ROH Wrestling TV results: Powell’s review of Quinn McKay vs. Angelina Love, EC3 and Flip Gordon vs. Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe, Brian Johnson’s open challenge accepted

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Ring of Honor Wrestling TV (Episode 503)
Taped in Baltimore, Maryland at UMBC Arena
Aired May 8, 2021 in syndication and on SBG regional sports networks, available Mondays on FITE.TV

The ROH opening video aired… Ian Riccaboni checked in from the studio and noted that he was filling in for Quinn McKay, who would face Angelina Love later in the show. Riccaboni also hyped the other matches… They went to the arena where Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman checked in on commentary…

Bobby Cruise was the ring announcer and introduced the tag match as the television main event (plans obviously changed). Footage aired during the introductions of EC3 approaching Flip Gordon in the backstage area. Gordon assumed that EC3 wanted his help. Gordon patted EC3’s shoulder. EC3 looked at his shoulder, then looked up as Gordon walked away, and never said a word. As The Briscoes came out, a brief interview aired with them that was conducted by McKay. Jay said he shook EC3’s hand. Mark said Gordon has some nerve…

1. EC3 and Flip Gordon vs. Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe. EC3 shook hands with both Briscoes before the match, while Gordon failed to adhere to the Code of Honor. Coleman said EC3 earned his respect during his match with Jay. They cut to a break early in the match. [C]

Mark removed his shirt and choked Gordon with it. Riccaboni said he didn’t agree with it regardless of what Gordon did to Mark at the 19th Anniversary pay-per-view. EC3 mounted Jay and threw punches at him, then headbutted him heading into another break. [C]

All four men ended up in the ring. EC3 ducked a double clothesline and then put both Briscoes down with a clothesline of his own. EC3 went to his corner, grabbed a winded Gordon’s hand, and tagged himself into the match. A short time later, Gordon slid a chair inside the ring. As the referee was clearing the chair from the ring, Gordon hit Mark with a chain unbeknownst to EC3, who hit his finisher on Mark and pinned him…

EC3 and Flip Gordon beat Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe.

Powell’s POV: The outcome surprised me, as I assumed that this was going to be more about the Briscoes making a statement in the tag division now that they are back on the same page. But I like the approach, as they put heat on Gordon and left it open as far as what EC3’s reaction will be once he learns that Gordon’s cheated. I love that Riccaboni has a code as a play-by-play voice and took issue with Mark choking Gordon with the t-shirt. Riccaboni is not just a cheerleader for the babyfaces, he is a cheerleader for fairness. It’s a nice touch that helps make him such a likable personality.

A graphic listed Brian Johnson’s open challenge… [C] A Johnson sit-down feature aired coming out of the break. He said the world is divided and people are picking one side or the other. He said it’s no different in ROH. He said some are building a king, some are pure, some believe violence is pure, others believe they are righteous, some want to start their own promotion, and others have a faction for their family. Johnson said he stands on an island. While ROH is divided, Johnson said he is an equal opportunity ass whooper. Johnson said he demanded a match against any man, woman, or child…

Powell’s POV: A really cool promo from Johnson. My recap didn’t even do it justice. I couldn’t find it on the ROH YouTube page or I would have included it, as he did a great job of working in lines about the various ROH factions and names from the past while getting fired up about how it is The Mecca versus everybody. Very creative and very well delivered. Excellent work.

With Johnson in the ring, Danhausen made his entrance and spoke on the stage. Danhausen said that he brought a gift-hausen for Johnson. PCO’s entrance music played. Johnson looked apprehensive as PCO made his entrance…

2. Brian Johnson vs. PCO. Danhausen sat in on commentary for the match. Johnson attacked PCO from behind to start the match. PCO took offensive control heading into a break. [C] PCO backdropped Johnson over the ringside barricade. PCO got a running start and drove himself through the barricade. Johnson took advantage of the insanity and went back on the offensive.

Back inside the ring, Johnson performed a top rope splash. PCO sat right up and then no-sold Johnson’s punches. PCO fired punches at Johnson and then put him down with a wicked powerbomb. Danhausen spoke about how much he was enjoying it.

PCO performed a moonsault and put his hand on Johnson for the cover, but Johnson actually kicked out. The broadcast team pointed out that PCO pinned ROH Champion Rush with that move. Johnson removed a turnbuckle pad. PCO charged and ended up running into the exposed turnbuckle after Johnson dodged him. Johnson covered PCO for a near fall. PCO put Johnson in a “death grip” with both hands in his mouth and got the submission win…

PCO defeated Brian Johnson.

A graphic listed the main event… [C]

Powell’s POV: This was a lot more fun than I expected it to be. I assumed it would be a glorified squash win for PCO, but Johnson got some offense in and even kicked out of PCO’s usual finisher. It’s a nice feather in the cap of Johnson despite the fact that he ended up losing to PCO’s new move, which looks like a double mandible claw.

An Angelina Love sit-down feature aired. She said she knew there would be some problems within the locker room due to the success she’s had throughout her career, but she didn’t expect the biggest problem to be with the backstage interviewer. Love chalked it up to McKay being part of the age of entitlement. She said dumb equals Quinn McKay. Love said she would take on the mini challenge of teaching McKay a lesson. Love said it’s hilarious that McKay challenged her to a match. Mandy Leon showed up and said they had better things to do, which wrapped up the promo…

A Quinn McKay sit-down feature aired. She said she got to the point where she didn’t think she would get this opportunity. She said wrestling wasn’t even her first love, which is funny because it’s all that she thinks about now. She spoke about playing roller derby for eight years and some photos and footage was shown. McKay said she doesn’t have the in-ring time as Love and has never even had a match on television.

McKay said she’s trained her entire adult life when it comes to falling down and getting back up again. She said she started training at the ROH Dojo roughly three years ago. She said the opportunity to be a backstage interviewer and a host came up and she didn’t get to wrestle, but instead she found a very fruitful and satisfying career. McKay spoke of her love for ROH.

McKay turned her focus to Love and ran through some of her credentials. She said Love could be on the Mount Rushmore of women that led the revolution, but she wouldn’t put her up there if she was paid. McKay said Love plants bitterness, insecurity, and animosity in the minds of the women in the company. McKay got fired up and asked how a women’s division could be built around that. McKay said she wanted to cut the head off of the snake.

McKay said this is her opportunity to show what she has to offer and why Jonathan Gresham invited her to train at the ROH Dojo. If she loses, she wonders if she should go back to hosting and interviewing and maintain “this image” until her career is over. She wondered if any of it was worth it if she fails. McKay said she guesses we’ll find out together…

Powell’s POV: Love’s promo was very good, which is no surprise. McKay’s promo was fantastic. She recapped the story and laid out the stakes perfectly while maintaining her always likable personality. Go, Quinn go! Win one for the late Gene Okerlund, Renee Young, Gia Miller, McKenzie Mitchell, Charly Caruso, Alex Marvez, Alicia Atout, Eric Bischoff, Mick Karch, Jeremy Borash, Ken Resnick, and all of the backstage interviewers everywhere! Er, um, stay unbiased, Powell.

McKay made her entrance wearing glasses, a button-up shirt, and a bow-tie, which she removed on her way to the ring. She wore traditional gear for the match. Love and Leon made their entrance…

3. Quinn McKay vs. Angelina Love (w/Mandy Leon). Maria Kanellis sat in on commentary. McKay offered a handshake, but Love declined to adhere to the Code of Honor. The bell rang and Love told McKay she’s just a backstage interviewer. Love took McKay down and then walked over her. Kanellis said it was just mind games. [C]

Riccaboni narrated some highlights from during the break and said that McKay surprisingly held her own. Love pulled McKay down by her hair, then grabbed her by the head and slammed it onto the mat repeatedly. Love applied a submission hold. Coleman said they were supposed to be unbiased, but McKay is their broadcast partner. Love had McKay beat, but she released the submission hold before referee Todd Sinclair could check her arm a third time.

McKay rallied with a jawbreaker. She ran the ropes and Leon grabbed her foot. McKay ducked a Love kick and then power slammed her for a near fall. McKay applied the Tangerine Dream (Cobra Clutch). Love struggled to reach the ropes, but McKay pulled her back into the middle of the ring.

Leon climbed onto the apron and told McKay that she’ll never be a wrestler. McKay released the hold while the broadcast team pleaded with her not to take the bait. McKay took a swing at Leon, who dropped off the apron. McKay turned around and took the Botox Injection kick to the face and was pinned…

Angelina Love defeated Quinn McKay.

After the match, Riccaboni and Coleman stood and applauded McKay while ignoring Love or Leon mocking McKay by saying it was so hard to beat the backstage interviewer…

Graphics listed Josh Woods vs. Silas Young, and Shane Taylor, Moses, and Kaun vs. Primal Fear for the ROH Six-Man Tag Titles for next week’s show…

Powell’s POV: McKay told me in last week’s Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast that she’d worked roughly ten matches before this one. As such, they wisely kept the match basic and it worked. Love is a great heel and McKay is such a likable babyface personality. I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of this feud given the way the match played out.

Overall, this was among my favorite episodes of ROH Wrestling so far this year. All three matches were entertaining and there was some terrific mic work from Johnson, Love, and McKay. ROH is also doing a nice job of working in graphics or hype for the following week’s episode, which gives viewers an incentive to come back for more. ROH could have done a better job of having the McKay and Love saga play out on television rather than on YouTube, but the actual match was a success. I will be back later today with my weekly audio review of ROH Wrestling for Dot Net Members.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. Totally agree with you, this was a great ROH show, my favorite so far for 2021.
    Surprised you didn’t mention that the Briscos came out to their old music (even the announcing team remarked on it..!). I find it so superior to the quiet, flat version they’d been stuck with for so long now.
    I hadn’t been much of a Danhausen fan until his commentary during the “Johntone” match… hilarious!
    Definitely agree with you about McKay’s engaging promo. I went from being very curious to extremely eager for the match, ordering-a-ppv eager to see their match. It’s matches like this one that really makes me miss the live crowds… what a pop she would have gotten for her intro!

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