2/11 NXT UK TV results: Gibbons’ review of Meiko Satomura vs. Isla Dawn, Primate and Eddie Dennis vs. Flash Morgan Webster and Mark Andrews in a Street Fight, Piper Niven vs. Amale

By Laurence Gibbons, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@Gibbonsgob)

Taped in London, England at BT Sport Studios
Streamed February 11, 2021 on WWE Network

The show began with a hype package for the tag team street fight between The Hunt and Flash Morgan Webster and Mark Andrews. We then saw footage of Webster and Andrews attacking Wild Boar, from earlier in the day… The broadcast team was Andy Shepherd and Nigel McGuinness … Andy Shepherd announced Eddie Dennis would replace Wild Boar in the street fight…

1. Isla Dawn vs. Meiko Satomura. Isla Dawn made her entrance. We saw Meiko Satomura walk through the production area and into the BT Sport Studios. Isla Dawn struck first with a kick, which was met with two stiff kicks from Satomura. Satomura worked a succession of headlock transitions as we saw NXT UK Women’s Champion Kay Lee Ray watching on.

Satomura continued her impressive fluid grappling. Isla Dawn scored the first near fall with a Fisherman Suplex. Satomura sent Dawn to the corner and hit a Superplex. She followed this up with her cartwheel knee drop and Scorpio Rising for the win.

Meiko Satomura defeated Isla Dawn in 5:28.

Gibbons’ Opinion: It was nice to see Isla Dawn get a decent showing against the legendary Satomura. But this contest was all about Satomura living up to the hype, which she definitely did. Satomura’s unique offense is fun to watch. She is a celebrated athlete which sets her apart from most of the women’s roster and adds some needed variety. Her music is also awesome.

In the PC conference room, Rampage Brown and Joe Coffey joined Johnny Saint via video link. Saint announced the two would meet in ‘a proper heavyweight scrap’, next week… We then saw a vignette for Dani Luna promoting her powerlifting abilities…

Meiko Satomura cut a promo in Japanese. She finished by saying ‘Kay Lee Ray, I’m ready for you’ in English…

Noam Dar welcomed us to Supernova Sessions with his ‘lifelong best mate’ Sha Samuels as his guest. Samuels claimed half the NXT UK roster wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for him and sulked about being named Ed Harvey for his debut match. Dar claimed he could give Samuels anything he wanted which prompted Sid Scala to interrupt and remind him that only he could make matches. Dar ‘suggested’ Scala book a match between Samuels and A-Kid for the Heritage Cup. Scala said he and Johnny Saint would consider this.

 Nina Samuels accepted Xia Brookside’s challenge for a rematch from last week on the condition that if she lost she had to become Samuels’ assistant…

We saw Trent Seven working on losing the weight needed to challenge for Jordan Devlin’s Cruiserweight Championship. Seven said he was working out to maintain a positive mental attitude and keep his focus on winning the title from Devlin.

Gibbons’ Opinion: That was a lot of video packages. It goes to show how much NXT UK manages to pack into an hour and how many ongoing storylines we have to follow. We might need a Takeover soon but I’m not sure if that will happen without fans, so we could be waiting a while.

2. Amale vs. Piper Niven. Amale hit a huge slap to the face of Niven that she likely regretted as Niven took control of the match. Joseph Conners came to ringside and Amele turned the tide of the bout. It didn’t last long, as Niven hit a cannonball in the corner followed by her Piper Driver for the win.

Piper Niven defeated Amale in 2:17.

Conners and Niven locked eyes after the match…

Gibbons’ Opinion: I’m not sure this did much for either woman. Amale just proved her bark didn’t match her bite. I still don’t really know how I feel about Niven. She has the potential to be a monster but is presented as a nice person that happens to be wrestling.

Sid Scala announced that the Tag Team Championship match between Gallus and Pretty Deadly would take place in two weeks’ time.

Shepherd and McGuinness announced matches for next week. These include Sha Samuels challenging A-Kid for the NXT UK Heritage Cup and Ben Carter against an unnamed opponent.

Backstage, we saw Mark Andrews lying in the wreckage of a broken table. Eddie Denis and Primate drove a steel case into Andrews. They then dragged Morgan Webster into the ring and the referee rang the bell to officially start the match.

3. Primate and Eddie Dennis vs. Flash Morgan Webster and Mark Andrews in a Street Fight. Dennis took his belt to the back of Webster. Primate and Dennis continued to double team Webster across the BT Sports Studio floor. Andrews appeared on top of a 20-foot scaffolding rig and hit a moonsault on all three men. Webster started to get his own back on Dennis and hit a somersault from the apron to the outside.

All four men grabbed a chair and entered the ring. Pretty much everyone hit everyone with a chair. Webster hit Dennis with his motorcycle helmet to send him out of the ring. Dennis returned and hit Webster with a kendo stick.

Andrews hit Stundog Millionaire on Dennis. Andrews went to the top rope but Primate hit him with the kendo stick to his injured knee. Webster took out Primate and Dennis with a top rope moonsault as they were planning to perform a Con-Chair-To on Andrews. Andrews reversed a Primate spear to send him through a table in the corner. Webster hit the top rope senton on Dennis while Andrews hit a shooting star press on Primate to pick up the victory.

Flash Morgan Webster and Mark Andrews defeated Eddie Dennis and Primate in 16:03 in a Street Fight.

Gibbons’ Opinion: Ouch! Those four guys gave it their absolute all, which is no mean feat especially as there were no fans. It was a good move to have Wild Boar taken out and force Dennis into the match. He looked in great shape and is a fantastic weasely heel. From using his belt early on to begging Webster and Andrews to have mercy, he knows how to play the role so well.  If there were fans in the BT Sports Studio, they would have blown the roof off at the moment when Webster and Andrews hit Dennis with a succession of Kendo shots.

I liked that they were all dressed in street clothes but it would’ve been nice to see them fight in a few more places than the ringside and the corridor. Andrews and Webster just love jumping off things and taking a beating which make them a real joy to watch. They both ended with some serious welts on their backs which I’m sure they will be sharing pictures of on Instagram.

When Wild Boar has recovered, I imagine we will get the originally planned match with a different setting. I for one, will look forward to the rivalry continuing. Another very solid NXT UK. A main event that will result in lots of gifs being shared on Twitter and a Meiko Satomura debut that fulfilled all expectations.


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