By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)
Major League Wrestling “SuperFight”
February 2, 2019 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 2300 Arena
Aired live on beIN Sports
A Low Ki and Tom Lawlor video package opened the show… Matt Striker and Rich Bocchini were on commentary and checked in from ringside and set the table for the three match broadcast… The ring had a logo for new sponsor GoDaddy in the middle…
1. Pentagon Jr. and Rey Fenix vs. “The Hart Foundation” Teddy Hart and Davey Boy Smith Jr. (w/Brian Pillman Jr.) for the MLW Tag Titles. Hart brought one of his cats out, while Smith brought a bulldog out with him. Hart and Smith performed a double DDT on Fenix heading into a break. [C]
The teams fought at ringside coming out of the break. Smith banged the heads of Pentagon and Fenix together. Smith performed a moonsault off the middle of the top rope and onto both Lucha Brothers on the floor. Back inside the ring, Hart performed a Backstabber on Fenix, then handed him off to Smith, who was on the second rope and powerslammed Fenix from there. Hart followed up with a corkscrew moonsault and covered Fenix, but the pin was broken up by Pentagon.
Hart performed a Canadian Destroyer from the second rope on Pentagon and came up holding his knee. Fenix came back with a cutter, then Pentagon performed a great Mexican Destroyer. Fenix kicked Smith and knocked him off the apron. Fenix kicked Hart into a Pentagon Driver for a near fall. Pentagon performed another destroyer on Hart on the apron. Striker noted that Konnan was in San Diego rather than at ringside. Pentagon had Hart pinned, but Pillman pulled the referee from the ring (Hart kicked out anyway).
The Lucha Brothers set up for a double superplex on Hart, but Smith reached up from the floor and removed Pentagon’s mask. Hart low blowed Fenix, then Hart and Smith teamed up for a Doomsday Canadian Destroyer on Fenix, and Hart pinned him for the win. The Harts celebrated with Davey’s sister Georgia, who was in the front row…
The Hart Foundation defeated Pentagon Jr. and Rey Fenix to win the MLW Tag Titles.
Congratulations to my brother @DBSmithjr for winning the gold tonight at @MLW!!!
— Georgia Smith (@georgiasmith87) February 3, 2019
Powell’s POV: The Doomsday Destroyer is insane. The match was rough early, but things came together nicely once they went into big spot mode late. The live crowd liked both teams and seemed to react more to the big spots rather than choose sides. Nevertheless, a good opener for the live broadcast.
A shot aired of Tom Lawlor shadowboxing backstage… Low Ki delivered a promo from the MLW set. He spoke about continuing the legacy of 2300 Arena and doing so at the expense of Lawlor. Low Ki ran through some of his MLW accomplishments and said Lawlor doesn’t understand what he’s gotten himself into. Ki said he’s a trophy hunter and he’ll walk away with the MLW Championship and the lion’s mane…
The broadcast team checked in from ringside and set up the grudge match…
2. Kotto Brazil vs. Ricky Martinez (w/Salina de la Renta). Bocchini explained the storyline of Brazil wearing an eyepatch because of Martinez hitting him with a champagne bottle in a nightclub incident. Brazil came to the ring first. Once Martinez was at ringside, Brazil dove onto him and then brawled with him at ringside. Brazil got the better of the brawl early on, but Martinez came back and performed a running dropkick.
Martinez threw Brazil back inside the ring and then played to the crowd on the apron, only to have Brazil dropkick him from behind. Brazil went for a dive, but Martinez caught him and tossed him onto the barricade, then flung him into the barricade. Back inside the ring, Martinez put Brazil’s head between his knees and bounced him face first into the mat several times.
Later, Brazil performed a frogsplash for a near fall. Martinez came back with a nice wheelbarrow German suplex for a two count of his own. Martinez went for a move from the ropes, but Brazil caught him on the way down and applied a submission hold, which Martinez broke by reaching the ropes. Later, Martinez pulled the eyepatch off Brazil’s face and then threw him into the air and caught him with a knee on the way down. Brazil came back with a Canadian Destroyer for a two count.
Salina distracted the referee while Brazil applied a submission hold on Martinez, who was bleeding from the mouth. Martinez tapped, but the referee was caught up with Salina. Brazil shoved the referee away and actually grabbed Salina by the throat. He released her when Martinez came over. Salina pulled something out of her purse and actually motioned and called for Brazil to come over, then sprayed something into his eyes while Martinez distracted the referee. Martinez pinned the blinded Brazil… [C]
Ricky Martinez defeated Kotto Brazil.
Powell’s POV: Ouch. The live crowd never seemed invested and things really spiraled out of control at the end with that horribly executed finish. This feud was developed nicely on television and I thought it was a solid addition to the live show on paper. I can’t tell if the fans in attendance didn’t care about the storyline or simply haven’t been watching the weekly television to see it unfold. Either way, babyface Brazil grabbing heel Vega by the throat was awful on a number of levels and it actually justifies her spraying him, which took away the heat for this viewer.
After a break, a Jimmy Havoc video package aired to promote his return to MLW… Striker wiped his eyes while selling the pepper spray that Salina used, while Bocchini noted that Striker seemed to get it worse than he did. They announced the next live broadcast for Saturday, March 2 from Chicago’s Cicero Stadium. They also recapped the previous match finish and said Brazil was being tended to backstage…
The Hart Foundation celebrated their tag title win backstage when Maxwell J Friedman entered the room and accused Teddy Hart stealing the MLW Middleweight Championship from him. Hart spoke over MJF and said he knew where to find him if he wants to take the title. Hart said they own the promotion, and MJF is a guy who didn’t have the balls to stay. “So go join The Elite and get the hell out of our faces before I turn it into a shoot fight, my friend,” Hart said…
Bocchini announced that MLW SuperFight 2020 will be held February 1 in Los Angeles, California. No venue was listed… Ring entrances took place for the main event…
3. Low Ki (w/Salina de la Renta) vs. Tom Lawlor for the MLW Heavyweight Championship. The ring announcer delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. A couple of streamers were thrown for each man. Low Ki and Lawlor went right at it with punches in the middle of the ring. Low Ki was knocked down by a left hand. For some reason, the referee gave Low Ki a standing eight count as if it were a boxing match. Weird.
Lawlor went for a rear naked choke, but Low Ki ended up sending Lawlor between the ropes in the corner. Low Ki went to ringside and pulled out a board of some kind. Low Ki ended up putting his hand through what Bocchini referred to as a door. Low Ki went up top and was cut off by Lawlor cut him off. They fought for position and Low Ki caught him in a tree of woe and delivered a double stomp, which led to a two count. Low Ki went for a dragon sleeper, but Lawlor slipped away and applied a rear naked choke. The referee checked Low Ki’s arm and called for the bell.
Tom Lawlor defeated Low Ki to win the MLW Heavyweight Championship.
Lawlor celebrated with his title belt and waved goodbye to Low Ki. Lawlor kissed the title belt as Bocchini signed off to end the show…
Powell’s POV: A fairly brief and decisive win for Lawlor. I’m not sure if they were running long or if they simply wanted it to be a strong win for the new champion. Either way, they paid off a title match that had been build up nicely with the babyface going over and Low Ki losing for the first time in an MLW ring. Court Bauer and other MLW officials love Lawlor. He works hard and has come a long way, but only time will tell whether he can deliver main event quality matches and become an actual draw for the company.
The Hart Foundation is over and they should do well as the tag champions. The Brazil vs. Martinez match became a train wreck at the end. Both wrestlers have good upside, but the finish with Salina was amateur hour. Believe it or not, it could have been even worse, as Salina nearly dropped the container. It’s worth noting that I don’t get beIN Sports and therefore I saw the Youtube version, which may have had some edits from the live broadcast.
Check below for the new Pro Wrestling Boom with Jason Powell and his guest Rich Bocchini (f/k/a Rich Brennan) discussing MLW SuperFight, working for Michael Cole in WWE, his trial by fire in NXT, being produced by Vince McMahon, and much more.
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