9/30 WWE Raw Results: Powell’s review of Seth Rollins vs. Rusev for the WWE Universal Championship, Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler vs. Heavy Machinery for the Raw Tag Titles, AJ Styles vs. Cedric Alexander for the U.S. Championship, Miz TV with Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw on the USA Network
Aired live on September 30, 2019 from Phoenix, Arizona at Talking Stick Resort Arena

[Hour One] Raw opened with a new “WWE Forever” opening featuring more classic style music… A new Raw opening theme aired and featured Becky Lynch, Seth Rollins, Charlotte Flair, AJ Styles, Finn Balor, Undertaker, Drew McIntyre, The Miz, Randy Orton, Ricochet, Bayley, Rey Mysterio, Samoa Joe, New Day, Braun Strowman, and others…

Pyro shot off on the nw stage, which featured a large big screen with the new Raw logo… The new broadcast team of Vic Joseph, Jerry Lawler, and Dio Maddin checked in from their perch on the side of the stage…

Rey Mysterio made his entrance. New graphics listed the previously advertised matches and segments. Dominic Mysterio was shown in the crowd. Rey took the mic and said he would face Seth Rollins for the WWE Universal Championship later in the show. He spoke briefly in Spanish and noted that he owes the match to son and was still in the ring because of him. Mysterio was about to state that he was going to bring the title home when he was interrupted.

Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman made their entrance, which included pyro. Lesnar and Heyman took a lap around the ring before entering it. Lesnar ripped the mic out of Mysterio’s hand and presented it to Heyman. Mysterio ripped the mic out of Heyman’s hand. Mysterio was about to speak when Lesnar grabbed him and put him down with an F5. Lesnar picked up Mysterio and gave him a second F5.

Lesnar looked down at Dominic Mysterio and then went to ringside and approached him. Dominic sat down as Lesnar glared at him. Lesnar smiled and teased leaving, then grabbed Dominic and threw him over the barricade. Lesnar picked up Dominic and slammed him back first into the ring post casing, then slammed him on the floor. Heyman put his hand over his mouth to express shock.

Lesnar threw Dominic inside the ring where Rey was still selling. Lesnar picked up Dominic and gave him a German suplex. Rey lunched at Lensar’s leg and punched at it until Lesnar picked him up and gave him another F5. Lesnar teased leaving and then returned to the ring where Rey was comforting his son. Lesnar suplexed Rey and Dominic. Heyman called for Lesnar to stop.

Lesnar went to ringside. Rey was emotional as he checked on his son. Lesnar blew off the referees and reentered the ring. Lesnar put the boots to Finlay and another producer, then tossed Rey aside before rag dolling Dominick by tossing him to ringside. The fans chanted “asshole” at Lesnar, who ripped his t-shirt off and smiled at them… [C]

Powell’s POV: Yes! Dominic finally got his ass kicked! We’ve been anticipating a wrestler destroying Dominic since Rey was feuding with Joe and it was more than worth the wait. This was a terrific angle that put heat on Lesnar while making Rey and Dominic look massively sympathetic. I loved it. Meanwhile, the cosmetic changes to Raw get a thumbs up. As much as I’ve mocked the season premiere slogan for a show that airs 52 weeks a year, the cosmetic and broadcast team changes definitely make Raw feel fresh.

After the break, the broadcast team recapped highlights of Lesnar’s attack on the Mysterio family. One of the broadcast team members said it was borderline criminal and added that he believes authorities had been called. New footage aired from during the break of Dominic being stretchered out by EMTs while an emotional Rey apologized and tried to comfort him…

Powell’s POV: Let this be a lesson to all of you who think that “Bring Your Kids To Work Day” is just all fun and games. This could happen to you. You never know when Brock Lesnar is going to show up at your place of employment and F5 your children. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Ring entrances for the Sasha Banks vs. Alexa Bliss match took place. Becky Lynch came out and posed with her title on the stage while fog or smoke shot off behind her. Lynch joined the broadcast team on commentary for the match…

1. Sasha Banks vs. Alexa Bliss. Joseph noted that Bayely and Nikki Cross were banned from ringside. There was a brief split screen break during the match that advertised Batista for a video game. Sirens could be heard while the broadcast team said Dominic was being taken to a hospital. Meanwhile, Lynch stood on the table and taped up her fists. Lawler said Lesnar was being questioned by authorities backstage. Late in the match, Banks feigned a leg injury, then kicked Bliss’s leg and pinned her.

Sasha Banks beat Alexa Bliss in 4:25.

After the match, Lynch headed to the ring and fought Banks. Lynch took down Banks, who ended up leaving the ring and went over the barricade. Lynch took the mic and asked where she was going. Lynch said Banks wouldn’t be leaving the Hell in a Cell structure until she’s done with her. Lynch said Banks made it personal and now she intends to make it painful. Lynch said retribution is coming around…

Powell’s POV: So what felt like it should have been a showdown between two of the two wrestlers in the division is now all about Lynch keeping Banks inside the HIAC cage. I’m not a fan of this approach…

The broadcast team hyped Miz TV with Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan. Lawler said he doesn’t think the Universal Championship match between Seth Rollins and Rey Mysterio would take place, but he said they would continue to provide updates. A teaser aired for the new Firefly Funhouse…

Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler made their entrance for the Raw Tag Title match… [C]

Powell’s POV: If WWE wanted to send a message of change for a season premiere, then the first thing they should have done was scrap that craptastic Ziggler entrance theme. By the way, and AEW Dynamite ad aired during the commercial break on my DirecTV feed. Yes, we will have live reviews of AEW and NXT on Wednesday night along with my live review of Smackdown every Friday night.

Joseph touted that The Rock will appear on the premiere of WWE Friday Night Smackdown on Fox this Friday night…

Charly Caruso stood backstage and set up a recap (her name was actually listed in a graphic!). A video package aired on Bray Wyatt’s antics from last week…

Powell’s POV: Congratulations to the backstage interviewers for becoming real people, not just nameless hosts who hold up the mic for wrestlers. It’s ridiculous that the company went out of their way to avoid saying the names of the backstage interviewers for so long, so hopefully that nonsense is over.

Caruso interviewed WWE Universal Champion Seth Rollins on the interview set. Rollins said he wasn’t surprised by what Lesnar dud to the Mysterios, but he’s disgusted by it. Rollins said he doesn’t know how to game plan for “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt, but he will survive, prevail, and walk out as Universal Champion. Rollins said Mysterio was in no condition to compete, but once he is then he has a title shot waiting for him. Rollins said he would still defend the championship and it’s an opportunity for someone to step up…

2. Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler vs. “Heavy Machinery” Otis and Tucker for the Raw Tag Titles. Heavy Machinery received a televised entrance. Mike Rome delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. Heavy Machinery was in offensive control heading into a break a few minutes into the match. [C]

Tucker sold for the champs for a stretch. The broadcast team wondered where Otis is from. One of team members guessed Wisconsin based on the food he eats (he’s from Minnesota, but that’s a fair guess). Late in the match, Heavy Machinery set up for their finisher on Roode, but Ziggler broke it up. Roode hit a Glorious DDT on Tucker and pinned him…

Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler beat Heavy Machinery in 11:55 to retain the Raw Tag Titles.

Joseph hyped the U.S. Title match, then separate shots aired of Hulk Hogan and Jimmy Hart, and Ric Flair walking backstage. Lawler said Miz TV was up next… [C]

Powell’s POV: The new tag champions go over clean, which makes sense given that they are still being established as a duo. Meanwhile, we’re up to two AEW Dynamite commercials during Raw on DirecTV so far tonight.

The broadcast team hyped the rest of premiere week. Lawler said it might be the biggest week in wrestling ever. They also hyped Hell in a Cell for Sunday…

The Miz made his entrance for the Miz TV segment. Miz gave his best to the Mysterios and said that as a father of two he didn’t know what he would do to someone if they dared put their hands on his children.

[Hour Two] The Miz introduced Ric Flair, who came out to a strong ovation. Flair entered the ring and marveled over Miz’s suit. Miz said he dressed up for the occasion because he has the Nature Boy. Miz introduced Hulk Hogan and Jimmy Hart, who also came out to a favorable response.

Miz said it was an honor to stand in the ring with both men. Flair said he’s had to listen to Hogan’s music for 30 years and he’s tired of it. Miz said Flair had to listen to the woooos a lot longer. Miz asked Hogan what it’s like to look across the ring at Flair. Hogan did his schtick and said it was great to be back on Raw and in Phoenix. Hogan said it was great to be in the ring with the greatest of all time. Hogan let out a bad woooo.

Flair said Hogan may be recognized as the greatest draw in the history of the company, but nobody touches him inside the ring. Flair said he has no equals in the ring and that includes Hogan. Hulk stood up and said it sounds like Flair wants to take another run at the 24 inch pythons. Flair removed his jacket and asked Hogan if he wanted him one more time. Flair and Hogan played around a little more and then shook hands.

Hogan said they’re not spring chickens anymore. The fans chanted “one more match.” Hogan said they can still add one more page on their legacy. Flair said he wants to have as many zeroes on his paycheck as Hogan does, so he’s going where Hogan goes.

The Miz announced Team Hogan vs. Team Flair for October 31 at Crown Jewel (in Saudi Arabia). Hogan asked what Flair would do when his team captain runs wild on him. Seth Rollins made his entrance as Hogan’s captain. Rollins told Hogan that he’s proud to be the captain of Team Hogan. Randy Orton made his entrance as the captain of Team Flair.

Orton told Rollins he needed his undivided attention, so he needed him to crawl out of Hogan’s ass. Orton said they would pick their respective teammates over the next few weeks. Orton said that since it’s the premiere of Raw and they were both in the ring, they should have a captain’s match. Rollins got fired up and agreed to the match.

A referee ran to the ring while Joseph wondered what that meant for the WWE Universal Championship match that was advertised. The production crew quickly cleared the ring for the match. Before the ref could call for the bell, King Corbin made his entrance and stood at ringside. Orton hit Rollins with a cheap shot. Rollins fought back. Corbin entered the ring and attacked Rollins. Rusev ran out and helped Rolins. Rusev and Rollins cleared Orton and Corbin from the ring, then went to the stage and posed with Hogan…

Powell’s POV: If this were ten years ago, Hogan vs. Flair would probably be headlining the Saudi show and Flair would be getting a lot of those zeroes he referred to (but Hogan would make sure he got more).

Maddin asked the other broadcast team members if they just saw the second members added to Team Hogan and Team Flair. Lawler said it looked like it to him. Joseph set up new footage of Dominic Mysterio being stretchered to the ambulance while Rey ran alongside him and then joined him inside the ambulance… Joseph questioned who will challenge Rollins later in the show… [C]

Powell’s POV: A local ad aired for WWE TLC in Minneapolis at Target Center for Sunday, December 15 with an October 11 on-sale date.

The broadcast team raved over Raw having 1,375 episodes and compared it to other long running shows…

Backstage, Charly Caruso approached Rusev and asked him about Lana. Rusev stood stone faced and did not reply. She asked him what prompted him to return to WWE. Rusev said he wasn’t there to talk about his problems at home, he was there to talk about Rollins’ problems at work. Rusev said he stepped up and Rollins owes him a debt. Rusev challenged Rollins to a Universal Title match for later in the show…

Powell’s POV: Dot Net staffer John Moore attended last week’s Raw and Smackdown in San Francisco and noted on the Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast that WWE encouraged fans to chant “We Want Lana.” In other words, they are telling some type of story that will apparently lead to her return.

The broadcast team ran through the premiere week highlights along with HIAC…

An AOP video aired. They were once again seated backstage. They spoke in a foreign language while subtitles appeared on the screen. They talk about their rough upbringing and violence…

The Viking Raiders made their entrance for a rematch from last week… [C] An ad for WWE Friday Night Smackdown focused on The Rock appearing… The broadcast team spoke of being in Phoenix and hyped the Rollins vs. Rusev match official for later in the show…

3. “The Viking Raiders” Erik and Ivar vs. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson. The OC duo’s entrance was not televised. Erik blasted Anderson with a knee to the head going into a break. [C] An NXT on USA Network ad aired coming out of the break. Erik was isolated by Gallows and Anderson. The Viking Raiders rebounded and had Anderson pinned, but Gallows broke it up. Later, Ivar took out Anderson with a suicide dive and performed a top rope splash on Gallows and pinned him…

The Viking Raiders beat Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson in 10:35.

Powell’s POV: I thought WWE might make this a regular feud, but it looks like they’ve already established that the Viking Raiders are dominant. I wonder if they rushed through this because the teams won’t be on the same brand coming out of the draft.

Backstage, Caruso said the Mysterios would not be returning to the building. She said Lesnar and Heyman were still in the building and want to address what happened. She said some people are calling that criminal. Cesaro crashed the set and said he enjoyed what Lesnar did. He started to say that he would have done the same thing had Lesnar not beat him to the punch, but Ricochet showed up and challenged Cesaro to meet him in the ring… [C] Another NXT on USA Network ad aired…

4. Ricochet vs. Cesaro. Cesaro was in offensive control early. In the end, Ricochet performed Mysterio’s West Coast Pop finisher and scored the pin…

Ricochet defeated Cesaro in 2:45.

Joseph hyped the Firefly Funhouse as coming up next… [C]

Powell’s POV: I liked the finish with Ricochet paying tribute to Mysterio, which was logical given the way this match was set up. Cesaro worked the match in his capris pants and tennis shoes again this week, so scratch my previous theory about his luggage being lost. My new theory is that he’s auditioning for my beer league softball team with those pants. Can he play the outfield?

The Firefly Funhouse video aired. The Abigail puppet laughed, the pig puppet snorted, laughed, and belched, and the buzzard made strange noises in his box, and Ramblin’ Rabbit was scared to death.

[Hour Three] Bray Wyatt entered the scene and sadly said that the rabbit was gone. “Oh well,” Wyatt said before tossing the puppet aside. The puppets told Wyatt they were worried about the horror The Fiend would cause Seth Rollins on Sunday. Wyatt told them it’s okay to be scared. He said he’s scared too because there’s nothing like Hell in a Cell. The pig asked what it’s like. Wyatt told him to imagine a world without chocolate, only worse.

Wyatt said the HIAC structure is a horrible place that you can enter but you never truly leave. Wyatt said Rollins will be trapped in there “with him.” The buzzard asked what will happen to Rollins. Wyatt said “he” will always protect this place. Wyatt said “he” will come back, but he doesn’t think Rollins will be so fortunate.

Wyatt had an idea. He said he was going to find “him” to tell him to be nice to Rollins. Wyatt laughed maniacally and said he was just kidding. Wyatt got serious for a second and then smiled and waved to end the segment…

AJ Styles made his entrance to his personal theme while the broadcast team pimped the video game. Cedric Alexander’s entrance was televised (and looked more generic than ever on the new big screen)…

5. AJ Styles vs. Cedric Alexander for the U.S. Championship. Mike Rome delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. Styles caught Alexander with a Phenomenal Forearm at ringside going into a break less than two minutes into the match. [C]

Alexander picked up a near fall off a Michinoku Driver. Alexander went for a springboard move, but Styles blocked it and performed a German suplex, which led to a near fall moments later. A short time later, Styles hit the Styles Clash and scored the clean pin…

AJ Styles beat Cedric Alexander in 9:20 to retain the U.S. Championship.

Powell’s POV: A good match that overcame the lousy presentation. We didn’t hear from either wrestler. And given that Styles has beaten Alexander before, it would have been nice to have been given some type of hook for the match.

The Street Profits stood backstage and spoke about the season premiere and said they would answer the question of when they would be in action. Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins said they would be in action on Wednesday night because they are still NXT. They said they will be challenge for the NXT Tag Titles. They switched the focus to Raw. Dawkins mentioned The Fiend. Ford stopped him and said if you say his name three times then he appears. They sang their “smoke” song…

Lacey Evans made her entrance. The broadcast team checked in and spoke about the Hell in a Cell show. They mentioned the three previously advertised matches. Joseph said Evans would face Natalya coming out of the break… [C] A graphic touted that Raw was the most socially active show on television last Monday night…

6. Natalya vs. Lacey Evans. Natalya’s entrance was not televised. Joseph promoted the premiere of Total Divas for Tuesday night. The broadcast team also spoke about the WWE Draft and said both women were trying to improve their draft stock. In the end, Evans raked the eyes of Natalya while the referee had her tied up. Evans rolled up Natalya and scored the pin.

Lacey Evans beat Natalya in 3:50.

After the match, Evans blasted Natalya with a Woman’s Right punch and left her lying. Joseph said Evans may have put the final stamp on her rivalry with Natalya…

The broadcast team noted that Lesnar would appear again after the break… [C]

Powell’s POV: The quick blowoff match left me assuming that these two will be split up in the draft.

Footage aired of John Cena announcing his new charity Fit Ops Foundation that helps giving veterans a goal through fitness. He said he will match all donations up to $1 million…

The broadcast team recapped Lesnar attacking the Mysterios earlier in the show…

Sarah Schreiber held a mic backstage while Paul Heyman apologized to Rey Mysterio for what his client did. Heyman said the real blame lies with Vince McMahon for booking him for the season premiere when he knew that Lesnar would be in fight mode because he’s challenging for the WWE Championship on Friday Night Smackdown. Heyman said Kofi Kingston can thank God every night for the power of positivity, but the devil thanks him because of the victims that Lesnar lines up. Heyman said it was a spoiler that Lesnar would become the new WWE Champion…

Powell’s POV: So did that count as the second Lesnar appearance that they hyped?

Caruso interviewed Maria Kanellis and asked her about Rusev. Maria said Rusev is not the father of her unborn child and he has enough going on with Lana. Maria walked away. Sasha Banks showed up and took the mic. Banks said she will show Becky Lynch carnage at Hell in a Cell when she makes her tap out. Banks noted that she was in the first women’s HIAC match and no man will win her match…

A limo pulled into the backstage area. The broadcast team wondered who it could be… [C] An ad aired for Friday Night Smackdown on Fox and featured The Rock. The broadcast team hyped the three advertised matches…

Rollins made his entrance for the main event and walked past Randy Orton and King Corbin, who were standing on the stage. Rusev was already in the ring…

7. Seth Rollins vs. Rusev for the WWE Universal Championship. Mike Rome delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. Lawler said he had a feeling that “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt was present. Rusev caught Rollins diving at him and performed a fallaway slam. Rollins ducked to ringside. A Fiend image flashed as they cut to the final break. [C]

Lawler once again said he could feel the specter of The Fiend looming. The broadcast team wondered if he had a sixth sense because he was added to the Wall of Friendship. They also played up the rumors of Rusev having issues at home with Lana.

Late in the match, Rollins went for a springboard move, but Rusev caught him with a superkick on the way down. Bobby Lashley’s entrance theme played and he walked onto the stage, then motioned for someone else to come out. Lana walked onto the stage. Lashley held up her arm and she did a spin, then they hugged on the stage while Rusev looked on from the ring. Lashley and Lana and made out on the stage. Lahsley looked at Rusev, then made out with Lana again.

Seth Rollins fought Rusev to an apparent no-contest in a WWE Universal Championship match.

The lighting changed for The Fiend, who showed up at ringside and put the Mandible Claw on Rollins. The Fiend grunted and laughed while he applied the hold. The sound of Wyatt’s laughter played to close the show…

Powell’s POV: Well, I didn’t expect to see Lashley and Lana making out on the stage tonight, so I guess there’s that. Lashley’s personality doesn’t make me feel like he’s the guy to be in a love triangle, but we’ll see how it goes. So does this mean Lashley and Lana were in the limo? Maybe things are changing, as most of the recent limos on WWE TV have been reserved for McMahon family members.

Overall, the cosmetic changes were strong, the broadcast team is a work in progress, and the build to Hell in a Cell has left a lot to be desired. They have me hooked on HIAC with the Rollins vs. Wyatt match and maybe they feel like that’s enough. I will have more to say about this show in my members’ exclusive audio review coming up later tonight.

Join us for live coverage of AEW and NXT on Wednesday night, and WWE Smackdown on Fox on Friday Night. Dot Net Members will also hear exclusive same night audio reviews of all three shows.


Readers Comments (15)

  1. Is it me or does the audio sound weird? Like they dont have any mics towards the crowd. Almost sounds like the commentary is being dubbed in.

  2. Powell, you are going to give yourself a heart attack, over your constant rants about Ziggler’s entrance music. LOL

  3. FYI there hasn’t been a single AEW ad on Spectrum cable in NY during any WWE TV for all the weeks leading up to the premiere.

  4. I hope Gallow and Anderson are heading to Smackdown. If not, Vince bamboozled them to sign a new contract, gave them a 1 month push and then settled them into the same rotten position, that had them considering leaving the company

  5. I wasn’t anticipating Ray’s son getting his ass kicked. the whole angle is stupid.

    of course if I’d like to see Lesner go into the crowd Grab Jason and give him a F5 next time both are in the same arena. then see Ray’s son come out look at him and smirk.. LOL.

    Cheers Ziggler’s music.

  6. “a showdown between two of the two wrestlers in the division” Yes indeed, two of the wrestlers, not three, just two!

  7. another boring love triangle.. Lashley, Lana, Rusev. zzzzzzzzzzzz

  8. I’d love to see Jason review a Raw when Isaac Yankem DDS was almost pushed, just to hear reviews about the music, Hell Jason should have a podcast where people send in wrestling themes, so he can rate them.
    I’d say the conclusion would come when the Vikings win the Super Bowl, but well.. that’s as likely as the Panthers winning one.

    On a less serious note.. Lana and Lashley? really, who’s coming out of that looking good… poor phrashing. And I fear Lesnar will win the World title on Friday… I’m somewhat surprised Rousey didn’t show up..

  9. Controversial… I like Dolph Zigglers music, still like it.. coubld be my ring tone, if i had a phone

    Poor Minnesota…Hogan v Flair as teams… pick yer team in the WWE… Survivor Series… sure Saudi’s first

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