4/6 NWA Powerrr results: Powell’s review of The Pope vs. Fred Rosser for the NWA TV Title, Thom Latimer and Chris Adonis vs. “The End” Parrow and Odinson, Crimson and Jax Dane vs. Slice Boogie and Matthew Mims

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

NWA Powerrr (Episode 24)
Taped Monday in Atlanta, Georgia at GPB Studios
Streamed April 6, 2021 on the FITE TV

The show opened with a recap from last week that focussed on Nick Aldis and Trevor Murdoch, as well as Chris Adonis beating Murdoch to win the NWA National Championship… The Powerrr opening aired…

The broadcast team of Joe Galli, Tim Storm, and guest Aron Stevens checked in from their desk. Kratos stood behind Stevens. Galli hyped a special tag team edition. Stevens said he wanted to find out who the top team is so he and Kratos can decide which team to defend the NWA Tag Titles against.

Sal Rinauro joined Kyle Davis on the interview set. Rinauro asked Stevens about the tag title match they spoke about the week before during a May Valentine segment. Stevens said Rinauro would need a partner. He said it’s up to the NWA to sanction tag title matches, but he’s happy to get in the ring with Rinauro to give him a shot to prove himself. Stevens left the broadcast table…

1. “The End” Parrow and Odinson vs. Thom Latimer and Chris Adonis. Davis introduced Latimer and Adonis as Strictly Business. Galli assumed that Adonis was officially in the faction despite Aldis labeling him an associate. Odinson powered up Parrow on his shoulders and then performed a Death Valley Driver that sent his partner onto Latimer.

Parrow chased Latimer to ringside and ended up being clotheslined by Adonis, who put the boots to him while the referee was focused on keeping Odinson in his corner. Parrow was rolled back into the ring where Latimer continued to work him over. Adonis whipped Parrow toward the ropes and then Latimer hit him with a missile dropkick.

Adonis went for the Master Lock, but Parrow countered into a stunner and then made the hot tag. Odinson worked over both opponents and had Adonis pinned, but Latimer broke it up. Odinson placed Adonis on Parrow’s shoulders and then went up top, but Kamille came out and distracted the referee. Latimer shoved Odinson off the ropes. Adonis slipped off the shoulders of Parrow and then low-blowed him. Adonis put Odinson in the Master Lock for the win.

Thom Latimer and Chris Adonis defeated “The End” Parrow and Odinson.

After the match, Kamille entered the ring and kissed Latimer. Davis once again announced the tag team as Strictly Business. Thunder Rosa came out at jawed at Kamille, who stood behind Latimer and Adonis. Rosa went to the interview set where Davis said they would be right back…

Powell’s POV: A solid opener. Odinson looks physically impressive, so I was surprised that he was booked to lose to the Master Lock. The focus is on Strictly Business, but I hope they circle back and do more with The End.

An ad aired for a Nick Aldis retro action figure…

Rosa was venting to Davis when Taryn Terrell walked out and stole the spotlight. She said she wasn’t going to challenge Rosa because she had a hip injury, but she would beat her if they had a match. Terrell said she would help Rosa if she needed it. Melina came out and said that if anyone was going to help Rosa with her career it would be her. Rosa said she didn’t need either one of them and then stormed off…

An ad aired for Austin Idol’s pro wrestling school…

May Valentine interviewed Trevor Murdoch, who spoke about losing the NWA TV Title to Chris Adonis while wrestling hurt. He said there’s a time when a man has to stand up for what’s important to him. He said he didn’t think that the NWA would have given him this opportunity if they thought he was going to be a coward and run away. Murdoch said Aldis stepped into his lane and has taken something from him. Murdoch put Aldis on notice and said he was coming for him…

2. Crimson and Jax Dane vs. Slice Boogie and Matthew Mims. Velvet Sky was on commentary. Dane suplexed Mims and then Crimson leapt from the middle rope and dropped an elbow on him, which led to a two count. Moments later, Boogie pulled Dane off the apron. Dane acted like he was out cold.

Crimson eventually wanted to tag out, but Dane was still down. Boogie clipped Crimson’s knee from behind and went on the offensive. Crimson came back with a spinebuster and once again went for a tag, but Dane was still down. Crimson hit a Death Valley Driver on Mims and had him pinned, but Bookie broke it up.

The referee checked on Dane. Crimson grabbed Boogie by the neck and pulled him into the ring. Mims rolled up Crimson and the referee returned to the ring and made the three count. After the match, Crimson checked on Dane and told him to get up…

Slice Boogie and Matthew Mims defeated Crimson and Jax Dane.

Powell’s POV: It looks like Dane is turning on Crimson given the way he oversold being pulled off the apron. Meanwhile, Kratos and Aron Stevens have also had issues. I wonder if the idea is to eventually put Dane and Kratos together as a powerhouse tag team.

The flag football PSA aired…

NWA Champion Nick Aldis joined Davis on the interview set. Aldis said there was speculation that he would announce the newest member of Strictly Business. Aldis said he was actually out there to discuss something else. Aldis said he knows the difference between good and great. He said there are times when he’s good and it pisses him off because he wants to be great.

Aldis said that wrestlers who enter the NWA live by the standards that he sets as the champion. Aldis said you can only imagine what kind of standards there are to be in Strictly Business. Aldis said they were actively recruiting for the faction. He said there may be more than one spot available depending on who steps up. Aldis said nobody’s position in Strictly Business is guaranteed. Aldis extended the invitation for anyone in any promotion “who wants to live forever”…

Powell’s POV: So Damian Priest is joining Strictly Business? Okay, probably not. But it is interesting that he teased the idea that he’s open to adding wrestlers from any promotion, especially given the company’s working relationship with AEW.

The broadcast team pondered the possibilities of new Strictly Business members. Galli wondered if Aldis was looking for people who were great or would be subservient to him. Sky and Storm emphasized that Aldis extended the invitation to any wrestler in the world…

An ad aired for the Back For The Attack pay-per-view replay on FITE TV…

3. The Pope vs. Fred Rosser for the NWA TV Title. The match had the usual 6:05 time limit and there was a countdown clock on the screen. Pope was in offensive control early and went to the ropes. Pope went for a cross body block, but Rosser avoided it and then speared Pope once he got back to his feet. Rosser covered Pope for a one count.

Rosser dominated the offense and picked up some near falls. Rosser showed frustration with a minute remaining by removing his elbow pads and tossing one of them at Pope. Pope avoided a charging Rosser in the corner and hit him with an uppercut. Pope hit Rosser with double knees to the back and then pinned him with 19 seconds remaining.

The Pope beat Fred Rosser to retain the NWA TV Title.

After the match, Austin Idol and Tyrus walked out and applauded Pope. Storm assumed it was sarcastic applause from the heel duo. Pope watched the duo head backstage, then held up his title belt. Galli hyped next week’s debut of Powerrr Surge featuring special content that won’t be available anywhere else… The credits aired to close the show…

Powell’s POV: The match was fine, but the presentation left a lot to be desired. It was hyped for last week’s show and was bumped by the NWA National Championship match, so it’s not like it didn’t get any build. Still, it felt like they could have done more on this show to make the main event feel special with promos or video packages. It’s disappointing to see Rosser lose a high profile match this early in his run. While I don’t know what his contractual status is and obviously that could be a big factor, Rosser feels like a guy who should be being built up for an eventual NWA Title match. He strikes me as a guy who possesses far more upside than Pope or Tyrus at this point in their careers. Overall, it was a solid episode. Hopefully the Powerrr Surge show will feature first-run promos and video packages and won’t be a recap show. I guess we’ll find out next week.


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