NWA Powerrr Surge results: Powell’s review of Jennacide vs. Skye Blue, interviews with Thunder Rosa, Nick Aldis, and Trevor Murdoch

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

NWA Powerrr Surge
Taped in Atlanta, Georgia at GPB Studios
Streamed May 4, 2021 on the FITE TV

-Joe Galli and May Valentine hosted the show from the studio desk. They set up footage of a recent segment involving Thunder Rosa, Melina, Kamille, and Taryn Terrell.

-Thunder Rosa was interviewed by Galli and Valentine. She was asked whether she believes Kamille will face her again. Rosa said she doesn’t believe she’s a coward. Valentine mentioned that Rosa has her own training school and promotion. Rosa spoke about how critics don’t bother her because they don’t pay her bills. Galli asked her to stick around while they aired a match they taped at the Powerrr tapings.

1. Jennacide vs. Skye Blue. Galli and Velvet Sky were on commentary. Blue got a little offense, but Jennacide stopped her when she tried to arm drag her from the top rope. Jennacide applied a surfboard hold briefly. Blue came back briefly. Jennacide stuffed it neckbreaker attempt and dropped her with a tombstone piledriver that led to the three count…

Jennacide defeated Skye Blue.

Powell’s POV: Jennacide is an empty character. Who is she? Why does she wear the Tin Woman makeup? I want to know more about her, but I don’t know if the company has figured out who she is yet. She has potential, so hopefully they come up with something good soon.

-After some ads, footage aired of Titus beating Matt Cross and Marshe Rockett to become the number one contender to the NWA TV Title.

-A montage of highlights recapped the Nick Aldis and Trevor Murodch storyline that resulted in Murdoch being suspended for thirty days when his team lost a six-man tag match last week.

-Trevor Murdoch was interviewed by Valentine. He spoke about being trained by Harley Race and recalled that the late legend had an NWA Championship in a box that was hung above his bed. Murdoch said he wanted to make a splash when he arrived in the NWA, and now he sees that he’s moving up in the rankings. Murdoch said there’s no easy path for him and never has been.

Murdoch said he has to look at himself in the mirror every day and he’s raising two young men who are watching the show and he wants to be an example for them. Murdoch spoke about sleeping in his car in the past and having to choose between paying rent and putting gas in his car. He said he always chose pro wrestling. Murdoch spoke of how every wrestler sacrifices and works toward the goal of becoming a world champion.

Powell’s POV: Excellent mic work from Murdoch. He’s doing a fantastic job as the blue collar babyface counter to the uppity Nick Aldis character.

-Footage aired of Nick Aldis beating Aron Stevens to retain the NWA Championship at the Back For The Attack pay-per-view. They cut to footage of Stevens stopping tag partner Kratos from using a chair, which cost Kratos a match. Up next was footage of Tim Storm and Stevens stopping Kratos from beating on Sal Rinauro, who rolled up and pinned Kratos.

-NWA Champion Nick Aldis was interviewed by Galli and Valentine at the desk. He spoke of how Stevens appears to have had a wakeup call and is now dealing with complicated issues involving Kratos. Galli asked Aldis if Latimer choosing Kratos to be on his team was an Aldis decision. Aldis said it was a Latimer move and turned it around on Galli by asking if he thought Latimer was incapable of making a strategic decision.

Aldis announced that Latimer and Chris Adonis are now number one contenders to the NWA Tag Titles held by Stevens and Kratos. Aldis referred to himself as the all seeing eye of the NWA. He said he’s kept a close on the tag champions, and it’s in his best interest to watch everyone closely. He said he’s confident that Latimer and Adonis will take the tag titles.

Galli asked Aldis about his next title defense. Aldis said he wants to face whoever is most qualified. He said it’s not about him, it’s about the fans and the NWA. Aldis said he is open to facing anyone who will step up. Galli stated that in three weeks, there would be a 14-man battle royal and the winner of the match will face Aldis for the NWA Championship.

Aldis acted surprised. Galli said there would be a wide variety of wrestlers, but none of the current champions will be involved. Aldis took issue with Galli having all this information and asked why he has more stroke than him. Aldis grabbed his title belt and stormed off the set. Galli said they would have plenty of exciting action when Powerrr returns next week.

Powell’s POV: A good segment with the usual strong mic work from Aldis, and good hype for the battle royal that will determine the number one contender. Trevor Murdoch’s suspension would technically still be in play at that point, but we’ll see if the work around it. Overall, this was a solid 30-minute show, but they really could do a better job of setting the table for the next episode. On the plus side, I like that they moved Surge to week three of the bundle rather than making it the last show of their four-week bundle on FITE TV.


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