8/24 WWE Raw Results: Powell’s live review of Keith Lee’s debut, Drew McIntyre’s opening segment, Apollo Crews vs. Bobby Lashley in an arm wrestling contest officiated by Mark Henry, SummerSlam fallout and WWE Payback hype

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,422)
Live from Orlando, Florida at Amway Center
Aired August 24, 2020 on USA Network

[Hour One] The Raw opening aired and then pyro shot off inside the venue. The ThunderDome was turned on and the virtual fans were shown cheering…

The broadcast team of Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton, and Samoa Joe checked in and hyped Asuka vs. Sasha Banks in a lumberjack match for the Raw Women’s Championship and Rey and Dominik Mysterio vs. Seth Rollins and Buddy Murphy along with the previously advertised arm wrestling contest.

Phillips noted that The Fiend defeated Braun Strowman to win the WWE Universal Championship, but then excitedly announced that “The Big Dog Is Back.” He also said there will be a contract signing on Smackdown for The Fiend vs. Strowman vs. Reigns for a Triple Threat for the WWE Universal Championship at Sunday’s WWE Payback…

WWE Champion Drew McIntyre made his entrance. The broadcast set set up a video package of McIntyre defeating Randy Orton to retain the WWE Championship at SummerSlam. In the ring, McIntyre welcomed viewers to the first Raw from inside the ThunderDome. McIntyre had the virtual fans give a thumbs up.

McIntyre said the secret to beating Orton is that he’s hungrier than he is. He spoke of how proud he is to be the WWE Champion. He said he knows what it’s like to feel hard times and to feel desperate. McIntyre said Orton has never had that feelings. He said Orton’s inner circle made sure he made it to the top.

McIntyre said Orton got better and now he’s the absolute best, but last night he was even better. McIntyre looked into the camera and addressed Orton. He recalled Orton winning the Greatest Wrestling Match Ever. McIntyre said he didn’t just beat him the night before, he beat him with a wrestling maneuver. He wondered what that makes him.

McIntyre said he knows Orton won’t let this go. He said that if Orton wants to face him again that’s fine because he’ll get to do the thing he didn’t get to do at SummerSlam by kicking his head off and sending him to Claymore Country.

McIntyre left the ring and went to the stage where he turned to play to the virtual fans. Randy Orton came out and attacked him from behind. McIntyre fought back. They battled into what Phillips labeled the “control area.” Orton had McIntyre down, then delivered a running punt kick.

Referees and producers immediately checked on McIntyre, who sold the kick by acting dazed. Orton picked him up and delivered a second kick. Orton knelt down and spoke into McIntyre’s ear before he was ushered away… [C]

Powell’s POV: A good promo from McIntyre, but the production team has to get better at working the canned crowd noise. They seemed a second or two behind amping up the cheers from where they should have been at the key points of the promo. They don’t seem to be having those issues when a goal is scored in the NHL playoffs, so I’m not sure why it’s still an issue for the talented WWE team. The attack on the stage felt way too obvious and formula. The punt kicks were shown from a side angle that didn’t good.

The broadcast team recapped Orton’s attack while highlights were shown. The producers and a referee helped McIntyre up, but he pushed off and said he was fine while he stumbled through a doorway…

A Keith Lee video package was shown after Phillips hyped his Raw debut for later in the show…

Nia Jax was shown walking backstage. Sarah Schreiber approached Jax and asked what she was doing there given that she was suspended for putting her hands on a WWE official. Jax said the key word is “was” because all she had to do was apologize to Pat Buck. Jax yelled and scared away Schreiber.

Shayna Baszler showed up and cracked that everyone was just waiting until Jax did something else to get herself sent packing again. Jax noted that Baszler had a match with Bayley and told her to call her if she needed help. Baszler said she would call her Haystacks Calhoun, then said he was at least good looking. Jax responded by calling Baszler an Addam’s Family reject. “Welcome back, Nia,” Baszler said…

Powell’s POV: An Addam’s Family reject? This was one of the hokiest sounding verbal exchanges I’ve ever heard on a pro wrestling show.

Bayley and Sasha Banks made their entrance followed by Bayley’s opponent Shayna Baszler. Banks acted sad as she and Bayley walked to the ring. Nia Jax walked onto the stage heading into a break… [C]

1. Smackdown Women’s Champion Bayley (w/Sasha Banks) vs. Shayna Baszler in a non-title match. Jax watched from the ramp as the match started. Baszler was tossed to ringside at one point. She was climbing back into the ring when Jax attacked her for the apparent DQ.

Shayna Baszler beat Bayley by DQ in 4:40.

Banks and Bayley watched Baszler and Jax fight and laughed. They eventually stopped fighting and turned their attention toward Banks and Bayley, who headed up the ramp…

Powell’s POV: I assume this means Baszler and Jax will be challenging Sasha and Bayley for the WWE Women’s Tag Titles at Payback even though they’ve never actually worked a tag match together.

Backstage, Kevin Owens asked a guy named Chris where he could find Aleister Black’s room. Chris pointed him in the right direction. Owens knocked on the door and asked if Black was going to join him. Owens didn’t get a response, then assumed he would see him out there. After Owens walked way, Black pulled the door shut…

Kevin Owens hosted the KO Show. He noted that the virtual fans were clapping and said, “This is wonderful.” Owens said he and his guest were fighting a common enemy. Owens introduced Aleister Black, who walked to the ring with a black wrap around his head that covered his right eye.

Owens asked Black how he and his injured eye were doing. Black told a reluctant Owens to go ahead and show the footage. A clip aired of Black having his eye shoved into the ring steps. Owens said he thought he knew how Black was feeling. Owens spoke about how he’s tried to take a different path. Black fell out of his chair while selling an issue with his eye. Owens checked on him only to have Black attack him. Black dropped Owens with a Black Mass kick and then left the ring…

Powell’s POV: Both men are desperate for a quality program. Owens has been playing Mr. Nice Guy and it’s been downright dull. Hopefully this will give him something he can sink his teeth into.

Banks and Bayley were interviewed by Charly Caruso. They said they would take care of Baszler and Jax once Banks finished her lumberjack match with Asuka… [C]

2. Shelton Benjamin vs. R-Truth vs. Akira Tozawa (w/ninjas) vs. Cedric Alexander in a four-way for the WWE 24/7 Championship. Truth was the only one of the four to receive a televised entrance. Benjamin tried to powerbomb Tozawa from the ring to the floor, but the ninjas caught him. Truth tossed Benjamin over the top rope, then Tozawa rolled up Truth and pinned him. Benjamin beat up the ninjas afterward…

Akira Tozawa defeated Shelton Benjamin, Cedric Alexnder, and R-Truth in a four-way in 1:30 to win the WWE 24/7 Championship.

Randy Orton was shown walking backstage. Schreiber popped up and asked him if he had a comment about what he did to McIntyre. “Yes, I do,” Orton said before walking past her… [C]

Powell’s POV: They really shouldn’t show Truth’s entrance since it shows that either the virtual fans are watching on delay or have no rhythm (or both?). The 24/7 Title gag just won’t end.

Randy Orton made his entrance after footage was shown of his attack on McIntyre from the opening segment. Orton soaked up the canned heat. He said he’s done what he wanted to do when he wanted to do for the longest time. He said that wasn’t the case at SummerSlam.

[Hour Two] Orton recalled promising to RKO McIntyre and take his title, but he didn’t. Orton said he is a man of his word. He recalled the list of legends that he vowed to take out and said that’s exactly what he did. Orton said it’s because he’s the Legend Killer.

Orton said he enjoyed kicking McIntyre in the skull. He said he kicked him twice because McIntyre stood in the ring and offered a rematch out of pity. Orton asked him who he thinks he is. Orton looked into the camera and once again stated that he is the Legend Killer and added that he’s the greatest wrestler.

Keith Lee’s music interrupted Orton. Lee entered the ring and smirked at Orton. Lee said Orton seemed perplexed, but he said that was understandable because they hadn’t been properly introduced. Lee introduced himself and said he was there to offer Orton the opportunity and privilege to bask in his glory.

Lee ran through Orton’s name, then said he has been called a game changer and an anomaly. He said he is certainly Limitless. Lee said Orton seemed to be looking for a fight the likes of which had never been felt. Lee noted that he is friends with McIntyre and challenged Orton to a match. Orton played up taking the match and removed his vest, then said, “Maybe later” and rolled out of the ring. Phillips imagined what it would be like if there was an Orton vs. Lee match later on Raw…

Powell’s POV: They aren’t messing around with Lee by including him in the main event mix. His promo style will probably strike fans who are unfamiliar with him as odd. If you’re in the camp, his mic work will probably grow on you. It was sad that Lee made his entrance and there wasn’t the huge pop that there would have been had SummerSlam weekend taken place in Boston as originally planned.

Backstage, Caruso was going to provide an update on McIntyre when she was interrupted by Angel Garza bickering with Zelina Vega while Demi Burnett stood by. Vega told Caruso that the footage of her poisoning Montez Ford didn’t prove anything. Garza asked who hasn’t been caught before. Vega said he wasn’t helping and ran off to prepare for a match. Burnett told Garza she’d been talking to Ivar. Garza cut her off, then invited Burnett and Caruso to join him for his match… [C]

Phillips announced Orton vs. Lee for later in the show…

3. Angel Garza (w/Andrade, Demi Burnett) vs. Montez Ford (w/Angelo Dawkins). Red party cups fell from above the rafters during the Street Profits’ entrance. During the match, Ivar headed to the ring with one hand behind his back. He presented a turkey leg to Burnett, then asked if she wanted to get out of there. Ivar and Burnett walked arm in arm to the back while Garza freaked out. Moments later, Ford put Garza away with a frogsplash…

Montez Ford defeated Angel Garza in 3:15.

Powell’s POV: Garza and Andrade have been booked so horribly that I’ve stopped caring about their feud with the Street Profits.

Backstage, Jax approached Baszler and said she wasn’t thrilled at first about teaming up. Jax said she realized they could win the tag titles and she wants to do that. Baszler said if she helped Jax, then Jax needed to get off her back. Jax agreed if Baszler would follow her lead. Baszler slapped Jax, then they stormed off in opposite directions. Bianca Belair, Liv Morgan, and Ruby Riott entered the picture and spoke about their six-woman tag match… [C]

The broadcast team announced Sasha Banks and Bayley vs. Shayna Baszler and Nia Jax for the WWE Women’s Tag Titles for WWE Payback. They also hyped Roman Reigns, The Fiend, and Braun Strowman in a contract signing for their Payback match on Friday’s Smackdown…

4. Bianca Belair, Liv Morgan, and Ruby Riott vs. Zelina Vega, Peyton Royce, and Billie Kay. The IIconics’ entrance was not televised. One of the virtual fans aimed his camera at a Super Mario doll for some reason. Vega tried to avoid Belair, who eventually got her hands on her. Belair performed a Glam Slam and followed up with a springboard moonsault and had the pin, but it was broken up by Royce and Kay. A short time later, Belair performed her KOD finisher for the win…

Bianca Belair, Liv Morgan, and Ruby Riott beat Zelina Vega, Peyton Royce, and Billie Kay in 3:30.

Powell’s POV: Belair and Vega were a lot smoother during their recent singles match. It’s sad that Belair was called up and there doesn’t seem to be an actual plan in place for her.

Backstage, Cedric Alexander beat Ricochet in an arm wrestling match. Mark Henry told them that he had to take the arm wrestling table. After Henry left, MVP said Alexander should be going after the new WWE 24/7 Champion. Ricochet said MVP was getting kinda sad. MVP told Alexander that the Hurt Business is a family business. He made another pitch to Alexander while pointing out that he hangs out with a guy who calls himself The One and Only… [C]

Powell’s POV: Hats off to WWE security. They kept Retribution out of SummerSlam and there’s been no sign of WWE Antifa tonight. I wonder if that’s WWE’s way out of booking a clean finish to Orton vs. Lee?

Mark Henry said the arm wrestling contest would be a deciding factor in determining which man is stronger. Bobby Lashley made his entrance followed by Apollo Crews. Their U.S. Title match was hyped for WWE Payback. Lashley jawed at Crews and put his hand out. Meanwhile, Crews stomped Lashley’s foot under the table, then slammed his arm down.

Henry named Crews the winner of the arm wrestling contest. Lashley got upset, but Crews cleared him to ringside with a kick. MVP and Shelton Benjamin showed up and took a flip dive from Crews, who struggled to reach his belt before going to the top of the ramp…

Powell’s POV: The arm wrestling angle did nothing for Crews or Lashley, and Hurt Business look like bumbling goofs for repeatedly failing to get their hands on Crews despite having the numbers advantage.

The broadcast team set up a video package on the Dominik Mysterio vs. Seth Rollins match from SummerSlam…

Backstage, Caruso interviewed Rey Mysterio, his wife Angie, and Dominik Mysterio about the tag match. Mysterio said he was proud of his son no matter what happened during their match. Rey praised Dom’s performance against Rollins. Dom admitted he was “absolutely terrified” when he faced Rollins, but he knew he had his family in his corner. Rey said Rollins doesn’t understand that their family gives each other strength. Rey said Dom became a man and showed him something he’d never seen before… [C]

Powell’s POV: This tag match has to be an angle to set up the actual match at Payback, right? It seems foolish to just give it away on Raw. It’s also strange that Rey was in “may never be able to wrestle again” mode at last check, yet now he’s back in the ring and they’re not even talking about his storyline injury being an issue.

Natalya and Lana stood inside the ring. Lana said it was a special day because they were inducting a special woman into the Hall of Fame. Lana started to sing the praises of Natalya, who said she will get her own WWE Hall of Fame induction because she is the best of all time.

Natalya said this night was about Mickie James. Lana said they tried to elevate James, but she’s not relevant and has been riding their coattails. Natalya set up a video package of the best of James. The screen remained black. James ran out and took out both women quickly…

Saxton hyped Orton vs. Lee as coming up next…

Shane McMahon and the giant bodyguard stood outside the Raw Underground door. The Hurt Business showed up. Bobby Lashley said he wanted a fight. Shane said he came to the right place and let the trio inside the room… [C]

Raw Underground has a new location (presumably somewhere in Amway Center) and the same rope-free ring. Lashley beat up an unnamed opponent quickly.

[Hour Three] Dolph Ziggler stepped up and fought Lashley. Ziggler caught Lashley in a choke from behind, but Lashley flung him off and tossed him off the platform. Shane asked who was next, but no one stepped up…

Powell’s POV: Is there more to this concept or is this really it?

Orton made his entrance while highlights aired of his attack on McIntyre, then Lee made his entrance…

5. Randy Orton vs. Keith Lee. Lee worked had new gear with a sleeveless top and gym short style shorts with his logos on each. Lee knocked Orton down with an early shoulder block. Orton threw a punch that Lee caught with his hand. Lee performed a standing overhead belly to belly suplex. Orton rolled to ringside and Lee followed. Lee hoisted Orton onto his shoulder, but Orton slipped away and shoved him into the ring post.

Orton targeted the shoulder of Lee and covered him, but Lee kicked out aggressively. Orton applied a sleeper on Lee, who stood up with Orton on his back and slammed him into the corner to break it. Lee performed a running cross body block. Lee delivered a shoulder block that sent Orton tumbling to ringside. Lee followed Orton to the floor again and threw him right back inside the ring.

Orton caught Lee with a kick as he was going through the ropes, then performed a draping DDT. Orton struck the Viper’s Pose. Drew McIntyre showed up and pulled Orton out of the ring and beat him up for the apparent DQ.

Randy Orton beat Keith Lee by DQ in 5:00.

After the match, Orton escaped McIntyre and ran off. McIntyre entered the ring and his music played. Lee apparently disappeared somehow…

Powell’s POV: I can’t be the only one who was hoping that Lee would take exception to McIntyre getting involved in his match, but he just disappeared from the segment shortly after McIntyre showed up. So are we supposed to assume that Orton would have beaten Lee in his debut had it not been for McIntyre? The broadcast team raved about Lee, but this was not the memorable first match that it seemed like it might be.

Phillips hyped a look at “The Big Dog’s return” for after the break… [C]

Powell’s POV: I was hoping that the Big Dog shit would end since it looks like they are shaking up the Reigns character, but Phillips has called him by that name repeatedly tonight.

A ThunderDome graphic boasted that it has over 17 million pixels on over 3,000 LED panels, 750,000 watts of HDX lasers, and over 6 million BTUs of flames. They gave the web address for fans to register to be a virtual fan…

Phillips set up a video package that recapped The Fiend beating Braun Strowman to win the WWE Universal Championship followed by the return of Roman Reigns. Phillips hyped the contract signing between the three men for the Triple Threat match at WWE Payback…

McIntyre was walking backstage when Caruso popped up. McIntyre said Lee is his friend, but he doesn’t need him fighting his battles. McIntyre said Orton tried to end his career. McIntyre looked into the camera and started to address Orton, who attacked him from behind and then hit him with another punt kick… [C]

Phillips narrated highlights of the latest Orton attack. Caruso stood in front of the trainer’s door and said doctors were fearful that McIntyre suffered a skull fracture, which could lead to bleeding on the brain that could lead to a career threatening injury if not worse. She said she merely overheard that and would report back if there were additional updates. Phillips and Saxton used their somber voices afterward…

6. Asuka vs. Sasha Banks (w/Bayley) in a lumberjack match for the Raw Women’s Championship. Both entrances were televised. The lumberjacks were Bianca Belair, Ruby Riott, Liv Morgan, Mickie James, Shayna Baszler, Peyton Royce, Billie Kay, Lana, and Natalya. Asuka knocked Bayley off the apron with a Hip Attack. Bayley tried to keep the babyface lumberjacks away. The heels approached. Baszler stood on the babyface side over Banks. [C]

Asuka continued to dominate. Asuka went after Bayley at ringside, then Banks took advantage of the distraction. Back inside the ring, Banks performed a top rope frogsplash for a near fall. Banks pointed to Bayley, who grabbed a chair. Baszler grabbed Bayley and stopped her. Asuka put Banks in the Asuka Lock for the win…

Asuka defeated Sasha Banks in 7:50 in a lumberjack match to retain the Raw Women’s Championship.

Powell’s POV: This didn’t have a chance to be nearly as good as the Asuka vs. Banks match from the night before at SummerSlam. It’s no surprise since this show has been filled with brief and/or disappointing matches.

A shot aired of an EMT closing an ambulance door being closed. The siren was turned on as the ambulance left the building. Caruso said doctors didn’t want to waste time due to the possible severity of the injury, so they sent McIntyre to the hospital to undergo further medical evaluation.

Caruso pulled in Keith Lee, who said there was a big part of him that wanted to say not to interfere in his Raw debut match, but he just finished watching his friend get loaded into an ambulance. He said he knows McIntyre is one of the toughest men he’s ever met. Lee said McIntyre is going to be okay, but he can’t say the same for Orton…

Powell’s POV: Well, at least Lee addressed McIntyre interfering in his match.

Rey and Dominik Mysterio were shown walking backstage together while the broadcast team hyped their tag match… [C] Phillips hyped Keith Lee, Shayna Baszler, and Dolph Ziggler for Raw Talk…

At Raw Underground, Bobby Lashley made quick work of Cedric Alexander with a cross arm breaker. MVP and Shane had to pull Lashley off Alexander. Ivar went after Lashley. Erik showed up. The Hurt Business made quick work of the Viking Raiders. Shane said business is booming for the Hurt Business. Shane said we’ll see what happens on Raw Underground next week…

Phillips announced Randy Orton vs. Keith Lee for WWE Payback…

Ring entrances for the main event took place with Rey Mysterio and Dominik Mysterio out first. They attacked Seth Rollins and Murphy as they were coming down the ramp. Rollins and Murphy quickly took offensive control and rolled Dominik inside the ring…

7. Rey Mysterio and Dominik Mysterio vs. Seth Rollins and Murphy. Dom sent Murphy to ringside, then kicked Rollins through the ropes. Murphy returned, but Dom sent him over the top rope to ringside. Rey did something to Rollins that the cameras missed. Rollins ended up inside the ring with the Mysterios and was put in position for a 619, but Murphy pulled him to ringside. Dom dove onto both men at ringside heading into a break. [C]

Rey was isolated coming out of the break. He eventually made a hot tag to Dom, who worked over Murphy. Dom performed a nice DDT on Murphy and had the pin, but Rollins broke it up. A short time later, Dom had Murphy down when he went up to the top rope. The lights flickered. Rollins pushed Dom from the top rope. Six Retribution members showed up and attacked for the apparent no-contest.

Rey Mysterio and Dominik Mysterio fought Seth Rollins and Murphy to an apparent no-contest in 10:20.

Rollins and Murphy fled the ring. Rollins smiled as he watched the Retribution members attack Rey and Dom. Two of the Retribution members picked up Rey and recreated Kevin Nash turning him into a human lawn dart by tossing him into the ring post (rather than a trailer). The masked Retribution members stood on the apron while Rollins stood on the stage seemingly supportive of their actions…

Powell’s POV: They didn’t interrupted the Lee vs. Orton match, but Retribution did ruin the show’s main event. We had a lot of shit finishes tonight, but I’m actually okay with them not giving away a finish to this tag match since it felt like it should have been saved for a bigger moment or at least hyped properly. Retribution still doesn’t do anything for me, but apparently the production truck likes it, as they cranked up the boos for their attack louder than any of the other canned crowd noise used during the show.

Overall, I really enjoyed SummerSlam and I wish I could say the same for Raw, but this was a mess. As I mentioned in my Hit List, Vince McMahon can still deliver with big pay-per-view events, but his week to week booking is atrocious. Happy 75th, Vince? Dot Net Members will hear my same night audio review of Raw coming up shortly. Let me know what you thought of Raw by assigning it a letter grade in our post show poll available on the main page.


Readers Comments (9)

  1. My god what is WRONG with these crowd sounds. This reminds me of the AWA Pink Room (google that one kiddos)

  2. Remember when Vince used to buy big stars just to bury them because he didn’t create them. Well now he does if to HHH

    Keith Lee
    Matt Riddle

    And those are just the recent ones

  3. So they changed Lee’s gear and entrance music. Then he gets a weak-ass DQ win in his debut match. What in the actual fuck is Vince’s problem at this point? Why does he insist on shooting himself in the foot at all times by micro-managing every last detail of people that thrived in NXT?

    • Well it was actually a dq loss which is even worse but I take your point.

      • Lee actually lost his Raw debut match by DQ. It was heavily implied that if not for McIntyre’s interference Orton would have beaten Lee cleanly. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to see Lee do a clean job to Orton at Payback. And if you follow multiple WWE brands Lee came into Raw having just cleanly lost the NXT Championship so you already know he isn’t invisible and that he can be defeated.

  4. Whatever happened to Humberto Carrillo? I thought he had a lot of promise.

  5. I tried to keep count of how many times everyone on the show said SKULL tonight. I fell asleep….

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