6/22 NWA Powerrr results: Powell’s review of Serena Deeb vs. Thunder Rosa, Thom Latimer vs. Chris Adonis vs. Parrow in an NWA National Title qualifier, Tyrus vs. BLK Jeez and Jordan Clearwater in a handicap match, The Masked Man vs. Mims, Crimson vs. Slice Boogie

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

NWA Powerrr (Episode 32)
Taped Monday in Atlanta, Georgia at GPB Studios
Streamed June 22, 2021 on the FITE TV

The “Into The Fire” opening aired… The broadcast team of Joe Galli, Tim Storm, and Velvet Sky checked in and ran through the show’s lineup…

Kyle Davis interviewed Nick Aldis, Kamille, Thom Latimer, and Chris Adonis. Davis brought up Adonis and Latimer facing Parrow in a Triple Threat NWA National Title qualifier. Adonis claimed that he is the rightful NWA National Champion. Kamille said it was bad business to put Latimer and Adonis against one another in the first round. Aldis pointed out that Billy Corgan booked the match…

The This Is Pro Wrestling podcast ad aired…

May Valentine interviewed Crimson and Jax Dane. Crimson said his opponent Slice Boogie has been a thorn in their side since they arrived. He questioned why Boogie has injected himself in their business. Crimson said he was going to clean up the mess by taking care of Boogie once and for all. Valentine asked Dane how he felt about it. Dane said he was there for his partner and said you never leave your wingman…

1. The Masked Mystery vs. Mims. Galli said the mystery man wears his mask at the hotel and all the way home. The Masked Man was dominant early. Mims had a brief comeback, but the Masked Man cut him off and performed a sling blade clothesline. The Masked Man performed a Death Valley Driver and scored the pin…

The Masked Mystery beat Mims.

Powell’s POV: A showcase win for the Masked Man, as it needed to be. Mims got a little offense, but the outcome was never in question.

An Austin Idol wrestling school ad aired…

Davis interviewed Jordan Clearwater and BLK Jeez about their handicap match against Tyrus. Clearwater said he doesn’t want to wrestle Tyrus, but he was confident. “We’ve got this, right?” Clearwater asked. Jeez said that if he has confidence, they have a plan…

2. Tyrus (w/Austin Idol) vs. Jordan Clearwater and BLK Jeez in a handicap match. The bell rang. Clearwater asked Jeez what his plan was. Jeez laid down and encouraged Tyrus to pin him. Clearwater wasn’t happy and was going to leave, but Jeez got up and stopped him. Clearwater said he wasn’t wrestling Tyrus and he wasn’t lying down.

Jeez laid down again. Clearwater started to leave, but Jeez stopped him, then laid down again and encouraged Clearwater to do the same. Clearwater complied. Tyrus put his foot on Clearwater and a finger on Jeez while scoring the pin…

Tyrus beat Jordan Clearwater and BLK Jeez in a handicap match.

A Ricky Morton pro wrestling school ad aired…

Powell’s POV: Um, okay. I guess we’ll see where this goes. Meanwhile, can we have Idol and Morton join forces or fight it out so that we don’t have competing wrestling school ads every week?

Thunder Rosa and Serena Deeb joined Davis on the interview set. Deeb said she feels like an outsider in the NWA. Rosa didn’t dispute that. Deeb said she carried the NWA Women’s Championship for nine months and noted that she beat Rosa for the title.

Rosa pointed out that “someone” took the title from Deeb. Rosa said she should be the number one contender. Rosa said she took the NWA Title to AEW and defended it there before Deeb did. Rosa said Deeb is a great athlete and a great champion, but she’s not loyal to the NWA. Davis suggested they have a match to determine the number one contender. Deeb said she was down. Rosa said she should be the number one contender.

Davis oddly asked if there was someone that Deeb wanted to coach up in the NWA. Deeb mentioned Kylie Rae, who was introduced by Davis. Kylie came out and hugged Deeb and wanted to hug Rosa, who blew her off. Kylie said Deeb and Rosa are two of the best wrestlers in the world. Rosa said she scouts all over the world for women to work in her promotion. She said she wanted the type of woman who wasn’t a quitter and didn’t give up when things get bad.

Melina walked out and acted like Rosa was talking about her. Rosa said she wasn’t talking about her. Rosa hugged Melina and then said she was talking about Skye Blue, who came out. Melina told Blue that she’s just not there yet. Melina told Kylie and Blue that they will get there eventually. Melina asked Deeb why she wanted a rematch for the title when she’s an outsider. Deeb said she was willing to face Rosa anytime. Rosa shoved her and then there was a pull apart. Melina hit Kylie…

Powell’s POV: This was a confusing segment. Rosa was a babyface who seemed to be tolerating Melina, but in this segment she was rude to Deeb and Rae.

The Nick Aldis action figure ad aired…

May Valentine interviewed Taryn Terrell and Jennacide. Terrell told Rosa and Deeb not to sleep on Jennacide…

3. Crimson (w/Jax Dane) vs. Slice Boogie (w/Marshe Rockett) in a grudge match. The broadcast team said the match had no disqualifications and falls counted anywhere. Crimson clotheslined Boogie to ringside and then ran him into the ring post.

Crimson slammed Boogie’s head on the interview desk, then removed his belt and whipped him with it. Boogie rolled back inside the ring and begged off. Boogie offered a handshake and then went for a low blow, but Crimson blocked it. Crimson performed a Death Valley Driver and had the pin, but he declined to take it. Crimson grabbed a chair. Dane told him that he didn’t need to use the chair. Crimson let Dane keep the chair and then performed another DVD and scored the pin.

Crimson defeated Slice Boogie.

After the match, Crimson showed frustration with Dane and then headed to the back…

Powell’s POV: Another bickering tag team in the NWA? So maybe Dane can team with Aron Stevens and then Kratos can team with Crimson since they seem to have similar issues? Anyway, both wrestlers worked hard and this was a solid match, but I’m not a fan of Boogie being dominated.

An NWA merch ad aired…

4. Thom Latimer vs. Chris Adonis vs. Parrow (w/Odinson) in an NWA National Title qualifier. Trevor Murdoch and Aron Stevens sat in on commentary. Latimer and Adonis worked over Parrow together. They eventually tossed him to ringside and then agreed to face one another.

Parrow eventually returned to the ring and was roughed up by both opponents again. Adonis clotheslined Parrow and then posed. Meanwhile, Latimer tried to pin Parrow, which upset Adonis. Parrow clotheslined both men and then performed the Parrow Driver on Adonis and had him pinned, but Latimer broke it up. Parrow performed a powerbomb on Latimer for a near fall.

Latimer and Adonis fought back and performed a double superplex. Adonis encouraged Latimer to go up top for a move. As Latimer climbed the ropes, Adonis stole the pin…

Chris Adonis defeated Thom Latimer and Parrow in an NWA National Title qualifier.

Adonis tried to chat with Latimer afterward. The credits aired to close the show…

Powell’s POV: Well, I guess the “showdown” that was advertised on the NWA Twitter page as “Serena Deeb vs. Thunder Rosa” was a talking segment (see below). Weak. The rest of the episode was fine, but it’s disappointing when the most appealing advertised match didn’t actually take place. And I guess we can add Adonis and Latimer to the list of bickering tag teams.


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