Seth Rollins on COVID-19 testing in WWE, whether he expects Becky Lynch to return to the ring following her pregnancy

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Seth Rollins spoke with the New York Post about a variety of topics. The following are highlights of the interview, which can be read in full at

On whether he expects Becky Lynch to return to the ring: “Oh yea, I expect so. Obviously that’s gonna be up to her and how she feels. Who knows what happens after childbirth once she becomes a mother, I don’t know. I believe she has aspirations to return. I think she would rather go out on her own terms whenever that time may be as opposed to stepping away for a child. I think she has aspirations to return, but I don’t know. Things can change between now and December.”

On dealing with COVID-19: “It’s been a struggle in the sense that there have just been a lot of decisions that have to be made quickly as far as travel is concerned because now that we’re doing added testing and those swabs every single time before these tapings, that puts you in a little bit of a hole as far as your travel is concerned because now you are going to have to leave a day early, and when you don’t know you have to leave a day early until it all comes up it becomes a bit of a hassle. We had to make some changes to the taping schedule last week, which is going to force us to go back down again this week to do some more tapings.

“As we as a country and the world really just start to learn more about this thing, we are just trying to get a protocol in place that makes sense for everybody in WWE. I’m for one extremely happy that we’re testing every time before we go in. That will hopefully minimize the risk of people getting sick in the Performance Center and obviously us passing it out into the general population. The fact that we’re testing is definitely great.

“The extra travel days is what it is, not a big deal. But this week was crazy. It was a lot of people scrambling to make decisions and to try to figure out what the best order of operations is regarding this situation since we had not had this problem yet. Luckily, I think we have some good stuff coming up as far as we’re gonna handle this. The communication has been a lot better toward the tail end of this than in the beginning. It was (laughs) tricky at first, but we’re all along for the ride.”

Powell’s POV: It has to be stressful for Rollins to have the virus outbreak at the WWE Performance Center and knowing that there’s a risk that he could acquire it and bring it home with him. Obviously, he is just one of many wrestlers in that position. Rollins is clearly a company man, so it’s interesting that he indicated that there was a lack of early communication. Rollins also spoke about how Lynch is coping without WWE, the relationship between Rey and Dom Mysterio, the pay-per-view theme that he’d like to see return, and he identifies a pair of his co-workers who have stood out as potential new stars.


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