JTG says Shad Gaspard should win WWE’s Warrior Award, discusses his friendship with his late tag partner

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

The Chris Van Vliet Show with guest JTG
Host: Chris Van Vliet
Interview available at Chris Van Vliet’s YouTube Page

JTG thinks Shad Gaspard should receive the Warrior Award: “He definitely should. I don’t know what’s a bigger heroic act than putting his life on the line for his son. But honestly, he would have done it if it was another child. If it was me, he probably would have did the same exact thing.”

How often he thinks about Shad: “Every day. I’ve got a lot of photos in my room of Shad. I have so many photos of Shad in my phone. When I’m scrolling, I can’t get away from him. But it’s a good thing though.”

How close he and Shad were: “I don’t know if a lot of people know this but me and Shad were best friends. We were like brothers. We were pretty much like family. I spent a few Thanksgivings with him and his family. If I had an issue or financial problem or if I just had like personal problems, he was there for me. He was always there for me.”


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