Powell’s Impact Wrestling Hit List: Willie Mack vs. Chris Bey, Rohit Raju vs. Crazzy Steve for the X Division Title, Killer Kelly and Renee Michelle vs. Jordynne Grace and Jazz in a Knockouts Tag Title tournament match, The Motor City Machine Guns vs. Team XXXL

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Impact Wrestling Hits

Willie Mack vs. Chris Bey: A good show closing match. I assumed that Bey would beat Rich Swann’s not-so-little buddy to put himself in position for an Impact World Championship match. Granted, all roads seem to lead to Swann defending the title against Moose, but I thought they might go with Swann vs. Bey first.

Rohit Raju vs. Crazzy Steve for the X Division Title: Another good week for Raju, who has become one of the company’s most consistently entertaining acts. I continue to believe that Steve would be more valuable as a heel, but he held up his end of things in what turned out to be a well worked match.

Killer Kelly and Renee Michelle vs. Jordynne Grace and Jazz in a Knockouts Tag Title tournament match: This was the best of the Knockouts tournament matches thus far. Jazz did a really nice job despite presumably not getting a lot of work lately due to the pandemic. Michelle and especially Kelly are talented and would be fine additions to the Knockouts Division.

The Motor City Machine Guns vs. Team XXXL: A well worked tag team match. The Guns laid out their mission last week that started with beating Team XXXL, so the match outcome was expected, but they did a nice job of making Team XXXL look good in defeat.

Cody Deaner promo: The mid-card comedy wrestler stepped up with a strong promo in response to being attacked by Eric Young. He worked in their personal history and stated that Young thinks he’s a nobody, which led to him closing with the relatable line, “I am not a nobody.” This would be a great transition point for the Deaners to shake things up with a new look and approach. I doubt they will take it that far, but I still enjoyed the promo.

Impact Wrestling Misses

Su Yung segment: This is more of a preemptive Miss out of fear where this is going. The idea of Deonna Purrazzo choking Yung to keep the “poison mist” in her mouth was fairly clever. I enjoy the work of Young, Purrazzo, and James Mitchell. My concern is that with Yung being hauled off by the Undead Bridesmaids, we might be taking another trip to the dreaded Undead Realm.

The Wad of Cash: I get that it’s light comedy, but you really have to turn your brain off while watching so many people choose to walk around with this wad of cash rather than actually spend it or even deposit the cash into their bank accounts.


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