Powell’s AEW Dynamite Hit List: Jon Moxley vs. Eddie Kingston for the AEW Championship, Brodie Lee vs. Orange Cassidy for the TNT Championship, Hikaru Shida and Thunder Rosa vs. Ivelisse and Diamante, Miro and Kip Sabian vs. Sonny Kiss and Joey Janela

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Dynamite Hits

Brodie Lee vs. Orange Cassidy for the TNT Championship: Lee was back in domination mode for the bulk of the match, which set up Cassidy’s late offensive burst nicely. Lee going over was the logical move, especially now that Cody is back. Cody’s post match attack on the Dark Order was strong. The highlight of it all was Lee’s ranting promo which was a combination of hypocritical, menacing, and just downright fun.

Chris Jericho: Jericho was really fun during his promo on Matt Hardy and Private Party while setting up his match with Isiah Kassidy for next week, and his latest verbal exchange with MJF was another gem.

Hangman Page vs. Evil Uno: Another Page showcase while Kenny Omega said quirky Kenny Omega things on commentary. Page and Uno put together a quality match. I thought the Dark Order might interfere to put Omega in the awkward spot of saving or blowing off his former tag partner, but they didn’t play it that way.

Jon Moxley vs. Eddie Kingston for the AEW Championship: Kingston’s early promo did a nice job of setting the stage for the makeshift main event. The match was physical and featured a lot of no-selling. The post match angle was actually stronger with Pentagon Jr., Fenix, and Ricky Starks leaving Moxley, Will Hobbs, and Darby Allin lying.

Matt Jackson: Grumpy Matt smashing the phone of Tony Schiavone was good heel fun. Are the Young Bucks truly turning heel? If so, does that mean we’ll have to wait even longer for the first Bucks vs. FTR match?

AEW Dynamite Misses

Miro and Kip Sabian vs. Sonny Kiss and Joey Janela: A rough outing and yet it somehow felt like a decent showcase for Miro. It felt like the match went longer than it needed to in an attempt to make Kiss and Janela look better in defeat. It didn’t work. Miro was off his game and yet he still came out of the match looking like a dominant powerhoue.

Hikaru Shida and Thunder Rosa vs. Ivelisse and Diamante: A forgettable tag match. I was hoping for a storyline development between Shida and Rosa coming out of the match, but nothing really happened.


Readers Comments (2)

  1. I personally thought Miro stood out a mile compared to the other three. I hope they drop the video game references and let him tear through the roster-the guy is so good when allowed to be.

    • Miro might be the best combo of worker and workrate amongst bigger wrestlers today and nobody since his NXT days has been smart enough to let him just be that. He can cut a good promo, looks great, knows how to work like a big man while sprinkling in some flashier moves when they fit, yet he’s been part of one goofy comedy storyline after another (and still somehow got Rusev Day over) for a few years now.

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