6/8 NWA Powerrr results: Powell’s review of Mickie James and Billy Corgan make big announcements, Kamille’s coronation as NWA Women’s Champion, Pope vs. Luke Hawx for the NWA TV Title, Taryn Terrell vs. Lady Frost, La Rebelion vs. The End

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

NWA Powerrr (Episode 30)
Taped Monday in Atlanta, Georgia at GPB Studios
Streamed June 8, 2021 on the FITE TV

Billy Corgan and Mickie James stood on opposite sides of Kyle Davis at the interview set. Corgan announced that the NWA will return to St. Louis with shows August 28 through August 31. He said the first two shows will be pay-per-views.

The first show will be an all women’s show on August 28 and will be produced by James. The August 29 show will also be the NWA 73 pay-per-view. The shows will be held at the Chase Ballroom, which Corgan said is the emotional home of the NWA. Corgan said he couldn’t say how excited he was and added that he was bursting with pride.

James said she’s honored and privileged. She thanked Corgan for putting faith and trust in her. She said she’s wanted to do this for a long time and was cut off at every opportunity. She said people have asked her what’s next. She spoke about how she could have some killer matches, but this is different. She said they have a real opportunity. She said it’s the same show that she used to sit back and watch with her father.

James said they can show that women’s wrestling makes money and deserves to be on top of the marquee with men’s wrestling. She said it’s not just a hashtag or a money grab, she wants the best of the best. She said she doesn’t care if someone has a contract with another promotion or are an untapped talent. Corgan recapped the dates and coming to St. Louis at the Chase Ballroom. “It will be historic,” Corgan said before telling fans to be there…

Powell’s POV: It’s been nearly 40 years since “Wrestling at the Chase” ended its run in 1983. It’s a cool move for longtime fans and history buffs. I’m not sure how much it will mean to more modern fans. Either way, I like that the NWA is running in a different location. It will be interesting to see if they can generate a lot of interest in the local market.

The “Into the Fire” opening video aired… Joe Galli stood on the interview set and introduced Kamille as the new NWA Women’s Champion. She said she asked to be part of the main event of the show. Galli asked if it would be a title match. Kamille said no and then introduced Thom Latimer as the love of her live and her partner in crime.

Thom Latimer joined Galli and Kamille on the interview set. Latimer shoved Galli aside and then kissed Kamille. The fans booed Latimer and cheered when he raised Kamille’s hand. Galli said Latimer should be incredibly proud of Kamille. Latimer called for his boys.

Chris Adonis came out followed by Nick Aldis. A “not my champion” chant broke out with the small studio audience. Aldis told Galli that he would put him in the hospital if he spoke about him again in the same way that he did during the When Our Shadows Fall pay-per-view. Galli said he’s happy that Aldis was fined $25,000.

Aldis said for once, it’s not about him, it’s about Kamille. Aldis gave Galli ten seconds to get away from the podium. Tim Storm showed up and talked down Galli, who said he would leave. Galli congratulated Kamille for doing it the right way and the left the set.

Storm said there would be an NWA National Title tournament and asked Adonis for his thoughts. Adonis said he never lost the title. He blamed the “stupid stipulation” that no champion could enter the recent battle royal. Adonis said he still considers himself to be the NWA National Champion.

Storm stirred the pot by pointing out that Aldis had Adonis relinquish the championship to enter the battle royal. Aldis said he didn’t do anything. He blamed Billy Corgan for moving the goal posts to prevent Strictly Business from taking all the power, influence, and gold in the NWA.

Aldis said they have the NWA Champion and the NWA Women’s Championship. Aldis said it was only a matter of time before they regained the NWA National Championship and until Adonis and Latimer capture the NWA Tag Titles.

Storm asked Adonis and Latimer how they feel about being in a match against one another in the NWA National Championship tournament. Adonis asked if there was another person in the match. Storm picked up Galli’s notes, which listed Parrow vs. Latimer vs. Adonis, and Fred Rosser vs. JTG vs. Kratos in another first-round match.

Aldis said it’s not the first time they’ve been put in a position like this and they will persevere. Aldis pointed out that he was wearing a tuxedo and said it’s because he will be the official second for Kamille’s championship coronation segment…

Powell’s POV: A good opening with Galli stepping forward again after being less confrontational with Aldis during the previous season. Storm was fun in his roll as he tried to stir the pot between the Strictly Business members. So is Adonis in the group or is he still just an associate? I’m not sure where that stands at this point. They made a big fuss last season about new additions and potential departures from the faction that didn’t materialize, so I assume it’s all still in play.

Serena Deeb was interviewed by May Valentine and asked her about losing the NWA Women’s Championship. Deeb said it was an honor to carry on the legacy. She said her intention was to defend the championship with honor and pride. She said it was Kamille’s night. Valentine told Deeb that she respects her and said she was a great representative for the NWA…

The broadcast team of Galli, Storm, and Velvet Sky checked in during entrances for the opening match. Pope placed the NWA TV Title belt next to Sky and told her to keep a close eye on it.

Powell’s POV: Hey, I can actually hear Velvet! She seems to be speaking with her normal voice, so I’m guessing that they turned up the broadcast team in the audio mix.

1. Pope vs. Luke Hawx (w/PJ Hawx) for the NWA TV Title. The match had the usual 6:05 time limit. Hawx controlled the bulk of the offense during the first few minutes of the match and picked up multiple near falls. Pope eventually came back and hit his double knees to the back of Hawx before pinning him.

Pope defeated Luke Hawx to retain the NWA TV Title.

After the match, PJ checked on his father. Pope walked over and shook Luke’s hand…

Powell’s POV: A nice match with Pope giving Hawx plenty of offense before going over strong in the end.

A School of Morton ad aired…

Kyle Davis and May Valentine stood on the interview set. Davis wore an NWA hat and Valentine wore an NWA jacket as they plugged the merchandise website.

A masked wrestler showed up. “Who are you?” a fan yelled. Davis told the man to introduce himself to the audience. The masked man said he didn’t need to introduce himself. More fans asked who he was. The man said he was out there because he was supposed to be out there. He said he is the newest signee to the NWA.

Davis asked who signed him. The man said Corgan signed him. The masked man said wrestling his his passion and his life’s goal. He said he was there because he was asked to be there. He said he’s a professional and he was there because it’s an obligation. He said he answers only to Corgan.

Davis asked if Corgan knows who is under the mask. The masked man said that Corgan is the only one who knows who he is and the true purpose for why he signed with the NWA. The masked man said that the landscape of the NWA is changing and he has no respect for anyone in the back. He said the fans would see something special when he comes out to the ring…

Powell’s POV: Mask or no mask, I know Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson when I see him!!! No? I guess that explains why the masked man didn’t have the same voice, tattoos, physique, complexion, etc.

The broadcast team spoke briefly and then an Austin Idol ad aired…

2. Taryn Terrell vs. Lady Frost. Terrell left the ring during the opening minute and went to the interview set. She said she had to catch her breath. Terrell told Frost that she wasn’t really in the mood. Frost left the ring and approached the desk. Terrell told her that she’s so welcome for the opportunity.

Both women returned to the ring. Terrell offered a handshake. When Frost didn’t accept, Terrell grabbed her hand and shook it. Frost shoved Terrell and then made her way to the ropes. Terrell rolled up Frost and pinned her…

Taryn Terrell defeated Lady Frost.

Powell’s POV: A brief match with Terrell getting some heat from the studio audience for playing head games with her opponent.

Tyrus and Austin Idol made their entrance. “Please don’t let him come over here,” Sky said. They made their way to the interview set where Tyrus intimidated Davis. Idol pointed to Tyrus’s taped fist and said it would knock out anyone in any promotion or any sport. Tyrus teased hitting Davis.

BLK Jeez walked onto the set dressed in a suit. He said he wanted to talk business with Idol and Tyrus, who ended up walking off. Davis asked Jeez what the business proposition was. Jeez told him to keep watching…

After a Nick Aldis action figure ad aired, Valentine interviewed Trevor Murdoch and asked how he was feeling coming out of the NWA Championship match at the pay-per-view. He said he’s not sure exactly how he feels. He said he’s been screwed over by office politics and other factors, but he thought he had a chance in the NWA.

Murdoch said he just wanted to get Aldis in the ring. He said he did and he had him beat. Murdoch said he doesn’t know what else he has to do. He said he gave it everything he had and he didn’t win. He said he has no direction right now. Murdoch said he needs to collect himself and figure out what his next chapter is.

Valentine asked if he felt hopeless. Murdoch said that’s an understatement. Murdoch said there comes a point where you have to concede that it’s not your destiny. She told him that he did his best. Murdoch said it doesn’t matter because he walked out without the NWA Championship, which is the only thing he dreams about. He asked what he should tell his son who idolizes him. Murdoch said he wasn’t sure what else to say at this point…

3. “The End” Parrow and Odinson vs. “La Rebelion” Bestia 666 and Mecha Wolf. Odinson performed an early belly to belly suplex, then picked up Parrow and performed a Death Valley Driver onto Mecha Wolf. Bestia broke up the pin. Bestia eventually tagged in and performed a nice overhead release German supelx that sent Odinson to the corner.

Mecha Wolf tagged in moments later and had the pin, but Parrow broke it up. All four men fought in the ring. The referee gave up and threw out the match. Afterward, Parrow and Odinson picked up Bestia and Wolf and slammed them together…

“The End” Parrow and Odinson fought “La Rebelion” Bestia 666 and Mecha Wolf to a double disqualification.

Parrow and Odinson approached the broadcast table and said nobody escapes. They went back to ringside. Bestia and Wolf dove onto them and then fought with them at ringside until they all brawled to the back…

Powell’s POV: This was obviously just a set up match that created some issues between the teams heading into an eventual rematch. Based on the way the broadcast team called the match, Parrow and Odinson are the heels.

Nick Aldis headed to the ring with two bouquets of flowers. Kamille followed Aldis into the ring while classical music played. Melina walked out and threw her shoes before entering the ring. Melina bickered with Kamille. Jennacide came out and tossed Melina to the mat and told her to leave. Melina told her to have her moment and then left the ring.

Jennacide raised the hand of Kamille and then picked up of one of the flower bouquets and handed it to her while Sky assumed that it was a sign of respect. Aldis held open the ropes. Kamille left the ring with her flowers while Galli closed out the show on commentary… The closing credits aired…

Powell’s POV: This segment would have been better off airing elsewhere on the show. It made for a really flat ending. I guess they want us to wonder what it all meant. I still don’t feel like I know anything about the Jennacide character, and Melina seems like she’s bounced back and forth between babyface and heel, so it’s all rather confusing. Overall, the episode peaked with the Corgan and James announcement and the Strictly Business promo segment.


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