ROH Wrestling TV results: Powell’s review of “MexiSquad” Bandido, Rey Horus, and Flamita vs. Shane Taylor and “SOS” Moses and Kaun for the ROH Six-Man Tag Titles, Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe vs. Dragon Lee and Kenny King for a shot at the ROH Tag Titles, and Mike Bennett vs. Bateman

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Ring of Honor Wrestling TV (Episode 492)
Taped in Baltimore, Maryland at UMBC Arena
Aired February 20, 2021 in syndication and on SBG regional sports networks, available Mondays on FITE.TV

The ROH opening aired and then Quinn McKay checked in from the studio and hyped the advertised matches for this week, and next week’s Championship Edition… Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman checked in on commentary while entrances for the opening match took place…

1. Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe vs. Dragon Lee and Kenny King (w/Amy Rose) for a shot at the ROH Tag Titles. A few minutes into the match, Mark dropped an elbow from the apron onto King on the floor. Mark followed up with a suplex onto the apron heading into a commercial break. [C]

Lee double stomped Jay and covered him for a near fall. King checked into the match and applied a leg lock submission on Jay. Mark broke it up by performing a top rope elbow onto King. Both teams met in the middle of the ring and traded punches. Lee got the better of Mark and put him down with a poison rana.

Lee and King doubled up on Jay. Lee went for a huracanrana over the ropes on Mark, who held onto the ropes. The Briscoes set up for the Doomsday Device on King. Rose distracted the referee while Flip Gordon ran out and knocked Mark off the top rope with a kick. King rolled up Jay and pinned him to win the match.

Dragon Lee and Kenny King defeated Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe to earn an ROH Tag Title shot next week.

After the match, EC3 made his entrance wearing a face mask. He removed the mask and dropped it. EC3 had a mic and said there’s no honor in the almighty dollar. He said he doesn’t know or care for Jay, but he has proven that honor can be bought and is not real. EC3 said Jay is one of the few men he respects in the business because he hasn’t bent a knee. EC3 said he envies Jay.

EC3 asked if Jay will honor his legacy by regaining the ROH World Championship or will he honor his emotions and his wrath to him. “Jay, you are free, freer than you even know,” EC3 said. “You are a free Jay Briscoe and you control your narrative.” EC3 put the mic down and headed backstage…

Powell’s POV: I was just about to write about Gordon apparently forgiving La Faccion Ingobernable for standing by while he got his ass kicked when he teamed with them in a recent eight-man tag match. Fortunately, EC3 explained it away by indicating that he paid Gordon to interfere in the match. EC3 vs. Jay Briscoe was scheduled for Final Battle, but the match was called off due to EC3’s bout with COVID-19. It looks like they are setting up for the make good at the next pay-per-view. Meanwhile, I was mildly surprised by the outcome of the entertaining match, but it makes sense given that The Foundation and LFI have been building toward a feud.

2. Mike Bennett vs. Bateman (w/Vita VonStarr). Bennett took the fight to Bateman and they fought to ringside where they traded chops. Bennett got the better of the exchange until he was distracted by VonStarr, which led to Bateman taking offensive control. Bateman catapulted Bennett into the ring frame. [C]

Bateman ended up in his corner where VonStarr told him, “Just murder him.” The broadcast team acted horrified. Bateman went on an offensive flurry. Bateman set up for a piledriver, but Bennett escaped and speared him. Bennett performed a piledriver on Bateman and pinned him to win the match.

Mike Bennett defeated Bateman.

After the match, Matt Taven hit the ring and attacked Bateman. Taven and Bennett put a block of wood between the legs of Bateman. VonStarr headed to the back. Taven took the mic and told Vincent that he would stop the attack on Bateman if he gave him a match to end their feud.

Vincent appeared on the big screen with VonStarr. He said everyone tells Taven yes in ROH, but he’s the man with all the power. Vincent told Taven no. Taven slammed the chair down on the left ankle of Bateman. Taven told Bateman to tell “balloon boy” that he would do this to his crew every time until he agrees to the match… [C]

Powell’s POV: The match felt more like a fight, which it should have given that there’s a blood feud between the two sides. I really like that Vincent declined the match. Obviously, he’ll give in eventually, but I like that the cult leader showed no regard for Bateman’s wellbeing.

A video package spotlighted the Rush vs. Shane Taylor match for the ROH World Championship that will headline next week’s show… Ring entrances or the main event took place…

3. “MexiSquad” Bandido, Rey Horus, and Flamita vs. Shane Taylor and “SOS” Moses and Kaun for the ROH Six-Man Tag Titles. Maria Kanellis-Bennett sat in on commentary for the main event. Flamita performed a 619 style kick on Kaun and followed up a short time later with a nice dropkick.

SOS’s big man Moses tagged in, which led to Bandido tagging in for his team. Bandido put Moses down with a cutter, and then Taylor and Horus tagged into the match. Horus used his speed to get the better of Taylor for a moment, but Taylor eventually caught him going for a top rope huracanrana. Taylor put Horus down with a clothesline. [C]

Flamita performed a springboard DDT on Moses coming out of the break. Later, the MexiSquad trio performed dives onto their challengers from the ring to the floor. Back inside the ring, Flamita performed a 450 splash on Taylor, but Moses broke up the pin. Bandido blasted Moses with a knee to the head.

The champions worked over Kaun and put him down with a triple powerbomb and a variety of fun double and triple team moves. Taylor returned and was held by Flamita while Bandido hit him with forearms. Horus ran the ropes and was shot into the air by Bandido, but he ended up performing a DDT on Flamita on the way down when Taylor moved out of the way.

Moses took out Bandido and Horus with a cannonball off the apron. In the ring, Taylor performed a uranage slam and a splash on Flamita for a two count. Taylor followed up with his Welcome To The Land finisher and scored the pin.

Shane Taylor, Moses, and Kaun defeated Bandido, Rey Horus, and Flamita to win the ROH Six-Man Tag Titles.

Taylor, Moses, and Kaun celebrated their win to close the show…

Next week’s championship edition will feature Rush vs. Shane Taylor for the ROH World Championship, and Jay Lethal and Jonathan Gresham vs. Dragon Lee and Kenny King for the ROH Tag Titles…

Powell’s POV: An entertaining main event complete with a title change. The SOS duo is coming along nicely, and Taylor getting the pin for his team was logical given that he’s challenging for the ROH Championship on next week’s show.

This episode was similar to the old ROH television format in that they went with three matches and minimal talking compared to the more recent approach of two matches with sit-down promo features preceding most matches. As much as I love the new format, this worked because the stories of these matches had already been established, so they didn’t feel as random as a lot of the older format matches did. In fact it was a fun change of pace, and I really like the way they set up next week as a championship week edition. My weekly audio review of this episode will be available later today for Dot Net Members.


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