Shane Helms on Vince McMahon treating talent and producers differently, the reason the Hurricane gimmick worked, whether winning title belts means something to him

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

The Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling Podcast with Shane “Hurricane” Helms
Host: JP John Poz
Twitter: @TwoManPowerTrip
Interview available at

Helms on whether Vince McMahon treats the producers differently than the talent: “I think the way he handles talent is a little different than the way he handles the producers and what he expects from them is different. As a talent, he wants you to stand up for yourself. He is looking for leaders in that aspect. Being an agent, you are more of a yes man to a degree. Sometimes I may have been too vocal about things. It’s a learning process. But, as far as Vince goes, Vince to me has always been straight up. I’ve never got sideways with him. Even since I got furloughed, I had a couple of text conversations with him. He’s the boss. Like any job, when the work is going good, the boss is happy and you are happy. When the job isn’t going good and the boss is upset, that could make that relationship a little stressful. It just depends on how the work goes. Anytime somebody is saying something bad about Vince is because they either got fired or they didn’t like their experience there. If they had a great time there, they would speak great of him.”

Helms on the reason why he felt the Hurricane gimmick worked: “I won the European Title in my debut as the Hurricane. Nobody understands what I went through when I put that outfit on for the first time. I was walking down that hall and I could see all the guys looking at me and some of them were like, WTF is this guy doing? That was a lonely night. But I went out and everything kind of worked and over the weeks the fans took to it more and more. They took to it because they knew I was committed. That was the key. I knew that from 3 Count. 3 Count worked because I was committed to me singing and dancing. I didn’t want anybody to think I was laughing at the gimmick. When I was in 3 Count, I was committed to it. I was dancing my ass off and trying to sing. I can’t sing. I can dance a little bit. I had to believe in the gimmick to make the gimmicks work.”

Helms discusses whether winning titles mean anything to him: “Of course, the European Title was a title to help the audience realize the company was behind me. There are some titles you work for and when you do get them it is an accomplishment because there is a competition. The competition is backstage and I think that’s where the championships meant the most. We really did our business a disservice by flipping the titles around as much as they have sometimes. My favorite championship I ever won was with me and Rosey because I don’t think it was ever in the plans for us to be the tag team champions. We worked so hard. I got him out of that S.H.I.T. costume. Me and an artist designed the new outfit for him with the big R. We worked hard to come up with all these new moves. We got over and we were killing it on house shows. We were doing good merchandise. When they finally did put them on us, we came to the back and the whole locker room was there waiting for us. There are moments when you do win those championships and they do mean something.”

Other topics include his entire WWE run, Steve Austin, Triple H, The Rock, Vince McMahon, his WCW run, 3 Count, Sugar Shane, Chavo Guerrero, Jimmy Hart, and more.

You can listen to other shows apart of the TMPT Empire including Shane Douglas’ Triple Threat Podcast, Taking You to School with Dr. Tom Prichard, Talking Tough with Rick Bassman, Taskmaster Talks with Kevin Sullivan and the University of Dutch with Dutch Mantell.


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