12/17 NWA Powerrr results: Powell’s review of the season two premiere featuring Marty Scurll being interviewed by Stu Bennett, Eli Drake vs. Ken Anderson in a No DQ match

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

NWA Powerrr (Episode 10)
Taped December 15-16, 2019 in Atlanta, Georgia at GPB Studios
Streamed December 17, 2019 on the NWA Youtube and NWA Facebook Page

The show opened with a Marty Scurll montage… The Into The Fire opening video aired… The broadcast team of Joe Galli and Stu Bennett checked in from the desk and set the table for the show…

Dave Marquez introduced NWA National Champion Aron Stevens, who was joined by The Question Mark on the interview set. Stevens said he’s the first American to earn a third degree blackbelt in Mongrovian karate. Question Mark said “karate.” Fans cheered. Stevens thanked the fans for their applause and said it wasn’t easy.

A “Question Mark” chant broke out. Stevens told the fans not to call him a mark. “He’s a dangerous assassin,” Stevens said. He added that the NWA National Championship proves what a “dirt tough hunk of man I am.” Stevens said he’s the first ever “third degree NWA National Champion” and then showed off three yellow stripes on the belt.

Stevens insisted that he be referred to as “Shooter Stevens” going forward. Fans booed. Question Mark raised his hand and was cheered. Stevens said they have their eyes set on belts. Stevens said he was looking at the camera and saying belts. He said he was on a 13-day juice detox or he would have his eyes on the NWA World Title.

Colt Cabana walked onto the interview set and the fans chanted his name. Cabana said everyone who watched the pay-per-view knows that Stevens hid behind a Christmas tree while he and Ricky Starks had a glorified singles match. Cabana said that everyone knows that without Question Mark, he’d never be a champion of any kind.

“I’m not, I’m a third degree champion,” Stevens said. He suggested that Cabana get a hobby, then said for a fee that Question Mark would teach him karate. Question Mark said “karate” again. Stevens and Question Mark headed toward the back and crossed paths with Thunder Rosa before going through the curtain.

Thunder Rosa had the live crowd stand. Melina made her entrance wearing a Santa hat and stood on the apron. Ashley Vox attacked Thunder Rosa at ringside. Galli pointed out the tape on Vox’s arm and said it stemmed from Rosa’s attack at the pay-per-view. Rosa quickly fought off Vox. Melina held Vox’s bad arm on the ring steps while Rosa went to the ropes, but Allysin Kay and ODB ran out to run them off before they could hit the move…

Highlights aired of Ken Anderson wrapping a chair around the neck of Eli Drake and running him into the ring post. A graphic listed Anderson vs. Drake in a No DQ match for later in the show. Another graphic listed Marty Scurll as coming up next… An ad hyped upcoming TV taping tickets…

A recap of the women’s angle aired… Backstage, Melina and Rosa approached Marti Belle and scolded her for not being out there. Belle recalled Melina telling her to stay in the back. Melina told her to do what she means and not what she says…

The broadcast team spoke about the NWA TV Title returning. Bennett said there would be a tournament to determine the NWA TV Champion at the January 24 pay-per-view and each match will have a six minute and five second time limit…

1. Sal Rinauro vs. CW Anderson vs. Zicky Dice in an NWA TV Title tournament qualifier. Bennett said he couldn’t take his eyes off Dice, then added maybe he should. Anderson hit a spinebuster on Rinauro. Dice threw Anderson into the corner, then hit a Shake, Rattle, and Roll neckbreaker on Rinauro and scored the pin…

Zicky Dice defeated Sal Rinauro and CW Anderson in a three-way to earn a spot in the NWA TV Title tournament.

Powell’s POV: I was surprised that someone other than Anderson advanced given his “family” history in the NWA.

Marquez interviewed Dice on the interview set. Dice was booed and he boasted that he would be the new champion. The Dawsons walked onto the set and ran off Dice. Zane complained about the Wild Cards not picking their phone up since they lost the tag titles. They said they were going to expose the truth. The Wild Cards came out with a chair and ran off the Dawsons…

Footage aired from Into The Fire of Marquez interviewing Marty Scurll on the interview set. Scurll said everyone seems to know what he’s doing, but he does whatever the hell he bloody well likes. Scurll said if he wants to come to the NWA and make some noise then that’s exactly what he’ll do.

Scurll said that even though he came up short in his match with Nick Aldis that he can beat him. Scurll said it’s a damn shame that despite everything he’s done and achieved during his career that he’s never become a World Champion. Scurll called for Aldis to give him a shot at the NWA Championship…

A teaser aired of Bennett’s interview with Scurll and then a graphic hyped the Rock & Roll Express as coming up next… A HighSpots ad aired…

Powell’s POV: Damn, everything is happening so quickly that I barely found time to comment until now. The Stevens and Question Mark opening was a blast. The women’s segment was a logical followup from the pay-per-view. The Dawsons promo was intriguing in that the Wild Cards ran out before they could reveal whatever it was they had to reveal.

Eddie Kingston joined the broadcast team on commentary. Bennett noted that Homicide suffered an injury at the pay-per-view and said the world wants to know how he’s doing. Kingston declined to comment. “You’ll see him back when he comes back,” Kingston said…

2. NWA Tag Champions “The Rock & Roll Express” Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson vs. Zach Mosley and Sean Sims in a non-title match. Morton and Gibson won a quick match with a double rollup…

The Rock & Roll Express beat Zach Mosley and Sean Sims in a non-title match.

Joe Galli interviewed Morton and Gibson on the interview set. Morton said they built this city on NWA wrestling. He ran through some legendary names and noted that they are nine-time NWA Tag Champions. Galli brought up Aldis. Morton praised him. Galli said Aldis wants to be one of the all-time greats. Morton said that when you compare yourself to Harley Race and other legends then you have a long road to hoe to get there. Gibson pulled Morton away…

The Dawsons came out to expose the truth. The Wild Cards ran out and brawled with them before they could speak…

A graphic listed the January 24 pay-per-view as NWA Hard Times…

3. “The Wild Cards” Thom Latimer and Royce Isaacs vs. Zane Dawson and Dave Dawson. Zane tried to chop one of the Wild Cards at ringside and hit the ring post instead. Zane was isolated early in the match. The Wild Cards hit a Death Valley Driver into a powerbomb combo move on Zane for the win. The Wild Cards went after Zane’s bad hand afterward.

The Wild Cards defeated The Dawsons.

Marquez interviewed the Dawsons at the interview set. Latimer said what happened to the Dawsons is what happens when you sick your nose in their business. The interview was interrupted by Jocephus, who came out dressed like Santa and threw merch into the crowd. Jocephus spotted a man dressed in an orange Tennessee Volunteers’ Santa outfit and exchanged words with him…

Footage aired of Kyle Davis interviewing James Storm backstage after the pay-per-view. Storm said that from his point of view, Aldis took out his referee (Brian Hebner) so that his referee (Tim Storm) could work the final fall. Storm noted that he never submitted. He said he would start at the bottom and climb his way back to the top… A PSA aired on head trauma…

Marquez and Dice stood on the interview set. Marquez introduced Ricky Starks, Caleb Konley, Colt Cabana, Trevor Murdoch, Thom Latimer, Question Mark, Eddie Kingston, Tim Storm, and Nick Aldis as tournament entrants and they all came to ringside.

Marquez introduced Nikita Koloff as an NWA legend, who drew the names for the tournament. The names of Starks and Kingston were drawn and they went face to face at ringside. Cabana and Question Mark were drawn next and they went face to face. Both matches will take place next week and will be play in matches for spots in the tournament.

Aldis and Starks joined Marquez on the interview set. Aldis said he understood that people were wondering why he was entering the TV Title tournament. Aldis said he’s run through everyone on the roster and he has no challengers left. Aldis said he wants to be the first man in history to hold both titles. Aldis labeled Starks a high caliber athlete and labeled him a No. 1 draft pick. Aldis said Starks just might have a shot at making it to the finals of the tournament to lose to him.

Marquez asked about Marty Scurll. Aldis said no comment. He spoke about building the NWA and carrying it on his back for two years. Aldis said people have sideways things to say about it when you’re trying to get something started, then they come out of the woodwork doing the “hey, brother” routine.

Marquez brought up Ricky Morton’s comments from earlier. Aldis said he didn’t hear what Morton had to say, but they have a good relationship and he’s sure it was complimentary.

Marquez asked about Kamille. Aldis said he’s figured out that he needs more than an insurance policy, he needs to assemble a team, which viewers will see play out over the next few weeks. “As for Kamille, Kamille is no longer my insurance policy,” Aldis said to close the interview…

Powell’s POV: An interesting development. Starks stood by Aldis and made some faces when Aldis took the dig at him, but he never said a word. Could he be a member of Team Aldis?

A graphic hyped the No DQ match as coming up after the break… An ad aired for the next round of tapings… Kay, ODB, and Vox vs. Melina, Rosa, and Belle was listed for next week along with the play in matches…

Bennett interviewed Scurll in front of the ring in an empty studio. Scurll spoke about how he likes to keep people guessing. Bennett said Scurll was being vague, but noted that he had shown interest in the NWA Championship. Scurll spoke about having never held the title…

Tim Storm joined Galli and Bennett on commentary. Bennett brought up Scurll appearing at the NWA Into The Fire pay-per-view and how Aldis offered no comment. He asked Storm for his thoughts on Scurll. Storm praised Scurll and said he would move quickly to the top of the list of challengers…

Marquez spoke with Eli Drake on the interview set. Drake sold a throat injury (Ricky Steamboat style) from the Ken Anderson attack. He said it seemed funny that Aldis is in the NWA TV Title tournament, but he’s not. Drake accused Ken Anderson of trying to make some noise on his back. Drake said he’s still standing and challenged Anderson to meet him in a No DQ match. An “Eli” chant broke out. Drake went to the ring and then Anderson came out for the main event…

4. Eli Drake vs. Ken Anderson in a No DQ match. The ring announcer said the match had a 30-minute time limit. They wrestlers fought into the bleachers and a spotlight shined on them while they were there. Anderson swung the gate at the top of the bleachers onto the head of Drake. They made their way back to ringside where Anderson threw Drake into the ring steps.

Anderson rolled Drake back inside the ring. Anderson brought a chair into the ring while the broadcast team recalled Anderson hitting a Mic Check onto the chair to damage the larynx of Drake at the pay-per-view. Anderson went for his finisher on the chair, but Drake blocked it and slammed Anderson’s face onto the chair. Drake threw punches at Anderson and picked up the chair. Instead of using it, Drake opted to toss it aside and hit his Gravy Train finisher for the win…

Eli Drake defeated Ken Anderson in a No DQ match.

Powell’s POV: I’m surprised and even a little disappointed to see Drake get his revenge on Anderson so quickly. I assumed Drake would win the feud in the end, but it felt like the NWA could have gotten more out of it than they did.

After the main event, Aldis stormed to the broadcast table and got in Tim Storm’s face. Aldis could be heard telling Storm that his time has come and gone and he’s sick of him running his mouth. Storm barked back at Aldis and pointed to the ring. Storm headed to the ring and the fans cheered.

Aldis joined Storm in the the ring and they started to prepare for a fight, but The Wild Cards attacked Storm from behind. Kamille entered the ring and got in Aldis’s face and shoved him a couple times. Kamille turned and speared Tim Storm. Kamille smiled and then Aldis and the Wild Cards all laughed. Latimer and Kamille made out in the middle of the ring while Galli recalled her claiming that they were just friends. Aldis, Latimer, Isaacs, and Kamille all hugged in the middle of the ring. The closing credits aired to close the show…

Powell’s POV: The NWA has its new heel stable. Storm is the perfect guy for the heels to attack because he’s so beloved by the NWA fans. I like the new stable and the way this ties up the season one questions that were raised regarding Kamille and her relationships with Aldis and Latimer.

Overall, a strong season premiere that set the stage for the pay-per-view, the TV Title tournament, and some upcoming feuds. The show ran longer than usual at 70 minutes. I don’t think that’s going to be the norm. With this being the first show coming out of a pay-per-view, it makes sense to load up the show and even go a little long since it will probably garner more interest than usual. It feels like there’s already less ambiguity than there was in season one when it comes to whether wrestlers are babyfaces or heels.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. I’m just loving this show. It isn’t perfect, but they’re getting characters built and paying things off on PPV. Hopefully they dial it back a bit after this next PPV so they’re not on an 8 per year schedule.

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