Powell’s ROH TV Review: Bandido vs. Shane Taylor, Josh Woods vs. Flex Simmons, Cheeseburger and Ryan Nova vs. Coast 2 Coast vs. The Bouncers

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Ring of Honor TV
Taped April 13, 2019 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at Stage AE
Aired in syndication on May 11, 2019, Mondays on the FITE TV app

The ROH opening aired… The broadcast team was Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman checked in and noted that it was War of the Worlds weekend. Riccaboni hyped the television main event while ring announcer Bobby Cruise handled the opening match introductions…

1. “Coast 2 Coast” Leon St. Giovanni and Shaheem Ali vs. Cheeseburger and Ryan Nova (w/Eli Isom) vs. “The Bouncers” Beer City Bruiser and Brian Milonas in a three-way tag match. There was a commercial break early in the match. [C] The Bouncers performed a nice series of power moves that resulted in Milonas performing a sidewalk slam on Ali. He had the pin, but it was broken up by Nova. A short time later, Ali tried and failed to slam Milonas. Bruiser threw LSG from the top rope onto his own partner. A short time later, The Bouncers hit their Closing Time finisher on Nova and pinned him…

The Bouncers defeated Coast 2 Coast and Cheeseburger and Ryan Nova in a three-way tag match.

Powell’s POV: The match was fine, but it feel like ROH creative feels a sense of obligation to get everyone on their television tapings even if they don’t have any real storylines in place for certain talents. While next week’s show looks good on paper, this set of tapings has been filled with too many random matches that don’t seem to serve much purpose from a storytelling standpoint.

A video package aired on Flip Gordon and Matt Taven setting up their ROH Title match for next week’s 400th edition of the ROH television show… [C] Riccaboni narrated highlights of last week’s show including Bully Ray blowing off Tracy Williams and Mark Haskins, The Allure attacking Jenny Rose, Dalton Castle roughing up The Boys again…

Riccaboni hyped Marty Scurll, PCO, and Brody King vs. Jay Lethal, Jeff Cobb, and Rush for the ROH Six-Man Tag Titles, and Taven vs. Gordon for the ROH Championship for next week’s 400th episode… A video package recapped Kenny King winning the Honor Rumble at the G1 Supercard…

A “blind” Kenny King was escorted to the ring by the timekeeper. King wore blinders and had a walking stick. Bobby Cruise tried to hand him the microphone and King reached all over the place for it. King finally got the mic and said he should be the happiest guy in the room. He said he did what he said he would do by starting at No. 1 in the Honor Rumble and winning it. King said he wants to be referred to as Kenny “Shawn Michaels” King.

King complained that Great Muta sprayed mist in his eye and it blinded him. He said the mist smelled like laundry detergent and Popeye’s chicken. King accused Jay Lethal of cosplaying Randy Poffo. King said Lethal would be his target once he’s healthy and he will make him bend the knee… [C]

Powell’s POV: This was tame compared to King’s hilarious commentary on some of the recent HonorClub broadcasts. Hopefully we’ll get some of that on the television show, as King’s comedic approach to this would at least provide some comic relief during some of the throwaway matches.

Flip Gordon was featured and spoke about suffering a knee injury during a match against Tracy Williams. Gordon feared an ACL tear, but it was an MCL tear that required physical therapy rather than surgery. Gordon said his knee feels better. He said he was surprised to see Matt Taven win the ROH Title. He recalled winning the Sea of Honor tournament and said he’s next in line for the ROH Championship…

2. Josh Woods vs. Flex Simmons. The wrestlers shook hands prior to the match. Woods speared Simmons once the bell rang. Coleman spoke about how Woods had a different mindset since the last time he was on ROH television and he seemed more focused. Woods dominated the brief match and won with his finisher…

Josh Woods defeated Flex Simmons.

A shot aired of Shane Taylor warming up backstage for the main event… [C]

Powell’s POV: A squash match win for Woods. I’m not sure if the idea is that he’s a heel now that Coleman spoke about his different mindset and seeming more focused. Woods has upside potential and this was a solid reintroduction to him.

New ROH backstage interview Quinn McKay interviewed Josh Woods and asked what he’d been up to since he was last on television. Woods said it’s not about what he’s been up to, it was about what he just did. He said he’s always down to fight…

Powell’s POV: The promo didn’t provide any answers regarding what role Woods will play. McKay has been all over ROH’s social media conducting backstage interviews at the War of the Worlds event. She has an attractive bookworm look and has done a nice job so far. That said, I wish there was some introduction to her. Perhaps a little dialogue between McKay and Riccaboni would help make her feel like she’s part of the team.

3. Bandido vs. Shane Taylor. Bandido offered a handshake, but Taylor spat on his hand instead. Bandido performed a flip dive onto Taylor going into an early match break. [C] Taylor took offensive control and literally tossed Bandido around the ring. Taylor caught with a punch as Bandido leapt at him from the second rope, which led to Taylor getting a near fall. Bandido tried and failed to lift Taylor onto his shoulders. Taylor blasted Bandido with a knee to the head for another near fall. [C]

Bandido started to make a comeback when Taylor caught him with a headbutt. Tayler followed up with a ripcord Flatliner for a good near fall. Coleman questioned where Bandido’s resolve was coming from. Bandido came back with a couple of kicks only to have Taylor punch him as he was going for a springboard move. Taylor caught Bandido with a cutter for another near fall. Taylor showed frustration while the crowd chanted for Bandido. Bandido came back with a GTS and hit the 21 Plex and scored the pin.

Bandido pinned Shane Taylor.

After the match, Bully Ray entered the ring and went after Bandido, who was standing on the middle rope. Bandido did a backflip over Ray and was quickly joined in the ring by his Lifeblood stable mates Tracy Williams and Mark Haskins. Suddenly, the team of the Soldiers of Savagery entered the ring and attacked the Lifeblood members. Once SOS left the babyfaces lying, Ray and Taylor stood on the apron and acted like they thought the other person was responsible for SOS arriving. SOS headed backstage by themselves…

Riccaboni hyped next week’s 400th show. Oddly, a graphic was shown for the ROH Six-Man Tag Title match rather than the ROH Championship match…

Powell’s POV: A well worked main event between the powerhouse and the young sensation. I just wish there had been some context provided for why they were matched up and what it meant. Were they hoping to climb the ladder for the ROH Championship or the ROH TV Championship? Basically, what was the storyline point of the match? In this case, the idea was probably to give Bandido a win over Taylor because creative knew that they were going to book Taylor to win the ROH TV Title on the War of the Worlds tour. And that’s fine, but it would be helpful for the viewer to feel like the match means something in one division or the other and it’s just a random main event. On the plus side, the SOS debut came off very well and I like that they left us with a little mystery in terms of whether they are aligned with Bully Ray’s crew or acting on their own. Overall, the main event and post match angle made this a passable show. I will be by later today with my members’ exclusive audio review of this episode.

Check below for the latest Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast with Jason Powell and guest Justin Credible discussing his sobriety, what triggered his PTSD, filming the Credible documentary, returning to the ring, his thoughts on WWE, AEW, the NWA Crockett Cup, and more.


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