Powell’s MLW Anthology TV Review: Lucha Bros spotlight with Pentagon Jr. vs. Rey Fenix, Pentagon and Fenix vs. The Dirty Blondes vs. Jason Cade and Jimmy Yuta for the vacant MLW Tag Titles, MLW Pulp Fusion

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling Fusion (Episode 5)
Aired June 13, 2020 on beIN Sports and MLW’s YouTube Page

The Anthology opening aired… The narrator set up a video package on “The Lucha Bros” Pentagon Jr. and Rey Fenix. The narrator set up the opening match and noted that it was from the first episode of MLW Fusion…

Pentagon Jr. (w/Salina de la Renta ) vs. Rey Fenix to become No. 1 contender to the MLW Championship. The broadcast team was Rich Bocchini and Tony Schiavone. The following his my review of the match from when it originally aired: The wrestlers fought to ringside early. Pentagon got a near fall heading into a break.

Fenix performed a nice cutter for a near fall of his own coming out of the commercials. Fenix performed a variation of a Spanish Fly for a near fall. Pentagon came right back by powerbombing Fenix on his knee for a two count. Pentagon leapt off the second rope and into a Canadian Destroyer. Later, Pentagon performed a popup into a flip powerbomb and then wrenched the arm of Fenix before putting him away after his Fear Factor finisher…

Pentagon Jr. defeated Rey Fenix.

Powell’s POV: The following is my POV from when the match first aired: The crowd was hot from the start for this match and for good reason. The fans reacted more to the moves of both men rather than choosing sides. It was the usual strong match from the brothers and the crowd provided a great atmosphere.

The narrator noted that Salina de la Renta signed Fenix to join Pentagon Jr. in her faction. A graphic hyped tag match… An ad aired for the MLW radio network…

Next week’s episode will feature The Extreme Horsemen and the narrator noted that they battle Terry Funk, Steve Williams, Dusty Rhodes, and more… An Extreme Horsemen video package aired and showcased members Steve Corino, Justin Credible, Simon Diamond, and CW Anderson…

Richard Holliday checked in from home and told the “consumers” that he was having his morning coffee. He touted Dynastic coffee mugs, which are available on the MLW website… An MLW merchandise ad was shown…

Pentagon Jr. and Rey Fenix (w/Salina de la Renta) vs. “The Dirty Blondes” Leo Brien and Mike Patrick (w/Col. Robert Parker) vs. Jimmy Yuta and Jason Cade in an elimination match for the vacant MLW Tag Titles. Rich Bocchini and Tony Schiavone were on commentary. The following is my review and POVs from when the match originally aired on episode nine of MLW Fusion. Cade and Yuta eliminated the Blondes fairly quickly and they cut to a break.

Powell’s POV: The Blondes and Parker are a fun mid-card throwback act, but I’m happy they are limited in the ring. In other words, it was wise to get them out of the match early to give the other four plenty of time to do their thing.

The broadcast team established that Cade and Yuta were the underdogs of the remaining teams. There was a really good near fall with Fenix kicking out after taking a couple of splashes. Yuta and Cade did a good job of expressing shock over the kickout. Yuta held Fenix. Yuta played to the crowd before going for a strike. Fenix moved and Cade hit Yuta. Cade called Yuta stupid. A short time later, Pentagon and Fenix teamed up for a Fenix Driver into a double foot stomp. Fenix got up and dove onto Cade at ringside and then Pentagon pinned Yuta…

Pentagon Jr. and Rey Fenix defeated The Dirty Blondes and Jimmy Yuta & Jason Cade to win the vacant MLW Tag Titles.

After the match, Salina entered the ring with two bottles of tequila for her team. They held up a Mexican flag. Schiavone said people were actually throwing money into the ring. They did a closeup shot a crumpled up dollar bill. Pentagon poured shots of tequila into the mouths of ringside fans…

Powell’s POV: I don’t know if they edited anything from the first fall, but it was over so quickly that this was basically a standard tag with the remaining four wrestlers. The action was good and the crowd was up for some of the cool spots. It’s obvious that the days are numbered for Cade and Yuta as a team, but it will be fun to see how they actually get to the split.

The narrator hyped next week’s show on the Extreme Horsemen. A classic clip showed Corino, Diamond, and Anderson in the back of a limo arriving at an MLW event where Terry Funk was greeting fans. The Horsemen invited Funk to talk with them. Funk said they must think he’s the biggest fool in the world. Funk said you have to be good to be an extreme horsemen, but the only thing that Corino, Diamond, and Anderson ever rode was each other. Funk turned to enter the building when the Horsemen jumped out of the limo and attacked him. Funk was left bloody following the beatdown…

MLW Pulp Fusion aired. The Von Erichs checked in from Hawaii and announced that they and the rest of MLW can be found on DAZN. Tom Lawlor showed his children pictures of the Von Erichs and asked who they were. Richard Holliday and Alexander Hammerstone spoke via FaceTime about the Dynasty coffee mugs.

Mance Warner spoke about calling friends and getting a fight anytime, any place. Myron Reed checked in briefly. Dan Lambert said he warned every athletic commission in the company about giving a license to “nut job Low Ki. Lawlor asked his kids who the toughest guy in a picture that featured him and the Von Erichs was. The kids pointed to one of the Von Erichs, which upset Lawlor.

Jordan Oliver said Contra Unit is more like a f—ing clown unit. Hammerstone spoke with Holliday about creating a “Latin Muscle Candy” flavored coffee using some of his “Mexican supplements.” Warner and Myron Reed checked in briefly. Lawlor’s kids continued to frustrate him and called him a loser (cute). Gino Medina looked into the camera and said six feet.

Jordan Oliver took issue with Contra Unit acting tough when they have someone like Simon Gotch. Oliver said he would rough up Gotch if he saw him on the street. Lambert said Low Ki’s license was denied and now American Top Team’s record against him is 2-0. Warner said he was going to call a friend of his so that he could get a fight with a bear in a cage.

Hammerstone poured a cup of coffee and then shot something in using a syringe. Lawlor showed his kids another picture of him with the Von Erichs and asked them who the champion is and who the most handsome person was. They chanted “Von Erichs” and then did the same when he asked them who would lead MLW into the future.

Warner spoke more about facing a bear and said he would hit the pay window. Newcomer Saieve Al Saban put on a pair of brass knuckles. He said every revolution needs a spark and this is his…

They cut to “Mexico City” where Salina de la Renta walked onto the balcony of the building. She turned and faced the camera and said, “I am back” before delivering a sinister laugh…

Powell’s POV: A fun edition of Pulp Fiction. Lawlor’s kids were great, Warner expressing his desire to face a bear was funny, and the surprise return of Salina de la Renta at the end of the video was cool. It’s still strange to see Hammerstone make so many references to his “supplements” and I hope it doesn’t come back to haunt him or the company somehow, but I’d be lying if I said the references weren’t comical.

Pentagon Jr. and Fenix were a big part of the MLW relaunch and I like that the promotion wasn’t afraid to spotlight their contributions despite the fact that it wasn’t a pretty split when they left the company and then moved on to AEW. I am really looking forward to the Extreme Horsemen edition of Anthology next week. I saw some of their run back in the day and it will be fun to see them and some of the legends that were touted.


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