ROH Wrestling TV results: Powell’s review of Flamita vs. Eli Isom vs. Bandido vs. Brian Johnson vs. Chris Dickinson vs. Rhett Titus in the Survival of the Fittest elimination match finals, plus Matt Taven vs. Dutch

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Ring of Honor Wrestling TV (Episode 510)
Taped in Baltimore, Maryland at Chesapeake Employers Insurance Arena
Aired June 26, 2021 in syndication and on SBG regional sports networks, available Mondays on FITE.TV

The opening video aired and then Quinn McKay checked in from the studio and hyped the Survival of the Fittest finals while a graphic listed the entrants. Footage aired from of the finishes to the qualifying matches. McKay also hyped the Matt Taven vs. Dutch match as the opener…

Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman checked in on commentary while ring announcer Bobby Cruise handled the introductions. Dutch came out first with Bateman and Vita VonStarr. A pre-tape aired with Bateman warning Taven that he was about to see that death walks. A bearded Matt Taven made his entrance…

1. Matt Taven vs. Dutch. Bateman and VonStarr did not accompany Bateman to ringside. Bateman took offensive control by picking up Taven in suplex position and just tossing him across the ring. Bateman remained in control heading into the first commercial break. [C]

Dutch clotheslined Bennett to ringside. While the referee was tied up with Dutch, VonStarr appeared behind the ringside barrier. VonStarr attacked Taven. Maria Kanellis walked out and ordered her to return to the back. VonStarr eventually complied while the broadcast team explained that she lost her spot in the ROH Women’s Championship tournament.

Powell’s POV: The storyline is that Kanellis gave VonStarr a spot in the tournament on the condition that she not interfere in matches. Perhaps I’m missing something, but if VonStarr is out of the tournament anyway, why would she still take orders from Kanellis?

Taven eventually came back and hit his Climax finisher. Vincent walked onto the stage and mock applauded. Taven ran toward the stage, but he was attacked from behind by Bateman, which led to the referee calling for the bell.

Matt Taven beat Dutch by DQ.

VonStarr returned and joined the attack while a barefoot Vincent stood on the ringside barricade and watched. Mike Bennett ran out and tried to save Taven. Security eventually ran out while Riccaboni said that Vincent is a cult leader and his followers will do whatever he tells them to do… [C]

Powell’s POV: The DQ finish was logical. There was no way that Dutch should have lost this early in his run, and it’s a good idea to protect Taven as well. Plus, the match was effective in terms of reestablishing the hold that Vincent has over his followers.

Vincent delivered a promo on the stage with his followers standing below him while Taven and Bennett were inside the ring. He said Taven wants thousands of people to chant his name and say his catchphrase. Vincent said that won’t be happening here. Vincent said it’s not a yes, but a definite maybe.

Vincent said he knows Taven better than anyone, including his partner Bennett. Vincent said he would have nothing left to show if he keeps sacrificing himself and then nobody will care about him. Vincent said he and Taven both know that’s the most important thing to Taven. In the ring, Taven looked like Vincent’s words struck a chord…

A Jay Briscoe promo aired from his home ring. He said he would whoops his brother’s ass and knock him out when they meet in the Fight on the Farm that will air on next week’s show…

Ring entrances for the main event took place. Demonic Flamita was out first. A pre-tape aired with Flamita saying he would show Bandido that he’s better than him again. Brian Johnson was out next with a mic in hand and spoke about how he was happy that fans weren’t in the venue to annoy him with their insults. Johnson provided his own ring introduction.

Eli Isom was out next. He stated during his pre-tape that he’s trained his entire life for a moment like this. Chris Dickinson made his entrance. Dickinson spoke in his pre-tape about how he’s leveled the playing field since he showed up. He asked who would stop him and added that no one had since he arrived in ROH.

Bandido made his entrance. He said in his pre-tape that he doesn’t care what Flamita has against him, the match is his opportunity and he will end up with the victory whether Flamita likes it or not. Rhett Titus was out last. Titus stated in his pre-tape that he fights for his family. He told the other entrants that it’s nothing personal, it’s just his profession… [C]

2. Flamita vs. Eli Isom vs. Bandido vs. Brian Johnson vs. Chris Dickinson vs. Rhett Titus in the Survival of the Fittest finals. With the other wrestlers at ringside, Bandido climbed the ropes. Flamita cut him off. The duo fought on the ropes and Bandido got the better of it before he performed a fallaway moonsault slam that resulted in both men landing on their four opponents.

Bandido and Flamita fought inside the ring. Brian Johnson joined them. Flamita missed a 619 style kick on Johnson in the corner, then Bandido rolled up and pinned Flamita.

Flamita was eliminated by Bandido.

Flamita attacked Bandido and powerbombed him through a table at ringside. Flamita placed a chair over Bandido and then slammed another chair onto it several times. Rey Horus ran out and tried to talk down Flamita, who dropped the chair, jawed at Bandido, and then went to the back. Horus and trainers checked on Bandido. [C]

Johnson was given a run on offensive. Eventually, Titus cut him off and performed a top rope knee drop that led to Titus pinning Johnson.

Brian Johnson was eliminated by Rhett Titus.

Dickinson returned to the ring and attacked Titus. Dickinson put Titus in a knee bar and forced him to tap out. [C]

Rhett Titus was eliminated by Chris Dickinson.

Bandido returned to the ring while selling a shoulder injury. Dickinson put the boots to him. Dickinson put Bandido in an armbar. Isom stood up at ringside and pulled Bandido under the ropes to break the hold. Dickinson continued to target Bandido’s bad arm and eventually applied a cross arm breaker. Isom once again pulled Bandido’s foot under the ropes and this time dragged him to ringside.

Isom entered the ring and fought with Dickinson while Bandido remained on the floor. Dickinson applied a rear naked choke over the ropes. Bandido returned and broke up the hold with a kick. Bandido hit his 21 Plex finisher on Dickinson and pinned him. [C]

Chris Dickinson was eliminated by Bandido.

The match came down to Bandido and Isom. Isom targeted the bad arm and hooked Bandido in a submission hold. Bandido screamed out in pain to sell the injury. Bandido eventually reached the ropes with his foot to break the hold.

Isom went for his finisher, but Bandido avoided it and countered into the X Knee (GTS-like). Bandido went for the 21 Plex, but his arm gave out. Isom hoisted up Bandido and drove his shoulders onto the mat and covered him for a good near fall.

Bandido came back with a dropkick on a kneeling Isom. Isom dodged a charging Bandido, who came right back with a kick. Bandido went for a move from the ropes, but Isom caught him and performed a backbreaker for another good near fall. Isom threw kicks at Bandido and went for his finisher, but Bandido avoided it and ended up hooking him into a submission hold. Isom reached for the ropes with his foot, but he was too far away and had to tap out…

Bandido defeated Eli Isom, Chris Dickinson, Brian Johnson, Rhett Titus, and Flamita in 23:51 to win Survival of the Fittest to earn an ROH World Championship match.

Graphics listed Jonathan Gresham vs. Fred Yehi for the Pure Championship, and Jay Briscoe vs. Mark Briscoe in the Fight on the Farm for next week’s show…

Powell’s POV: Bandido will challenge Rush for the ROH Championship at the Best in the World pay-per-view next month. The match was really good with everyone involved having moments to shine. Bandido was the favorite going in, but the attack by Flamita created some doubt, as it seemed like it might have been done to give him an out for losing.

Rather, it made Bandido’s win feel even more impressive in that he had to battle back from the attack to win. Isom gained something in defeat by lasting as long as he did. Overall, a top notch show and one worth going out of your way to watch if you missed it. My weekly audio review of ROH Wrestling will be available for Dot Net Members later today.


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