NWA Video: “Everything’s Bigger” featuring Willie Mack and a potential rival

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

The NWA released a new “One Nation” video series focused on National Champion Willie Mack. Check out the video below or via the NWA Youtube Page.

Powell’s POV: Mack is featured at the recent ROH events that took place in Texas. Plus, the video also sets up Jay Bradley as a potential rival for Mack. I like the way Bradley is dismissive of the NWA National Championship, and it will be fun to see how that changes, as obviously the plan is to make the title feel more prestigious.

Check below for the new Pro Wrestling Boom with Jason Powell and his guest Rich Bocchini (f/k/a Rich Brennan) discussing his work with Tony Schiavone in MLW, working for Michael Cole in WWE, his trial by fire in NXT, being produced by Vince McMahon, and much more.


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