WWE Survivor Series results: Powell’s review of Roman Reigns vs. Big E, Becky Lynch vs. Charlotte Flair, RKBro vs. The Usos, and Damian Priest vs. Shinsuke Nakamura in champion vs. champion matches, Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown in Survivor Series elimination matches

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Survivor Series
Aired November 21, 2021 live on Peacock, WWE Network, and pay-per-view
Aired live from Brooklyn, New York at Barclays Center

WWE Survivor Series Kickoff Show match result: Intercontinental Champion Shinsuke Nakamura defeated U.S. Champion Damian Priest by DQ in 9:25 in a non-title match.

The show opened with a video package that mixed in a lot of footage from The Rock’s Red Notice… Michael Cole welcomed viewers to the show and noted that there were 15,120 fans in attendance. A video package set up the Becky Lynch vs. Charlotte Flair match…

1. Raw Women’s Champion Becky Lynch vs. Smackdown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair in a non-title match. Michael Cole, Corey Graves, and Pat McAfee were on commentary. The bell rang and both wrestlers went at one another with punches. Flair clipped Lynch’s knee. Lynch came right back with a Disarmer attempt that Flair avoided. Lynch kicked Flair, who responded by spearing her and then threw punches at her.

Lynch and Flair rolled to ringside where Lynch shoved Flair into the ring post. Lynch returned tot he ring while Flair recovered. Flair returned to the ring and took offensive control with a kick to the back of Lynch’s head. Flair looked at the booing crowd, then slammed Lynch’s head into the mat repeatedly. Flair taunted the crowd again, then went for a kick that Lynch ducked on the apron. Flair caught her with a knee as she tried to climb between the ropes. Flair ran Lynch into the ring post.

Flair went up top for her moonsault, but Lynch recovered and shoved her off the top rope to the floor below. Back in the ring, Lynch and Flair traded slaps, then Flair put Lynch down with a clothesline. Flair mounted Lynch and hit her several times, then covered her for just a one count. Flair laughed. Lynch caught Flair with an elbow, but Flair returned the favor and then threw chops and forearms in the corner until the referee pulled her off.

Lynch made another play for her finisher, but Flair rolled her up, then powered her up and slammed her down. Flair covered Lynch for a near fall. Flair laughed again. Lynch went for the Disarmer again, but Flair avoided it. Lynch put Flair in the corner and hit her with punches, kicks, and a big slap. Lynch set up for an exploder, but Flair avoided it and performed the move herself. Flair kipped up and played to the crowd while Cole said she’s one of the greatest athletes to ever appear in a WWE ring.

Flair went up top and went for her moonsault, which Lynch avoided. Flair landed on her feet and then performed a standing moonsault and got a two count. Cole said Flair was getting frustrated. Lynch eventually battled back with a series of strikes and then rolled Flair into an armbar. Lynch transitioned into a pin for a two count. Lynch hit Flair with a series of uppercuts. Flair came right back with an elbow and then covered Lynch for another two count. Lynch struggled to get up while Flair told her to run away.

Flair blasted Lynch with a big boot and covered her for another near fall. Flair barked at the referee while showing frustration. Flair a figure four, but Lynch avoided it and came right back with an inverted DDT for a near fall. Lynch went up top and went for a leg drop, but Flair moved. Both women stood up and Lynch hit the Manhandle Slam and had the pin, but Flair put her foot over the bottom rope. McAfee said Flair had the ring IQ of “100,000 million.” Graves said that’s not a thing.

Lynch put Flair in a figure four. Flair and Lynch traded strikes, then Flair rolled it over and had to break the hold because she was in the ropes. A “this is awesome” chant broke out. Lynch ended up on the apron and was sent to ringside by a big boot. Flair went up top and performed her moonsault, which missed by enough that Cole had to say she didn’t get all of it. Flair rolled Lynch back inside the ring and covered her for a near fall. Flair put Lynch in her own Disarmer submission hold. Lynch reached the ropes to break the hold. Flair laughed.

Flair rolled up Lynch and held the ropes while pinning her, but the referee spotted it. Lynch returned the favor by rolling up Flair and holding the ropes, but the referee missed it and made the three count.

Raw Women’s Champion Becky Lynch defeated Smackdown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair in 18:15 in a non-title match.

After the match, Lynch taunted Flair, who laughed. Lynch celebrated her win while Flair smirked as she headed to the back…

Powell’s POV: A very good match with a weak finish. I assume we’ll be getting more of those tonight as they try to protect the various champions. It’s really just another reason to do away with the brand vs. brand gimmick for Survivor Series. That said, it really was a hell of a match and the tension between them made this feel must see. I liked the way that Lynch watched the referee to make sure he couldn’t see her before she grabbed the rope.

Highlights aired of The Rock making his debut 25 years ago as Rocky Maivia at Survivor Series at MSG… A Drew McIntyre video package aired… An ad aired for NXT WarGames…

2. “Team Raw” Seth Rollins, Bobby Lashley (w/MVP), Finn Balor, Kevin Owens, and Austin Theory vs. “Team Smackdown” Drew McIntyre, King Woods, Jeff Hardy, Happy Corbin (w/Madcap Moss), and Sheamus in a Survivor Series elimination match. Jimmy Smith, Pat McAfee, and Byron Saxton called the match. They spoke about all of the changes that Adam Pearce made to the teams. In the ultimate heel move, Theory showed off his Raw t-shirt (no one actually wore them during the match).

Kevin Owens started the match for Team Raw. He immediately rolled to ringside and walked to the back for the intentional count-out. Awesome.

Kevin Owens eliminated himself via count-out at 0:55 (Raw 4, Smackdown 5).

Rollins was isolated by Team Smackdown for a stretch. Hardy covered him for a two count. Rollins eventually tagged in Balor, who worked the arm of Sheamus briefly, but Sheamus dropped him with a punch and then tagged in Corbin.

A short time later, things broke down with a series of rapid fire spots involving both teams. Balor caught Corbin with a kick and then hit him with the Coup de Grace and pinned him.

Happy Corbin was eliminated by Finn Balor at 7:50 (Raw 4, Smackdown 4).

Team Raw isolated Hardy and took turns working him over. Hardy came back with a Whisper in the Wind on Balor and Rollins. Smith mistakenly called it a Swanton, which Graves corrected. Meanwhile, Lashley hoisted up McIntyre on his shoulders at ringside and swung him into the ring post.

Later, Woods put Theory down and went up top, but Lashley knocked Woods off the ropes. Woods tagged in and then speared Woods. Lashley put Woods in the Hurt Lock and the referee called it.

King Woods was eliminated by Bobby Lashley in 13:25 (Raw 4, Smackdown 3).

McIntyre tagged himself into the match for a showdown with Lashley. McIntyre ate a Flatliner, but he came back with a forearm and tossed Lashley to ringside. McIntyre went to the floor. Lashley hoisted him up, but McIntyre escaped and shoved Lashley into the post. Lashley came right back and clotheslined McIntyre over the ringside barricade. Lashley followed and then charged McIntyre, who backdropped him back to ringside. The referee counted out both men, which drew boos.

Drew McIntyre and Bobby Lashley were both eliminated via double count-out in 16:35 (Raw 3, Smackdown 2).

McIntyre returned to the ring and blasted Lashley with a Claymore Kick. McIntyre dropped to his knees and called for Lashley, who was held back by MVP and several referees. Rollins taunted McIntyre by waving goodbye to him. McIntyre responded with a Glasgow Kiss headbutt. Sheamus covered Rollins for a near fall.

Balor checked in and went for a Coup De Grace on Sheamus, who rolled out of the way. Sheamus got up and hit Balor with a Claymore Kick and then pinned him.

Finn Balor was eliminated by Sheamus in 19:30 (Raw 2, Smackdown 2).

Theory dropkicked Sheamus. Rollins tagged in put Sheamus in a chinlock. Sheams eventually performed an Irish Curse backbreaker on Rollins and then tagged out. Hardy put Rollins down and performed a second rope splash for a near fall.

Sheamus dropped down on all fours so that Hardy could leap off his back and splash both opponents in the corner. Sheamus and Hardy followed up by clubbing the chests of Rollins and Theory while the fans counted along. Rollins battled back for a moment, but Sheamus put him down with White Noise.

Sheamus set up for his finisher, but he was distracted by Theory. Rollins superkicked Sheamus and covered him for a near fall. Rollins tagged Theory and then pulled Hardy off the apron. Theory rolled up Sheamus and held his tights will pinning him.

Sheamus was eliminated by Austin Theory in 24:35 (Raw 2, Smackdown 1).

Sheamus punched Theory and then approached Hardy. Sheamus punched Hardy (presumably for Hardy not being on the apron to take his tag) and then left the ring. Theory tagged in Rollins, who frogsplashed Hardy for a near fall. Rollins and Theory set up Hardy for a double superplex, but he fought them both off and performed a Swanton Bomb on Theory and pinned him.

Austin Theory was eliminated by Jeff Hardy in 27:00 (Raw 1, Smackdown 1).

The match came down to Rollins for Raw and Hardy for Smackdown. Rollins jawed at Hardy, who put him down and got a near fall. A “this is awesome” chant broke out. Rollins came back and went for a Stomp that Hardy stuffed. Hardy dropped Rollins with a Twist of Fate and then went for a Swanton, but Rollins put his knees up. Rollins got up, hit the Stomp on Hardy, and pinned him…

Team Raw’s Seth Rollins was the sole survivor to win the men’s elimination match in 30:00.

Powell’s POV: An entertaining elimination match. It’s comical that the match came down to two men who were on opposite brands last month prior to the draft. But the ring work was strong and the live crowd was into the match.

After some advertising, the broadcast team recapped the arrival of Vince McMahon with his golden egg from the Kickoff Show… A 25 years of Rock video aired…

Backstage, a security guard stood in front of Vince McMahon’s dressing room. Roman Reigns showed up and stared the security guard down until he moved aside. Reigns knocked on the door and entered, then shook hands with Vince, who had his golden egg in a case on his desk.

Vince spoke of Rock starting 25 years ago. Vince said the egg was not a stage prop, it was the real thing and said it was worth $100 million. “Almost as much as my next contract,” Reigns said before leaving the room…

Kieran Culkin of Succession was shown in the front row (amazing show and he’s awesome )…

3. A 25-man dual brand battle royal. The advertised entrants were Ricochet, T-Bar, Mansoor, Cesaro, Montez Ford, Angelo Dawkins, Erik, Ivar, R-Truth, Drew Gulak, AJ Styles, Omos, Sami Zayn, Angel, Humberto, Apollo Crews, Commander Azeez, Otis, Chad Gable, Shelton Benjamin, Cedric Alexander, Dolph Ziggler, Robert Roode, Jinder Mahal, Shanky. Only some of the wrestlers received televised entrances. The Street Profits were among those with entrances and they brought out a pizza shack box from an advertiser.

The wrestlers wore Raw and Smackdown t-shirts (ugh). Styles went to ringside and watched from there. R-Truth went to ringside and got a piece of the pizza. He brought it into the ring and tried to impress Omos and Otis with it. Otis ate it. Truth patted him on the back, which led to Otis eliminating him. Omos and Otis squared off. Omos dominated Otis and eliminated him. Ricochet eliminated T-Bar. Mansoor eliminated Alexander.

A few eliminations later, Omos and Shanky met in the middle of the ring. Omos tossed Shanky over the top rope to eliminate him. Cole said it was Omos’s fourth elimination of the match. After Roode and Ziggler eliminated Mansoor, Omos eliminated Roode. Ziggler jawed at Omos. Styles entered the ring with a Phenomenal Forearm and then eliminated Ziggler.

The Profits eliminated Zayn. Omos eliminated Azeez. Crews was upset that his man was out of the match. Styles jawed at Azeez, who tried to pull him over the top rope rope. Omos grabbed the feet of Styles. Omos was hit from behind by Crews, causing him to lose his grip, which led to Styles falling to ringside to be eliminated. Omos eliminated Crews, which Cole noted was his eighth elimination.

The match came down wot Omos, Cesaro, Ricochet, Ford, and Dawkins. Omos was ganged up on by the other entrants, but he fought them off and eliminated Cesaro and Dawkins. Ford backhanded Omos, who then tossed him over the top rope to eliminate him. Ricochet removed his t-shirt and dropkicked Omos, who didn’t leave his feet. Omos quickly disposed of Ricochet for his twelfth elimination to win the match.

Omos won the 25-man dual brand battle royal for Team Raw in 10:45.

After the match, Styles returned to the ring and celebrated with Omos. Styles went to ringside and was going to grab the pizza, but Ford caught him with a kick and then tossed pizza slices to the crowd. Ford grabbed the rest of the pizza and went to the stage where he and Dawkins tossed more slices and ate some on the stage…

Powell’s POV: This is where I would have attempted to start a “Throw it back” chant. Seriously, everyone out pizzas the hut. Anyway, you had to know where this was going once Omos started eliminating people. They definitely established that he’s the new giant of WWE.

After some advertising, another Rock video aired… Smith, McAfee, and Saxton recapped the Kickoff Show match…

4. Raw Tag Team Champions Randy Orton and Riddle vs. Smackdown Tag Team Champions Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso in a non-title match. Smith, McAfee, and Saxton called the match and acknowledged Orton breaking the record for working the most pay-per-view matches (he’ll break the record for most Raw matches in his Raw next match).

Orton and Riddle were the early aggressors. A fan walked through the area opposite the hard camera sign with a “We Miss You Triple H” sign. The Usos took offensive control and isolated Riddle. Jey talked trash and then ran into a kick from Riddle. Jimmy tagged in and stopped Riddle from tagging out.

Riddle eventually performed a modified GTS and made the hot tag. Orton performed powerslams on both Usos. Orton went for a Draping DDT on Jey, who pulled him to ringside. Orton slammed Jey onto the broadcast table and then tossed him back in the ring. Jimmy charged Orton, who dropped him on the table before returning to the ring. Orton hit the Draping DDT on Jey.

Riddle checked in and worked over both Usos. Jey cut him off and performed a popup neckbreaker and covered Riddle for a two count. The Usos isolated Riddle again. Orton ran in and took a double superkick. The Usos followed up with a double superkick on a kneeling Riddle. Jimmy covered Riddle for a near fall. Orton eventually made a blind tag.

Jimmy superkicked Orton and then Riddle. Jimmy went up top for a splash on Riddle, but Orton hit him with an RKO on the way down and pinned him…

Raw Tag Team Champions Randy Orton and Riddle defeated Smackdown Tag Team Champions Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso in 14:50 a non-title match.

Powell’s POV: A solid match with a cool RKO finish. The Orton milestones are really impressive, especially considering he’s just 41 years-old and doesn’t seem to be slowing down.

Another Rock video aired following some advertising…

Backstage, Sonya Deville was on the phone while seated next to Adam Pearce. She hung up the phone when Vince McMahon entered the room. Vince noticed that someone stole his golden egg. Vince told Deville to call the cops. Pearce told McMahon that it was possible that it was one of the superstars who stole it…

Powell’s POV: In case you didn’t know, the golden egg is from Rock’s Red Notice movie. I haven’t seen the Netflix movie yet, but apparently it’s described as Cleopatra’s egg. Apparently, Vince said all the wrestlers have to be at Raw on Monday so that he can get to the bottom of this.

The Xia Li comic book vignette from Smackdown was shown…

5. “Team Raw” Bianca Belair, Rhea Ripley, Liv Morgan, Carmella, and Queen Zelina vs. “Team Smackdown” Sasha Banks, Shotzi, Shayna Baszler, Natalya, and Toni Storm in a Survivor Series elimination match. Cole, McAfee, and Graves called the match. Carmella went to ringside and had her assistants put her mask on. She had issues with the mask once she was in the ring. Ripley ripped the mask off. A distracted Carmella was rolled up and pinned by Storm.

Carmella was eliminated by Storm in 1:00 (Raw 4, Smackdown 5).

After a series of rapid fire spots involving most of the wrestlers, Baszler put Ripley in a Kirifuda Clutch. Ripley fell back onto her to break the hold. Belair and Banks had a showdown moment. Belair went for her handspring move, which knocked Natalya off the apron. Banks rallied and executed a tornado DDT and made the cover, but Ripley broke up the pin.

Belair took control and went for her KOD finisher, but Banks grabbed her braid and avoided it. Belair pressed Zelina over her head and tossed her at Banks, which led to a two count. Storm checked in and

Queen Zelina was eliminated by Toni Storm in 13:55 (Raw 4, Smackdown 4).

Morgan hit Storm with Oblivion and pinned her.

Toni Storm was eliminated by Liv Morgan in 15:00 (Raw 3, Smackdown 4.

Shotzi was tagged into the match and went up top. Banks tagged Shotzi, who splashed Morgan. Banks followed up with her own frogsplash and pinned Morgan.

Liv Morgan was eliminated by Sasha Banks in 16:10 (Raw 2, Smackdown 4).

Ripley powered up Banks and walked around the ring before putting her down with a vertical suplex and then covered her for a two count. Ripley followed up with a missile dropkick. Baszler tagged in. Banks hit the Backstabber on Ripley. Shotzi performed an neckbreaker with help from Baszler, who then covered Ripley and pinned her.

Rhea Ripley was eliminated by Shayna Baszler in 17:40 (Raw 1, Smackdown 4).

Belair was the final entrant remaining from her team. Shotzi and Banks ended up bickering. Banks shoved Shotzi into Baszler, who took offense. Natalya pulled Banks off the apron and was slapped. Banks was prevented from returning to the ring by her own teammates.

Sasha Banks was eliminated via count-out by her own teammates in 20:05 (Raw 1, Smackdown 3).

Natalya put Belair in the Sharpshooter, but she broke free and then hooked Natalya into a pin to eliminate her.

Natalya was eliminated by Bianca Belair in 21:15 (Raw 1, Smackdown 2).

Baszler put Belair in a Kirifuda Clutch, but she quickly escaped, hit a move, and pinned her.

Shayna Baszler was eliminated by Bianca Belair in 21:45 (Raw 1, Smackdown 1).

The match came down to Belair for Raw and Shotzi for Smackdown. Shotzi performed a cross body block from the ropes, but Belair rolled through. Shotzi slammed Belair’s head onto the mat. Belair eventually hit the KOD and scored the clean pin on Shotzi…

Team Raw’s Bianca Belair was the sole survivor to win the women’s elimination match in 23:45.

Powell’s POV: The effort was there, but this was laid out oddly and had some rough moments. As much as I enjoy Belair, they have to be careful to avoid pushing her as Superwoman or it could backfire.

An ad aired for NXT WarGames on December 5, and another Rock video aired…

Paul Heyman was shown walking backstage when Kayla Braxton jumped out and startled him. She informed Heyman that Brock Lesnar’s suspension is no longer indefinite, which did not please him… Additional video packages aired, including one that set up the main event…

6. WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns (w/Paul Heyman) vs. WWE Champion Big E in a non-title match. Cole, McAfee, and Graves called the match. Early in the match, Big E pulled Reigns under the ropes and went for a splash on the apron, but Reigns rolled out of the way. Big E sold a knee injury. Reigns went to ringside and hit him with a Drive By kick.

Reigns took offensive control for the next few minutes. He jawed at the crowd to shut their mouths and threatened to go into the crowd if they didn’t comply. Reigns took Big E to ringside and ran his head into the ring post twice. Reigns returned to the ring to stop the referee’s count, then went right back to ringside and jawed at Big E, who ran him into the ring steps.

Back inside the ring, Big E performed multiple suplexes on Reigns and then performed a running splash. Big E stood up and clapped to get the fans to chant “New Day Rocks.” Big E waited for Reigns to stand up and then ducked his clothesline. Big E ran the ropes, but Reigns put him down with a Samoan Drop and covered him for a near fall. Reigns threw repeated clotheslines in the corner.

Big E rallied and put Reigns in a standing stretch muffler. Reigns rolled Big E into a pin, then powered him up and slammed him down for a one-armed powerbomb, which resulted in a two count. Reigns came back with a uranage slam for a two count. Cole noted that it was a Rock Bottom-like move. A brief “Rocky” chant broke out. Reigns put Big E down on one knee with a Superman Punch and acted surprised that it didn’t put him down. Reigns him with another that knocked Big E to the mat, but Big E fired up.

Reigns hit Big E with a third Superman Punch and then jawed at the crowd again. Reigns let out his war cry, but Big E was standing in his face. Big E sent Reigns to the apron and then speared him through the ropes, causing both men to tumble to the floor. Big E rolled Reigns back inside the ring. Reigns speared Big E when he reentered the ring and then covered him for a near fall. Reigns acted stunned that he didn’t get the pin. The fans came to life with dueling chants.

A short time later, Big E tried to spear Reigns off the apron again, but Reigns caught him in a guillotine briefly. Reigns reapplied the hold once he was back inside the ring. Big E powered his way out of it and dropped Reigns with a Big Ending. Big E had the pin, but Reigns grabbed the bottom rope. A “this is awesome” chant broke out. Big E slammed Reigns’ head onto the broadcast table and then ran him into the ring post.

Big E ran Reigns into the barricade. He tried to run Reigns into the steps, but Reigns reversed it. Big E sold his knee injury from early in the match after hitting the steps. Reigns ran and leapt off the steps and hit a Superman Punch. Back in the ring, Big E went for his finisher, but Reigns slipped out of it and clipped Big E’s bad knee. Reigns ran the ropes and speared Big E and then pinned him clean.

WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns defeated WWE Champion Big E in 21:55 a non-title match.

Reigns and Heyman left the ring. Big E got back to his feet. Cole closed the show and wished viewers a happy Thanksgiving…

Powell’s POV: All those Rock videos, the stupid egg caper, and not even a pre-taped Rock promo from home? Ouch. Anyway, the match was entertaining and Reigns did a really nice job of heeling on the crowd to get them into the match. I suspect that a lot of the fans who grumble about the lack of clean finishes in WWE are now grumbling about that clean finish.

Overall, this was a draining show. It had its moments and there were definitely some good matches, but this low stakes concept really needs to go. It’s just a night of non-title matches and elimination matches over brand supremacy, which the masses just don’t care about. So while the fans may enjoy the matches, they clearly don’t care about which brand wins. Why would they? I guess the reason to watch Raw tomorrow is to find out who stole Vince’s egg. Yes, really. I will be back later tonight with Jake Barnett for our members’ exclusive audio review. Let me know what you thought of the show by voting for the best match and grading the overall show.

Pro Wrestling Boom Live returns on Monday with Jason Powell and Jonny Fairplay taking your calls coming out of Survivor Series at 1CT/2ET at PWAudio.net

WWE Survivor Series Poll: Grade the overall show

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WWE Survivor Series Poll: Vote for the best match

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Readers Comments (26)

  1. I have a simple request. Of all promotions. Can we please not have another battle royal for maybe 10, no 20 years.

    I remember being 8 and thinking they were cool. They are no longer cool.

  2. So is WWE sending us a message that even though SmackDown is a better show and we know it, we still have to endure Raw dominating the Survivor Series like it’s still the top show?

  3. Stop praising this bs there is no way Belair came over 4 to 1 especially over bazlier and Natalia but if wwe wants to make it out that blacks are better than whites just to be politically correct they are going to lose viewers if big e wins I know of quite a few people that will stop watching wwe including myself I am done with Monday night raw

  4. obviously vince mcmahon does not think these matches through or just dont care…point #1…hardy and rollins the final 2 in mens survival match…really?…not one single person in the universe thought hardy would win so what the hell was the point of having that final pairing zzzzzzzz…….point #2….belair and shotzi the final 2…again not one person in the universe thought shotzi would win so again dumb booking…..point #3 u pushing liv morgan but have her lose not even halfway through the survival match yet u let natty stay in almost to the end?….good grief who the hell is booking here stevie wonder?….point #4….obviously roman is not losing so why even bother leaving until last?lmao….ohh thats right cause brock will make an appearance hahahahahahaha

  5. Not watching the show – Justin Herbert and those beautiful Chargers uniforms is too good to change – but that sounds good that Jeff Hardy made it to the end of the match. Probably made it super predictable, but I’d have figured he’d have been among the first eliminated. I’d love to see him get some sort of push out of the show.

    • Those Chargers unis are nice, but I wish someone would remind them they have more options than just powder blue over white

  6. Jason! You didn’t comment on Corey Graves’ Gobbledy Gooker reference re eggs?? Don’t tell me you missed it!

  7. I can’t sit thru weekly TV anymore (not even NXT that i used to enjoy) buy WWE still delivers on the big shows

    Production is top notch. Not too much piped in crowd noise. Good in ring action

    I did fall asleep during the women’s 5×5, and I am realizing a little Pat M goes a long way. Otherwise this was a pretty solid show

  8. Really good fight between Becky and Charlotte. Some other good stuff in the other matches. The crowd told Vince and company just how much they didn’t care about most of the women in that elimination match, with the wave taking off until they finally got Sasha and Bianca facing off. Star making performance for Big E in the main event loss. Beating Reigns for the title will mean something if they build up that person the right way.

    • Problem was, although I do believe Flair is one of the best performers on the roster, she really has become full of herself. Laughing that she lost instead of acting as if it matters to her was done, IMHO, just to again demean Lynch (who I don’t care for, but still a bushleague move). She needs a reality check, but I doubt anyone will have the testicular fortitude to make that happen.

  9. Event was ok. With nothing really at stake, like titles, it didn’t really pack a punch. Got my $5.44 worth that gets taken out of my account every month. At least a surprise at the end or something.

  10. how much you want to bet Vince gets his Egg back it brakes and you see a mini Gobbledy Gooker……. like the mini Stay puff marshmellow man in the recent Ghostbusters movie.

  11. Derek M Alexander November 21, 2021 @ 10:49 pm

    It’s quite obvious that the ROCK stole the egg…

  12. This show was really all over the place. It had good matches and it had terrible matches. Overall, was just kinda boring.

  13. Not much really after the first match. Naff all to fight for … lousy show overall.

    Wish I’d watched Full Gear again.

    Wwe may make money … but as a wrestling show its on its arse it really is.

    As a kid I used to love Survivor Series … for the most part this was a predictable snoozefest. Sad, but not surprising

  14. The battle royal was paying homage or at least attempting to a match that took place on one or more early editions of the Survivor Series. Basically, it was something called “The Grand Finale” where all of the survivors from all of the five on five elimination matches would face off in some sort of battle royal or elimination match with whoever won being declared “Ultimate Survivor” or some such thing. This really doesn’t work with the modern day format of having two five on five matches one of them being for the men and one being for the women. So they sort of improvised and just threw a bunch of people who were not part of the five on five matches in there. This is one possible explanation for why this battle royal may have been added to the show.

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