Powell’s Impact Wrestling Hit List: Minoru Suzuki vs. Josh Alexander, Steve Maclin vs. Laredo Kid with X Division Title match ramifications for Turning Point, Knockouts Tag Champions The IInspriration vs. Kimber Lee and Brandi Lauren in a non-title match, Doc Gallows vs. Hikuleo

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Impact Wrestling Hits

Minoru Suzuki vs. Josh Alexander: A good Suzuki style match. It wasn’t one of his classics, but it was still a strong main event. This was properly framed as a big win for Alexander as he works his way back into contention for another shot at the Impact World Championship.

Steve Maclin vs. Laredo Kid: A strong opener with the expected outcome due to the stipulation that added Maclin to the X Division Title match at Turning Point. Let’s face it, Impact loves their multi-man X Division Title matches, but perhaps they’ll ultimately give us a Trey Miguel vs. Maclin showdown match if Kid takes the loss on Saturday. Kid is always impressive, and Maclin continues to do really good work while reinventing himself in Impact.

Moose vs. Eddie Edwards build: A spirited brawl that set the stage for Scott D’Amore turning their Turning Point title match into a Full Metal Mayhem match. I miss the days when you could count on Edwards to have a great traditional match, but the hardcore style fits the tone of their long feud.

Impact Wrestling Misses

“The IInspiration” Jessie McKay and Cassie Lee vs “The Undead Bridesmaids” Brandi Lauren and Kimber Lee in a non-title match: Halloween is over. Put the Undead Bridesmaids gimmick to rest. Lauren and Lee are talented and make the best of this, but they and viewers deserve better. And don’t even get me started on Impact’s continued obsession with low budget looking teleportation. On the bright side, the presentation of McKay and Lee has been strong thanks in part to the strong thus far.

Doc Gallows vs. Hikuleo: The match was solid. I just don’t care about the OG Bullet Club vs. modern day Bullet Club feud, and I’m not even sure which side Impact wants viewers to side with at this point. Are both sides heels? If Gallows and Karl Anderson turned babyface, then I guess I missed it despite watching the show every week. Either way, the tag division continues to feel ice cold.

Johnny Swinger, Fallah Bahh, and Hernandez vs. Crazzy Steve, Black Taurus, and The Demon: Impact’s year-round celebration of Halloween continued with the babyface trio. It was cute to see The Demon at Bound For Glory, but the thrill is gone. The comedy match was actually fine for the most part, but the show-ending reveal that the company is doing Wrestle House 2 was a big turnoff. Why does Impact always feel the need to be a wacky variety show rather than a straight forward pro wrestling show?


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