6/10 AEW Dynamite results: Powell’s live review of Cody vs. Marq Quen for the TNT Championship, FTR vs. The Butcher & The Blade, Orange Cassidy and Best Friends vs. Santana, Ortiz, and Jake Hager, Hikaru Shida and Kris Statlander vs. Nyla Rose and Penelope Ford, Colt Cabana vs. Sammy Guevara

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Dynamite (Episode 36)
Live from Jacksonville, Florida at Daily’s Place
Aired June 10, 2020 on TNT

[Hour One] The show opened with a recap of last week’s edition of Dynamite… The broadcast team of Jim Ross, Excalibur, and Tony Schiavone checked in on commentary while shots aired of the spectator wrestlers, which included Britt Baker in her cart. The broadcast team ran through the show lineup…

Chris Jericho made his entrance while holding a baseball bat and joined the broadcast team for the evening. Jericho said the world has been waiting for him on commentary ever since he and Schiavone were calling the show…

1. “FTR” Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood vs. The Butcher and The Blade. Ring announcer Justin Roberts returned and delivered the introductions. FTR drove a truck into the side entrance area of Daily’s Place (same location as last week). Wheeler sold a shoulder injury at one point and then rolled up Butcher for a two count after Butcher let his guard down.

Jericho said it was a smash mouth, meat and potatoes style match and added that they could use more of that in AEW. Later, Harwood performed a superplex on The Blade, then Wheeler performed a top rope splash for a near fall. Shots aired of AEW managers Tully Blanchard, Arn Anderson, and Jake Roberts in different locations in the spectator area. In the end, FTR hit a spike piledriver on The Blade and picked up the pin…

FTR defeated The Butcher and The Blade in 10:20.

After the match, Schiavone entered the ring to interview FTR. Harwood spoke about AEW being the pinnacle of pro wrestling. The Young Bucks came out. Nick Jackson congratulated them on a great match. Matt Jackson thanked them for bailing them out of a jam the last time they crossed paths. Matt said the FTR failed to properly introduce themselves.

Matt introduced himself and his brother and said they have solely carried tag team wrestling on their back for the past decade and a half. Matt said they are the best tag team in AEW and said, “It’s so nice to meet you, finally.” The Bucks offered handshakes, but The Butcher and The Blade attacked the Bucks from behind. FTR intervened, but Jimmy Havoc and Kip Sabian joined in on the attack. Kenny Omega and Hangman Page came out and the two heel teams left the ring. There was some jawing between FTR, the Bucks, and Omega and Page going into a break… [C]

Powell’s POV: FTR used the Shatter Machine (or whatever it will be called in AEW) during the match, but it’s interesting that the spike piledriver was used in the finisher instead. It’s also interesting that they showed Anderson, Blanchard, and Roberts watching the match from the crowd. The broadcast team noted that the finisher used by FTR was made famous by Anderson and Blanchard. Anderson stated at Starrcast that he was interested in managing The Revival (now FTR), so it will be interesting to see if they are working toward that. The post match scene continues the slow build to the FTR vs. Bucks showdown and perhaps teased a three-way tag match with the AEW Tag Champions. By the way, I’m filling in for Jake Barnett this week. He had a work conflict tonight, but he should be back next week.

Dasha Gonzalez stood backstage with Dustin Rhodes, QT Marshall, Brandi Rhodes, and Allie. Dasha informed The Natural Nightmares that they will get a shot against Kenny Omega and Hangman Page to win the AEW Tag Titles next week. Brandi took issue with Allie wearing a Nightmare Family jacket. Marshall continued to shows signs of being blinded by Allie. Dustin gave him a speech about getting his head in the game for the opportunity they have…

Powell’s POV: I really don’t get the Allie and Marshall storyline that has mostly played out on AEW Dark. We saw her as The Bunny and it’s no secret that she’s married to The Blade, but apparently we are supposed to forget that or believe that Marshall doesn’t know this? Strange.

2. AEW Women’s Champion Hikaru Shida and Kris Statlander vs. Nyla Rose and Penelope Ford. Statlander went to ringside before the match and did her nose boop bit with the babyface spectator wrestlers. The heels attacked the babyfaces to start the match. Rose was working over Statlander when the show cut to break a couple minutes into the match. [C]

Statlander had a nice sequence that resulted in her kicking Rose and then hit her with another shot to knock her off her feet. Ross and Jericho acknowledged the death of Johnny “Mr. Wrestling II” Walker. Statlander picked up a solid near fall on Rose. Shida tagged in. Rose battle back and placed both opponents over the top rope, then went to the ropes and leapt onto both of them.

Ford tagged into the match and was hit with a falcon arrow by Shida for a near fall. Sabian tripped Shida and then Statlander dove onto Sabian. Rose used the distraction to slide the AEW Women’s Title belt to Ford, who hit Shida with it and then performed a fisherman’s suplex and scored the pin…

Nyla Rose and Penelope Ford beat Hikaru Shida and Kris Statlander in 10:15.

Powell’s POV: A pretty good tag match that sets up Ford for title shot. On a side note, I thought I spotted Vickie Guerrero earlier, but it was actually Rebel. My apologies, I saw the dark hair for a second and assumed it was Vickie. I removed the Vickie reference to avoid further confusion.

Darby Allin was shown in at an unidentified location saying that he’s not medically cleared and he doesn’t care. Skateboarding legend Tony Hawk showed up and told Allin that he didn’t need a doctor’s note to skate wherever they were. Allin was shown repeatedly crashing and burning as he tried a trick move until he got it right…

Jericho acknowledged that Tony Hawk was in the Allin video. Jericho vented about Allin being a sick freak. Ross set up a video package from Britt Baker. The Baker video showed Baker rehabbing while getting help from Rebel… [C]

Ads aired for the AEW podcast and forthcoming action figures…

3. Jake Hager, Santana, and Ortiz vs. Orange Cassidy and “Best Friends” Chuck Taylor and Trent. The heels attacked the babyface trio to start the match. Best Friends came back with a Sole Food into a suplex combination. Taylor performed a flip dive onto Santana and Ortiz at ringside. The Inner Circle trio bounced back and worked over Taylor heading into a picture-in-picture break. [C]

[Hour Two] Late in the match, Santana and Ortiz set up for their Street Sweeper finisher on Cassidy, but Taylor shoved Santana off the top rope. Cassidy rolled Ortiz into a pin for the win…

Orange Cassidy, Chuck Taylor, and Trent defeated Jake Hager, Santana, and Ortiz in 10:10.

After the match, Jericho rushed to the ring with his baseball bat “Floyd” and joined the other Inner Circle members in attacking the babyface trio. Jericho hit Taylor and Trent in the ribs, then jabbed the handle into the head of Cassidy. Jericho brought a bag of oranges into the ring.

Jericho jawed at Cassidy, who was bleeding from the forehead. Hager and Ortiz held Cassidy while Jericho hit him with the bag of oranges. Jericho hit Cassidy a second time with the oranges, which then leaked onto Jericho when he held them up afterward. “Blood Orange Cassidy has just been juiced,” Jericho said over the house mic… [C]

Powell’s POV: An entertaining match. The outcome was logical given that Best Friends are challenging for the tag titles at Fyter Fest, and the post match continued the build to Jericho vs. Cassidy. The only rough part was Cassidy flinching, turning, and blocking with his arm when Jericho hit him with the oranges the first time. Nevertheless, I like that Jericho is working with the popular Cassidy and we’re seeing the Inner Circle move away from their long feud with The Elite.

Schiavone stood at ringside and was going to interview Billy Gunn and Austin Gunn, but MJF cut him off. MJF complained about Jungle Boy getting a title shot before him and complained of favoritism. Gunn jawed at MJF, who barked at him about trying to get another one of his sons a job in AEW. Gunn grabbed MJF, who called for Wardlow. Gunn released MJF and said, “Don’t ever” while Wardlow grinned at him…

Ross set up a video package that recapped Colt Cabana being offered a spot in the Dark Order faction…

4. Sammy Guevara vs. Colt Cabana. Guevara used his scooter as he made his entrance. Guevara and Cabana went back and forth with middle fingers before the bell. Guevara performed a nice flip dive onto Cabana heading into an early PIP break. [C]

Coming out of the break, Ross said both men were coming off tough losses and needed a win. Cabana performed his version of the bionic elbow and then performed his leap from the middle rope. When Guevara rolled out of the way, Cabana landed on his feet, then splashed onto Guevara.

Cabana caught Guevara on the top rope and slammed him into the ring. Cabana followed up with a top rope moonsault for a near fall. Cabana brought Guevara to the corner and set up for a Chicago Skyline finisher. Cabana slipped, then Guevara hit Cabana with a version of the GTS and scored the pin.

Sammy Guevara defeated Colt Cabana in 7:25.

After the match, Evil Uno and Stu Grayson walked onto the stage. The other Dark Order members and leader Brodie Lee walked out. Lee approached Cabana and helped him to his feet. The Dark Order headed to the back while Cabana looked confused and Ross questioned if Lee’s gesture was a metaphor for something bigger.

Once he was alone in the ring, Guevera took the mic and started boasting. Matt Hardy made his entrance. Guevara barked to have Hardy’s music cut. Hardy said he doesn’t have an issue with Guevara and stated that he reminds him of a younger version of himself. Hardy said that no matter how hard Guevara gets hit, he always gets back up.

Hardy referred to Guevara as the future of AEW. Guevara nodded. Hardy said that in order to reach his full potential, Guevara must get away from Chris Jericho. Guevara protested. Hardy ran through some notes about himself while some Matt Facts were shown in a graphic on the screen. Hardy turned into Broken Matt. Hardy said these events must be documented. He yelled Delete repeatedly while Guevara headed to ringside…

Powell’s POV: Yes, Guevara beat Cabana with a version of CM Punk’s finisher. The broadcast team did not acknowledge it and that’s probably for the best. Cabana losing made sense because of his story with the Dark Order. The Hardy and Guevara storyline is interesting with Hardy continuing to say that he doesn’t have an issue with him. I wish there was a way to gauge whether Hardy’s multiple personalities bit is working, but it’s really tough to say without real fans in attendance.

A Joey Janela video aired. He was shown at a bar and then on a street. He said sometimes he wonders if his best days are behind him and he lost his sense of direction over the last six months or so. Sonny Kiss pulled up in a convertible. Janela joined him in the car, and Kiss drove away while a “to be continued” graphic appeared on the screen… [C]

Backstage, Dasha caught up with Cabana and asked if his losses to Jericho and Guevara brought him here. Cabana knocked on the Dark Order locker room door and entered the room without answering her question…

The broadcast team spoke about Cabana briefly. Excalibur said it was not the Cabana he knows. They hyped Billy Gunn vs. MJF, Kenny Omega and Hangman Page vs. Dustin Rhodes and QT Marshall for the AEW Tag Titles, and a TNT Championship match, “Le Sex Gods” Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara vs. Best Friends, and “Superbad Death Squad” Kip Sabian and Jimmy Havoc vs. The Young Bucks for next week’s show…

Alex Marvez stood in the parking lot as Jon Moxley arrived. Moxley said he was in a bad mood not just because of some injuries, but because of people who run their mouth when they have no idea what they are talking about. Moxley said that Taz has been telling anyone who will listen that Brian Cage will beat him at Fyter Fest.

Moxley said that if Taz was trying to get under his skin, it worked. Moxley said he can’t wait to beat Cage at Fyter Fest. Moxley said that people thinking they can beat him is what drives him and makes him train and hit harder and what makes him more violent. Moxley put over Taz as one of the greatest trash talkers.

Taz showed up and told Moxley to get his head right because he’s going to be taken out at Fyter Fest. Brian Cage showed up and attacked Moxley from behind. Moxley fought back and tried to hit Cage with a lead pipe, but Cage moved and Moxley smashed a car windshield. Cage slammed Moxley onto the hood of the car. Cage set up for a move on the concrete, but Taz called him off and said he’d done enough. Cage released Moxley, then picked him up and slammed him through the rear windshield of the car…

Powell’s POV: A good angle following the usual good, intense mic work from Moxley. I love that they stuck with the shot of Moxley lying in agony while selling the last bump rather than just moving away.

A video package aired with Cody talking about his TNT Championship. Highlights aired of Cody’s win over Jungle Boy, then footage aired of tonight’s challenger Marq Quen. Cody praised his opponent and a graphic touted the match…

Marq Quen made his entrance for the main event. He was joined on the stage by Isiah Kassidy and Matt Hardy, who headed to the back while Quen headed to the ring… [C] Cody made his entrance along with Arn Anderson. The TNT Title belt still hasn’t been finished…

5. Cody (w/Arn Anderson) vs. Marq Quen for the TNT Title. The broadcast team touted a Cody t-shirt that is on sale for charity and noted that Quen was wearing a Black Lives Matter armband. Justin Roberts delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. Cody and Quen shook hands to start the match.

Quen caught Cody coming off the ropes with a dropkick and covered him for just a one count. Ross stated that Quen was dominating the opening minutes. Schiavone emphasized that the time limit for the match was television time remaining. Cody rallied and put Quen in a surfboard and then hooked his head with his arm. Quen escaped, but Cody remained on the offensive heading into a PIP break. [C]

Quen picked up a couple of near falls coming out of the break and sold a leg injury. Cody rolled to ringside. Quen performed a dive onto him, then sold some pain as he entered the ring. Quen ran the ropes and performed a flip dive onto Cody, then got up wincing again. Cody returned to the ring and Quen sent him to ringside on the other side of the ring, then Quen performed a Fosbury Flop dive onto him. Back in the ring, Quen covered Cody for a near fall.

Quen sold as he went up top. Cody rolled out of the ring and onto the entrance ramp that is level with the ring. Quen performed a 450 splash from the top rope onto Cody on the ramp. Wow. Quen continued to sell, rolled Cody into the ring, and removed the top half of his gear. Quen struggled to get to the top rope and went for a shooting star press, but Cody was waiting for him and put him in an ankle lock. Cody turned it into leg lock and got the submission win.

Cody defeated Marq Quen in 11:45 to retain the TNT Championship.

After the match, Cody helped Quen to his knees and they hugged. The broadcast team said they would like to see a rematch between Cody and Quen when Quen is 100 percent. They got to their feet and shook hands. Quen also shook hands with Arn Anderson before leaving the ring. Cody kissed his title belt while Ross plugged Dwayne Johnson’s “Walking Tall” as coming up after the break.

Jake Hager walked onto the stage and glared at Cody. Hager entered the ring. Anderson approached Hager, who grabbed him and pushed him into the corner. Cody tried to save Anderson, but Hager got the better of him. Private Party and Matt Hardy came out. Quen and Kassidy threw chairs at Hager, then Hardy clotheslined Hager over the top rope.

Ross pointed out that Hager landed on his feet and it took three men to clear him from the ring. Santana, Ortiz, and Guevara joined Hager on the stage. The Inner Circle members rushed the ring and fought with Cody, Hardy, and Private Party. The babyfaces got the better of the fight and Hardy hit Guevara with a Twist of Fate. Cody took the mic and said he assumed that Hager wanted a TNT Title shot at Fyter Fest. Hager didn’t respond. Cody told him he has it. Ross thanked viewers, told them to take care of each other, and closed the show by saying “So long, everybody”…

Powell’s POV: A good main event. I like the way they incorporated the injury that Quen suffered in a six-man tag match into this match, as it gave him an out and opened the door for a rematch at some point. The post match angle was decent. Cody assuming that Hager wanted a title shot at Fyter Fest was a bit clunky when you think about it, because Hager could have just as easily wanted his shot next week. That said, it’s interesting that they haven’t announced Cody’s opponent for next week yet. Will it be an AEW regular or a surprise opponent who is not on the roster?

Overall, a solid show. This wasn’t a particularly memorable show with major moments, but it was a straight forward show with good storyline developments and quality in-ring action. I will be back shortly within the hour with my audio review for Dot Net Members. Let me know what you thought of the show by assigning it a letter grade in our post Dynamite poll available on the main page.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. First Dynamite in a while that for me was a chore to watch all the way through. Too few wrestlers about whom I have any interest. The women’s tag match came off well, and the car lot scene with Mox and Ta gets a strong thumbs up. The rest of the show I could do without.

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