6/25 WWE Smackdown Live results: Powell’s review of Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler and The Miz vs. Elias in best of three falls matches, Daniel Bryan and Rowan vs. Big E and Xavier Woods in a non-title match

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Smackdown Live on USA Network
Aired live on June 25, 2019 from Portland, Oregon at Moda Center

[Hour One] Smackdown opened with a recap of Undertaker saving Roman Reigns from Shane McMahon and Drew McIntyre on Monday’s Raw… Shane McMahon delivered a backstage promo. He boasted that he already beaten Roman Reigns. He said he’s already stared at the face of death and survived. Shane told the Smackdown roster not to get on his bad side “because, frankly, I’m pissed”…

The broadcast team was Tom Phillips, Corey Graves, and Byron Saxton checked in (Greg Hamilton was the ring announcer). Phillips said there will be hell to pay and welcomed viewers to the show…

New Day members Kofi Kingston, Big E, and Xavier Woods made their entrance. Phillips noted that Kingston will face Samoa Joe for the WWE Championship at Extreme Rules. Kingston said that since winning the title, he’d experienced some of the greatest moments of his career and of his entire life. Fans responded with a “Kofi” chant.

Kingston said that on the flip side, he’s experienced some of the most painful and brutal moments as well. He said his cage match represented both of those things and said he had to make a leap of faith to beat Dolph Ziggler. Kingston said that before he could celebrate or take a victory lap, “this happened on Raw.” Footage aired of Joe attacking Kingston.

Kingston said Joe is like a Samoan shark in that he squeezes on you until your world fades to black. Kingston said Joe thinks he’s a shark who has found his prey, “but I’ll be damned if I’m going to let him eat me alive.”

Dolph Ziggler made his entrance and spoke from the entrance area. Ziggler said he did all the hard work and wasn’t going to let anyone take his spot. Kingston asked how many times he had had to beat Ziggler. Dolph said this is his life, his livelihood, and it’s everything. Ziggler said Kingston knows deep down that Xavier Woods saved him, and that Kingston took the coward’s way out by leaping out the door to save his title at at Stomping Grounds. Ziggler said everyone knows he should be champion.

Ziggler said he spoke backstage with WWE management and if he beats Kingston on Smackdown then the match at Extreme Rules will become a Triple Threat. Ziggler also claimed that management told him that Kingston can’t take the easy way out because their match tonight would be two out of three falls…

Daniel Bryan and Rowan were shown walking backstage. A graphic noted that they would face Big E and Xavier Woods after the break… [C]

Powell’s POV: Kofi delivered a solid promo, but it was hard not to groan when Ziggler came out. That said, I assume they are wrapping up their program tonight with the best of three falls match. Obviously, the best of three falls match is WWE’s way of avoiding having matches continue during commercial breaks. Here’s hoping they find a way for this to be less awkward tonight than it was on Monday’s Raw. By the way, I’m filling in for Jake Barnett tonight. Jake will be by tomorrow with the Smackdown Hit List.

Phillips noted that the show was taking place in Portland as artwork of the city was shown…

Elias was shown playing his guitar in front of Shane McMahon’s office. The Miz showed up. Elias warned him that if Miz entered the locker room that he was a dead man walking. Elias strummed his guitar until Miz grabbed it. Miz told Elias to tell Shane that they had unfinished business to settle. Shane emerged after Miz walked away. Shane acted like he was going to wrestle Miz, then said that the match would only take place if Miz could beat Elias in a best of three falls match…

Powell’s POV: Dammit, I missed it again. One of Bray Wyatt’s puppets was shown behind Bryan and Rowan when they were walking backstage earlier.

1. Smackdown Tag Champions Daniel Bryan and Rowan vs. Big E and Xavier Woods in a non-title match. The New Day duo were still in the ring from the opening segment, and the Bryan and Rowan entrance was televised. They cut to a split screen shot when Rowan knocked Woods to ringside. [C]

Powell’s POV: Apparently matches can continue during commercial breaks as long as there is a split-screen view and we continue to see the action on television. If not, we’ll get best of three falls matches, oddball elimination matches, and bad restarts as long as Vince McMahon is on this kick.

Bryan put Big E in the LeBell Lock, but Woods broke it up. Woods and Rowan ended up at ringside where Woods dropkicked Rowan into the barricade. Bryan charged Big E in the corner, but E performed a uranage. Woods tagged in and then he and Big E performed the Midnight Hour on Bryan for the win.

Big E and Xavier Woods defeated Daniel Bryan and Rowan in a non-title match in 9:30.

After the match, Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn attacked the New Day duo. Heavy Machinery ran out and cleared Owens and Zayn from the ring. Rowan knocked Otis to the mat. Tucker and Woods superkicked Rowan, then Big E cleared Rowan from the ring going into a break… [C]

Powell’s POV: The bad pattern of secondary and tag team champions losing non-title matches on television continues. It’s just a lazy way to get to title matches and it damages the champions and the titles when it happens so frequently. The post match angle went over well with the live crowd getting fired up about Heavy Machinery saving Big E and Woods.

2. Otis, Tucker, Big E, and Xavier Woods vs. Daniel Bryan, Rowan, Kevin Owens, and Sami Zayn in an eight-man tag match. Phillips noted that the match was made during the break. Owens showed disgust over Otis’s antics while he was working over Zayn. Owens dropped off the apron and left ringside, then Heavy Machinery hit their finisher on Zayn and pinned him…

Otis, Tucker, Big E, and Xavier Woods beat Daniel Bryan, Rowan, Kevin Owens, and Sami Zayn in 4:35.

Powell’s POV: The good news is that Owens and Zayn didn’t lose to Seth Rollins or Kofi Kingston on television tonight. The bad news is that they lost to Heavy Machinery. Even so, I’m mildly intrigued to see how Zayn reacts to Owens walking out on him.

Footage aired from Raw of Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross from Raw. Footage filmed after Raw showed Nikki telling Bliss that she scored a match against Bayley for Smackdown. Nikki said that if she beats Bayley, then Bliss will get a title shot with Bayley at Extreme Rules. Bliss told her she must win at all costs. Nikki asked if Bliss believed in her. Bliss said she does but would not be there to believe in her in person…

The Miz was shown walking backstage (no puppets behind him) and Phillips hyped that his match with Elias was up next… [C] The Ali video package from Stomping Grounds was replayed…

The Miz made his entrance for his match against Elias. Shane McMahon made his entrance and received the “best in the world” treatment from Greg Hamilton, and then Elias came out playing his guitar. Elias sang a quick song about sweeping The Miz faster than Golden State Warriors swept the Portland Trailblazers…

3. The Miz vs. Elias (w/Shane McMahon) in a best of three falls match. Miz caught Elias with an early dropkick through the ropes. Miz brought Elias back into the ring and was in offensive control until Shane McMahon stopped him from attempting a springboard move. Miz ended up trying the move again and leapt into a knee from Elias, who followed up with Drift Away and pinned him. Elias pinned The Miz in 1:00 to go up 1-0. [C]

The bell rang to start the second fall coming out of the break. Miz avoided a high knee from Elias and performed a DDT for a near fall. Miz threw his kicks at Elias and then knocked Shane off the apron. Elias tried to take advantage of the distraction, but Miz put him down with the Skull Crushing Finale. Shane ran in and attacked Miz for the DQ. The Miz beat Elias by DQ in 5:20 to even the match at 1-1.

[Hour Two] The heels attacked Miz and threw him over the broadcast table. The duo picked up Miz and then Shane ran him into the barricade. Graves called it classic McMahon. Phillips or Saxton labeled it corporate abuse. Shane speared The Miz and then left the ring.

The bell rang to start the third fall with Miz laid out in the middle of the ring. Elias performed a top rope elbow drop and pinned him to win the third fall in 0:20.

Elias defeated The Miz in a best of three falls match.

After the match, Elias held Miz in the corner and then Shane performed a Coast 2 Coast. Shane yelled at Miz to never come at him again…

Backstage, Kayla Braxton interviewed Finn Balor, who said he has all the respect in the world for Andrade. He said when he pushed him to the limit it’s a testament to his ability, and the better he had to be to overcome. Braxton asked Balor what’s next for him. Shinsuke Nakamura walked onto the picture and touched Balor’s Intercontinental Title, then walked away while Balor smiled…

The Miz was shown being helped from the ring by the referee while the broadcast team hyped the Kingston vs. Ziggler match… A split screen shot aired of Nikki Cross and Bayley and Graves said their match was up next… [C]

Powell’s POV: The best of three falls match was fine in terms of putting heat on Shane heading into Extreme Rules and it keeps his issues with a sympathetic Miz alive. It’s nice to see Nakamura back in the singles title picture and hopefully working with Balor will motivate him.

4. Smackdown Women’s Champion Bayley vs. Nikki Cross in a non-title match (Alexa Bliss gets a title shot if Cross wins). A Bayley pre-tape aired. She said she hopes Nikki learns the truth about Bliss. There was a split screen commercial break during the match. [C]

Bayley performed a dive through the ropes, Cross moved and Bayley took a bump on her back at ringside. Ouch. Cross brought her back to the ring and picked up a near fall. Bayley came back with a suplex for a near fall. Bayley went for a top rope cross body block, but Cross rolled out of the way. They traded pin attempts. Bayley delivered a knee to the head and went for a rollup, but Cross ended up pinning her instead…

Nikki Cross defeated Bayley in a non-title match in 6:50 to give Alexa Bliss a title shot at Extreme Rules.

Powell’s POV: Another non-title loss for a champion, but at least it furthered the fun Bliss and Cross storyline. Bayley may need an ice bath and a massage after those two big bumps she took.

Carmella was shown searching for R-Truth when she happened upon Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville. They bickered until Rose and Deville walked away. Truth emerged from a hockey penalty box. Drake Maverick showed up and spoke about Truth taking the WWE 24/7 Title from him and ruining his life. Truth hugged Maverick and said he was sorry and he thought it was Carmella’s wedding. Truth called him Hornswoggle and told him that if it means that much to him he could go ahead and get a ref. Maverick got excited, then Truth told him “Psych, I love this title more than you love your wife.” Truth ran off and a group of wrestlers followed in pursuit…

Ember Moon was shown walking through the backstage area (no puppets)… [C] Phillips hyped the WWE category in the ESPY Awards…

5. Ember Moon vs. Sonya Deville (w/Mandy Rose). Moon jumped out to a quick start and was dominating until Rose distracted her, allowing Deville to shove her shoulder first into the ring post. Deville dragged Moon inside the ring and pinned her. Deville looked lovingly at Rose and touched her hair afterward…

Sonya Deville pinned Ember Moon in 1:20.

Powell’s POV: The finish looked really good with Moon going hard into the post. They are really dragging out what feels like an obvious build to a Moon and Carmella vs. Rose and Deville tag match.

A manic Aleister Black sat in front of a black backdrop and said he can’t believe no one has stepped up. He said maybe word of his past has gotten around. He said of course that’s not it. He said there’s not a single person man enough to pick a fight with him. The lights cut out for a second and someone knocked at the door. Black looked at the camera and flashed a sinister look…

Dolph Ziggler made his entrance for the main event… [C] Kofi Kingston made his entrance and threw more crotch pancakes to the crowd…

6. Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler in a non-title, best of three falls match match (Ziggler earns a spot in the WWE Championship match with a win). Kingston went for a sunset flip, but Ziggler sat down on him and held the ropes. The referee spotted it. Ziggler released the ropes and Kingston rolled him over and got the pin. Kingston pinned Ziggler in 3:35 to go up 1-0.

Phillips said they would have to reset after the first fall. Ziggler attacked Kingston and ran him into the barricade, then performed a Zigzag at ringside going into a break. [C] Ziggler dove at Kingston, who moved and rolled up Ziggler for a near fall. Once they stood up, Ziggler superkicked Kingston and pinned him. Ziggler pinned Kingston in 0:20 to even the match at 1-1.

Ziggler went for a late Fameasser, but Ziggler countered into a powerbomb for a good near fall. Kingston went for Trouble in Paradise, but Ziggler blocked it. Ziggler shoved Kingston through the ropes and into the post, then performed a Zigzag for another good near fall. Kingston ducked a superkick. Ziggler ducked Trouble in Paradise. Kingston ducked another superkick and then connected with Trouble in Paradise and scored the pin in 8:15.

Kofi Kingston defeated Dolph Ziggler in a non-title, best of three falls match.

Graves said he doesn’t know how Kingston continues to defy the odds night after night. He told Kingston to enjoy it because it can’t last forever. The broadcast team recapped footage from the match. Kingston was shown celebrating to close the show…

Powell’s POV: The early quick falls are absolutely ridiculous. It’s bad enough when WWE books best of three falls matches to go the same length as a normal match once or twice a year on pay-per-view, but doing it multiple times during the weekly television shows is just awful and makes it impossible for anyone over age eight to suspend their disbelief. I will have more to say about this strange product later tonight in my members’ exclusive audio review.

Check below for the latest Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast with Jason Powell and Brian Fritz of the Between The Ropes podcast discussing WWE’s creative and ratings struggles, Bray Wyatt following the Firefly Funhouse, WWE Stomping Grounds, NJPW G1 Opening Night, and ROH’s issues, what would happen if AEW opted to run head-to-head with WWE Raw, and much more.


Readers Comments (6)

  1. Are we in the Best of Three Falls Era? This is asinine.

  2. Babyfaces suck June 25, 2019 @ 7:42 pm

    I am sick and tired of New Day winning EVERY single match they are on —aside from that loss at Stomping Grounds, which basically meant nothing. And I am sick and tired of EVERY babyface winning almost EVERY single match on EVERY single show. It kinda reminds me of late 2012, where heels would have almost no offense against babyfaces —oddly enough, one of them was Kofi Kingston, who is yet to be defeated since WrestleMania and wins all of his matches with one single move.

  3. Just to let you know that Xavier Woods was on the Fine Brothers channel representing his UPUpDownDown channel and playing video games against some of his fans.


  4. When is the Shane bull***t going to end? Enough already!

  5. There were audible chants of ‘no more Shane’ during his appearance. Hopefully those will gain momentum.

  6. I love Sami and Kevin, but I never want to see them wrestle each other again. WWE burned through that goodwill a while ago. They’re so talented, and can have so many great matches with other performers.

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