10/26 WWE Raw Results: Powell’s live review of new WWE Champion Randy Orton on A Moment of Bliss, Jeff Hardy vs. AJ Styles, Keith Lee vs. Elias, and Matt Riddle vs. Sheamus in qualifiers for Team Raw at Survivor Series

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,431)
Live from Orlando, Florida at Amway Center
Aired October 26, 2020 on USA Network

[Hour One] Raw opened with recap of Randy Orton beating Drew McIntyre to win the WWE Championship at Hell in a Cell… The new Raw opening aired… Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton, and Samoa Joe were on commentary…

Drew McIntyre made his entrance dressed in regular clothing. McIntyre vowed that he would be WWE Champion again. He said that when he gets knocked down, he gets up twice as strong. McIntyre said that if Randy Orton knew what was going on his his head then they would be scared.

The Miz’s entrance theme interrupted McIntyre. Miz and John Morrison headed to the ring. Miz had the Money in the Bank briefcase and called for everyone to give McIntyre and encore. McIntyre suggested that Miz choose his next words very carefully and threatened to drop him where he stood.

Miz said McIntyre beating Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania was very impressive, almost as impressive as being a two time Mr. Money in the Bank. Miz said McIntyre wouldn’t have to worry about challenging Orton any longer because he has the MITB contract. Miz and Morrison noted that Miz successfully cashed in on Orton once before and the match took place in Orlando.

Miz noted that Orton will be on A Moment of Bliss later in the show. He also said he could have cashed in on McIntyre if McIntyre were still WWE Champion. Morrison cracked that he hopes it doesn’t take another 19 years for McIntyre to get a shot at the title. McIntyre delivered Glasgow Kiss headbutts to both men.

McIntyre roughed up Morrison and set up for a DDT, but Miz clipped his knee from behind, which allowed Morrison to escape the ring. Miz and Morrison ran to the stage while McIntyre stomped on Morrison’s sunglasses in the ring. McIntyre said it would be a bad night for Miz and Morrison…

The broadcast team spoke at their desk. Phillips said Survivor Series is the one night of the year when Raw and Smackdown wrestlers compete head-to-head. They ran through the qualifying matches for the men’s Team Raw.

AJ Styles and “his enormous new associate” made their entrance. Phillips hyped Styles in the Survivor Series qualifier for after the break… [C]

Powell’s POV: Styles name was listed on the onscreen graphic, but they did not list Jordan Omogbehin’s name this time around. The most notable aspect of Phillips talking about Survivor Series is that there was no mention of NXT’s involvement this year. Meanwhile, it looks like tonight will be a bounce back night for McIntyre at the expense of Miz and Morrison.

Drew McIntyre vs. The Miz was announced for later in the show…

Styles stood in the ring with “his enormous new associate” behind him while footage aired of Styles beating Matt Riddle last week. Styles boasted that he was 2-0 since being drafted to Raw and has dominated everyone who has been in the ring with him. Styles said it was the return of the Phenomenal Era.

Styles questioned why he was in a qualifying match. He said he’s proven himself in WWE and around the world. He questioned if he had to prove himself to Adam Pearce or “the jokers in the back.” Styles said he should be the captain of Team Raw. Styles said his associate doesn’t like to be looked at or talked to. “That is a warning” Styles said. He turned his focus to Jeff Hardy briefly, then Hardy made his entrance for the match…

1. AJ Styles (w/”His Enormous Associate”) vs. Jeff Hardy in a Team Raw qualifier for Survivor Series. Footage aired from Hardy’s disqualification loss to Elias at Hell in a Cell. With Styles at ringside, Hardy went for an early dive off the apron, but the associate caught him. [C]

Both wrestlers were back inside the ring coming out of the break. Late in the match, both men ended up on the apron. Hardy went for a Twist of Fate, but Styles shoved him into the post. Styles shoved Hardy back inside the ring and hit the Phenomenal Forearm and scored the pin.

AJ Styles beat Jeff Hardy in 9:55 to qualify for Team Raw at Survivor Series.

After the match, Elias hit Hardy from behind with a guitar…

Powell’s POV: Normally, I would applaud WWE for coming up with hooks that give their television matches some meaning. But I just don’t think the average viewer cares about the brand vs. brand concept, meaning the qualifying matches do not feel important.

R-Truth was interviewed backstage by Sarah Schreiber. R-Truth said most of his WWE 24/7 foes would be in a tag match, so he planned to show up. She asked if that was dangerous. Truth spoke about how being champion and said his long name includes the name danger… [C]

An R-Truth ad aired for the breast cancer charity that WWE works with. Phillips also hype the charity…

2. Lince Dorado and Gran Metalik vs. Akira Tozawa and Drew Gulak. The heel entrances were not televised. About a minute into the match, R-Truth made his entrance. Tozawa rolled up Truth at ringside for a two count. Truth ran Tozawa into the barricade. Metalik dove from the top rope and missed Truth, who entered the ring. Truth took a couple of near falls, then Dorado performed a cross body block from the top rope on Gulak and pinned him.

Lince Dorado and Gran Metalik beat Akira Tozawa and Drew Gulak in 2:15.

There were a couple more near falls on Truth at ringside after the match. Eventually, Truth ran to the back with others in hot pursuit…

Huskus the pig puppet was shown with a bunch of dessert items in front of him. Phillips said would would enter the Firefly Funhouse next… [C]

The Firefly Funouse segment aired. Bray Wyatt was dressed like the Mad Hatter and welcomed viewers to their very mad tea party. He was accompanied by Abby, Ramblin’ Rabbit, Huskus, and Mercy. Alexa Bliss showed up and apologized for being late, but said she brought tea.

Bliss poured a special glass of tea for Ramblin’ Rabbit and noted that it had a secret ingredient. Once he drank from the glass, she revealed it was arsenic. Wyatt and Bliss laughed as the rabbit puppet died again. Wyatt said they were all mad. Bliss wondered how he knew she was mad. Wyatt said she must be in order to come to the Funhouse.

Wyatt said “he” heals and comforts and there’s only one thing that you have to do. Wyatt put his hand on Bliss’s forehead, her eyes lit up, and she said, “Let him in.” She went back to normal and was bubbly as she spoke about having a fun chat with Randy Orton on A Moment of Bliss.

The rabbit puppet said he was feeling okay after all and told his wife that he was coming home. Wyatt beat the puppet to death with his object from last week. Wyatt said he couldn’t wait to see Orton on A Moment of Bliss. “It’s going to be fire,” Wyatt concluded…

Footage aired from last week’s nut shot fest involving Keith Lee and Braun Strowman…

Keith Lee was interviewed by Charly Caruso on the backstage ring set. Lee said Strowman couldn’t beat him clean, so he took a cheap way out rather than losing like a man. Lee said he would show Strowman a real monster the next time they meet, but tonight is about beating Elias to earn a spot on Team Raw. Phillips said the match was up next… [C]

[Hour Two] Backstage, Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler both gave lists to Adam Pearce for their Team Raw suggestions. Jax was upset that Baszler didn’t include her on the list. Jax thought she should be team captain. Baszler asked Jax if she was on her list. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” Jax asked before walking away…

Powell’s POV: Bring back badass heel Shayna Baszler from NXT. The cutesy bickering with Jax has softened her character.

Elias sat in the ring and plugged his album and said they were at number two on the charts. He said he called the album Universal Truth because everyone knows that WWE stands for Walk With Elias (a canned crowd audio clip filled in the line for him). Elias started to play a song, but he was interrupted by Keith Lee’s entrance theme…

3. Keith Lee vs. Elias in a Team Raw qualifier for Survivor Series. Lee performed an early running cross body block. Joe said it’ snot a cross body, but it’s a Cross Buick. The match spilled over to ringside where Lee shoulder blocked Lee over the broadcast table. [C]

A graphic listed The Hurt Business vs. Retribution in an eight-man tag match for later in the show. Late in the match, Elias performed a terrible neckbreaker for a near fall. Elias went to the top rope. Jeff Hardy’s entrance theme played to distracted Elias. Lee tossed Elias into the ring and then hit his Spirit Bomb finisher for the win.

Keith Lee beat Elias in 10:00 to qualify for Team Raw at Survivor Series.

After the match, Hardy entered the ring behind Elias and smashed a guitar over his back…

Powell’s POV: It took more time than it should have for Lee to beat Elias, and he sure as hell shouldn’t have needed a distraction to defeat the wrestling musician. Give Lee some clean wins already.

Backstage, Hurt Business intimidated some random dude for having the gall to use their bathroom… [C] An NXT ad played up Wednesday’s Halloween Havoc themed show…

Highlights aired of Orton beating McIntyre to win the WWE Championship…

New WWE Champion Randy Orton was interviewed by Caruso backstage. She congratulated him and warned of the possibility of The Fiend showing up when he appears on A Moment of Bliss. Orton said the only people who need to be concerned are those who cross him…

A video package recapped the terrible, awful, dreadful, pathetic, and ridiculously lopsided Hurt Business vs. Retribution feud… The Hurt Business made their entrance for the eight-man elimination match… [C]

Phillips thanked AC/DC for the song “Shot In The Dark” being used as the Survivor Series theme song…

Bobby Lashley vs. Sami Zayn in a U.S. Champion vs. Intercontinental Champion (non-title) match was announced for Survivor Series…

The Hurt Business delivered an in-ring promo. MVP said they never ran from Retribution. He also said that when something becomes a liability, they end it. MVP said they would be looking to collect payment once they take care of the Retribution problem. Benjamin said they would be looking for their payment in gold. Retribution made their entrance…

4. “The Hurt Business” Bobby Lashley, MVP, Shelton Benjamin, and Cedric Alexander vs. “Retribution” Mustafa Ali, T-Bar, Mace, and Slapjack (w/Reckoning) in an eight-man elimination tag match. Lashley and T-Bar started the match. T-Bar caught Lashley with a big boot. Lashley came back and dropped T-Bar with a Flatliner and then tagged in MVP.

MVP was isolated by the Retribution team. MVP came back, but he became distracted by Reckoning, who stood on the apron. Suddenly, the started scratching herself. Slapjack rolled up a distracted MVP and pinned him to eliminate him from the match, Reckoning continued to scratch herself heading into a break.

Powell’s POV: Mia Yim must be allergic to shitty gimmicks. Poor thing.

Highlights aired from during the break of Reckoning standing up and revealing that her itching fit was all a ruse. She was ejected by the referee. Back live, Lashley speared and pinned Slapjack. T-Bar and Lashley were counted out while brawling at ringside, so the match came down to Benjamin and Alexander vs. Ali and Mace. Ali was left to fend for himself. Ali hit Alexander with a chair and was disqualified and eliminated to end the match.

The Hurt Business beat Retribution in an elimination match in 13:40.

After the match, the other Hurt Business members tried to go after Ali, who escaped by hopping over the barricade and using a different entrance…

Powell’s POV: Why delay the inevitable? Put Retribution out of its misery.

Backstage, Angel Garza had a rose and flirted with Mandy Rose while Dana Brooke stood by. He asked Rose if she’s still close with Otis. She said he’s had a rough 24 hours and said they are still close. Garza started to make a play for Brooke, then became distracted by Nia Jax, who told him to save it because they had business with Rose and Brooke. Baszler also blew him off.

Jax took the rose, smelled it, and winked at Garza, who left. Jax and Baszler wanted to talk about Rose and Brooke ending up on their team at Survivor Series. Brooke took exception to them calling it their team, then did the same. Jax continued to smell the rose. Baszler asked if she was serious. “Why not?” Jax asked…

Drew McIntyre made his entrance… [C]

A graphic touted that Elias’s album is number two on the iTunes soundtrack charts… Phillips narrated highlights from earlier in the show of the McIntyre, Miz, and Morrison segment… Miz and Morrison made their entrance and then highlights aired of Tucker turning on Otis at HIAC…

5. Drew McIntyre vs. The Miz (w/John Morrison). The match spilled to ringside where Miz shoved McIntyre into the ring steps. McIntyre sold the abdominal injury from HIAC. Back inside the ring, Miz performed a DDT for a near fall.

[Hour Two] Morrison hit McIntyre with a cheap shot from ringside while the referee was distracted by Miz. A short time later, McIntyre caught Morrison trying to hit him with the MITB briefcase. McIntyre took out Morrison with a suplex, then tossed the briefcase away from ringside. Back inside the ring, McIntyre hit the Claymore Kick on Miz and pinned him.

Drew McIntyre defeated The Miz in 4:15.

After the match, McIntyre pointed at one of the ThunderDome screens. The broadcast team noted that actor Matthew McConaughey and his two sons were watching via ThunderDome…

Powell’s POV: A bounce back win for McIntyre. I didn’t expect it to happen at the expense of McIntyre, but I went into the show hoping that they would try to build up Miz to some extent now that he holds the MITB contract. Instead, it was business as usual for Miz and Morrison.

Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods delivered a backstage promo while dressed as the Street Profits. Kingston acted like he was dozing off. Woods said they couldn’t go full Dawkins. They noted that they would be facing the Street Profits in a champions vs. champions match at Survivor Series.

Asuka joined Kingston and Woods and yelled a lot. Kingston announced that Asuka would face Sasha Banks in a champion vs. champion match, and Woods announced Roman Reigns vs. Randy Orton in a champion vs. champion match.

The Hurt Business showed up. MVP noted that Lashley would face Zayn in a champion vs. champion match. MVP mentioned the tag titles. Asuka yelled more, then joined New Day in doing their chant… [C]

McIntyre was interviewed by Caruso. He said Randy Orton would have a moment during the show and it would not be a moment of bliss…

Adam Pearce and Pat Buck stood in the ring and announced the women’s Team Raw. They introduced Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler, followed by Mandy Rose and Dana Brooke. Phillips praised the moves while saying both teams were unbeaten (ugh).

Jax cut off Pearce and Buck. She suggested that the final member of the team should be introduced by the captain, which she claimed to be. Baszler took exception to it. Pearce and Buck announced that the final spot would be determined by a four-way with Lana vs. Lacey Evans vs. Peyton Royce vs. Nikki Cross. It was announced that the match would start immediately…

6. Lana vs. Lacey Evans vs. Peyton Royce vs. Nikki Cross for a spot on Team Raw at Survivor Series. They cut to break just seconds into the match. [C] The Team Raw members watched from ringside next to the broadcast table (poor Lana). Phillips announced that Elias’s album had reached number one on the “soundtrack charts” on Apple Music. Late in the match, Royce, Cross, and Evans did a tower of doom spot. Lana stole the pin on Cross.

Lana defeated Lacey Evans, Peyton Royce, and Nikki Cross in 8:00 in a four-way to earn a spot on Team Raw.

After the match, Lana went to ringside where Jax welcomed her for a hug. Jax held onto her, then motioned for Baszler to clear the broadcast table. Jax performed a Samoan Drop that drove Lana through the table…

Powell’s POV: Lana has now gone through the broadcast table six times since her husband stated on AEW Dynamite that Vince McMahon can kiss his ass.

Backstage, Caruso asked Orton if he still intended to appear on A Moment of Bliss despite what Bray Wyatt and Drew McIntyre said. “Yeah,” Orton replied. Caruso said it could be a lion’s den. Orton said he’s not afraid of The Fiend. Orton said he has no problem introducing The Fiend to the RKO if he shows his face…

Matt Riddle made his entrance for a qualifying match against Shamus… [C] Mandy Rose, Dana Brooke, Elias, and Sheamus were announced as the guests on Raw Talk…

Backstage, Mustafa Ali stood with the other Retribution member sand said Retribution is not dead or extinct. He said they are all willing to sacrifice everything. Ali said that when they win, you suffer, because they decide when to shut everything down…

Powell’s POV: 1999 Movie Spoiler Alert. I see dead people. It’s just like The Sixth Sense. Retribution is dead and they just don’t know it.

7. Matt Riddle vs. Sheamus in a Team Raw qualifier for Survivor Series. Sheamus took Riddle down and was put in an armbar, which Sheamus escaped. Sheamus performed a spinebuster on Riddle and then put him in an armlock. Riddle came back with a rough gut wrench suplex.

Riddle went for a double wrist lock, but Sheamus threw a knee at his gut and performed the Irish Curse backbreaker. A short time later, Riddle dumped Sheamus to ringside and then delivered a kick to the head from the apron. Riddle performed a dive off the apron heading into a break. [C]

Sheamus blasted Riddle with a knee to the head and covered him for a near fall. Riddle came back and performed an exploder from the top rope for a near fall of his own. Riddle went for an Exploding Bro, but Sheamus put his knees up. Riddle dodged a Brogue Kick and performed a German suplex into a bridge for another near fall. In the end, Sheamus connected with the Brogue Kick and scored the clean pin…

Sheamus beat Matt Riddle in roughly 13:00 to qualify for Team Raw at Survivor Series.

Randy Orton was shown walking backstage while the broadcast team hyped A Moment of Bliss… [C]

Powell’s POV: This was easily the match of the night. Sheamus and Riddle worked a stiff style produced a highly entertaining match.

Alexa Bliss sat in the ring and introduced Randy Orton as her guest on A Moment of Bliss. “You can take a seat, Randy,” Bliss said once he was in the ring. “I promise I won’t bite.” Orton remained standing. She asked if he was surprised that he was able to deliver a super duper performance.

Orton said he was not surprised, but he wondered if she had a surprise for him. Bliss giggled and said “no surprises.” She asked what talkshow host wouldn’t want to have the new WWE Champion, especially after he and Drew McIntyre “burned the house down.” Orton understood the meaning and asked where The Fiend was. Bliss giggled.

Drew McIntyre made his entrance and traded punches in the ring with Orton while Bliss sat on the top rope and laughed. McIntyre got the better of Orton and cleared the rest of the talkshow set from the ring. McIntyre set up in the corner for his finisher.

The lights went out. When the lights turned on again, the red lighting was used for The Fiend. McIntyre was still in the ring while Orton stood on the stage with his title belt. Orton indicated that he knew what was behind him. Sure enough, The Fiend stood behind Orton on the stage.

Orton started to walk toward the ring. McIntyre met him at ringside and they started to fight while the lighting went back to normal. Orton rallied and slammed McIntyre onto the broadcast table. Orton threw punches at McIntyre while kneeling on the table to end the show…

Powell’s POV: The final segment and the last match of the show were entertaining. The rest of the show didn’t do much for me. You may have enjoyed it more if you actually care about the Raw vs. Smackdown approach to Survivor Series. It does nothing for me, so the qualifying matches along with the rest of the hype just doesn’t move me. Let me know what you thought of the show by assigning it a letter grade in our post show poll. I will return shortly with my weekly same night audio review for Dot Net Members. Vote! And I don’t just mean in our poll.


Readers Comments (12)

  1. The antifa type retribution group should use a wrestler to play Biden as their leader. The real Donald will make an appearance and team up with Lashley once again,(and the rest of hurt business) to help put an end to antifa. Could be the greatest storyline showdown of 2020.

  2. Jason, it wouldn’t be a heel holding the MitB briefcase if they didn’t devalue them week after week and make them look like an utter chump. It’s a rich tradition.

  3. “Lana has now gone through the broadcast table six times since her husband stated on AEW Dynamite that Vince McMahon can kiss his ass”

    Yes! The streak is alive and well!

  4. Tom Phillips misspoke. He said that Elias cost Jeff Hardy his match against Styles but that wasn’t true. He did correct himself later on.

  5. “Give Lee some clean wins already.” sounds like a good idea

    but as Jesse Ventura would say “a win is a win ” no matter how you get it.

  6. Why delay the inevitable? Put Retribution out of its misery.

    Vince doesn’t want to end it he will run it into the ground as you well know he doesn’t care what fans want and never has.

    as for Miz I don’t see him cashing in successfully this time. Vince has in his mind two top stars Orton and Reigns as champions of their brands. I doubt he is going to ruin plans to make Miz champion last time he was champion he was terrible.

  7. Alexa is so great on the mic; I”m glad they are giving her something to have fun with that’s fun fr us, too. I want to see her gain efiend like powers and involve her “best friend” Nikki Cross into the story line. Like a Fiend Faction or something; comedy/horror.

    On the “WTF why are we wasting time with this” side, Retribution is awful story telling; there is so much potential there but creative doesn’t know how to write it. THe whole thing started with promise but then it became jsut another storyline. And are the Hurt Business faces or heels? Bad writing and bad booking of that storyline.

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