ROH Wrestling TV results: Powell’s review of Violence Unlimited hold an eight-man tag open challenge, Taylor Rust and Alex Zayne vs. Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe, ROH Women’s World Champion Rok-C confronted by potential challengers

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Ring of Honor Wrestling TV (Episode 524)
Taped in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 2300 Arena
Aired October 2, 2021 in syndication and on SBG regional sports networks, available Mondays on FITE.TV

After the opening video, Violence Unlimited members Brody King, Chris Dickinson, Homicide, and Tony Deppen stood backstage. Dickinson spoke about issuing an open challenge. “There’s honor in violence and this is violence unlimited,” King said. Danhausen wandered into the picture and said it would be very violent, then ducked away. The Violence Unlimited members said they weren’t friends with Danhausen. “I don’t know him, he’s Canadian,” Deppen told the others…

A graphic listed the opening tag match, ROH Women’s World Champion Rok-C, and the Violence Unlimited open challenge… Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman checked in on commentary during introductions for the opener. Ring announcer Bobby Cruise handled the introductions.

Rust Taylor and Alex Zayne made their entrance. A pre-tape aired with Taylor and Zayne delivering a brief promo. Zayne wanted to get through former ROH World Champion Jay Briscoe in order to get to his match with current ROH World Champion Bandido. The Briscoes also had a pre-taped promo with the brothers calling their loss to Mike Bennett and Matt Taven a bump in the road. They said they were coming for Taylor and Zayne and Jay said they would make them famous…

1. Taylor Rust and Alex Zayne vs. Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe. The Briscoes isolated Rust during the opening minutes of the match going into a commercial break. [C] Zayne tagged in coming out of the break and was eventually isolated as well. Rust took a hot tag and put Mark in a submission hold that Jay had to break with a kick to the back. [C]

The Briscoes sent Rust to the floor, and he pulled Jay out with him. Zayn clotheslined Mark to ringside and then performed an inside out springboard moonsault onto both men. Back inside the ring, Mark was seated on the top rope when Zayn used his partner as a springboard base and then gave Mark a huracanrana. Cool spot. Rust covered Briscoe for a near fall.

The Briscoes rallied. Jay set up for his finisher and ducked a charging Zayne, who was then taken out by Mark. Taylor fought away from Jay, who eventually got him back in position and hit the Jay Driller. Mark performed Froggy Bow on Taylor and then pinned him. Afterward, the teams adhered to the Code of Honor…

Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe beat Taylor Rust and Alex Zayne in 11:16.

Powell’s POV: A good match that really picked up coming out of the second commercial break. The broadcast team did a good job of putting over Rust and Zayne, as did the Briscoes with the way they showed respect to the duo afterward. Zayne has already popped up in Impact Wrestling, and I believe both men are working independently, so I’m not surprised that they took the loss in this match. That said, both would be terrific additions to any roster.

PCO was slamming a production crate backstage while standing next to Sledge. Danhausen showed up and mentioned the idea of finding a fourth person so they could face Violence Unlimited. Danhausen spotted Demonic Flamita and invited him, but he laughed and walked away without answering… [C]

Brian Zane stood in the ring and introduced ROH Women’s World Champion Rok-C, who came to the ring in non-wrestling attire. Zane asked her what winning the title meant to her. She said it was everything because her friends and family were watching from home, and her mom and dad were in attendance. She said she’s been looked down upon and told no, but she scratched and clawed, and she dedicated her life to becoming a pro wrestler. She said she would defend and retain her title with honor against anyone.

“The Allure” duo of Angelina Love and Mandy Leon made their entrance. Leon took issue with Rok-C saying she’s the first champion and not respecting the champions who came before her. The Allure entered the ring and stood on opposite sides of Rok-C. Love said the C in Rok-C’s name may stand for champion, but it also stands for something she can’t say on television.

Miranda Alize, Trish Adora, Willow, and Allysin Kay made separate entrances and joined Rok-C and The Allure inside the ring. Maria Kanellis-Bennett made her entrance and addressed the wrestlers from the stage. She booked a pair of three-way matches. She said the winners of those matches would meet the week before Final Battle to determine who will challenge Rok-C at the Final Battle pay-per-view… [C]

Powell’s POV: A good showcase of the new women’s champion and her potential challengers. It was good to hear Kanellis mention Final Battle. Unfortunately, it seems like the show might not have fans present, as there are still no upcoming live events listed on the ROH website.

Riccaboni and Coleman checked in and recapped footage from during the break of Alize hitting Rok-C from behind and knocking her down on the entrance ramp. Quinn McKay ran out to check on Rok-C… Entrances for the main event took place with Danhausen’s team accepting the Violence Unlimited open challenge…

Graphics listed “SOS” Moses and Kaun vs. Dalton Castle and Dak Draper, and Mike Bennett and Matt Taven vs. Bandido and Rey Horus for next week…

2. “Violence Unlimited” Brody King, Chris Dickinson, Homicide, and Tony Deppen vs. “Teamhausen” Danhausen, PCO, Sledge, and Demonic Flamita. Danhausen hit an early cutter on Homicide for a two count while Riccaboni noted that it was Homicide’s signature moves. Danhausen placed Homicide in an STF, which Homicide broke by reaching the ropes. [C]

Homicide and Sledge both tagged out. PCO hit all four opponents with clotheslines and then squared off with legal man King heading into the final break. [C] PCO and King traded strikes in the middle of the ring coming out of the break. PCO put King down with a powerbomb and covered him for a two count.

King rebounded quickly and put PCO down with a piledriver. PCO stood up and held his head while going into malfunction mode. PCO went to the apron and called for King to tag him in. King tagged PCO and went to the apron. PCO grabbed Danhausen and chokeslammed him. PCO worked over Sledge and Flamita, then lowered his singlet and told King to chop him. King obliged.

King put Sledge down with a clothesline and then told PCO to go up top. PCO performed a rough looking moonsault on Sledge, as only his legs hit his partner. PCO covered Sledge, but the referee wouldn’t make the count. Danhausen checked in for his team and performed a tornado DDT on King. Danhausen performed suplexes on multiple opponents, but Dickinson put him down with a spinning kick.

Flamita tagged in. Deppen hit him with a Destroyer. PCO reentered the ring and performed a running sit-out powerbomb on Deppen. PCO clotheslined Homicide and then went up top, but Homicide crotched him. Sledge performed a wicked slam on Homicide. King put Sledge down with a Gonzo Bomb and pinned him…

“Violence Unlimited” Brody King, Chris Dickinson, Homicide, and Tony Deppen defeated “Teamhausen” Danhausen, PCO, Sledge, and Demonic Flamita in 15:05.

Riccaboni hyped “SOS” Moses and Kaun vs. Dalton Castle and Dak Draper, and Mike Bennett and Matt Taven vs. Bandido and Rey Horus for next week while graphics displayed both matches. Riccaboni closed the show with his “happy wrestling” line…

Powell’s POV: A silly match that had its charm. The PCO routine went from main event to mid-card comedy. He has announced that he is leaving the company once his deal expires at the end of the year, and it feels like good timing for both parties. With that in mind, I was surprised to see Sledge take the pin rather than PCO or even Danhausen, who will appeal to his fans regardless of his won/loss record.

Overall, it was another entertaining hour of television from the first taping coming out of the Death Before Dishonor event. It’s a shame that ROH doesn’t have fans present at their tapings, especially after having fans in attendance at the same venue for the pay-per-view that preceded the event. I hope it’s not the norm for ROH, as they should be able to at least find a smaller venue and have some fans in attendance similar to the way Impact Wrestling has done for its tapings. My weekly ROH Wrestling audio review will be available for Dot Net Members later today.


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