Powell’s MLW Fusion TV Review: AAA and MLW Super Series begins with Alexander Hammerstone vs. Laredo Kid for the MLW National Openweight Championship, Mance Warner and Savio Vega vs. Pagano and Mortiz in a Barrio Street Fight, Konnan appearance

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling Fusion (Episode 105)
Taped March 13, 2020 in Tijuana, Mexico at Auditorio Fausto Gutierrez
Aired April 11, 2020 on beIN Sports and MLW’s YouTube Page

Rich Bocchini narrated the opening video while talking favorably about Mexico’s culture and people, then hyping that the MLW-AAA Super Series begins now… The Fusion opening aired… Bocchini was joined on commentary by AJ Kirsch. Some wrestlers and promoters were shown in the ring for a brief opening ceremony. The broadcast team hyped the two advertised matches…

Backstage, Alicia Atout interviewed Mance Warner. They celebrated Warner beating MJF in the loser leaves MLW match that headlined last week’s show. Warner said Alex Hammerstone and Richard Holliday spent all their money at a donkey show. Savio Vega showed up and spoke about their street fight against Pagano and Pagan…

Powell’s POV: This event was taped the same weekend that ROH cancelled its 18th Anniversary pay-per-view and Past vs. Present events. That said, it was not the only entertainment event to take place in Mexico that weekend, as I know Guns N’ Roses played a rock festival show two nights after this show was taped.

1. Mance Warner and Savio Vega vs. Pagano and Mortiz in a Barrio Street Fight. Alexander Hammerstone sat in on commentary for the match. At one point, Vega stuck a bunch of skewers into the forehead of Pagano. Later, Warner slammed a chair over the head of Pagano (gross).

Mortiz had Warner on the ropes and set a table on fire in the ring. Warner ended up slamming Mortiz through the flaming table. The back of Mortiz’s gear remained on fire and the referee and then Warner had to put it out. Bocchini said Warner was still beating the hell out of Mortiz (while he was pounding out the small flame). Mortiz headed to ringside.

Hammerstone said his order at the pharmacy was ready, so he had to step aside. In the ring, Warner and Pagano set up door boards in corners of the ring. Pagano speared Warner through one of the door boards and covered him for a two count. Warner returned the favor by putting Pagano through the other door and then getting a near fall.

Mortiz returned to attack Vega on the floor. In the ring, Warner hit Pagano with a running knee and then set up a table. Hammerstone entered the ring and put Warner down with a bicycle kick. The broadcast team explained that there were no rules in the match, so the referee couldn’t do anything about the interference. Mortiz placed Warner onto the table and then performed a splash from the ropes to drive him through it.

Vega and Pagano had a strange fight over a chair. Vega knocked Pagano down and placed a chair over him. Vega leapt from the ropes and Pagano held up a chair to crotch him with it. Pagano performed a Blockbuster style move on Vega and pinned him…

Pagano and Mortiz defeated Mance Warner and Savio Vega in a Barrio Street Fight.

Powell’s POV: Skewers, a chair to the head, and a man set on fire.

The broadcast team announced that King Mo was suspended for one month and fined $10,000 for attacking Killer Kross with a baseball bat on a recent show…

A Tom Lawlor promo was shown. Lawlor said it never fails that just when Team Filthy and American Top Team were coming together, someone had to put a stop to it. Lawlor said it’s inevitable that Team Filthy will adapt. Lawlor said he and Dominic Garrini are entering the tag team division and are going after the MLW Tag Titles…

Kirsch hyped Xtreme Tiger and Puma King vs. Tom Lawlor and Dominic Garrini for next week. He also hyped this week’s main event. Bocchini said Injustice would speak after the break…

The latest Lifestyles of the Rich and Dynastic video aired. Hammerstone stumbled into a hotel room where Richard Holliday was passed out on a bed. The hungover wrestlers wondered where Gino Medina was. Hammerstone said Media went with “those girls.” Hammerstone asked Holliday how he could let him go to a donkey show.

Hammerstone questioned how they could let Max (MJF) go up there and whether the MRI results came back. Hammerstone realized they had to wrestle. Holliday said they should pull out. “No, one thing my Dad taught me is to never pull out,” Hammerstone said…

Powell’s POV: A fun video. MJF and Richard Holliday provided most of the memorable lines on the past episodes, but Hammerstone was really fun here. Holliday and Hammerstone have good chemistry. Only time will tell whether Gino Medina will fit in and contribute.

The PWI top ten rankings for the MLW heavyweight contenders to the title held by Jacob Fatu were listed (we finally have some changes!).
10. Dominic Garrini
9. Low Ki
8. Richard Holliday
7. Mance Warner
6. King Mo
5. Tom Lawlor
4. Brian Pillman Jr.
3. Myron Reed (MLW Middleweight Champion)
2. Davey Boy Smith Jr.
1. Alexander Hammerstone (MLW National Openweight Champion)

Kirsch said the status of Brian Pillman Jr. was unclear, but he’s pushing the MLW doctor to clear him ASAP…

An Injustice black and white video aired. Jordan Oliver said he wanted this video to be placed on the desk of MLW CEO Court Bauer. Oliver, Myron Reed, and Kotto Brazil agreed they would attack Pillman again. They played up the question of whether they are in Mexico or not…

Douglas James vs. Averno was announced for next week. Kirsch also said there will be a press conference for the merger of Team Filthy and American Top Team on the same show… An MLW merch ad aired…

A cameraman caught up with Davey Boy Smith Jr. as he was heading into a meeting with MLW CEO Court Bauer. Smith was asked for an update on Brian Pillman Jr. Smith said Pillman’s jaw is wired shut and he needs to eat through a straw, but he’s a warrior and will be back. The overly excited cameraman asked if Smith was meeting with Bauer about an MLW Championship match with Jacob Fatu. Smith pointed at his gold shoes and said it’s not where your heels are at, it’s where your toes are pointed. Smith said his toes were pointed toward talking about some business…

Josef Samael hosted a Contra Unit video. He said there have been rumors of the next attack, but it’s not an attack, they must embark on a mission and prepare for an upcoming war. He said their soldiers are hidden among you and the infiltration of the infidels is underway…

Konnan was interviewed by Atout and was quickly interrupted by the Injustice trio. Oliver said they were coming for gold in the form of the AAA Trios Titles. Konnan said his johnson is like his name in that it’s always in their mouth. Konnan booked them in a match for the AAA Trios Titles. Konnan told them to put some respect on his name or they would have to worry about how they get back across the border…

Psycho Clown delivered a promo in Spanish that was subtitled. He accepted Los Parks challenge and said he would break LA Park into pieces…

Kirsch announced the following wrestlers who were competing in the AAA-MLW Super Series: El Texano Jr., Richard Holliday, Psicosis, Davey Boy Smith Jr., and Octagon Jr…

A tale of the tape graphic was shown for the main event…

Alexander Hammerstone was interviewed by Atout, who said Dynasty has been on a losing streak. Hammerstone questioned if she gets off on pushing a fake news narrative. Hammerstone said The Dynasty is MLW. Hammerstone asked if she watches the show and saw what he did in Japan and the last time they were in Mexico. Hammerstone said he’s held the title since day one and it wasn’t going anywhere. Hammerstone said she should be talking about him as the winningest champion in all of MLW. He told her to put some respect on her name the next time she invites him for an interview…

2. Alexander Hammerstone vs. Laredo Kid for the MLW National Openweight Championship. During the introductions, Kirsch said he was being told that Mance Warner was ranting backstage about wanting a piece of Hammerstone. In the ring, Hammerstone used his power to go on a run of offense. Kid came back and hit a suicide dive that left Hammerstone.

Kid brought Hammerstone back to the ring and performed a snap suplex, then hit a pair of moonsaults, which led to a two count. Hammerstone came back with a power move that led to a good near fall. Hammerstone grumbled about the count being slow and one of the broadcast team members agreed with him.

Hammerstone set up for his finisher, but Kid slipped out and rolled him up for a two count. Hammerstone put him right back down with a clothesline. Hammerstone placed Kid on the top rope and joined him on the ropes. Kid headbutted Hammerstone into the ring, then performed a 450 splash for a good near fall. The broadcast team pointed out that Hammerstone was bleeding from the chin.

Hammerstone came right back with a bicycle kick. Hammerstone went for a clothesline, but Kid ducked and the clothesline took out the referee. REF BUMP!!!!! Kid performed a Spanish Fly from the ropes and got a visual pinfall while the referee was still down. Kid brought the referee into the ring, but Hammerstone grabbed Kid from behind and gave him a German suplex. Hammerstone powerbombed Kid and then hit the Nightmare Pendulum and scored the pin.

Alex Hammerstone defeated Laredo Kid to retain the MLW National Openweight Championship.

As Hammerstone was exiting, the broadcast team said Warner was backstage throwing security around to close the show…

Powell’s POV: A good main event with Kid getting the face saving visual pinfall before Hammerstone beat him to retain his title. Overall, an entertaining hour. I’m not sure what the AAA-MLW Super Series actually is. Are they keeping tally of the wins and losses by the wrestlers from each brand or is it just a show featuring talent from both companies? Either way, the atmosphere for this show was better than American companies usually get in Mexico, presumably because they had AAA talent in both matches. The Dot Net Members’ audio review of this episode will be available later today. Happy Easter to those celebrating the holiday.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. I don’t know if having #Injustice verbally spar with Konnan is a good idea. Each time they do it, it makes #Injustice look like chumps, they just can’t compete with Konnan on the mic. Kinda makes them lose some heat. They should put a better talker with them if they want to go that route.

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