Powell’s Impact Wrestling Hit List: Johnny Impact and Brian Cage vs. Moose and Killer Kross, Pentagon Jr, Fenix, and Taurus vs. LAX and Daga, Rich Swann details his history with Sami Callihan

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Impact Wrestling Hits

Pentagon Jr, Fenix, and Taurus vs. Santana, Ortiz, and Daga: A strong opening match to continue the rivalry between LAX and the Lucha Brothers. Pentagon getting the win over Ortiz was a logical choice in that it gives the Lucha Brothers a win and a storyline reason for the duo to get another tag title shot despite losing the match to LAX at Homecoming. This feud is the best thing that Impact has going and they are doing a good job of showcasing it. I also liked Pentagon’s subtitled promo after the match, as it was easy to follow for the English speaking crowd and worked well for the Spanish speaking fans in attendance in Mexico City.

Johnny Impact and Brian Cage vs. Moose and Killer Kross: A solid main event tag team match involving the four major players in the heavyweight title picture. The heel duo got a needed win, but the real focus was on the friction between Impact and Cage. Cage standing by and letting Impact be pinned made the match feel a little trivial, but it was an interesting way of adding more fuel to the fire heading into his title shot against Impact on the Uncaged themed edition of Impact in two weeks. Did anyone else find it strange that the Impact show ended over six minutes before the top of the hour?

Eddie Edwards and Eli Drake vs. Dezmond Xavier and Zachary Wentz: A good tag team match that continues to lay the foundation for whatever the creative team has in mind for Edwards and Drake. The only negative of this match is that the Rascalz lose too much for a team the company seems to be trying to establish as bright young stars. I can’t shake the feeling that Rascalz’ in-ring work gets them over in spite of their name, the bad smoke circle segments, and their quirky hand sign. In other words, I like the wrestlers and their in-ring work, but the presentation leaves a lot to be desired.

Rich Swann promo: Swann did a nice job of establishing his history with Callihan by explaining that the OVE leader opened his home to Swann and took him under his wing early in his career. Swann also had a logical explanation for passing on the invitation to join OVE, as he made it clear that he wasn’t looking to be Callihan’s third lackey. It simple and therefore easy to follow, and the stage is now set for OVE to be offended by Swann’s rejection.

Impact Wrestling Misses

Kiera Hogan and Jordynne Grace vs. Su Yung and Dark Allie: The match quality was Hit worthy. I’m all for Rosemary being a little out there and for it to feel like Yung is playing mind games with her opponents. But no more Undead Realm or magically disappearing wrestlers. They haven’t referenced the Undead Realm lately and that’s a positive, but the possessed Dark Allie persona suggests that it still exists in the storyline.

Psycho Clown vs. Fallah Bahh: A preview for the World Cup match between AAA and Impact. Unfortunately, I couldn’t care less about the World Cup, as the AAA wrestlers featured in the match just haven’t been built to mean anything in Impact.

Check below for the new Pro Wrestling Boom with Jason Powell and his guest Rich Bocchini (f/k/a Rich Brennan) discussing Saturday’s MLW SuperFight, working for Michael Cole in WWE, his trial by fire in NXT, and much more.


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