Lio Rush discusses his time away from WWE, returning to NXT, and whether he’s surprised that he’s still with the company

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Lio Rush spoke with Brian Fritz of Sporting News and was asked about the gap between his run on WWE Raw and his return to NXT. “During that time, I was in a bad mental space,” Rush said. “I feel like I’ve been pretty open with the public about my issues with depression and anxiety and stuff like that. I just needed a little break. I needed some time away to rethink, to be with my family, to remind myself of why I wanted to be a sports entertainer in the first place and be in the WWE in the first place.”

Rush was also asked if he’s surprised that he’s still with WWE. “Man, I feel like I’ve asked myself this question a lot like, I’m not gonna lie to you, man,” started Rush. “There were some times and some points where I thought that this was the end. And more than one occasion. More than twice, three times, four times. There were a bunch of times where I thought like, wow, this is it, and a bunch of times where I thought like, you know, where do I go from here?

“This is all I wanted to do since I was five years old. I wanted to be in the WWE, specifically. I wanted to be a part of the WWE. I wanted to have a long career. I wanted to be a Hall of Famer. Am I surprised that I’m still in the WWE? I wouldn’t necessarily say surprised. I don’t know if surprise is the word that I would go for. I’m just grateful for the opportunity to still be here. I’m not going to say that I’m surprised that they still kept me here or anything like that because I feel like that would be a very arrogant thing to say. The one thing I am is grateful. Read the full interview at

Powell’s POV: It’s refreshing to see Rush speak so openly about his struggles in the company and for the company to allow him to address these matters. Rush went into more detail about his struggles, whether he was happy with his Raw run, and working with the top cruiserweights in NXT and on 205 Live. It’s a good and highly recommended read.


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