Powell’s Impact Wrestling Hit List: Johnny Impact and Taya Valkyrie vs. Moose and Tessa Blanchard, Willie Mack vs. Jake Crist, Dark Allie vs. Heather Monroe, Matt Sydal vs. Ethan Page

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Impact Wrestling Hits

Johnny Impact and Taya Valkyrie vs. Moose and Tessa Blanchard: I couldn’t find Slam Town on a map, but I know it’s the place where Johnny Impact’s promos go to die. On the flip side, you are a soulless monster if Johnny giving the young boy at ringside his glasses prior to the match didn’t put a smile on your face. Speaking of smiles, the big cheesy grin of lech Moose as he hugged Blanchard in the corner was good for a laugh. Ultimately, this was a good mixed tag match that showcased a couple of feuds. The brief post-match angle furthered the unique storyline between Impact and the compelling Killer Kross, and Brian Cage making the save for the babyfaces put the champion and the challenger at Homecoming in the same ring together.

Willie Mack vs. Jake Crist: A good opener. It wasn’t the main event level star power in the opening segment type of match the show featured last week, but it was a well worked opener with the added stakes of being an Ultimate X qualifier. I am officially numb to Mack losing matches in Impact. It feels like a wasted opportunity, but perhaps Jake will gain some credibility as an in-ring threat with a rare singles win.

Desi Hit Squad squash win: Another showcase win for the new version of DHS. I’m still not sold on the presentation with Gama Singh, but they have looked good in their squash wins.

Impact Wrestling Misses

Dark Allie vs. Heather Monroe: So Allie’s turn to the dark side is not a ruse designed to pull Rosemary out of the Undead Realm? Or maybe it is and then Kiera Hogan gets upset over the beating she took from Allie and turns to the dark side. One way or another, once Rosemary returns I hope that someone seals the door to the Undead Realm closed forever.

Matt Sydal vs. Ethan Page: A wrestler using a no-heat third eye gimmick facing his protege, who apparently desires to learn the ancient secret of how to limit yourself with a bad gimmick. It was a Hit worthy match from an in-ring quality standpoint. I’m just not sure what they expected the fans to do since they had no reason to cheer for either man. I was hoping the win would lead to Page’s (all) ego soaring, but the handshake and third eye pointing nonsense afterward put a damper on that quickly.

Check below for the new Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast with Jason Powell and guests David McLane and Selina “Bambi” Majors discussing the launch of the WOW women’s wrestling promotion series on AXS TV.


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