6/10 WWE Raw Results: Powell’s review of Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins vs. The Revival vs. The Usos for the Raw Tag Titles, Lars Sullivan vs. Lucha House Part in a handicap match, Shane McMahon and Drew McIntyre celebration, Samoa Joe on Miz TV

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw on the USA Network
Aired live on June 10, 2019 from San Jose, California at SAP Center

[Hour One] Michael Cole welcomed viewers to the show while a shot aired of the arena (lots of empty seats on the floor of the hard camera side). Cole was joined on commentary by Corey Graves and Renee Young…

WWE Universal Champion Seth Rollins made his entrance. Cole set up footage and still shots from “Jeddah, Saudi Arabia” of Rollins defeating Baron Corbin to retain the title, and then fighting off Brock Lesnar with a chair when Lesnar teased cashing in his Money in the Bank contract.

Rollins told the crowd that he feels alive. He said it’s a new era for the Universal Title. He said it’s 2019 and its a year of choice. He said the locker room had choices. He said the wrestlers could come out and attempt to out-wrestle him, but there’s not a person alive who can out-wrestle him. He said they could also fight him for it or try to take it the hard way. Rollins said to ask Lesnar how that works out. Rollins said Lesnar has been with WWE since 2002 and no one has done to Lesnar what he did to him at Super ShowDown. Rollins said it felt good to hit Lesnar with the chair repeatedly.

Baron Corbin made his entrance and spoke from the stage. Fans booed and he told them that the feeling is mutual. Corbin decided to wait out the crowd, which responded with “you suck” chants. “Are we done, can I finish?” Corbin asked. When he started to talk, the fans booed again. Corbin said he walked the streets of San Jose and he’s the best thing the city has going on.

Corbin said Rollins is talking about Lesnar when he should be worried about him. Corbin said he’d worry about Lesnar after he wins the Universal Title at Stomping Grounds. Corbin said Rollins didn’t beat him on Friday. He claimed that referee John Cone cost him the match. Corbin said he was in meetings all day and WWE officials agreed to let him name a special referee for the match. Rollins said he’d still stomp his head and keep his title.

Sami Zayn made his entrance and said he’s on Team Corbin in this case. Zayn said he’s known Rollins a long time and cares about him as a person. He said being Universal Champion isn’t good for Rollins. He said Rollins and Lesnar are caught up in a swirl of toxic masculinity. Zayn said he feels it would be better for Rollins if Corbin was the Universal Champion. Zayn said then we’d finally have a champion who isn’t obsessed with Lesnar.

Rollins wondered what’s in it for Zayn. Sami said Corbin understands that if he were to help him out, then he might get a favor in return. Rollins congratulated Corbin for finding the one idiot who has his back. Rollins asked who would have Sami’s back when he slaps the taste out of his mouth.

Kevin Owens came and said, “I’ve got his back.” Owens agreed with the assessment that Corbin would be a better Universal Champion than Rollins. Rollins said that if Owens didn’t like what he was saying, he could come to the ring and do something about it. “Since I’m here as a wild card, whatever that means, maybe I will take you up on your offer and come to the ring and do something about it.” Rollins hyped the idea of him facing Owens in the main event. He left the ring with a chair in hand and walked past the three heels on the stage…

The broadcast team hyped the Raw Tag Title match, Miz TV with Samoa Joe, and Cole said he would host a sit-down interview with Becky Lynch and Lacey Evans…

Lars Sullivan was shown warming up for his match in the Gorilla position area. Sullivan made his entrance for the handicap elimination match with Lucha House Party…

Powell’s POV: The idea of Rollins vs. Owens in the main event feels flat. I’ve enjoyed KO’s work a lot over the years, but it feels like he and/or Zayn lose in television main events once if not twice each week lately. It doesn’t mean the match won’t be entertaining, it just means that creative damage has been done to both men. And unless they tease a Lesnar cash-in possibility, there’s only so much enthusiasm I can feel for another non-title main event.

1. Lars Sullivan vs. Lince Dorado, Kalisto, and Gran Metalik in a handicap elimination match. The Lucha House Party trio received a televised entrance. Sullivan performed a uranage on Kalisto and pinned him 30 seconds into the match. Dorado went after Sullivan, who performed a sit-out powerbomb for a pin just 60 seconds into the match. Sullivan had Metalik pinned and opted to lift him up to continue the abuse.

Sullivan went to ringside and press slammed Kalisto onto the ring steps. Sullivan returned to the ring and performed a uranage and once again picked up Metalik rather than pin him. Sullivan went to ringside and tossed Dorado into the ring post (Cole said steps, but there are no steps on that side of the ring). Sullivan performed a top rope headbutt on Metalik and pinned him…

Lars Sullivan beat Lucha House Party in a handicap elimination match in 3:10.

Powell’s POV: Tune in to WWE 205 Live to see Lucha House Party face The Singh Brothers! Sullivan looked like a badass by destroying three men and that’s obviously the bigger concern, but it’s hard not to feel bad for the talented cruiserweights.

R-Truth and Carmella were shown running backstage to get away from the usual suspects who want the WWE 24/7 Title. He entered an elevator and half the crew joined him while four wrestlers and the referee remained outside the elevator. They magically had access to the camera inside the elevator. The elevator stopped with Truth, Carmella, EC3, Cedric Alexander, Drake Maverick, and Heath Slater inside…

Separate shots aired of Lacey Evans in her dressing room, and of Becky Lynch and Seth Rollins talking on an interview set… [C]

Cole remained at the broadcast desk and interviewed Lynch and Evans, who were shown via split screen. Lynch pointed out that she already forced Evans to tap at Money in the Bank. Lynch said Evans is bigger and stronger, but she can’t let someone like her become champion. Evans spoke about working hard to get to where she’s at. Lynch took issue with Evans costing her the Smackdown Women’s Champion. Evans said Lynch reeks of fear and will become Becky No Belts at Stomping Grounds…

Cole hyped Lynch and Bayley vs. Evans and Alexa Bliss for later in the show…

Backstage, Alexa Bliss told Nikki Cross that she wanted to be in her corner, but she became No. 1 contender to the Smackdown Title and now has a tag match on Raw. She also said that Bayley is a master manipulator. She said Bayley lets the fans see what she wants them to see, but she was mean when Bliss first started in NXT. Cross told her that she understands what it’s like to be the outsider looking in. Bliss asked if she would be in her corner, and Cross agreed to do so…

The Miz made his entrance and then a Father’s Day PSA for fatherhood.gov featuring Miz and his daughter Monroe was shown. Miz did a bunch of dances for his daughter and then a dance like dad hashtag was shown…

Powell’s POV: I was thinking about going out and knocking up a few women and then becoming a deadbeat dad, but seeing Miz dancing for his daughter made me reconsider. #badpsa

A WWE Super ShowDown video package aired and was sure to show lots of children in the crowd. Michael Cole said WWE is the only form of sports entertainment that is “totally cross cultural in every country in the world, including Saudi Arabia on Friday”…

Powell’s POV: Vomit.

The Miz introduced Samoa Joe as his Miz TV guest. Joe told Miz that he won the U.S. Title back from Rey Mysterio. Miz set up footage of Mysterio relinquishing the title. Miz said Mysterio was honest, heartfelt, and a gentlemen. Miz said Joe still felt the need to slap the Coquina Clutch on Mysterio. “Yeah, so?” Joe asked. Miz also recalled Joe threatening Mysterio’s son and said that as a father, you don’t bring someone’s family into this. Joe said maybe he should be talking about Miz’s family.

Braun Strowman made his entrance just after Joe and Miz stood up and glared at one another. Strowman said that if Joe was looking for a challenger then he could get these hands. Bobby Lashley came out with a mic and said he’s not done with Strowman yet. Lashley said he and Joe have history together and Joe knows that if anyone deserves a shot at the U.S. Championship then it should be him.

Ricochet walked onto the stage with a mic and said that he wants to use the momentum from his two wins over Cesaro to win his first championship. Cesaro came out and sucker punched Ricochet on the stage. Cesaro brought Ricochet to the ring where the other wrestlers were fighting. The babyfaces cleared the ring…

Powell’s POV: Just once, I’d like to see an authority figure decline to book these overly convenient six-man tag matches that seem to develop out of nowhere.

2. Braun Strowman, The Miz, and Ricochet vs. Samoa Joe, Bobby Lashley, and Cesaro. The babyfaces were in offensive control heading into a break just a few minutes into the match. [C] There was a nice spot with Cesaro popping Ricochet into the air for a powerbomb only to have Ricochet perform a huracanrana on the way down.

[Hour Two] Miz took a hot tag from Ricochet and worked over Lashley with double knees in the corner three times. Lashley and Cesaro both took Miz’s Daniel Bryan style kicks. Later, Lashley pulled Strowman off the apron as Miz was going for a tag. Strowman threw Lashley into the barricade. Meanwhile, Cesaro performed the swing on Miz and then applied a Sharpshooter, which Ricochet broke up.

Strowman returned to the apron and took a hot tag from Miz. Strowman roughed up Cesaro and performed his running shoulder block on him at ringside, then threw him back inside the ring and continued to dominate him. Strowman had a pin, but Joe broke it up. Strowman hoisted up Joe for his finisher, but Joe slipped away, went to ringside, grabbed his title, and headed up the ramp.

Strowman tried to follow, but Lashley speared him on the floor. Ricochet took out Lashley with a dive that Cole said barely caught him. Cesaro caught Miz with an uppercut and got a two count. Miz avoided the Neutralizer and hit a Skull Crushing Finale. Ricochet performed a 630 splash on Cesaro and pinned him…

Braun Strowman, The Miz, and Ricochet beat Samoa Joe, Bobby Lashley, and Cesaro in 13:45.

Powell’s POV: A time filling match that the live crowd seemed to enjoy. The broadcast team made a fuss after the match about Ricochet landing on Cesaro’s legs and that Cesaro came up holding his knee and was helped to the back. Ricochet’s earlier dive to ringside was also off, so this wasn’t a great outing for him.

Corbin was shown texting backstage when Charly Caruso approached him and asked if he had made a decision on who the special referee of his title match with Rollins would be. Corbin said he has two weeks to decide. He said he was looking for someone who is fair, unbiased, and good at their job, which he said disqualified Caruso. Zayn showed up and spoke with Corbin…

Becky Lynch made her entrance for the women’s tag team match… [C] Footage aired of Mansoor winning the battle royal at the WWE Super ShowDown event…

The remainder of the ring entrances for the tag match took place. Cole noted that Bayley was in her hometown. Graves wondered what would happen if Bliss won the Smackdown Women’s Championship at Stomping Grounds and whether the title would come to Raw or if he would have to go to Raw and Smackdown…

Powell’s POV: It’s so ridiculous that WWE officials think it’s better to play up the mystery over what would happen if a wrestler from one brand won a title from the other brand. It’s not a hook for viewers, it’s a sign of just how disorganized and chaotic the main roster booking is in 2019.

3. Becky Lynch and Bayley vs. Lacey Evans and Alexa Bliss (w/Nikki Cross). The babyfaces had the advantage going into a break at 2:35. [C] Lynch was isolated and Bayley eventually took a hot tag and performed a sunset flip that drove the back of Bliss’s head into the middle turnbuckle pad. Bayley went for the cover, but Evans broke it up.

Lynch went after Evans at ringside. Evans shoved Cross toward Lynch, then hit Lynch with a Woman’s Right. Evans hit Bayley with the Woman’s Right from the floor. Bliss went up top and attempted Twisted Bliss, but Bayley put her knees up. Evans returned to the ring and hit Bayley with the Woman’s Right again and pinned her…

Lacey Evans and Alexa Bliss defeated Becky Lynch and Bayley in 10:45.

Powell’s POV: I don’t mind the babyface losing in her hometown in this case because she is the champion and they are setting up two title matches, but it did seem odd to have Evans pin Bayley when they are not facing one another at the pay-per-view. That said, the match was entertaining and Evans was showcased nicely.

Sami Zayn approached Shane McMahon backstage and suggested that he would audition for the special referee role by being the second referee of the Raw main event between Rollins and Owens. Shane made it seem like Zayn’s idea was his own. Zayn called it genius…

Cole congratulated John Cena for joining the cast of The Fast and the Furious 9

Paul Heyman was introduced by ring announcer Mike Rome. Heyman stood in the ring and said he was disturbed by the level of animosity and hostility between Brock Lesnar and Seth Rollins. Heyman said Lesnar did not cash in his MITB contract on Raw last week despite the fact that Heyman wanted him to cash in. He spoke about Lesnar feeling he could deliver a beating and cash in on Rollins anytime.

Heyman recalled Rollins beating Lesnar with a chair at Super ShowDown. “And that’s the champion you cheer for?” Heyman asked. Heyman said Rollins is a feckless thug. Heyman said he and Lesnar would not tell the fans when Lesnar will cash in the MITB contract. Heyman said he wasn’t insinuating that Lesnar was in the building or that he was not. Heyman played up that Lesnar could show up wherever Rollins is. Heyman said he’s not insinuating that Lesnar will be the special referee at Stomping Grounds, nor is he insinuating that he won’t be.

Heyman said he won’t insinuate that Lesnar will wait until Rollins is at his most vulnerable and put a beating on him that violates the PG era of WWE. Heyman said he would not insinuate that Lesnar will take the Universal Title away from Rollins. Heyman said it wasn’t an insinuation, a prediction, or a spoiler. He said it’s a threat, a promise, and a guarantee…

Powell’s POV: A well delivered promo from Heyman and I like the tease that Lesnar could be in the building or show up at anytime. Unfortunately, I’m completely over Lesnar being in the Universal Title picture, so the threat of Lesnar cashing in and winning the title does nothing for me.

Back in the elevator, Heath Slater was worried they would die in the elevator. EC3 pulled out a fork and implied that he was ready to go the cannibalistic route. It turned out that none of them had a phone or at least they didn’t have a signal. Drake Maverick said he’s getting married in a couple weeks and he had to get out. EC3 took offense to not being invited. Maverick said EC3 is his best man…

WWE Women’s Tag Champions “The IIconics” Peyton Royce and Billie Kay made their entrance for a match… [C] A teaser aired for the latest Firefly Funhouse…

Royce and Kay said their opponents will never be women’s tag champions, just like the San Jose Sharks will never become Stanley Cup Champions (go Bruins!)…

4. WWE Women’s Tag Champions “The IIconics” Peyton Royce and Billie Kay vs. Lisa Lace and Aliyah Nia in a non-title match. Kay held one of their opponents up and then Royce delivered a knee to the opponent’s head. Kay scored the pin…

The IIconics defeated Lisa Lace and Aliyah Nia in 1:15 in a non-title match.

Still shots aired from Super ShowDown of Shane McMahon beating Roman Reigns…

Footage aired of Byron Saxton interviewing Roman Reigns after Super ShowDown and asking how haunting it would be for him to know that Shane McMahon beat him. Reigns said Shane got the win just like everything else in his life, someone gave it to him. Reigns blamed McIntyre and said he would bounce back at Stomping Grounds…

The ring crew was preparing the ring with balloons, a table, the Best in the World trophy, and champagne for Shane’s celebration… [C]

Powell’s POV: I assume Reigns is at Raw and will crash the party since we haven’t seen the long video package reminding us of Roman’s greatness that WWE officials felt compelled to air the last time he wasn’t at Raw.

The wrestlers inside the elevator were shown looking chummy while Cole reminded viewers that they title couldn’t change hands because there was not a referee inside the elevator…

Drew McIntyre made his entrance with bagpipe players on the stage, then Shane McMahon came out and they headed to the ring together. Shane said you see a lot of amazing things when you grow up in WWE. He said you keep your eyes open for that something special that comes along. Shane told us that Reigns is that something special and a future WWE Hall of Famer.

[Hour Three] Shane said Reigns hits like a mule. Shane said Roman has won the Royal Rumble twice, headlined WrestleMania, holds wins over Undertaker and Brock Lesnar. “But he does not hold a victory over me,” McMahon said. Shane said Roman shouldn’t be ashamed because his best just wasn’t good enough to beat the best in the world.

Shane said McIntyre helped him prepare and their strategy was sound. A loud “boring” chant broke out. Shane told the fans to get used to it because it’s his celebration and he has all night. McIntyre said he wished the celebration would be anywhere but San Jose where the fans have no respect.

McIntyre said Reigns is the measuring stick in WWE and when he loses it turns heads. McIntyre said Shane beat him on Friday, but McIntyre intends to hurt, maim, and humiliate him at Stomping Grounds. McIntyre said he owes Reigns and will physically assault him until he is unrecognizable, and then he will pin him.

Shane said it was time to celebrate. They poured champagne into the World Cup trophy and Shane drank from it. Shane said he could celebrate all night, but the show must go on. Shane introduced The Revival. Cole credited The Revival’s friendship with Shane as the reason behind their tag title match later in the show. The Revival wanted to drink champagne, but McIntyre stopped them. Shane said that if they want to come to the party then they better bring a little gold… [C]

Powell’s POV: Maybe Reigns isn’t there and that’s why we got the audible version of how great he is from Shane. Anyway, I like that the broadcast team used Shane’s friendship with The Revival to explain how they are getting a tag title shot. It’s a simple and logical explanation for the duo getting a title match even though the lost to the Usos on Friday.

An ad for Smackdown hyped New Day vs. Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, and Dolph Ziggler…

More footage aired from Super ShowDown that included lots of smiling children….

Footage aired of Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins beating The Revival at WrestleMania… Caruso interviewed Ryder and Hawkins backstage. Ryder said they are always ready no matter what. Hawkins said other team can say what they want, but they are the tag champions and the clock hasn’t struck midnight on their Cinderella story yet…

5. Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins vs. “The Revival” Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder vs. Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso in a Triple Threat for the Raw Tag Titles. Cole said there are no disqualifications or count-outs in a Triple Threat, but tag rules would be enforced. The Revival had the early advantage when they cut to break less than two minutes into the match.

Powell’s POV: Yeah, the referee will give anyone who breaks those tag rules a real stern talking to since he can’t actually disqualify anyone. Ugh.

Jimmy Uso performed a big dive onto the Revival at ringside. Hawkins and Ryder performed a nice Samoan Drop and neckbreaker combo on Jimmy for a near fall. Jey tagged his brother. Ryder performed a Rough Ryder on Jimmy, then Jey blasted him with a superkick. Jey hit multiple opponents with superkicks, then performed another on Ryder. Jey went up top. Dawson tagged Jey as he was performing a top rope splash on Ryder. Dawson stole the pin while Wilder held Jey to prevent him from breaking up the pin…

The Revival defeated Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder and The Usos in a Triple Threat match in 8:20 to win the Raw Tag Titles.

Powell’s POV: The right team have the belts again. Now here’s hoping that WWE finally gets it right with The Revival on the main roster. With the Usos, Viking Raiders, and AOP, they have a great list of potential challengers.

Seth Rollins was warming up backstage when Caruso asked him about Zayn serving as special referee. Rollins said he has proven that he’s ready for anything… Cole hyped the Firefly Funhouse… [C]

The elevator crew spoke about the wedding. EC3 said he’s been married “like five times now.” They ended up agreeing that they had a lot in common. Truth kept up with an earlier bit of referring to Drake Maverick as Hornswoggle. The elevator doors opened and wrestlers from inside and outside the elevator attacked Truth. Carmella pulled him back inside the elevator and the door closed before anyone could get inside…

Cole noted that Bray Wyatt invited Truth to his Funhouse to keep him safe. Cole said Truth hasn’t taken him up on the offer yet, “but if he does he’ll have to deal with this…”

Wyatt hosted the latest Funhouse from the usual set. The rabbit puppet was fending off the buzzard from eating him again. Wyatt let the rabbit state his case. Wyatt wore a clown nose and eye paint and ended up hitting him a few times with a giant hammer, then asked if he was okay. Wyatt tasted his “blood” and said it was delicious. Wyatt said the episode was brought to you buy Ramblin’ Rabbit breakfast spread…

Seth Rollins made his entrance for the main event… [C] And ad for Wednesday’s NXT touted Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan vs. Undisputed Era, and Kushida vs. Drew Gulak in a submission match…

“It’s time to kick ass and take names” is the slogan for Stomping Grounds, as Cole has said it repeatedly throughout the show… Kevin Owens made his entrance. Cole hyped Raw for Los Angeles next week. Sami Zayn came out wearing an official referee shirt…

6. WWE Universal Champion Seth Rollins vs. Kevin Owens in a non-title match with Sami Zayn as the special ringside referee.Zayn shook hands with in-ring referee John Cone and hugged him. Rollins had his ribs wrapped. Zayn checked Rollins for weapons, then did the same with Owens before going to ringside. Cole reminded viewers that Corbin complained about Cone’s work at Super ShowDown.

Cole played up the possibility of Lesnar being the special referee at Stomping Grounds. Zayn hopped up on the apron and referee Cone was distracted by him when Rollins had a rollup pin early in the match. With Owens at ringside, Rollins kicked him through the ropes. Rollins tried to go after him, but Zayn got in his way. Owens used the distraction to his advantage and DDT’d Rollins on the floor going into a break. [C]

Owens remained on the offensive coming out of the break until he performed a swanton onto the knees of Rollins. Rollins and Owens traded superkicks a short time later, but Rollins followed with a step-up enzuigiri that knocked Owens to the mat. Rollins went up top. Zayn entered the ring and acted like he was checking on Owens, which blocked Rollins from performing the move.

Owens rolled up Rollins for a two count and Zayn went back to ringside. Rollins performed a suicide dive onto Owens and Zayn. Owens returned to the ring. Rollins performed the Stomp on Owens and had him pinned, but Zayn pulled Cone to ringside and argued that Rollins should be disqualified for making contact with him. Zayn got in Rollins’ face. Rollins grabbed him by the shirt, and Zayn called for the bell to disqualify him.

Kevin Owens defeated Seth Rollins by DQ in 12:05.

After the match, Rollins punched Zayn and then worked him over with more punches on the mat. Baron Corbin attacked Rollins from behind. Corbin grabbed a chair from ringside and returned to the ring with it. Rollins superkicked Corbin in the gut before he could use it as a weapon. Corbin left the ring, then Rollins, who had blood above his left eye, hit Zayn with the chair.

Rollins jawed at Corbin, then beat Zayn with the chair repeatedly. Rollins tossed Zayn to ringside, then followed him and removed Sami’s referee shirt. Rollins rolled Zayn back inside the ring where he gave him a Stomp. Rollins’ entrance theme played and he posed with the title and jawed at Corbin to end the show…

Powell’s POV: The main event turned out to be a lot of fun thanks to the antics of Zayn. Unfortunately, the end result was basically the same with Owens and Zayn being made to look weak while the focus was on Rollins vs. Corbin at the pay-per-view. And I understand they have a main event to promote, but how many times can Owens and Zayn be destroyed during or after television main events and still maintain their heat? They are great heels and so far so good for Zayn, but I wish the company was doing more to protect both men.

Cole teased viewers with the possibility of Lesnar being the special referee of the Rollins vs. Corbin match at Stomping Grounds. It wouldn’t make any sense given that Corbin gets to pick the referee, as Lesnar would also be a threat to him given that he holds the MITB contract. There’s not a lot of logic being used in WWE storylines lately, but that one seems like a bit much even by their recent standards. I wasn’t the least bit surprised that Lesnar didn’t appear tonight, as he wasn’t advertised and this show ran opposite an NBA Finals game.

Overall, a long show with a lot of wrestlers who are not as over as they should be. I feel like a broken record, but a lot of damage has been done and it’s going to take good, logical booking to get WWE out of this funk, and I can’t help but wonder if Vince McMahon has that in him at this point in his life. I will have more to say in my Dot Net Members’ exclusive audio review coming up later tonight.

Check below for the latest Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast with Jason Powell and Glenn “Disco Inferno” Gilbertti, who discusses how being a good heel doesn’t stop outside the ring, a trait that big name wrestlers have in common, his male chauvinist persona, why he didn’t work for WWE after the WCW sale, and more.


Readers Comments (9)

  1. Since the Roller Derby ended aren’t WWE the ONLY sports entertainment on the planet? They can claim anything.

  2. Patrick Doucette June 10, 2019 @ 9:20 pm

    LESNAR should cash it in on R-Truth! At least that’d be something different.

    I barley even watch Raw anymore. I read the reports from here and glad that I save 3 hours of my life doing something else instead of watching RAW.

    Don’t know how you guys still watch and then write reports as it’s happening. It’s so mind numblingly boring!

    I’ve been a fan since 1988, WWE has become such a sad state for at least the 10 years.

    Perhaps one day, they’ll be exciting again… One day…

  3. Patrick Peralta June 10, 2019 @ 9:49 pm

    “The right team have the belts again. Now here’s hoping that WWE finally gets it right with The Revival on the main roster.”

    I disagree the wrong team has the belt and I look forward to the Revival loseing weekly like they did last time they had the belts.

  4. Stomping Grounds looks terrible.since the title wasn’t on the line then this was meaningless

  5. Btw wwe trying to be edgy with the stomping grounds slogan I guess

  6. I’m with Powell.. perhaps a stint with Zayn could inpsire Kevin Owens v. Seth Rollins.. And I like Baron Corbin, but this is getting ridiculous..

    Heyman has a world of talent to get over… Starting with Curtis Axel, I still say he’s a future World Champion..

    Stomping Grounds = Play on Seth Rollins? doesn’t stick like say, Rock Bottom, or Smackdown.

  7. I’m still trying to figure out the point of the Ryder / Hawkins title reign in the first place. I KNOW it wasn’t as a payoff to Hawkins’s losing streak because they never told that story. They just skipped right to the ending. And they followed up that big victory with ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. They could have just given Ryder and Hawkins a grudge match victory over an authority figure and told the same story without destroying whatever credibility the tag title still have.

    I will say that I am starting to get fed up with WWE, but I have no interest in AEW. If I give up WWE, I’ll leave wrestling behind for good. I hate to think that, but it has almost come to that.

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