5/28 WWE Friday Night Smackdown results: Powell’s review of Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso vs. “The Street Profits” Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins, Rey Mysterio and Dominik Mysterio vs. Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler for the Smackdown Tag Titles

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Friday Night Smackdown (Episode 1,136)
Live from Tampa, Florida at Yuengling Center
Aired May 28, 2021 on Fox

[Hour One] Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso were pumping themselves up while standing inside Roman Reigns’ dressing room. Reigns and Paul Heyman arrived and the Usos fell silent. Reigns asked if they were ready. Reigns asked what the end game is. Jimmy said the intention is to go out and win.

Reigns said Jimmy seemed to have it figured out and wished him good luckk. After Jimmy walked away, Reigns wished Jey good luck and asked him if his brother was talking for him now. Jey said that he’s with Jimmy tonight, but Reigns knows that he’s with him. Reigns said maybe he should tell Jimmy that too…

Michael Cole and Pat McAfee checked in on commentary, and Greg Hamilton was the ring announcer…

The Street Profits made their entrance for the tag team match. Montez Ford said it was Friday night in the ThunderDome. Ford told Angelo Dawkins that he’s had a little pep in his step all week. Ford said the Profits versus The Usos was a clash of the titans.

Ford said they felt flattered that the Usos chose them for their first match back as a team. Ford mimicked the Usos’ Samoan chants. Ford said it’s been a year since Jimmy suffered an injury, and Reigns lives in Jey’s head rent free.

The Usos made their entrance. Jimmy said it didn’t matter if he’d been on the shelf for a year or ten years, “the best damn tag team in the business is back.” Jimmy ran through their credentials and said they are soon to be seven-time champions.

Jey told the Profits he would drop them where they stand if they keep mentioning Reigns. Jey said welcome to the nightmare. Dawkins said the Usos used to run the tag team division, but he and Ford run it now. The Usos closed with their penitentiary line… [C]

Powell’s POV: A solid verbal exchange to build up the match and the tension between the teams before the opening bell. I’m happy they didn’t start the match and immediately go to a commercial break. This tag match feels much bigger than the Smackdown Tag Title match that is advertised for later in the show. By the way, stick around right after Smackdown for Jake Barnett’s review of AEW Dynamite.

Cole and McAfee hyped WWE returning to the road and some of the new dates they announced this week, including July 30 in Minneapolis (my home area)…

1. Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso vs. “The Street Profits” Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins. Jimmy had a brace on his surgically repaired left knee. Jimmy wore a “Day One Ish” shirt, while Jey wore a “Right Hand Man” shirt. Ford took Jey down early and then taunted Jimmy by yelling, “U-so.” The Profits dumped the Usos to ringside. They tossed Jey into the timekeepers area and then threw Jimmy over the broadcast table. [C]

Jey made a blind tag and then pulled Ford to ringside and ran him into the barricade twice. Reigns and Heyman were shown watching the match on a monitor inside Roman’s dressing room. Ford was isolated back inside the ring. Ford eventually fought free and connected with an enzuigiri on Jey. Jimmy tried to stop Ford from tagging, but Ford hit him with the same move. Ford dove for the hot tag, but Jey pulled Dawkins off the apron. [C]

Ford and Jey threw simultaneous clotheslines. Dawkins finally tagged in and worked over both opponents. Dawkins laid out Jimmy on the top rope. Ford dove over Jimmy and the ropes to perform a huge flip dive onto Jey on the floor. Damn!

Jimmy set up for a move and charged Dawkins, who put him down with a shoulder block. Dawkins followed up with a twisting neckbreaker for a near fall. Dawkins tagged Ford and then put Jimmy down with a spinebuster. Ford went for a top rope splash, but Jey pulled Jimmy out of the way. Jimmy superkicked a kneeling Ford and then covered him for the win.

Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso defeated “The Street Profits” Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins in 21:40.

After the match, Cole called it a big win for the Uso, but implied that they cheated. McAfee didn’t see it that way. The Usos celebrated together at ringside while Dawkins checked on Ford…

Powell’s POV: That was a blast. It felt like the biggest tag match involving two regular tag teams on WWE television in a long time. As fun as this match was, I look forward to seeing what these teams can produce as they develop more in-ring chemistry.

Megan Morant interviewed Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode on the backstage ring set about challenging for the Smackdown Tag Titles in the main event. Roode said they made a mistake by dumping a couch on Dominik prior to their previous match and how it triggered Rey’s paternal instincts. They showed off their new t-shirt and vowed to become the new tag team champions…

Natalya and Tamina made their entrance for a match against Riott Squad… An ad for Raw hyped Drew McIntyre vs. Kofi Kingston for a shot at the WWE Championship at the Hell in a Cell pay-per-view, plus Miz TV with Rhea Ripley and Charlotte Flair… [C]

2. WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Natalya and Tamina vs. “Riott Squad” Ruby Riott and Liv Morgan in a non-title match. The Riott Squad entrance was not televised and the match was joined in progress. Cole noted that Tamina was attacked by Riott Squad before the match started and was still down at ringside.

Natalya put both opponents down and went for a double Sharpshooter, but they kicked her away. Riott had Natalya pinned, but Tamina returned and shoved Morgan onto the pin to break it up. Tamina tagged in and blasted Riott with a shot to the back of the neck that Riott sold by bouncing onto the bottom rope.

Tamina went up top. Riott went up and tried to pull her off with an armdrag, but Tamina knocked her down with a headbutt. Morgan performed a variation of a Codebreaker on Natalya at ringside. Meanwhile, Tamina used a top rope splash to put away Riott…

WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Natalya and Tamina defeated “Riott Squad” Ruby Riott and Liv Morgan in a non-title match in 4:00 of air time.

Powell’s POV: It was nice to see the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions have a match without a lousy Lily finish.

Backstage, the Usos entered the office of Adam Pearce and played up their win over the Street Profits. Jimmy said he and Jey want to challenge the winners of the Smackdown Tag Title match next week. Pearce said he could do that. Jimmy was fired up and left the room, but Jey stayed behind and looked conflicted…

Smackdown Women’s Champion Bianca Belair made her entrance for a match against Carmella… The WWE vaccination PSA aired (my gal’s two-week vaccination period ended yesterday, so we are a fully vaccinated household and neither one of us has grown a tail yet)… Cole hyped a NASCAR race for Sunday on Fox…

Carmella was putting on makeup at the Gorilla Position when Kayla Braxton pointed out that Belair was waiting in the ring. Carmella ran through her list of accolades and said that while Belair’s career might read like a fairytale, she would end her happily ever after. Carmella made her entrance…

3. Smackdown Women’s Champion Bianca Belair vs. Carmella in a non-title match. Before the opening bell, Bayley hopped the barricade behind the broadcast table and joined them on commentary. Carmella performed a facebuster on the apron and then rolled Belair back inside the ring where she covered her for a two count.

[Hour Two] Bayley applauded Carmella, who superkicked Belair, who was lying on the apron. Carmella brought her back inside the ring and got another two count. Belair came back with and hit the KOD and scored the pin…

Smackdown Women’s Champion Bianca Belair defeated Carmella in 5:45 in a non-title match.

Powell’s POV: Cole might be getting an earful if Vince McMahon is producing him tonight. He didn’t recognize the KOD and called it a face plant. In his defense, he had Bayley and McAfee heeling it up all match, so I can see how he would have been distracted. The match was fine and I guess the involvement of Bayley on commentary means we haven’t seen the last of her challenging Belair.

Rey Mysterio and Dominik Mysterio were interviewed by Morant on the backstage ring set. Rey said it’s different teaming with his son because when Dom hurts, he hurts. Dom agreed that when one hurts, the other hurts. He also said there was no way they would lose this match and added that there’s no team in the world “that can top this”…

Seth Rollins made his entrance… A SummerSlam ad aired for the Saturday, August 21 event… [C]

Seth Rollins stood in the ring and called out Cesaro, saying he wanted to finish things tonight. Rollins laughed. “Silly me, what am I thinking?” Rollins asked. “Of course Cesaro is not here tonight.” Rollins said Cesaro wasn’t there to ruin the greatest day of the year – Seth’s birthday. Rollins had a video package play that recapped Rollins attacking Cesaro last week.

Rollins had audio play from Cesaro’s hospital room. There was beeping and a loud groan. Rollins said it was just a little birthday fun. Rollins said that what happened to Cesaro last week was unfortunate. He said he blacked out after Cesaro pushed him. Rollins said that Cesaro deserved part of the blame for what happened, but life isn’t black and white and he’s a man of integrity and responsibility.

Rollins said that some of the blame needed to be placed “on you.” Rollins said the WWE Universe brainwashed Cesaro into thinking it was okay to disrespect him and look right through him. Rollins said Cesaro was brainwashed into thinking he should get opportunities that he did not earn. Rollins said that if Cesaro doesn’t return to the ring, the blame will be on Cesaro and the fans. Rollins closed by singing happy birthday to himself and then dropped the mic…

Kevin Owens was shown walking backstage while the broadcast team hyped his non-title match with Apollo Crews… [C] Crews made his entrance…

4. Intercontinental Champion Apollo Crews (w/Commander Azeez) vs. Kevin Owens in a non-title match. Owens got off to a fast start and hit a Swanton Bomb for a near fall just 20 seconds into the match. Crews came back by clotheslining Owens over the top rope. Crews went up top, but Owens cut him off. Crews leapt over Owens, who then superkicked him. Owens followed up with a Stunner and had the pin, but Azeez broke it up with his Nigerian Nail spike to Owens’ throat for the disqualification.

Kevin Owens beat Intercontinental Champion Apollo Crews by DQ in 1:10 in a non-title match.

After the match, Owens sold the Nigerian Nail by coughing and gagging while referees and producers checked on him…

Powell’s POV: A quick segment that made Owens look like a strong threat to Crews while also putting over the Nigerian Nail.

Roman Reigns sat in his dressing room. Paul Heyman spoke to him and introduced his right-hand man Jey Uso, who sat down next to him. Reigns said he heard about the tag title match for next week and asked if that’s what Jey wanted to do. Jey didn’t respond. Reigns asked why he didn’t tell him that. “What happened to we?” Reigns asked.

Reigns told Jey to think about everything they’ve been through over the months. He said he’s only wanted the best for Jey. Reigns said Uso is Main Event Jey Uso now. Reigns said Jimmy returned and now Jey is relegated to the opening match. Reigns said he didn’t want Jey to go back to a place where people look at him and ask which one he is. Jey said he wouldn’t have thought about it like that. Reigns told him that he should because his brother is not…

Powell’s POV: A good old fashion mind f— from Reigns. The issues between Reigns and his cousins is making for good television.

Rick Boogs played his guitar in front of Marshall speakers while standing behind a microphone. He introduced himself and said he came with the King of Strong Style. Boogs rocked out on his guitar and then Shinsuke Nakamura made his entrance… [C]

5. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Chad Gable (w/Otis). Otis powerslammed Nakamura before the bell. Gable took advantage of the pre-match attack briefly, but Nakamura came back with a kick. Nakamura knocked Otis off the apron, but Gable put Nakamura in an armbar over the ropes, which he had to release.

Nakamura avoided a top rope moonsault and then hit Gable with a spinning kick. King Corbin showed up at ringside and took the crown from the broadcast table. In the ring, Nakamura hit the Kinshasa and scored the pin…

Shinsuke Nakamura defeated Chad Gable in 1:55.

Corbin stood on the ramp and told Nakamura that the crown belongs to him. Boogs showed up and hit Corbin from behind. Nakamura picked up the crown and put it on his head. Boogs played the guitar while Nakamura rocked out to his entrance theme…

Powell’s POV: There wasn’t much to this one, but we did learn that Boogs is spelling his first name Rick rather than Rik, so I guess there’s that.

In the trainer’s room, Owens was still gagging while a trainer and Adam Pearce stood over him. Pearce booked Crews vs. Owens for the Intercontinental Championship with Azeez banned from ringside for next week’s show… Rey Mysterio was shown kneeling and praying backstage. Dom patted him on the back and left the picture… An ad touted WWE returning to the road in July…

Coming out o the break, Rey was laid out on the floor and was being tended to by a trainer while Dom and two officials stood by…

Powell’s POV: I guess the lesson is that bad things happen when you pray? No, not really, kids.

Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode played up the idea that they should win the titles via forfeit if Rey was unable to wrestle. Dominik made his entrance. McAfee questioned if Dom was going to go it alone… [C]

6. Rey Mysterio and Dominik Mysterio vs. Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler for the Smackdown Tag Titles. Dom started the match alone. Cole assumed that Roode and Ziggler were behind the attack on Rey. At 6:00, Ziggler avoided a 619. Ziggler followed up with a Fameasser that Dom took awkwardly and it resultet in a two count.

Roode tagged in and the challengers hit a double team move on Dom for another near fall. Roode put Dom on his shoulders. Rey’s entrance theme played and he walked out. In the ring, Dom rolled Roode into a pin and got the three count.

Rey Mysterio and Dominik Mysterio beat Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler in 7:00 to retain the Smackdown Tag Titles.

After the match, Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso came out and confronted Rey and Dom, who held up their title belts. Roman Reigns was shown watching it play out from his dressing room with Heyman at his side…

Powell’s POV: The Rey injury angle made things interesting, as that was the only way to convince this viewer that Roode and Ziggler had a chance to regain the tag titles in this match. Overall, another good edition of Smackdown. I am surprised there wasn’t any follow-up to Aleister Black attacking Big E at the end of last week’s show. Otherwise, it was a quality show that peaked with the strong opening match.

I will be back shortly with my weekly same night audio review of Smackdown for Dot Net Members, who will hear my exclusive audio review of AEW Dynamite on Saturday. Let me know what you thought of the show by grading it below.

Join Jake Barnett for his live review of AEW Dynamite available now via the main page, and join me for my live review of AEW Double or Nothing on Sunday night.

WWE Friday Night Smackdown Poll: Grade the May 28 edition

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Readers Comments (4)

  1. Did you disable comments on the polls? Nice job. The trolling was getting tiresome

  2. Thank you for disabling the comments. It would be nice if people could comment on the programs rather than crap over each other with all the other stuff.speaking of the show, I can’t believe Wwe is the same company that produces Smackdown and Raw. I look forward to every Friday while Raw is like a chore! It seems like just about everything on Smackdown has a purpose, and they only have two hours!

    • It is sad that a few bad apples ruin it for everyone. As for Raw/Smackdown, having only two hours is a blessing. Raw would be a much better show than it is if they only had two hours to fill every week.

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