the top dog…

John’s Thoughts: Hmmmm? Or maybe he’s in Impact for a cup of coffee and is looking at more New Japan aspirations. Whereever Jonah goes it’ll be great! I’m looking forward to his presumed feuds against Alexander and Moose.

Highlights from the X Division triple threat from Turning Point aired…

Gia Miller interviewed Trey Miguel about his latest title defense. Miguel talked about his biggest challenge in Impact being pinning or submitting Steve Maclin. Miguel said that he tried to pin both Maclin and Laredo Kid at the same time at Turning Point which led to Kid staying down and Maclin kicking out. Right on queue, Steve Maclin ran in to brawl with Trey. Trey managed to avoid Maclin throwing a toolbox at him. Maclin choked Miguel with a power cord. Security guards pulled Maclin aside. Trey left Maclin and the guards lying after hitting them with a flip dive from the top of a bunch of backstage equipment…[c]

An ad aired for the Impact Plus Throwback Throwdown (their version of Southpaw Regional Wrestling that goes too long in runtime). Apparently Pabst Blue Ribbon is the sponsor of the show?

John’s Thoughts: Well… I’m happy I don’t have to review that show now that it’s on Impact Plus. I’m assuming it’s non-canon too. Why didn’t they make Wrestle House an Impact Plus show?

This week’s How to Be a Professional Wrestler subject was “Distance Learning”. Zicky Dice facetimed Brian Myers and Myers wondered how Dice got his number. Dice said he stole it from Matt Cardona’s phone when Cardona was in the ring. Myers hung up. VSK called Myers and tried to apologize for losing to Rich Swann. VSK said he’s going to make-good by facing FinJuice. Myers hung up after Dice asked him how his scrotum’s doing…

Moose got in W Morrissey’s face saying that “we” need to stop Matt Cardona from getting to the World Title. Morrissey said he doesn’t see how taking out Cardona benefits him whatsoever. Moose said if Cardona gets his hands on the world title, then Morrissey doesn’t get a shot. Morrissey pointed out that it’s Moose who is constantly promising him shots at the title and not delivering. Moose said he’s a man of his word and he’s looking Morrissey in the eyes by saying that if they take out Cardona then Morrissey will be first in line for the world title. Morrissey said “ok”…

John’s Thoughts: Why is everyone afraid of “Always Ready” Zack Ryder? If I were Moose and Morrissey wouldn’t I want to be facing easy ass Zack Ryder on a weekly basis in title defenses? Heck, I’m pretty sure Big Cass has beat up Zack Ryder many times over the years when he and Enzo would wrestle against Myers and Ryder. On a more serious note, Morrissey does look a bit dopey for always falling for Moose not delivering on his promises so I hope this leads to a program between Moose and Morrissey which I think they’re planting the seeds for.

Entrances for the next match took place…

3. Rachael Ellering (w/Jordynne Grace) vs. Savannah Evans (w/Tasha Steelz). The camera showed that former UFC Champion Anthony Pettis was in the crowd. Evans womanhandled Ellering to start the match. Ellering managed to rally back with a series of shoulder tackles. Evans hit Ellering with a bridged Northern Lights for a two count. Evans hit Ellering with a tackle and Butterfly Suplex for a two count. Ellering hit Evans with a leg sweep. Evans countered a springboard leg drop into a kneebar. Evans hit Ellering with a sweeping DDT.

Ellering got in Evans’s face. Evans fought back Ellering’s flurries. Ellering came back with an uppercut and basement neckbreaker. Ellering hit Evans with a series of running sentons. Ellering hit Steelz with a clothesline when she went for a distraction. Ellering hit Evans with a TKO for the win.

Rachael Ellering defeated Savannah Evans via pinfall in 6:48.

John’s Thoughts: Ooof. The match was well wrestled, and no one looked bad. I’m just not a fan of them giving Rachael Ellering a win over the promising Savannah Evans. I see more potential to have fun stories with Steelz and Evans. Ellering and Grace have just been very bland and boring since their neverending breakup story that led to nothing. Not to mention, Grace’s toy title belt isn’t really boosting them up either.

Tenille Dashwood met up with Kaleb and Madison Rayne and told them she was back. Rayne gave her the heads up over what’s been happening over the past few months. Dashwood also pointed out that she’s from Australia, just like the IInspiration…[c]

The IInspiration and “The Influence” had a little face off to tease contention. The IInspiration then giggled with Tenille Dashwood over being friends before. Rayne looked annoyed at all the giggling…

Entrances for the next match took place. Rich Swann is back to being the happy dancing guy…

John’s Thoughts: I only bring up Swann being happy go lucky because if I remember correctly, didn’t he have a blood feud with Eric Young before Young’s injury? And in this feud, they were feuding over Eric Young trying to injure Swann so bad that his career would be over. This was of course when Swann was world champion. Maybe Rich Swann is Impact’s Kofi Kingston, as in Kingston after he lost to Brock Lesnar?

4. “Violent By Design” Deaner and Joe Doering (w/Eric Young) vs. Rich Swann and Willie Mack. Doering chucked Swann in his corner. Deaner tagged in and Swann got the advantage with a strike. Mack tagged in and traded quick tags with Swann to double team Deaner. Doering ended Mack’s rally with a lariat.[c]

Deaner and Doering traded quick tags to isolate Mack. Mack ended up giving Deaner boots to bring in Swann for the hot tag. Swann knocked Doering off the apron and hit Deaner with a handstand boot. Young got on the apron which allowed Deaner to crotch Swann on the top rope. Deaner teased using the VBD flag on Swann but the ref wouldn’t let him. Mack ran in and hit Deaner with a clothesline. Swann recovered and hit Deaner with a 450 for the win.

Swann and Mack defeated Violent By Design via pinfall in 5:48 of on-air time.

Eric Young quickly put the boots to Swann and Mack after the match. Doering and Deaner joined in. Young was about to pile drive Swann, but Rhino and Heath [Slater] ran in to clean house. Violent By Design retreated as the face team stood tall in the ring…

John’s Thoughts: This is an interesting set of wrestlers that Impact seems to not know what to do with. What’s interesting is that minus Deaner and Rhino, I can see everyone else involved in that last segment being in fun upper-card programs. Can we give Joe Doering a singles run? He’s one of Impact’s many impressive big men and he’s been fun to watch during his rare singles matches. Heck, he led Doc Gallows to maybe Gallows’s most epic wrestling match in maybe his career. It’s also odd that Swann is happy go lucky again and going for the tag titles. Eric Young tried to end Swann’s career before Young got hurt and now Swann is ok with this.

Johnny Swinger was happy again and Hernandez still is holding a wad of cash. Rohit Raju and Raj Singh showed up joking about how Hernandez should invest in crypto. Raju was disappointed that he wasn’t invited to Wrestle House. Lawrence D showed up and challenged Rohit Raju to a match next week. Everyone acted disgusted at the smell of Larry D’s magic perfume…

John’s Thoughts: Come on Impact! You could have made a Sex Panther cologne joke here. 60% of the time, that joke works every time.

Matt Striker and D’Lo Brown ran through the following segments for next week’s show: Deonna Purrazzo and Matthew Rehwoldt vs. Mickie James and Chris Sabin, The Influence and IInspiration vs. Decay in an intergender match, and Eric Young vs. Rhino in a street fight…

Entrances for the main event took place…

5. W Morrissey and Impact World Champion Moose vs. Eddie Edwards and “Always Ready” Matt Cardona. Cardona was wearing New York Mets colors. Cardona and Edwards traded quick tags to double team Morrissey. Cardona took down Morrissey with a wrecking ball kick while Eddie hit Moose with a suicide dive to head into commercial.[c]

Morrissey and Moose were isolating Matt Cardona back from the break. Cardona escaped a power bomb from Morrissey and tagged in Eddie. Eddie gave Morrissey chops and an elbow. Moose distracted Eddie, which allowed Morrissey to dump him to ringside. Eddie sold a right knee injury. Moose and Morrissey went back to the isolation offense on Eddie. Eddie almost got the hot tag to Cardona, but Moose dragged Matt off the apron. After a few minutes of selling, Eddie got the hot tag to Cardona.

Cardona hit Moose with the Codebreaker and Broski Boot. Morrissey broke up the pin attempt. Everyone ended up taking each other out with boots. Cardona and Moose were the legal men. Cardona and Moose traded forearms. Moose took down Cardona with a big boot. Eddie took down Morrissey with a suicide dive. Cardona teased a Ruff Ryder but walked right into a Uranage from Moose. Cardona reversed a Spear into a schoolboy for a two count. Cardona reversed Moose’s Uranage into a victory roll for the rollup win.

Matt Cardona and Eddie Edwards defeated Moose and W Morrissey via pinfall in 10:45 of on-air time.

D’Lo shouted that Matt Cardona pinned the world champion. Matt Striker tried to do the outtro of the show, but it was interrupted when Morrissey surprised Moose with a Big Boot. Morrissey posed over Moose as his theme played to close the show…

John’s Thoughts: A solid main event non-title match to put some steam behind Moose’s potential next title contender in Cardona. I just hope Cardona takes Moose’s criticisms to heart and changes up his character in Impact because who would be interested in a long program between Zack Ryder and Moose? Eddie just needs to get off TV. He’s a great wrestler, but he’s overexposed and in need of a reboot. I do like the Morrissey twist at the end as it sets Moose up with another potential feud. On top of that Morrissey has been impressive since debuting in Impact so I have high hopes for him. We’ll see where the title picture goes.

Overall a solid show as usual. Impact is back to telling their own stories now that they don’t have AEW or their world champions around. I think they are doing a solid job at making some intriguing programs. They still need to differentiate themselves though and that’s tough given that there’s still better wrestling alternatives out there. Impact is essentially competing with the sometimes-crappy NXT 2.0 show, but even NXT has been better recently.




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