9/13 WWE Raw Results: Powell’s live review of Bobby Lashley vs. Randy Orton for the WWE Championship following Big E’s threat to cash in the MITB contract, Damian Priest vs. Jeff Hardy for the U.S. Title, Raw Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair vs. Shayna Baszler in a non-title match, Rhea Ripley vs. Natalya

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,477)
Live from Boston, Massachusetts at TD Garden
Aired September 13, 2021 on USA Network

[Hour One] Jimmy Smith welcomed viewers to Raw and was joined on commentary by Corey Graves and Byron Saxton. Mike Rome was the ring announcer…

Big E made his entrance with the Money in the Bank briefcase in hand. Big E stood on the broadcast table and played to the crowd. Randy Orton’s entrance music played and he made his entrance along with Riddle. WWE Champion Bobby Lashley and MVP made their entrance.

Big E stood between Lashley and Orton and told them that he still intended to cash in his MITB contract during the show. MVP said Big E picked the wrong night to show up. He said he laughs at Big E dancing around like an idiot, but he and Lashley are in no mood for it.

MVP accused Orton of politicking to have the WWE Championship moved from Extreme Rules to Raw. Orton said it’s been 14 years since he and Lashley met in a singles match, so he didn’t want to wait two more weeks. Orton said there was no politicking involved. He said he went to who he needed to go to, told them what he wanted, and when they asked why he said it’s because he’s Randy ‘Freaking’ Orton.

MVP called Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods clowns. He said he thought Big E would be the first to become a world champion. He said Big E leveled up by winning MITB on Smackdown. MVP played up the possibility that Big E is afraid of Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar. “I”m not,” Lashley said.

Orton said it only takes one RKO to bring Lashley to his knees. Orton said that’s exactly what would happen when he becomes the new WWE Champion. Big E said he could cash in on Orton and become the new WWE Champion. Lashley said he would take pleasure in beating Orton all over the ring.

Lashley told Big E that if he comes anywhere near him with the MITB contract, he’d shove it so far up his ass that he’d be able to taste the fine print. Big E held up the briefcase, which Lashley swatted out of his hand. Orton dropped Lashley with an RKO. Graves said we’d have a new champion if Orton hits the move during the match…

The broadcast team hyped Charlotte Flair vs. Shayna Baszler… The NXT 2.0 video aired for tomorrow’s episode… [C]

Powell’s POV: The opening segment was exactly what it needed to be. They gave fans watching Raw before the Monday Night Football kickoff a couple of big hooks with the championship match and the threat of Big E cashing in. It won’t stop some viewers from watching football, but it gave them incentive to at least keep an eye on Raw. Very well done.

Highlights aired from last week’s Raw of Shayna Baszler distracting Nia Jax during her loss to Charlotte Flair…

Backstage, Sarah Schreiber approached Charlotte Flair and asked about Shayna Baszler’s confidence that she can beat her. Flair said Baszler will never get to her level if she continues to be dragged down by dead wight. Flair said she is the very best in every way humanly possible. Flair said her reign will last forever and then made her entrance.

Baszler made her entrance without Nia Jax. Footage aired from “earlier today” of Jax and Baszler bickering backstage. Baszler said Jax can’t beat Flair, but she can. Jax asked her to stay on the same page. Baszler walked away…

1. Raw Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair vs. Shayna Baszler in a non-title match. Yes, they are still using the silly Championship Contenders Match slogan. Flair performed an early dive over the top rope onto Baszler at ringside. [C]

An ad aired for the draft starting October 1 on Smackdown and concluding on October 4 on Raw.

Flair performed a Flatliner into the turnbuckle. Baszler ended up at ringside. Flair performed a top rope moonsault onto Baszler on the floor. Nia Jax made her entrance dressed in non-wrestling attire. Baszler tripped a distracted Flair and sent her face first into the ring steps. [C]

Flair targeted the knee of Baszler. Flair went to ringside and taunted Jax for a moment. Back inside the ring, Baszler caught Flair with a knee to the head. Jax climbed onto the apron, which distracted Baszler long enough for Flair to hit her with a boot to the head and then score the pin.

Raw Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair defeated Shayna Baszler in 14:15 in a non-title match.

After the match, Alexa Bliss made her entrance with the Lilly doll and a gift box. Once in the ring, Bliss said she got Bliss a gift for accepting the title match at Extreme Rules. Flair said Bliss doesn’t know her taste. Flair said she doesn’t collect dolls. Bliss told her to loosen up and have some fun for once.

Bliss and Flair went back and forth with “yes” and “no” regarding whether she should take the gift, which prompted the desired “yes” chant followed by an “open it” chant. Flair opened the box and a Lilly style doll as inside with a mini title belt. Bliss said the doll’s name is Charly and looks exactly like Flair. A “Charly” chant broke out.

Bliss said she wanted to give Flair something to play with once she takes her title from her at Extreme Rules. Flair said Bliss was crazy if she thinks she would take her title. She said she would have Mattel send Bliss an action figure once she gets lost up inside a padded cell.

Flair threw the Charly doll at Bliss’s face. Bliss attacked her. Flair went for a knee strike, but Bliss avoided it. Bliss eventually performed a Code Red on Flair and then held up the Raw Women’s Championship belt…

Powell’s POV: The broadcast team tried to play up the idea that Baszler may have finished Flair after the knee strike, but it just didn’t feel like that was the case. They brushed that feud aside to get to the post match angle with Flair and Bliss, which was really well received by the live crowd. By the way, the WWE Twitter page used the “Charly” spelling, which is the same way that former WWE broadcast team member Charly Caruso spells her first name. Then again, WWE originally went with “Lily” before settling in on “Lilly”, so I guess we’ll see if this spelling sticks.

A Randy Orton video package aired and then the broadcast team hyped the WWE Championship match… Drew McIntyre made his entrance for a six-man tag match. McIntyre will team with the Viking Raiders to face Jinder Mahal, Veer, and Shanky… [C]

McIntyre was standing in the ring looking at the entrance stage coming out of the break when he was attacked by Mahal, Veer, and Shanky. The Viking Raiders ran out and chased off the heels. The referee checked on McIntyre and then started the match…

2. Drew McIntyre and “The Viking Raiders” Erik and Ivar vs. Jinder Mahal, Veer, and Shanky. McIntyre tagged in early and worked over all three opponents. McIntyre performed a spinebuster on Mahal, but Shanky had made a blind tag and hit him from behind. McIntyre came right back and performed a Claymore Kick on Shanky and then pinned him…

Drew McIntyre and “The Viking Raiders” Erik and Ivar beat Jinder Mahal, Veer, and Shanky in 2:35.

Big E reunited with Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods. Big E asked Kingston for advice. Kingston hyped up Big E before saying he already knows what to do and doesn’t need his advice. The trio sang “Hey, we want some New Day” repeatedly…

U.S. Champion Damian Priest made his entrance… [C]

Powell’s POV: Ivar never removed his t-shirt and never tagged into the brief match. Am I the only one hoping that Big E won’t be reunited with Kingston and Woods via the draft?

The broadcast team boasted about Reggie and the company’s success on TikTok…

Reggie was shown walking backstage. He ended up avoiding a group of potential challengers that included R-Truth and Akira Tozawa.

[Hour Two] Drake Maverick showed up again and told them that their plan was not the problem, it was their execution. Maverick walked away and then Truth and Tozawa went back to face again…

A Priest pre-tape aired where he spoke of facing Sheamus at Extreme Rules, but facing someone in Jeff Hardy who he truly admires first. Hardy made his entrance for the U.S. Title match…

3. Damian Priest vs. Jeff Hardy for the U.S. Championship. Mike Rome delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. Sheamus came out before the opening bell and joined the broadcast team. Priest knocked Hardy off the apron with a big boot, then performed a move from the middle rope onto him. Priest got up and jawed with Sheamus. [C]

An ad for NXT touted the four-way for the vacant NXT Championship.

Late in the match, Hardy went for a Twist of Fate, but Priest avoided it and performed a clunky version of The Reckoning and scored the pin.

Damian Priest defeated Jeff Hardy in 11:20 to retain the U.S. Championship.

After the match, Sheamus attacked Priest and then took out Hardy with a Brogue Kick. Sheamus turned toward Priest, who dropped him with his own Brogue Kick finisher…

Powell’s POV: Well, least Hardy wasn’t chasing the 24/7 Championship this week.

Backstage, Nikki ASH told Rhea Ripley that she wanted to have a special celebration because they beat the WWE Women’s Tag Titles. Ripley said they had to focus on the bigger picture of winning the tag titles. Natalya and Tamina showed up and said “you two freaks” would never hold the titles. The teams ended up getting physical. Sonya Deville showed up and stopped them. She booked Tamina vs. Nikki Cross for Raw…

Nikki ASH and Rhea Ripley made their entrance. A Connor’s Cure video aired… [C] The broadcast team touted the signing of Gable Steveson…

Backstage, Riddle annoyed Randy Orton in his locker room. Orton put headphones on. Big E showed up and then Orton removed the headphones. Big E said he wanted to wish him luck. Big E kissed the MITB briefcase while saying that he would be watching closely…

4. Nikki ASH (w/Rhea Ripley) vs. Tamina (w/Natalya). Late in the match, ASH performed a tornado DDT and covered Tamina. The referee made the three count even though Tamina kicked out.

Nikki ASH beat Tamina in roughly 5:00.

Tamina got up and attacked ASH. Both babyfaces were down at ringside while Graves hyped Ripley vs. Natalya for after the break… [C]

5. Rhea Ripley vs. Natalya (w/Tamina). The match was joined in progress. The broadcast team said Nikki ASH was receiving medical treatment backstage. Natalya dumped Ripley to ringside and suplexed her. [C]

Ripley put Natalya in a leg lock in the middle of the ring. Natalya rolled her under, but Ripley fell on her and picked up a two count. Ripley set up for her finisher, but Tamina climbed onto the apron to distract her. Nikki ASH ran out. Natalya tried to use the ropes for leverage while pinning Ripley, but ASH shoved her feet off the ropes. Ripley reapplied her submission hold and got the win…

Rhea Ripley defeated Natalya.

Powell’s POV: The opening segment was fun. There was some charm in seeing Priest vs. Hardy for the first time. But the majority of the show has felt like the usual Raw filler and these last two matches are prime examples of that.

The broadcast team hyped the Lashley vs. Orton main event…

Kofi Kingston, Xavier Woods, Mustafa Ali, and Mansoor made their entrance for an eight-man tag match… [C] The NXT 2.0 ad aired again… A video package recapped the Alexa Bliss and Charlotte Flair segment…

Backstage, Charlotte Flair got upset and threw the Charly doll in the trash… AJ Styles, Omos, Mace, and T-Bar made their entrance for the eight-man tag match.

[Hour Three] A Mace and T-Bar pre-taped promo aired.

6. Kofi Kingston, Xavier Woods, Mustafa Ali, and Mansoor vs. AJ Styles, Omos, Mace, and T-Bar in an eight-man tag match. The heel team took offensive control. Mace tossed Ali to ringside heading into a break. [C]

Kingston went for Trouble in Paradise on Styles, who stuffed it and then performed a ushigoroshi. Ali tagged himself into the match moments later and performed a tornado DDT on Styles, who ended up in his corner. Omos reached over the top rope and tagged himself in.

Omos grabbed Ali by the throat. Mansoor jumped on Omos and applied a sleeper. Kingston and Woods grabbed Omos’s legs. Omos broke free and dumped Mansoor and the New Day duo to ringside. Omos performed his finisher on Ali and pinned him by putting one hand over him…

AJ Styles, Omos, Mace, and T-Bar beat Kofi Kingston, Xavier Woods, Mustafa Ali, and Mansoor in 10:10.

A sponsored Bobby Lashley video package aired and then he and MVP were interviewed by Kevin Patrick. MVP said Big E is more of an annoyance than a distraction. Big E showed up and reminded Lashley and MVP that he intends to cash in his MITB contract…

Powell’s POV: Another time filler, but the creative forces are doing a good job of spotlighting Omos.

Doudrop made her entrance… The WWE Draft ad aired again… [C] Boston imagery was shown… Eva Marie made her entrance…

7. Eva Marie vs. Doudrop. Eva avoided a running senton splash and covered Doudrop for a one count. Doudrop rallied and splashed Eva in the corner. Eva begged off. Doudrop hoisted her up, but Eva slipped away and raked the eyes. Eva tried to roll her up, but Doudrop dropped an elbow on her instead. Doudrop performed a running cross body block and scored the pin…

Doudrop defeated Eva Marie in 2:00.

Powell’s POV: Is that the end of the feud? Please?

Karrion Kross delivered a promo in the back. He introduced himself and said he wasn’t telling the viewers anything they didn’t already know. He said the viewers deep down don’t know who they are. They have an idea of who they would like to be, but no one finds their true nature until they are the one suffering or inflicting the suffering. He told viewers to tell him whether he enjoys every second of making his opponents suffer. He spoke of hurting everyone until he’s the only man left and he gets what he wants. He will pulverize everyone like clock work and they will all fall and pray…

Randy Orton and Riddle made their entrance for the main event… A Smackdown ad aired and focussed on Roman Reigns, Brock Lesnar, and Finn Balor without advertising anything for Friday’s show… [C]

The NXT 2.0 ad aired again… Nia Jax vs. Shayna Baszler was announced for next week’s Raw… Bobby Lashley and MVP made their entrance for the main event…

8. Bobby Lashley (w/MVP) vs. Randy Orton (w/Riddle) for the WWE Championship. Mike Rome delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. Orton set up for an early Draping DDT. Lashley avoided it and dumped Orton to ringside. Orton came up selling a leg injury. Lashley went after Orton, who ended up clotheslining him over the barricade and into the timekeepers area. [C]

Orton superplexed Lashley. Orton sold pain and was slow to cover Lashley, so he only got a two count. Both men ended up at ringside. Lashley hoisted Orton onto his shoulders and then ran his head into the ring post casting. Back in the ring, Lashley performed a shoulder block on Orton in the corner.

Lashley performed a neckbreaker and covered Orton for a two count. Orton rallied with a pair of clotheslines and then hit a third in the corner. Orton stood on the second rope and threw punches at Lashley while the crowd counted along. Lashley shoved him off and charged, but Orton performed a powerslam for a near fall.

Orton performed a Draping DDT. MVP was shown looking concerned at ringside. Orton taunted MVP and then struck the Viper’s Pose. Orton went for the RKO, but Lashley shoved him off and then speared him. Lashley covered Orton for a two count. Lashley acted shocked and angry.

Lashley went for the Hurt Lock. Orton elbowed his way free and then dropped Lashley with an RKO. MVP pulled Lashley under the bottom rope. The referee and Riddle both yelled at MVP. Orton went to ringside and put MVP down with an RKO. Riddle laid down next to MVP and taunted him. Orton returned to the ring and was immediately speared by Lashley and pinned…

Bobby Lashley defeated Randy Orton in 13:45 to retain the WWE Championship.

After the match, Riddle tried to check on Orton, but Lashley attacked him. Lashley hoisted Riddle on his shoulders and ran his head into the ring post. Riddle picked up Orton and gave him a Dominator through the broadcast table.

Big E made his entrance and handed the briefcase over to the referee. Ring announcer Mike Rome announced that Big E was cashing in his MITB contract. [C]

Powell’s POV: Lashley and Orton had a good match that kept the crowd in suspense. While a commercial break happening before an MITB cash-in may make sense from a television hook standpoint, it defeats the storyline purpose of MITB. The winner can cash in anytime, anywhere, but the champion will apparently get a break if the producers decide they want to go to a commercial break.

9. Bobby Lashley vs. Big E for the WWE Championship. Big E slapped Lashley before the bell. “Ring the f—ing bell,” Lashley told the referee and then tackled Big E. Lashley was selling a leg injury from the Orton match. Lashley speared Big E for a near fall. Big E came back with a Big Ending and scored the pin…

Big E defeated Bobby Lashley in 1:15 to win the WWE Championship.

After the match, Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods ran out and celebrated with Big E. Pyro shot off on the stage.

Powell’s POV: Raw desperately needed a change. Bobby Lashley was a fine champion, but so much of the show around him has been ice cold. While Big E winning the championship won’t change everything, it does breathe some new life into the show. Hopefully the draft will help Raw without damaging what is a consistently entertaining Smackdown show. I will be back with my same night audio review for Dot Net Members. Let me know what you thought of the show by grading it below.

WWE Raw Poll: Grade the September 13 edition

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Readers Comments (12)

  1. Jason you’re definitely not the only one hoping New Day aren’t reunited. The act is beyond stale, at this point I’m hoping for all three of them to go their separate ways.

  2. Does anything new ever happen on Raw? I feel like I watch the same episode every week

  3. Going to commercial before starting the match ruins the entire point of cashing in while the champion is injured. Especially what seems like a full 2 minute commercial break.

  4. Say what you want about Alexa Bliss, the crowd is hot for her, she knows it, and plays to it.
    I doubt she’ll beat Charly flair but she’s definitely entertainment

  5. Ring announcer said Tamina won. Seriously. What the hell is up with RAW? What a mess

  6. “Riddle picked up Orton and gave him a Dominator through the broadcast table.”

    Dang…what a TURNNNNNN!!!

  7. So is Big E the “Hollywood Hogan” of the NDR??lol

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